Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 37

Walking out of the door of the western restaurant, Wang Fan, with a stuffy chest, really wanted to shout at the sky, but he knew the consequences of doing so and what it would mean, so he chose to be silent. With a cigarette in his mouth, he went to the roadside and stopped a taxi.

Closing the door, Wang Fan leaned back in his chair, looked at the window and said in a deep voice, "go to the suburbs."

"Not back to Liu village?" Asked the driver.

This scared Wang Fan, he nervously turned to the driver: "ghost uncle?"

"The car is rented. You have to give me the taxi money." Ghost uncle said while driving.

"How do you know I'm here?" Wang Fan asked in surprise.

"I taught you. You should know what I can do." When he said this, uncle GUI's expression was quite proud.

At this time, meet ghost uncle, Wang Fan's mood is much better, before all kinds of resentment to ghost uncle, also disappeared at this moment.

Most of the time, we have resentment because we care, so this kind of resentment is not real, just like the cruel words we said at that time, they will soon be forgotten.

Uncle GUI's driving skill is very good. Although the journey from the western restaurant to the suburbs is not short, they don't spend much time.

Parking the car in an open space, uncle GUI rolled down the window, looked at Wang Fan and asked, "what do you think of Han Chen?"

"How about what?" This question makes Wang Fan a little at a loss, he looks at ghost uncle doubtfully.

"According to the intelligence, there is a ghost inside the police of H city." Ghost uncle handed Wang Fan a cigarette, very seriously said.

Wang Fan was stunned by this. He looked at Uncle GUI in surprise and asked, "do you doubt Han Chen?"

"I don't believe anyone!" Ghost uncle answers very simply, without any hesitation.

Hearing what ghost uncle said, Wang Fan lowered his head and laughed.

At the beginning of his career, the first lesson ghost uncle gave Wang Fan was about loyalty and trust.

As an undercover police officer, loyalty education is essential because he has to stay in all kinds of criminal groups for a long time. Of course, this kind of education is not just a scripted statement. The punishment for those traitors is unforgettable.

Of course, apart from loyalty education, there is also the topic of trust.

It's a lot easier to say about trust.

In Guishu's original words, you can't believe anyone except your liaison officer, unless you have a countermeasure to deal with being cheated.

The simple meaning of this is that no one should believe it!

At that time, Wang Fan argued with Uncle GUI for this, and he was beaten up by Uncle GUI. So every time he thought about this topic of trust, he could not help but think of the way uncle GUI was so angry at that time.

After Wang Fan finished laughing, ghost uncle then said: "I didn't arrange H city police to put away the gun, do you know?"


Wang Fan, who is smiling all over his face, shouts out in surprise when he hears the words of ghost uncle. The smile on his face is instantly solidified. He looks at ghost uncle inconceivably.

"Afraid?" Ghost uncle turns to look at Wang Fan to ask.

"You're going to die, ghost uncle!" Wang Fan with lingering fear said heavily, recalling the situation at that time, he was really a little scared.

"If he wants to kill you, I'll shoot before him. You should trust me because I'm your liaison officer." Ghost uncle very disapproval of reply.

The corners of his mouth twitched violently. Wang Fanqiang suppressed his anger and asked calmly: "are you using my life to test whether Han Chen is an insider?"


"What happened?"

"Someone messed up, so the test failed."

"What if no one messes up? Han Chen shot me. He's innocent, right? What the hell am I supposed to do? " Wang fan is obviously angry when he speaks. He stares at his eyes and his chest fluctuates violently.

Ghost uncle looked at Wang Fan with an angry face and said, "you should trust me, understand?"

"I don't understand. I don't want to understand either. I'm just a poor man. I'll be damned, right?" Wang Fan scolded loudly, turned to open the door and got out of the car. Without looking back, he walked in the same direction as before.

The ghost uncle who chased Wang fan out of the car was cold faced and yelled at Wang Fan's back: "Wang Fan, don't forget that you are a policeman and the oath you once took!"

"Why! You tell me, why Wang Fan, who stopped, raised his head and yelled at the sky.

Too many grievances and repression, let this man feel unbearable, but he can only through this way, to vent his dissatisfaction.

They are all policemen, so Han Chen can live in front of others. What about him? Can only live like a scum in the eyes of others.

The same police, Han Chen can pursue their love, and he? I can only watch the girl I love cry for him.

It's really unfair!

"Because you are good enough, because the country needs people as good as you to make sacrifices." The ghost uncle behind Wang Fan put his hand on his shoulder and said to him in a low voice.

Wang Fan, who looked up at the sky, restrained himself. He didn't want the tears in his eyes to flow out, but the astringent taste fell down his nose to his heart, like thorns, stabbing his hot heart.

"From this moment on, you will be a dead person with no status, no past, no honor, nothing but faith! Do you remember? "


At that time, the question and answer was so passionate, so without hesitation, so unforgettable for Wang Fan.

"If I did die, would my mother know I was a policeman?" Wang Fan, whose mood gradually eased down, turned to look at the ghost uncle behind him and asked in a hoarse voice.

Uncle GUI shook his head with a bitter smile and said in a low voice, "you have already died. Have you forgotten?"

"Yes, I've been dead, and I care what I do." Wang Fan's face also showed a wry smile. He took a long breath and then said, "it seems impossible for me to wash the white matter."

"You want to be a big man, but it doesn't refuse, but if you have any other bad things for the country, I will deal with you personally!" Ghost uncle's tone of voice is very cold, let a person not doubt his determination.

Take the ghost uncle's hand down from the shoulder, Wang Fan's voice lazy said: "since this is the case, then I'll let go of my hands and feet and break a piece of world in H city!"

One old and one young went back to the taxi again. Wang Fan, who was sitting on the co driver's seat, put down the back of his chair and chose a very comfortable posture. Looking at the ghost uncle who was sitting in danger, he said with a smile: "Han Chen is an insider!"

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