Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 95 - Ninety-five

Hanging up she did not place the phone in the drawer right away. Instead, she kept it in her hand, Angelo was not coming to the office and the others always knocked. She sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

She thought about what she had done. Was it time? If she was ever getting out of this life then it was going to be when she was dead then what was the point of it at all?

She had seen glimpses of his power now and then. He had planned to show her and she did. Those were enough to tell her that when needed this man would leave no stones unturned.

She couldn't even fathom the depts that his power went to. The glimpses of his power which had left her shook, so how was she to behave when she would see it as a whole?

What was the point in trying?

Should she even try, begin with?

But then she had learned something from Julia. She would not go down without remaining to fight on the top.

"Madam?" Alexis immediately hid the phone as she heard Agatha softly knock and come in. "Do you need anything for the night?"

"No I don't," Alexis answered. "Retire for the day, Agatha."

Nodding, Agatha closed the door.

Placing the phone back in the drawer, she walked out of the office and locked it after her. Agatha had said to do that but given the security they had around the house, she doubted that anyone could ever enter. But locking it did sound a little reassuring.

She entered the bedroom and immediately grimaced as she looked at Angelo. The man's face was a mess. He had bruises almost everywhere.

"What happened?" She asked as she rushed over to him.

"Nothing," he dismissed. "Silvano and I fought. We don't hit back but don't worry, Nikita would have a more scared reaction for what I did to her husband." He grinned as he threw the cotton into the after he had padded his bloody injuries with more antiseptic liquid.

"Have a doctor look over it. You should not risk infection." She suggested.

"Nah, it's fine." He waved it off and went to the bathroom.

And sighed. Why could he not listen? Infection would happen because of anything and they could cause some real damage.

Taking her phone, she texted Agatha. 'call a doctor in the morning.' she sighed, placing her phone on the coffee table. How many things were to be done this morning. She could hardly find time to breathe.

"Hey," Angelo whispered as he hugged her from behind. "What's got you thinking?" He kissed her. His grip was rough. She knew that there was no romance here. It was just possession.

And she was his possession.

Twisting around, she tried to get free. "You are injured." She reminded him.

Kissing her earlobe, he said, "My face is and my shoulder a little but my d**k is fine." Turning her around he kissed her. "Maybe you could be on the top tonight." He offered. 

That made her smile. "Deal."

Throwing him back on the bed, she took off her dress and winked at him. 


Alexis was working her way through the catalogues of the sanitaryware. She had gone through the designs of the furniture first but they were all good and it had eventually become difficult to choose from. They were either all funny looking or too extravagant. She had to find the ones that did not look too plain or too much. Just the right ones. 

"Ma'am," Blake opened her door and looked sleeping as he asked, "excuse me but have you seen Nadine?"

Alexis understood. Nadine and she had a private chat and he did not know about it. "Yes. She is a lawyer and I sent her on a case." She remembered the conversation they had had. Nadine was happy in doing so. 

"What case, if of course, you do not mind me asking." He fidgeted.

"Is it something important?" She asked with a slight hint of irritation in her voice. "If so, I would rather have you tell me."

Blakes expressions immediately worsened. "Oh no, it's nothing. We were supposed to decide who was going to do what and I thought ..that.."

"..That she was evading." Alexis completed for him.

"Yes. That. I thought that." He muttered, swallowing something.

Alexis sighed and thought of something. "She is on a pro-bono. I will ask her when she can finish it." She offered.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you." He nervously gave her a huge smile, then immediately dimmed it and then just shut the door with a nod.

She turned back to the bathroom catalogues. 

The bathroom choices seemed easy. She and decided on the class taps and sinks and then, the toilets and urinals. They were all basic in design, yet the features contained were the latest. She had also opted for keeping sanitary napkins in the stalls of the female washroom because an emergency could strike anywhere and at any time.

She was turning the pages through and ticking the ones she liked, more like circling them. It seemed more effortless.

"Madam," Agatha came in without knocking and she seemed perplexed about something. 

"No knocking this time?" Alexis taunted with a sight smile on her face.

"Ye—No. I apologize." She bowed a little. "There is a lawyer outside and they are saying that you called them with some paperwork."

"Ah, they are here," Alexis replied cheerfully. "Send them in, would you."

"Y—you called them?" She stammered. "But they are not the ones that matter appointed for you. I have a file with me, they are different. Madam plea—"

"I don't get it," Alexis said. "Are you just repeating what I asked you to do or you are confirming it?"

"I, I.."

"Call them in here," Alexis repeated her command. "Now." And she firmly added.

Agatha nodded in a hurry and then scurried away.

Alexis turned back and looked at herself in the mirror once. She looked presentable enough for this. Pressing the intercom on her landline she called Blake, "I need no assistance in this meeting. You could leave your office for a few or perhaps, take an early lunch?"

"Yes," Shuffling and a door closing sounded. He had left immediately.

"Good Afternoon, Mrs Alessandro." A man wished as soon as he came in. "I have your papers ready for signatures." His wide smile made Alexis feel a little uneasy. Even if he had to greet a client, that big smile was going to make everyone feel a little creeped out, to be honest.

"Thank you. Please have a seat." She replied with a decent smile, not as big as his own. "What can I get for you, tea or coffee?"

"Ah, no. Thank you for asking." He said as he took one in front of her. "I have to ask. What you asked for is what we call a prenup and it is usually signed before the marriage.."

Alexis patiently waited for him to finish the sentence but when he left it hanging, she decided to talk. "I did not hear a question there." She pointed out.

"Yes, my mistake, sorry." He quickly apologized. "Why did you not have it signed before marriage? This, what originally, is termed as a prenup will now be stated as a contract."

"I have no problems with it being called a contract." She chided. "This is exactly what I wanted. And," she leaned on the table and stared into his eyes. "as a lawyer you should know better. This is still a prenup. Married couples can also enter in one."

"I do know that," he countered.

"Did you?" She titled her head and asked. "Because I can certainly tell that you did not. Or is it that you are trying to scare me into believing that you know way more and better than me."


"Leave." She hissed. "And do not break the client-attorney privilege or there will be hell to pay." She warned. "And remember to get your facts right."

The man nodded and got up in hurry, left the door open as he walked out. Agatha could be seen standing out with a cart in her hand and ready to come inside.

She came in with the cart and with an uncertain confused expression. "Madam, is everything alright?"

"Yes, it is." She answered with a smile. "Tea, please." She nodded, pointing to the cart that held everything possible thing on it.

Agatha immediately got to work. She poured the tea and added milk with a cube of sugar. The exact sweetness that her Madam liked. She packed the teacup along with the saucer in front of her with two macaroons, two biscuits and a scone.

Sipping the tea Alexis said, "And I do believe that Angelo is on his way home." More like stating the fact. Alexis had expected him to be informed almost immediately.

"Yes Madam," Agatha whispered looking frightened.. "He is."

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