Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 97 - Ninety-seven.

Alexis looked down at the gun he had placed in between them.

'Because I would never give you the chance to make it again.'

The gun and his last words had caused shivers to go down her line. His blazing eyes were proof of that, his venomous words were proof of that and his actions were definite proof of that.

The gun kept in front of her, facing her was proof of that.

His words held a warning and she was clear of it. As soon as her eyes lowered and she submitted he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

She flinched at the sound of the door closing. What had happened? What had she done? Where had all of this gone wrong?

In a moment the tables had turned and she had fallen on the floor, injured and bleeding from her seat where she was stirring tea.

Agatha was waning against the wall and when she heard a crash she jumped a little. The lack of sight of what was happening inside was a real deal-breaker. She could just pray. Pray for Alexis to live through it.

When Angelo came out of the room she looked at him and stood straight, ready for the commands that he was going to send her way.

She addressed his presence, "Sir.."

"Half an hour," he said raising his hand as a fist and showing his index finger. "Give her half an hour and then go inside and then call a doctor for her." His jaw was locked, his eyes were firm, he meant every word and crossing him now would cause Agatha an early death. 

She nodded as she watched him walk away to his own office and then slammed the door shut. She turned a little to look at the door of her Madam's office. The guard that stood there immediately took a step and locked the door shut. He had heard the command and he was going to carry it out. 

She thought of what to do. Make a call to the doctor and arrange for light food. Agatha, shakily so, turned around and walked to the kitchen. The chefs were there.

"Prepare light food for madam tonight," she informed them. "Not too much though. She might not want to eat." 

"Yes. I understand." The head chef nodded.

Agatha nodded again and moved to the front door. She was sure that this whole fiasco had reached the ears of many and now she had to make sure that she was ready for the arrival and cue, the former Don arrived.

"What happened?" He asked in a cold voice as soon as his eyes landed in Agatha. She was a reliable source and he knew that. The best characteristic about Agatha was that she knew when to speak the truth, when to filter it and when to lie. She also knew, when to keep it shut tight. 

She took a deep breath in, preparing herself to get ready for the interrogation. But she had to be honest.

"Madam had contacted a lawyer and that was not one of Masters and he came in today with a contract." She said with her eyes lowered. People could be scared when angered. Especially when they made men.

"Where is he now?" Gabrielle asked as he ran a hand over the face with a tired expression. The buy had messed up big time. He had to make sure that the news did not get out. 

"His office." She answered. "Should I send something for you?" She politely asked. She had to be a host when Alexis was not available.

"No Agatha, I think he has whiskey in his office." He said and went to the stairs and his office.

Gabrielle instead of knocking directly walked into Don's office.

He saw Angelo sitting on his chair with his eyes closed and his face faced upwards.

"You are supposed to knock," he muttered.

Gabrielle instead of answering walked to the chair in front of Angelo and sat down. Then he spoke, "If I look back and count, I would have to interrupt every meeting of yours to reach half of what you interrupted." He spoke as a matter of fact.

Angelo didn't comment on it. He kept his eyes closed.

But Gabrielle did not like being ignored. So he picked a paperweight and threw it in the air and caught it again. Repeating the process as he passed the time.

Eventually, he just began to look at it and measure its weight. "I am going to hit you with this if you continue to ignore me."

Raising an eyebrow, Angelo replied, "Mother will be angry."

To which Gabrielle shrugged, "Angry sex is a better form of sex, boy." He laughed as Angelo grimaced.

"You are not supposed to discuss it with your kids." His son chided.

"Sure I don't," Gabrielle replied. "Now what I came here for, let's talk about that. You hit her?"

"We are talking about my wife. Mine." He pointed out.

"And I don't say otherwise." Gabrielle pointed at him. "Answer the damn question."

Angelo lazily opened his eyes and looked at his father. His father was angry and he knew that but he didn't give a shit about that. He didn't give a shit about anyone right now.

"I did." He admitted without any shame.

"Damn it, boy!" Gabrielle slapped his hands on the table and got up. His yelling got him to anger Angelo.

Gabrielle paced around the office a bit. His hands running through his face and hair. "Do you know what you have done by that?" 

"Does she know what she had done when he invited a fucking random man into my house?" He yelled back. His anger was brewing on the surface but now, it was ready to burst out. "The man could that could have destroyed everything! So you do not see where I come from? Thousands employed in our care would go jobless!"

"And you tell her that but don't beat her for that shit!" Gabrielle roared back. "Does your fucking ass know how hard I worked all my life along with your mother to have wives reach a higher and recognised status and that no-one would ever get abused and here, look at what does the Don do!"

"I did what I was supposed to." Angelo hissed back. "What would you have done?"

"You want to know what I would have done?" Gabrielle said as he walked forward and glared his son down. "I would read the fucking contract, that is what would have done and that was what you supposed to do!"

His father looked frustrated to the end of the earth. "Had it been your mother I would have ended ber right then and there but she was from a mafia family. She knew better. The same cannot be said for your wife, she is a nobody from nowhere that you picked up from without a damn thought to anything!" 

"Hah, so you say, " Angelo taunted. "At least my first thought would have been killing her." He repeated his father's words. 

"And for sure as hell I won't have done what you did in the first place to have her go to another lawyer." Gabrielle continued. "The fuck did you, do, to begin with?" He asked. What had gone wrong that she had to contact a damn lawyer that Angelo knew nothing of.

Angelo irritatedly ran his hand through his hair. He couldn't think straight at the moment. She just had to ignore a direct com and from him. She was asked to not contact anybody except family. Maybe he had made the mistake of trusting her so soon. He should have rather waited for a while and met her to get a handle on things. The whole family would question him. 

But Gabrielle didn't let him think. "Boy, you listen to me and you better listen good," his father growled. "You fucking fix this, I don't know how you will do this neither do I give a fuck to care about this but you fix this. Give her a necklace or whip yourself to death for her, I don't care."

"Her? You care about her?" Angelo scoffed. "Her is the one who could have given the feds everything fucking thing we worked for our entire lives!" He roared. "Everything would have been home in seconds!" 

"And that was your goddamn job to make sure that she didn't." Gabrielle sneered. "And I'd say that you failed there. You failed like a newborn at this, not a man who had been working for twenty years in this lifestyle."

Angelo breathed heavily as he looked the other way. It was his responsibility to have her know about all of this and he failed there.

And that's when the realisation hit.

It was somewhere his fault.

Placing a call, he said, "Get me the contract that she had contacted a lawyer for."

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