Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 84 - Eighty-four.

Walking to the entrance again with Nikita and Liam with her, she stopped when she saw three people surrounded by men in black.

"Hello," she politely approached. "How can I help you?"

"You cannot help us!" One of the two women spoke. "Why are you buying this place? It is good for nothing."

"Maybe, we should introduce ourselves first," the young woman standing amongst the three owner's spoke. "I am Bridget. I occupy the second floor and I teach ballet to girls. This is Serena Williams, she is an art teacher and Mister Murthy is a ... YouTuber." 

"Why does he occupy a floor for that? Youtube influencers work fine from home." Nikita asked Bridget politely because she had been polite enough.

"That's none of your concerns!" He, snarling at the woman said, "I need the floor and I have already talked the seller into it."

Either he was lying or was simply wanting to intimate her, both were things that she did not appreciate. Narrowing her eyes, she looked him up and down and stared him down.

"Your statement does not seem convincing to me." Walking towards him, she talked in a low volume. "Either it is you who is lying or your seller. Because I have already bought this off his hands, now I am going to buy this building and decide what shall remain and whatnot." Throwing the words in his face, she turned around to Bridget. "Nice talking, Ms Bridget."

"Yes, yes. Thank you."

Alexis turned and walked inside. Liam in the cue as well. Another guard had texted the whole fiasco to Angelo, especially about the purchase of the building.

"Where were we?" Alexis asked, sitting down in the manager's office.

"We are going for the look around," Nikita said in a dull tone, "no matter now."

"The chef, Liam. Where's the chef?" Alexis asked him, who was keeping a track.

"He would be here in a few moments. How about you two look at the design of the place for a moment?" He offered.

"That's right. I think we should have something in mind, to begin with at least, and from there, the interior designer can have his vision match ours." Nikita agreed with him. Anything to get their minds off the confrontation that had just happened.

Alexis nodded and got up again. This time she wasn't as enthusiastic as she was when she came here. It seemed to be a burden at the moment.

She walked back to the dining area. The table cloths were checked but every table had different colours which made it seem unruly in nature. Even a child would do better than this. Alexis took off the cloth and saw what was underneath only to grimace a bit. The tables seemed like they had not been cleaned from, apparently, the very start. Now the tablecloths made sense, they were used so that no one could see the real place.

This restaurant was a disaster, she could definitely tell that. The chairs screeched when they were pulled which shouldn't happen, they should make the least amount of noise possible, then again what could she expect.

She leaned down a bit and examined the chair curiously. The polish seemed off and scratches could be seen.

"What do you think about furniture?" She turned to Nikita, who was sitting in one of the chairs looking done for the day.

"Awful, if not disastrous," she immediately spoke up as if waiting for the opportunity. "I don't know how this place even survived let alone made profits. I don't even think that the wait staff or chefs were paid enough. Even though I do not want to rehire them. The wait staff, especially, did an awful job." She sighed, looking tired and done for the day. "If anything, this place needs a lot of capital requirements. Thank gods we changed the name otherwise, I'm sure no one was going to look this way."

"Hmm," Alexis simply hummed in return and turned to look on the walls. They were simply white in colour with no coordination to the furniture or the other decorations. Speaking of decorations, nothing was placed where it should be.

"This is truly a disaster." She agreed to look around and sitting.

"The chef's here," Liam informed them, "we can leave now if you want." He said as he noticed that they were tired already.

"No, let's get it over with." Alexis sighed and go up. The chef came inside and greeted the two women who belonged the Don and the underboss.

Leading him to the kitchen, she waited as he looked around. Even he looked at the place with disdain or rather a disgust. He slammed the drawers while muttering but looked at Alexis and apologized.

"Madam," the man began. "I am Mathieu and at your service so I will give you the honest truth."

"That would be appreciated." Alexis smiled at him.

"It is rather shocking to me that how could any chef work here. The stove is not enough, if you talk about customers asking for one dish let alone a good three to seven-course meal, it is not possible." He then waved his hands around to get everyone look at what he was pointing at. "These drawers are not made goodly. They will break when heavy equipment is placed in it. The equipment is not enough. Everyone needs a spoon or a tablespoon to use to a pan. The stove is always on this site, this—" he pointed to the stoves, "can be used by one person at a time. The food would be delayed."

"Okay," Alexis cut him off, having enough of it." Do me a favour, be available. You can help me in designing the layout of the kitchen. This, obviously is not going to work."

"Yes, madam." The chef hurriedly agreed.

"Come in," Nikita side hugged her, "let's go home."

"Hey, " On hearing another voice, all three of the party turned to look at the source of it. It was Serena Williams. 

"I heard you were buying the place." 

Alexis sighed. She hated this about the city. Everyone thought that they had enough connections which could never be true and they always forgot the fact that everyone was disposal when the time came. 

"That makes sense," Alexis replied on a slight smile on her face. "Since I said it in front of you." 

Her reaction earned a snort of laughter from Nikita. 

"You think you are funny?" Serena took a step forward. "I have been in this industry for the last fifteen years and you come waltzing in and buy the place that was was not even for sale. You don't think that I know?" 

"Know what?" Nikita frowned. "What we have money? Or the resources to do so?" 

"Money and resources." The woman repeated back. "You have them both which is not possible for someone who came out of nowhere."

"Nowhere?" Nikita Scoffed. "Honey, you no idea who the fuck you are saying that too." 

"Do I?" Williams taunted back. "With that crude language, I'd say you a little country girl trying to make it big. But if you are making it big on the upper side where the rich live and prosper, you have to have the money."

"I am warning you, " Nikita hissed, "whatever you say, think before saying that shit." 

Taking a step into Nikita's direction, she smirked, "I ain't afraid of a nobody. So I will go ahead and say it anyway, what did you do for the money sweetheart? Sold your daddy's farm or slept with one?" 


"Stop. Nikita." Alexis's command froze Nikita from taking any steps forward. She had a murderous expression on her face and Alexis was sure that Nikita would murder someone today. 

"We don't have to be crude." Alsjxs smiled. "I'm sure that we can talk it out." 

"You are intelligent." Serena smiled. "I like it. You are new here, you should understand to listen to those who have connections." 

"Thank you for the tip," Alexis said as she smiled. "Now, I know that you are not here to mainly threaten us. So tell me, what are you here for?" Crossing her arms, she stared at the woman showing no signs of intimidation. 

Serena flashed her a quick smile and opened her purse, taking out a cheque she handed it to Alexis. "I want you to sell it to me, for half a million dollars." 

"Half a million dollars for what I paid a million for? I think not." 

"That alright sweetie, " Serena smiled as she kept the cheque on the table. "I am side you will work your way through it. Just remember, I have a lot of connections that I can pull and you do not want me to do that._ she warned. "I left the amount blank, fill it up would you? Add a few thousands if you want." Smiling she turned around and left. 

"What's the matter with you?" Nikita hissed as the woman went away. "She shit on us, Alexis!" 

"Your language really is crude," Alexis commented and ignored her question.. "Come on, we have a lot to do and I know exactly who can help us."

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