Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 35

The young policeman who came out of the restaurant looked at his master with a puzzled face. Until they got into the police car, he couldn't help asking: "master, there must be something wrong with the guy with tattoos on his arms! We should have taken him back to the police station and asked him! "

"Well, he beat the ones lying and kneeling on the ground." The old policeman started the car and said to the apprentice sitting in the front seat.

"Master, do you see that? Let's go back and take those boys back to have a good trial to see how arrogant he is. " As soon as the young policeman's eyes brightened, he reached for the door.

The old policeman, who had started the car, turned to look at him and said in a low voice: "without the identification of the victim, why should you try him?"

The young policeman, who was stretching out his hand to open the door, stopped, turned to the old policeman and said, "master, don't you see that they dare not tell the truth in front of that guy? As long as you take him back, I don't believe that those people will not accuse him! "

"Young man, it's easy for you to think!" The old policeman looked at his energetic apprentice with a doting smile on his face.

"What's easy?" The young policeman asked suspiciously.

The old policeman, holding the steering wheel in both hands, looked at the roadside opposite the western restaurant, shook his head with a smile, but did not speak.

Following his master's eyes, the young policeman found that he did not know when, on the road opposite the western restaurant, more than a dozen white vans had stopped, and the window paper on the glass of each car was so sticky that he could not see the situation inside the car from the outside.

"Master, these cars..."

"Believe it or not, as soon as we leave, there will be a lot of gangsters in these cars?"

"Ah? Then we can't go! Master, why don't I call for support! "

"Save it! They don't need us to take care of things here, and they won't let us take care of them. "


"Because their world is different from ours."

With these words, the old policeman drove away from the door of the western restaurant. The young policeman sitting in the co driver's seat looked solemnly at the vans parked on the roadside. Before their police car went far away, he saw some people coming down from the vans.

These people crossed the road and soon came to the door of the western restaurant.

The man at the head is a bald man. He looks like he is in his thirties. With a cigarette in his mouth, he pushes the door of the western restaurant, looks at the yellow hair kneeling on the ground, turns his head and looks at Wang Fan sitting on a high chair.

"Dumb brother." Huang Mao saw the visitor and stood up to say hello.

The mute frowned and looked at the yellow hair. Then he looked at the blue hair on the ground. He said angrily, "is the blue hair dead?"

"The police said they were not dead." Huang Mao replied quickly.

Chong Huang Mao waved his hand. He was impatient and dumb. He took a cigarette and went to another high chair at the bar. He sat on it.

The gangster who came in with the mute helped Huang Mao carry out the blue Mao that fell on the ground. By the way, he also took the steel pipe out of the western restaurant.

"What do you mean?" Dumb looking at Wang Fan asked.

"Fifty thousand for one!" Wang Fan, with his eyes closed, didn't move, just jumped out of his mouth.

The mute reached out and touched his bald head. He didn't speak with a frown. His eyes were fixed on Wang Fan beside him.

One of the beards who came into the door with the mute saw Wang Fan's arrogance and scolded: "damn you, you only paid 50000 for beating our brother like this, you little boy..."

Before he finished, Wang Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

With a cold light in his eyes, he had already stood up from the high chair and rushed to the front of his beard.

The clenched fist hit the beard's face solidly and made a dull sound. The beard, who was still fierce just now, almost fell down when he was hit by Wang Fan's fist.

Without waiting for whiskers to stand firm, Wang Fan grabbed his arm, a beautiful over shoulder fall, he fell heavily on the marble floor of the restaurant.

"Pa! Pop! Bang

Wang Fan's fists were as fast as lightning. Every blow hit his beard's face. The sound of bone hitting bone was dull but crisp.

"Enough!" The dumb man cried out.

Wang Fan, who was riding on his beard, stopped, turned his head, looked at the mute with electric eyes, and said coldly, "it costs 100000!"

Those spectators in the restaurant, when they heard Wang Fan's words, exclaimed to themselves. Only then did they understand that what Wang Fan just said was "50000 yuan per person", not the money he compensated each other.

Even Wang Yue was surprised to see Wang Fan. She never thought that Wang Fan would be so arrogant.

Before two police officers entered the restaurant, Wang Yue was sweating for Wang Fan, for fear that he would be taken away by two police officers.

But seeing the restaurant manager and Huang Mao's obedience to Wang Fan's life, Wang Yue's heart calmed down a lot. It was not until two police officers left the western restaurant that Wang Yue was really relieved.

The appearance of the bald head, who was called dumb by Huang Mao, and the words Wang Fangang just said made Wang Yue think that Wang Fan would lose money for what happened just now. As a result, like all the people here, she was surprised to find that Wang Fan was the one who asked for compensation.

It's obvious that he hurt the other party, but he still wants the other party to lose money. Moreover, the man, who is called dumb, seems to have no objection at all. The expression on his face is more like struggling with the amount of compensation.

This made Wang Yue, who was watching from a distance, a little confused about the situation, but soon the dumb man gave the answer.

The mute slapped the bar and said helplessly: "OK! A total of 200000. I'll send them to Nange! "

As the dumb voice fell to the ground, all the people present once again issued a cry of surprise.

Wang Fan, who stood up, nodded with satisfaction and said to the mute, "mute, you are more loyal than mourning Kun. Ha ha! Good

"Wang Fan, don't be too arrogant. If one day you fall into my hands, don't blame me for being cruel and cruel!" The mute bit his teeth and said to Wang Fan,

Ignoring the threat of the mute, Wang Fan walked back to the high chair with a smile, raised his butt gently and sat firmly on it, leaning on the bar and closed his eyes again.

The mute, who left with his anger, glared at Wang Fan again when he was going out. The killing intention in his eyes didn't hide at all.

Wang Fan, who closed his eyes, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and asked lazily in his voice, "is the steak ordered by me ready?"

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