Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 48

The tricky Liu Neng left. Although he wanted to expose Wang Fan's lies in front of him, he failed in the end, and the defeat was complete. There was no suspense about the defeat.

The blind Master who came into the room said only one word and cleaned up Liu Neng thoroughly in the yard. He said, "I raised Liu Juan, and I made up their affairs."

The kindness of nurturing is greater than anything!

Even though Liu Neng is the only blood relative of Liu Juan in the world, he has not done his duty to support Liu Juan for a day, so his words have no weight in front of the blind master.

It is said that Liu Neng can completely ignore the blind master. After all, blind Master is not a native of Liu village, but blind Master supports Wang Fan, and Wang fan is a member of the four seas gang. Therefore, Liu Neng can only admit the marriage between Wang Fan and Liu Juan.

Although the heart is not willing, but Liu can still go, he did not take away the old hen Liu pangzi stewed for him, also did not take away the bottle of wine he brought.

At this time, Liu Neng can't take care of these. It's urgent for him to figure out how to keep the house he robbed from Liu Juan and how to clear the road block in front of him, Wang Fan.

If someone is in a bad mood, naturally someone will be in a good mood.

The remaining three people in the yard, seeing Liu Neng's dejected departure, showed a knowing smile one after another.

Wang fan set the chair for the blind Master and held him firmly on the chair. Then he asked Liu pangzi to take the wine cup. When Liu pangzi brought the wine cup, Wang Fan poured a cup of foreign wine for the blind Master and said, "blind Master, you taste the foreign wine. It's delicious!"

"Good!" The blind man took his glass and drank it. After drinking, he reached out and touched his mouth. His aftertaste looked very enjoyable.

Liu pangzi is also happy. He hopes to recover the property left by his parents. He can't be unhappy. Seeing that the blind master has finished the wine in the glass, he takes up the bottle and pours another glass for him.

"Fat boy, sit down too. Let's have a good drink." The blind Master beckoned Liu pangzi and Wang Fan to sit down. The joyful look on his face made him look energetic.

Liu pangzi sat down next to Wang Fan and said with a smile, "brother fan, you are really good. How do you think about inviting my second uncle to eat chicken and then asking for a house?"

"When did I say that I traded an old hen for a house? I don't have the money to buy wine for blind master. I'll trade old hen for Liu Neng's foreign wine! " Wang Fan took a sip from his glass and said to Liu pangzi with a smile.

"Ah? ha-ha! Yes, the house is ours. We haven't set up a pit for my uncle today. " Liu pangzi nodded and drank a mouthful of foreign wine.

Sitting on the table, the blind man's face sank and said to Liu pangzi, "fat boy, I'm not joking about Xiaojuan and Xiaofan today. Don't make a fool of yourself!"

The blind Master's words surprised Wang Fan and nearly spewed out the wine in his mouth. Liu pangzi, who was sitting next to him, was stunned at first and then said solemnly, "blind Master, you raised our brother and sister. We will listen to what you said!"

After that, Liu pangzi touched Wang Fan with his elbow and motioned him to say something with his eyes. However, Wang Fan seemed to be slow to respond. He just looked at the wine glass in his hand, but he didn't express any opinions on this matter.

After talking about asking for a house with Liu pangzi last night, Wang Fan has already thought about whether Liu can wait to die. He will find a lot of reasons to stop Wang Fan from asking for a house for Liu pangzi.

It's Wang Fangang who talks nonsense about making friends with Liu Juan and his plans to join Liu's family. The purpose is to stop Liu Neng.

But now I see the blind Master's attitude. It's not enough to talk about it.

Let's not say whether Liu Juan is willing to accept the marriage, but Wang fan can't accept it. After all, Wang Yue is still thinking about her in his heart!

Looking at Wang Fan's worried appearance, Liu pangzi whispered to Wang Fan: "brother fan, you can marry my sister. You don't need to get involved. It's all fooling my second uncle. You don't have to take it seriously."

Hearing what Liu pangzi said in his ear, Wang Fan turned his head and looked at him. Liu pangzi was startled by his sharp eyes.

Also want to go on to praise his sister how kind and beautiful Liu pangzi, raw to find out his praise, and a head of swallow back to the stomach.

Don't want to entangle this matter again, Wang Fan deliberately digs off the topic and says to the blind Master who is eating chicken legs: "blind Master, what's the name of your move to clean up the funeral Kun that day? Can you tell me about it? "

"What day?" The blind man put down his drumstick and asked.

"That's the day when my field opened and fat man recognized me as big brother." Wang Fan reminds.

"I don't remember. I'm old and have a bad memory. I only remember what happened yesterday and what happened today. Sometimes I think about what will happen tomorrow." The blind Master said to Wang Fan in a deep voice and took a drink from his glass.

"This..." obviously felt that the blind master didn't want to talk about that day, which made Wang Fan a little surprised.

After all, everyone would talk about this kind of scenery. He wanted to blow it up when he had nothing to do, but he didn't want to mention it at all, which made Wang Fan a little confused.

Just when Wang Fan was worried about Liu Juan, which made him unhappy, he put down his glass and said, "Xiao Fan! Don't always think about the past, people! Look ahead! No matter how you go along this road, there is no chance to turn back! Do you see what I mean? "

Blind Master's words made Wang Fan's eyes widened. He didn't expect that blind Master would say so, and there was another layer of deep meaning in his words.

Wang Fan, who has always regarded the blind master as an ordinary man, has realized that this blind old man with no name and surname is definitely not an ordinary person, and he may even be a hidden master.

Now hearing the truth from the blind Master, Wang Fan firmly believes that the blind Master is definitely a person with a story, and his story is not necessarily shocking, but it is not something ordinary people can hear.

In front of him, the blind Master was a little taller. Wang Fan nodded heavily, like a devout believer. Facing the sacred belief in his heart, he said in a deep voice: "blind Master, I want to worship you as a teacher, so you can accept me!"

After eating the drumstick, the blind man stood up, wiped the grease on his mouth with his sleeve, and walked to his room with a smile.

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