Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 36

The mute left with his men. The two white-collar workers and other guests sitting against the wall in the restaurant left the western restaurant in a panic. Even less than 100 meters outside the western restaurant, the police car, which had not been turned off, quietly flashed the alarm light after the last guest left.

In the bustling western restaurant just now, besides the staff here, there are only Wang Fan and Wang Yue left.

"Van Gogh, please sit down. We're ready for your steak." The manager made an invitation with a smile on his face.

Wang Fan, leaning on the bar, smiles. He slowly straightens up and stands steadily on the ground from the high chair. He squints at Wang Yue, who is still watching him there.

At this time, Wang Yue's face has no previous anger, instead of that kind of curious look. Seeing Wang Fan looking at herself, her willow eyebrows stand up and say fiercely: "what are you looking at, haven't you seen it?"

As for women, they all like to play small temper in front of outsiders, especially when their men are held up by others. They like to show their position in men's mind in this way.

Sure enough, when Wang Yue said that, the manager who led Wang Fan was stunned at first, and then said with a smile, "sister-in-law, we have a batch of red wine just delivered from France. I asked them to send you some."

"What sister-in-law? This is my cousin! Give me a bottle of that red wine! " Wang Fan slapped the manager on the shoulder and corrected the manager's address with a smile.

Wang Fan slapped him on the shoulder, but the manager didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. He could only smile and say, "I'm sorry, brother fan, I thought it was my sister-in-law! I'm sorry

Wang Yue, who was very happy at first, turned gloomy when she heard Wang Fan's words. However, because of the presence of an outsider here, Wang Yue didn't get tangled up because of a title.

Sitting back in the seat before the two, Wang Fan smokes and shouts at the bar: "give me a pair of chopsticks."

"Isn't there a knife and fork?" Wang Yue reminds me.

"Knives are used to kill people. How can they be used to eat?" Wang Fan put the knife and fork on the table aside and said to Wang Yue seriously.

The waiter quickly brought a pair of chopsticks for Wang Fan and handed them to him respectfully.

Wang Fan, who took the chopsticks, waved to the waiter to step down. Without waiting for Wang Yue to say anything more, he picked up the steak on the plate and began to eat it.

Wang Yue, sitting opposite, looked at Wang Fan and asked seriously, "have you decided what I said before?"

Swallowing a large piece of beef in his mouth, Wang Fan licked his lips and said, "Hey! The taste is different, but I still like to eat the kebab from the roadside stall, easy! Have a good time

"I'll get down to business with you!" Wang Yue's tone of voice was a little unhappy.

Wang Fan put down his chopsticks and laughed. Looking at Wang Yue, he didn't answer.

"What do you mean? You think I'm begging you to marry me, don't you? " Wang Yue asked coldly.

When a woman is held in the palm of many men's hands, desperate to say to you that she wants to be with you, her heart is very eager for you to give her a satisfactory answer.

Wang Yue is not only a woman, but also a woman held in the palm of her hand, so she also needs a satisfactory answer.

After wiping the oil stains on his mouth, Wang Fan raised his hand and touched his forehead. He was very embarrassed. After a long time, he said, "I've already said what I should say. You and I can't have any intersection in the future, so..."

"How do you want me to beg you? I know that if it wasn't for saving me at that time, you wouldn't have been expelled from school, and you wouldn't have been reduced to this. So you hate me, don't you? Won't forgive me, will you Wang Yue was a little emotional when she spoke. She looked at Wang Fan with a kind of sadness and expectation.

By Wang Yue's words a Leng, Wang Fan repeatedly waved his hand and said: "it's not like this, Wang Yue, you understand wrong."

"What is that? You tell me


"I don't mind!"

"It's none of your business!"

"I has the final say!"

"Let's eat!"

Do not want to try to persuade Wang Yue, Wang Fan picked up the chopsticks on the table, continue to eat the steak on the plate.

But at this time the entrance of the steak, but not before fresh, although Wang Fan just bit a small bite, but the entrance of the steak is like blocked in the throat, let him have a kind of chest suffocation feeling.

Biting his teeth, Wang Fan swallowed the steak in his mouth until the last piece of steak was swallowed by him. He breathed a sigh of relief, put down his chopsticks, and said to Wang Yue easily: "rice, finished, I'll go first!"

"Stop!" Wang Yue, who is mad at Wang Fan, stands up and stops Wang Fan who is ready to leave.

Wang fan stopped looking at Wang Yue, the expression on his face is very indifferent, just like looking at a stranger.

Wang Yue, with a puffy chest, glared at Wang Fanzhi and asked, "do you think it's very prestige to join a gang? Do you think that if you are a member of the four seas gang, others will be afraid of you! "

Without waiting for Wang Fan to reply, Wang Yue pointed to other people in the restaurant and continued: "do you know? They are not afraid of you, they hate you! Because you are a gangster, they don't want to live with people like you! "

"Put away your ridiculous pride! Wang Fan, you are no longer a child! Don't you know what you should do? The world is bright. People like you will not come to a good end in the end! "

… …

Wang Fan, standing opposite Wang Yue, listened to Wang Yue's hysterical roaring at him, but his face kept that kind of indifferent smile.

He was not angry because of Wang Yue's words, nor was he ashamed because of Wang Yue's words, just as everything Wang Yue said had nothing to do with him.

In fact, the fact is the same, but Wang Fan has no way to explain.

Finally, Wang Yue's voice gradually decreased. She looked at Wang Fan and said, "promise me, don't live in such a mess any more. Find a job and be an ordinary person. Even if your salary is not high, you don't have much ability, but at least you won't be looked down upon."

"That's it?" Wang Fan asked softly. Seeing that Wang Yue didn't answer, he said, "we are not in the same world, so don't waste energy for me any more. Everyone has his own ambition. Let's say goodbye."

For a moment, Wang Yue was stunned. She couldn't think of her own hard advice, but she still couldn't make Wang Fan turn back. What's more, Wang Fan walked by her side and left the western restaurant without turning back.

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