Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 78 - Seventy-eight.

There were classic Italian dishes served. The Don's family were served first and here Julia sat with them but she was mum and the mother and daughter duo left her like that. There was no need to poke someone unless needed to in an absolute emergency.

The food was excellent and there was a visible relief on the parent's face's as Alexis and Isabelle had the expression of joy. No one had paid any attention to Julia and her sour expression which never changed.

Everyone like the positivity that The Donna was sending. She smiled, all tall and proud without any maliciousness in her.

On the way back Nikita had joined them. She was also going back to the states tomorrow with the family and her husband. Nikita had thoroughly enjoyed tonight with her family. She seemed a bit tipsy as well.

Alexis had graciously led her a shoulder for support. Nikita, very drunkenly, had taken her offer and clung on to her. People seemed to stare at them, waiting for Alexis to snap at her and throw her to the ground but that didn't happen. Instead, Donna laughed at her while taking her to the car.

"It was a good event, Nikita. It was all beautiful." Isabelle gave a tired smile to a still beaming Nikita, drunk off her ass, have big 'Thank you with a toothy smile in return.

A snicker came from Alexis as she watched Nikita mumble things to herself which were mostly the mimicry of the guests. The car came to a slow stop and the doors to both sides opened and Alexis helped Nikita again. 

"Here, let me help." Silvano came rushing out as he heard the car in the entry.

Alexis gladly let him take over. He carried his wife inside and the other two followed him inside. Wishing each other good night, they parted ways. Alexis climbed up the stairs with slouched back, pouting slightly at how tired she felt. The dressed now seemed like it weighed a ton. A thousand tonnes.

She opened the door and looked around while closing it behind her. Angelo was still working, he had his laptop set on the armrest and papers scattered on the coffee table in front. Mere glancing at her, he nodded a bit and continued his work.

Alexis didn't mind. That's what you truly excepted from an arranged marriage or a forced one at that. She took a nice long shower and didn't bother with her routine this time. She immediately changed into a long shirt and went to bed.

Angelo shut his laptop and organised his paper. He lied down on the bed as well and pulled her closer.

"How was it?" He whispered as the silence surrounded them.

"Good. Lovey-dovey. Beautiful." She answered with a yawn.

"So tired huh?" He kissed her forehead and snuggled a bit more.

"Yes. You have no idea how hard it is to wear heels?"

"Then why do you?"

"Good night." She whispered instead of answering making him chuckle a bit.

"We have to talk tomorrow morning." He said.

'That we do,' she thought but didn't anything as sleep took her away.


The clouds of sleep finally left but Alexis didn't open her eyes. If possible she pushed herself further into the comfort of the bed trying to bury herself there forever. Angelo snorted looking at her, making her open her eyes a little.

"What?" With a heavy voice, she questioned him. Her expression had turned ugly too. If she was sure that he had not spoken she would she went back to sleep?

"It's like watching a stray cat snuggle."

"A stray cat?" She pressured the word 'stray'. 

"Why yes, sweetheart." He kissed her lips, "you didn't think I'd call you a little cuddle bug or little rabbit or a little kitten, now did you?"

"Hah!" Giving a loud mocking laugh, she glared at him. Having no effect of her glare on him, he got out of the bed and went in for a shower. Alexis having no shame laid back down and went to sleep. Ah, sleep, some extra good sleep.

'Hi,' Alexis tinted around when she heard a voice. Looking around she noticed that she did not know where she was.

'Where am I?' She asked on one in particular because the voice she seemed to hear did not have any face, shape or form. 'Why am I here?'

'You were brought in,' it whispered like a snake hissing at her. 'You will never be able to leave it.'

'Jul— Grandmother, this is not funny!" She yelled.

'People might die for what you will do and you will never be able to undo it. You will regret it forever.'

'I am not looking for anyone.' She immediately defended herself. 'That will never happen!'

'It will.' The voice calmly replied. 'Because no one ever remains innocent.'

A sudden force hitting her head had her jumping awake. With a startled scream, she looked around to see an unamused Angelo standing fully dressed and staring at her.

"What?" She growled at him.

"Get ready in half-hour. We are leaving for New York with Silvano and his wife."

Alexis rolled her eyes were ready to tell him off when he grabbed a hold of her jaw and gave it a threatening squeeze. "Listen to what I say," his eyes bore into hers, "and fucking do it." Saying that he pushed her away and slammed the door shut on his way out.

Alexis got out of the bed and numbly when to the bathroom. She took some toothpaste on her brush and looked in the mirror. Her jaw was aching and was starting to bruise. She would have to apply makeup. What had happened to him all of a sudden? Out of nowhere?

'Angelo always seems alright as long as what he wants happens,' she thought about what had happened. 'The moment I either delay or refuse he can't stand it and in the end, I have to do it.'

That's when the realisation hit her. Angelo had the power over her which was not given by her. He had it all whereas whatever she had, was given by him.

And then again, he had the power of giving her power over him.

He decided that.

But what about the dream? Was she going to kill anyone? Alexis stared in the mirror where she saw herself breathing heavily and all over the place. She smoothed her hair and tangled with her fingers. Then she tied it up with a hairband into a bun.

"You will not kill anyone, Alexis." She reassured her mind. "Ever. Because you know better."


Stepping down the stairs in a burgundy dress while wearing nude heels, she went ahead to the dining room and wished everyone a good morning. They nodded at her as they had already begun eating.

Alexis was served a plate. Isabelle chewed a bite and announced it to everyone. "All of your children are going back. Your father and I are staying here a bit longer. He will be available, so if you have anything to consult with him you can call." She smiled.

"And if I don't pick up, no need to call twice. I'll be busy and I will call you back." Wiggling his eyebrows he said, "if you know what I mean."

"We are going to be busy."

"Use protection folks," Silvano winked at them with a nasty smirk. "I don't want to play with my twenty-eight years younger sibling."

Everyone snickered at that and Isabelle made a hushing sound. Angelo gripped Alexis's thigh under the table and no one seemed to notice. He carried on with no care in the world.

"Which reminds me," Gabrielle pointed at Silvano, "it's been three years since your marriage, when is the grandkid coming?"

"Please Papa, I will have to take care of two." Nikita teased not looking into her husband's direction. "understand my plight too."

Taking a hold of her cheek, he pulled her face to look at him. "If I may remind you, you were pretty adamant to get a bun in the oven last night."

"Shush." She whispered.

"It's was harder, last night."

"Stop the sex talk. I don't want to hear my kids talking about it in front of me." Isabelle frowned at the crude topic they had picked up on.

"If I may remind you," Angelo pointed at his mother and earned a laugh from Silvano, "You and father started it."

"I started you too, you piece of shit." Gabrielle frowned with displeasure. "keep the finger down." He said and it was done.

"All right children, board safely and land safely and do not get into any trouble while we are gone."

"When has that ever happened?" Silvano raised his voice.

"I pull you out of it before it escalates," Angelo told him. "And I am no longer doing it. You need more responsibilities."

When he said that he had given her thigh a good squeeze, he meant that for her too. Maybe her decision at the engagement party was right after all.. She had to make sure that she would be safe.

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