Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 79 - Seventy-nine

So I added a little (*whispers* side) business.


"Your coffee Madam," The flight attendant served Nikita in a gentle voice given the quiet they had around them.

"That is your fifth cup Nikita," Alexis das commented once the attendant was out of earshot. "And it's our third hour in the air."

"Don't remind me, this is too long and too silent." Nikita rolled her eyes as she continued to drink her coffee. It was her sixth cup, she had a refill when Alexis had gone to the bathroom.

The flight was long and boring, even with Nikita seemed to be extra long. She could not wait to carry out her decision regarding her relationship with Angelo. Even though she wanted to work immediately after coming home, the jetlag had poured water over her plans and she had to rest.

So here she was, day after landing, scrolling over the best law firms in New York, which of course were not owned by Angelo in any sort of way. They were her best chance and she found one.

Parker Pearson Wilton.

One of the best and have no connections of any kind to Angelo. Grabbing her cell phone, she dialled the number given on the website.


"Hi, Am I talking to the reception of Parker, Pearson and Wilton?" She asked to confirm first.

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"Alexis?" Angelo came in without knocking.

"Excuse me," she spoke to the lady on the phone. "I'll have to call you back." She hung up.

"You could have told me to wait," he said frowning. "It must have been important."

"Non-sense, Angelo. Tell me what is it?" She got up and stood next to him.

"You talked about bringing the winery business here." Walking to the sofa set in the room, he beckoned her to sit too.

'How?" She thought. 'He wasn't there and no one except family was.' She really could not trust anyone and it was like a door slamming shut in her face. Another door had closed.

Yet she continued to maintain her posture and answered him. "The wine tasted marvellous, Angelo. I was thinking of investing in a restaurant and dividing the money earned."

Angelo put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug. Even though she didn't want it, she didn't object.

"My wife is not going to invest," he spits the word 'invest' out. "I will buy you one." He kissed her lips.

"You do not have to do that," she immediately denied. "It's not needed."

"Needed or not I don't care." He declared. "You need to do something as well with your time and you talked about the proposal of expansion, now it's is happening. You won't give them further to someone, you will maintain their integrity because I trust you more than a lowly owner or his fucking manager."

Alexis looked at him and tried to understand. He was being protective but the women could take care of themselves. "Why are you being so protective? Is something wrong?"

"No." He sighed. "They have never been outside the country and it's a dog eat dog world. How do you expect them to keep up with the constant change in business trends? They know how to make it in the best way possible but they do not know how to compete against the ones that are ready to play down and dirty for it."

"You want to protect them." She concluded with a nod. His concern was appreciated.

"And it's not only that," he sighed a little before talking again. "It's just like I said earlier, I don't want you to wait for me and spend your days doing nothing. A restaurant is somewhere where I can protect you too and with your commitment given, it's the perfect option."

Alexis sighed and hen smiled."Well, I guess a thank you is in order then. Thank you." She said as she thought of something that he was doing.

His phone rang and he clicked his tongue. Kissing her head, he bade her goodbye and left, closing the door when she stopped him.

"Wait," she called. "Why are you saying commitment again and again. I never made any. I just talked." She shrugged.

Smirking, he replied, "cuz' your word is the law. So make sure to remember that before you talk." Winking at her, he closed the door.

Alexis leaned back comfortably and thought of what had happened. She had noticed yet another characteristic of Angelo. He tried to make up after a fight. This was something that she could take advantage of if she was careful enough.

Which seemed to be an upside to all of his mood swings. She could finally ask for something and he could not say no because he wanted to make peace.

Walking back to her desk, she took out the card that the lady had given her. She dialled the number and was ready to put it through when it hit her.

She didn't have the restaurant ready and if she called them in advance with nothing on her side, it would be humiliating. Sighing she placed both, the card and the phone back. She had to wait for the restaurant, at least till it was in front of her.


"She did?" Angelo asked the person on another side of the call. "Are you sure?"

"And yet she did not say why?" He questioned again. "That's alright. Continue to keep an eye."

"Something happens?" Silvano asked. He was sitting in front of Angelo's desk.

"Alexis called a law firm.." he left the sentence hanging as he made a thoughtful expression afterwards. What and why did she, was the question.

"A law firm?!" Silvano could not control the volume of his voice. "Why in the world did she do that for?"

"Do you think I would not tell you anything regarding it if I did know?" He taunted Silvano who had an irritated look on his face. "I had entered before she could make any demand put through. Damnit! A lawyer? I was not expecting it so soon." Hitting his hand on the table, he cursed out loud. His wife was already going against him and that meant that she had never accepted the relationship.

"No," Silvano countered, "let her call again. For all, we know it could have for anything thing, so it's better to let it simmer itself until she makes another call."

Angelo breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down before he made a rash decision. The fact that she chose a firm that had not been under his control was astounding and meant that something was fishy.

"You remember Shaun Adams?" Silvano nodded as an answer. That guy owned money and was still delaying payment. "I talking it off his hands. Alexis wants a restaurant and something for that winery business, I thought this might be a good opportunity."

"But he has potential," Silvano angry. The guy could pay back every penny if they had to.

"Don't talk back to me when you nothing," he hissed at his younger brother. "His restaurant is going nowhere. It's in ruins already. The chef is leaving and sinks the wait staff." Angelo stopped the sentence as a knock came through his door.

"Come in,"

"Sir, Mr Paulsen is here." His receptionist peeked inside.

Send in him,"

"The lawyer?" Silvano frowned with discontent. "Why did you call me then?"

Angelo's eyes flashed but he remained calm. "Because you are the second man I trust after my father even though you happen to challenge me every time I make a fucking decision." He seethed. 

"Good morning, Mr Alessandro." Alex Paulsen wished as he came into both of them. "How can I help you today?" 

"We want to acquire the hotel on 5th Street, upper side," Silvano answered. "The guy will sell." 

Angelo smirked. That was an apology from his brother. Yet, a silent one but he accepted. 

"Alright," He answered and took the papers that Angelo passed him. "That's not right." The lawyer disagreed as he flipped through the pages. "They would never agree. This is a bullshit offer!" 

"The Bullshit is what I pay you," Angelo pointed at him, unhappy with the blatant show of disrespect. "I can easily drop you and you know for a fact that when a big fish is on the market, people come running with desperate offers." 

"I apologize that was uncalled for," he conceded. "But for a restaurant worth tens of millions, he would never sell for just one million dollars." 

"He won't," Silvano agreed with a sly smile, "but when 'unethical' practices are found and he had to sell in even lesser numbers, I'm sure he will reconsider." He winked at the lawyer. 

"So you want it done." Paulsen nodded and got up. 

"Before you go and decide to something completely different," Angelo chimed in, "I want whatever is written in there. Nothing more and nothing less." He warned. 

"Alright," he nodded and looked at them both before walking out. 

Silvano turned to his brother with a smile."Include Nikki in it. She rots away at home, reading books and cooking feasts. She doesn't complain but I know that she would love to do something."

Angelo nodded. "I will bring it up." Straightening his back, he narrowed his gaze, "Now let's talk about Our dearest uncle Marcus."


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