Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 96 - Ninety-six.

Kindly drop a red stone. It would be highly appreciated. 


"The fuck?" Angelo growled into the phone as he heard the other person. "Who entered by the house?"

"A lawyer.." the person on the call muttered.

"What. Fucking. Lawyer?" He growled again. "Speak up!" He yelled.

"We don't know sir. A background check is being done.."

"What fucking lawyer, " he seethed. "This is the third time that I am repeating it and so help me God, if you are clear in what you say." He warned. He had had enough of this shit and God forbid if anyone came in his way now. 

The person on the other side of the firm was scared. He was talking to an angry boss. Angelo was always brooding but he was not angry. Now he was and the guard was sure that he was going to be executed.

"This lawyer is not someone that had appointed for Madam. She was arranged for a different lawyer." He said. "Should we stop him from entering?"

Angelo's face twisted in anger. She had made a grave fucking mistake and he was going to kill her for it. She was wanted to not let any fucking body in this lifestyle and here she was involving lawyers who were directly linked to it. 

"No, " he whispered. "Let him enter. Let him talk to her." He hung up and threw his phone on the desk. He was going to rip something from his hands with how much anger he felt. 

He was angry, no scratch that, he was furious. she had been warned again and again and here she was involving lawyers and court in his organisation. How was he supposed to protect his people when their Queen was out to get them? They would consider him a joke for a boss. 

If he was going to be thrown it would become of his wife. The fucking irony! 

"Get the fucking cars out!" He roared. He was going to kill her. 


As Alexis waited for the arrival of her husband, she stirred the soon around and round in the cup. Occasionally she sipped it and other than that, she stirred the spoon and ate a macaroon.

A ping came and Agatha checked her pager. Her breathing trembled a bit and she read the contents of the message. Alexis had understood what it had written in it. There was no need to tell her what was written there. Yet, Agatha looked troubled to say the words.

"What is it?" Alexis gently asked, nudging her to answer. "Tell me."

"He is here. Master is coming to your office. He is on his way." She shakily said.

Alexis chuckled. "Why are you so nervous? You said three sentences that have the same meaning. Chill, I am prepared for what is about to come."

"How can yo—"

Agatha jumped up when she heard the door banging against the wall. He was here and she could feel it.

Why was her Madam not afraid? She had involved procedures in this and the master would never let it go.

But more importantly, why had she done this? What for?

"Leave." He growled.

Agatha immediately got up at his command, not bothering to take a look back and collect the stroller, she scurried out and closed the door. She stood outside with a guard, just in case.

Angelo did not say anything as Agatha was walking out or rather running, as it appeared to be. He did not talk even after she had closed the door.

"That was quick," She commented with a smile, knowing well that he was not in his right mind. Hell, he looked furiously calm at the moment and that calm came only before the thunderous storm. What happened?

"Was it?" He said with a sigh as he slowly moved over to the sofa set.

She slowly got up to follow with the contract to sit with him on the sofa. Maybe he would want some tea? She stopped and walked towards the stroller.

When she got up and was about to take a step forward she looked at his back was heaving. "Wha—"

"How could you?!" He picked up a single sofa and threw it on the wall as she gasped harshly and took a step back. Alexis had never expected that reaction. All of her bravery seemed to vanish into thin air as she watched him throw things on the all. Also realising that she could be one of them. Thrown against the wall.

"You—do you have any idea on what you have done?" He seethed as his chest heaved from the previous display of anger. He yelled at her from across the room making the choice echo and her legs shake in fear.

"I—I," she stammered. "I just wanted to have a contract signed amongst us." She whispered with tears in her eyes. She was really afraid at this point 'This could have been me', she thought as she glanced at the broken pieces of the vase.

"A contract?" He scoffed in a loud voice. "If you want a fucking contract, you come to me to get it done or the lawyers that were given to you for it! You don't go to a roadside firm on some fucking random street for it! Who all we know was set up to dismantle my mother*cking organisation!" He yelled at the top of his voice. In such a big office which was given to Alexis, his voice was echoing making it roar against the walls.

He had taken a few steps forward as he spoke or yelled at her making him stand face to face with just inches between them. He slapped her face. Hard. She took a step back as she palmed her face.

What had happened? How did it escalate so much?

There was a moment where he had just entered and now he was throwing things on the wall and roaring at the top of his voice scaring her shitless.

Taking another step forward he left no space in between them. "Tell me, " he asked in a gentle voice, "did you think about it? About how they could fucking throw me into prison? Or was this what you wanted to begin with?" He had started hissing in the end. His eyes looked horrifying instead of the usual cold ones.

"No, I did n-not want that," she answered with a slight stammer. "I just wanted this to be—"

Pulling her hair he pulled her face next to his making her yell at the suddenness and in pain. "You have no idea what you could have done! What this all could have led to!" He yelled at her. "All of this could have gone! Do you have any idea what could have happened if he was not a real lawyer and spy? He could bug the entire mansion. Did you fucking think of the consequences then?" He pulled her back and forth to get his point across. He was fucking furious and half of his being wanted nothing more than to strangle her.

His roaring voice was sending shivers down her spine. Tears had gathered into her eyes. The way he liked into her eyes had sacred her very soul. He was being a maniac.

"I am sorry," she whispered with a sob surrendering in fear and pain, "I did not think about it." She didn't and she was stupid for that.

His eyes flashed and his face became uglier than before. Pulling her head back, he slapped her hard. "Damm right you didn't!" He yelled again and threw her to the other side of the room by her hair.

Alexis yelled in pain as her hands which had immediately gone forward to stop the fall but had themselves fallen prey to the broken pieces of glasses. She immediately sat up and held out her hands and looked at them crying. She then looked at Angelo with fear in her eyes. "Please, I didn't think but I aware to you that I would not do it again." She was begging for mercy. Alexis had no idea what more turn could it take and she might lose the life she had tried to fight the freedom for.

Leisurely walking to her with his hands in her pockets, he said, "it's funny you think that." Squatting in form of her fallen form on the floor, she watched as his hand went behind her coat and pulled something out and kept it in-between them. "Because you won't have the chance to do this again." He got up and her eyes followed his actions. He walked towards the door and stopped to turn around and look at her.

She glanced down once and a huge sob came out but she kept her eyes on him.

"Because I would never give you the chance to make it again."

Hurriedly moving her to the floor she gasped, he placed something down in-between them.

It was a gun.

He had made his threat clear and it was damm clear that he won't hesitate to carry it out.

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