Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 83 - Eighty-three.

Alexis breathed out loud as she felt him beneath her. He was hard and she felt it, which made her way wetter than she already was. On the sweet, sweet feeling.

They were inside the bathtub. Today was Saturday and since Angelo had married her he had decided to take a half-day and the whole day off on Sunday. He had felt the need to do so, thinking that in some way, they should spend time together and bond. She felt appreciated when she heard that. He also warned about a few abrupt calls and sometimes him having to leave.

Such a powerful man and he made time for her. It made her feel.. invincible as well.

"You are breathing quite heavily my dear," he lazily drawled out in a soft and husky voice near her ear, making goosebumps erupt on her skin. "That tells me something."

"This—" she wiggled her bottom pointed out the hardness she felt. "Tells me something as well."

"Ah, I am sure it does." He said nibbling on her ear making her giggle a bit and sigh. He placed kisses down her neck and bit down making her hiss. His tongue then added more pleasure as it ran through the bites giving them a cool feeling. His hands under the water were playing with her. He often would just caress her thighs and the water would flow to the middle and it would create a sensation that made her crazy.

Insane, it drove her insane.

The pressure was building up and he was in no hurry much to her dismay. She could not think of anything other than this and the solution she thought of to get rid of this was a bold one but then again, the life she was now pulled into required boldness from her in doing anything. She turned around and came face to face with him.

Holding him by her hands she led him inside her making her gasp. She continued what she wanted without as care of the world, feeling every bit of fulfilled pleasure.

But he did not like that. His patience was running thin and he had to take the matter into his own hands. Grabbing her ass, he squeezed it tight which earned a yelp for her. He did not hold back. His thrusts got faster and sharper. She bit down his neck as she came to the edge, finally finding her realise.

His head rolled back and his eyes closed with pleasure as he found his.

She was still leaned up against him. Her cheek to his shoulder as she tried to catch her breath. They were silent and held onto each other without any words.

"Look at that," she turned to him and saw him smirk. "I think this bath went waste. Do you wanna shower?"

Looking at his face she knew what he was thinking. But then again, who cared. So with a sly smile on her face, she answered. "I think I do."


Today, for the first time Alexis was leaving the house. But of course, it was with proper security, Liam and Nikita. She had chosen her clothes today because she had finally got out after Angelo had told her about visiting the restaurant and get things started. They had discussed it and finally, things were falling into place.

She sat in the car fully dressed and excited. Nikita was going to meet her at the destination which was Lexeis. She didn't let them turn on the AC instead she opened the windows and enjoyed, the polluted, yet outside air. Her eyes wandered from building to building as she looked at everything with eyes.

The car came to a halt and she jumped out of the excitement. Liam would have chuckled but that would be disrespectful especially more so when they were surrounded. He had an image to maintain and that meant setting boundaries.

Walking inside, she cringed visibly. She turned to Liam, who by Angelo's order, was the only one who could talk freely.

"How can anyone—no, why would anyone come here?" She looked around once again. "There's no colour on the walls, no taste with the table cloths. Different splashes of colours everywhere!"

"True," Liam agreed, liking around. "Even teens wanting to impress on the first date would choose not to come here."

"The floor above, what about it?" She asked him.

"Not for sale.." He immediately said. "But the restaurant won't be ready for a month or two, so if you want we can buy the whole building."

At his very careless reply, she was quite a bit startled. Buying a floor was different from buying a whole building. "Why would I buy the whole thing?"

"Because then, you can plan things differently. You do not need to open it right away. It can be whenever you want or when it's completed." He held his earpiece for a moment and then announced. "Mrs Silvano De'alassandro has arrived."

And on cue, Nikita's voice could be heard through the halls. "Hi!" She came in holding two coffee cups, giving her one. "I brought us coffee, I don't why people go to expensive star bucks coffee when others have better taste."

"You are excited." Alexis smiled and blew the hot coffee.

"Yes. Finally, I have work to do!" Saying so, she turned around and cringed visibly. She looked shaken to the core.

Walking to the manager's office Alexis told her, "Well then be happy, I might be buying a floor or the whole building." She repeated but in a sight taunting tone.

"Let's just go for the building." Nikita tsked. She seemed to care less about the expenses.

"We'll see, but for now we have to look into the kitchen. A chef from one of Angelo's restaurant is coming to check it out." Deciding again after a moment, she said "but let's look at it first ourselves. I need to know what we are dealing with here."

Nikita agreed. The kitchen was at the very back. When entered, there was another hallway that led to the kitchen which seemed like a waste, space could be used for something else. The architecture along with the decor was at fault.

The kitchen seemed to be cleaned. Too clean to be real. It had been cleaned at the end moment after the restaurant has been shut down or per day, taken over.

"We can hire the previous chef, right? Why make them lose their jobs."

Liam made an uncertain expression at that up Nikita had already spoken.

"Oh my god!" Hearing her shout, two guards immediately went to the freezer she had gone to. Nikita popped out before they could go in there. "It— that place has mould in it! Like in the corner's where it should be cleaned regularly! It's a fungus and that funky smell of rot!" Turning to the guards, she pointed at the door, "close it! Shut it!" They did as told but one coughed at the horrid smell making her accusation come true. As they closed the doors to the freezer, the smell had wafted in the whole room making them gag at the stench. 

"It's a wonder that the authorities didn't check or no one ever complained," Nikita commented the guards took their place again.

"Great, good to know that now for sure we are not hiring them again, but check out the wait staff and see about those." Alexis started ordering about what had to be done with the kitchen from what she could conclude without a chef. "Check that mol—just get the professional cleaners to do it. We will get the whole freezer changed." Alexis changed to what she was originally saying. No way someone would clean that mould and fungus-infected freezer. It was in its worst condition and Alexis felt that buying a new one would do her better. 

"That's better," Nikita commented. "Do you think we would rearrange? I cook for two but I know the stoves are not enough. If also, we buy the floors above then we have to have another kitchen so before that, we should probably have a look around."

"True," Alexis quietly agreed. She wasn't sure about the whole building issue. Also, the fact that people had their businesses on those floors and it would mean to rob them or their livelihood.

"We need to find a designer and then an architect." She concluded. 

"Kitchen?" Nikita asked. She was still shaking from the horrifying smell.

"The chef is coming. We will do whatever he says. He will know better."

Her attention was drawn to Liam who was whispering into his earpiece. Finally, looking like had decided what to do, he turned towards Alexis. "Madam, the business owners are here. They are mouthy at the moment. Do you wish to meet them or I can have them removed?" 

"Meeting them would be okay." Alexis quietly agreed. Even though it didn't seem like a good idea. Confrontation with people didn't go that well.

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