Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 49

Blind Master did not agree to Wang Fan's request, which made Liu pangzi very disappointed for Wang Fan. However, looking back at Wang Fan, there was no disappointment on his face.

Liu pangzi didn't say much about worshiping his teacher. He got up and helped the blind Master back to his room. After he settled the blind Master, he went back to the yard.

He pulled the chair to Wang Fan's side again. Liu pangzi took up the bottle and filled it with wine for Wang Fan. He comforted him and said, "brother fan, when the blind Master is in a good mood, I'll ask for it for you. Maybe he will promise you."

"The matter of worshiping teachers?" Wang Fan asked.

"Is it still about you and my sister?" Liu pangzi is laughing and joking.

Wang Fan said with a smile: "the blind man didn't refuse me either!"

"That's true." Savoring Wang Fan's words carefully, Liu pangzi nodded in agreement.

Although the blind master didn't agree to Wang Fan's request, he didn't refuse Wang Fan directly. However, it's hard for Liu pangzi to figure out what the blind master thought.

Growing up beside the blind Master, Liu pangzi, though not very clever, is not a fool who does not know what to say and what to say, so he knows his temper well.

Although he has lived with the blind Master for so many years, in his memory, the blind Master is a strange man who doesn't like to talk much and doesn't like to laugh much.

Since Wang Fan appeared in Liu village, Liu pangzi felt that the blind Master seemed to be a different person. He asked Liu pangzi about Wang Fan from time to time. Occasionally, when he sat at the door listening to storytelling, he laughed for a while.

Take today's chicken eating as an example. What blind Master and Wang Fan said did not mention to Liu pangzi at all.

Blind Master and Liu pangzi sometimes communicate with each other all day and say, "I'm full!"“ I'm sleeping“ Don't call me if you have nothing to do

For example, if you look forward, you can't look back, or if you have a golden scale, it's not in the middle of the pool. This kind of words seems to be incomprehensible to Liu pangzi, but the blind master didn't talk to him.

So when Wang Fan mentioned the matter of worshiping his teacher, Liu pangzi thought that the blind Master would agree to it. But the blind master went back to bed without even answering the question, and Wang Fan was not lost at all.

Liu pangzi felt that he was more and more confused with the blind Master, and even Wang Fan was somewhat unpredictable.

However, Liu pangzi has an advantage, that is, things he can't figure out are directly ignored by him. In his eyes, no matter how important this matter is, as long as it doesn't hurt his sister, it can be ignored.

Thinking of his sister, Liu pangzi has some regrets in his heart. He really wants Wang Fan and Liu Juan to see each other. Maybe Wang Fan won't be so determined to refuse such a marriage after seeing Liu Juan.

Everything has a process. Although Liu pangzi has some regrets in his heart, he has strong confidence in his sister. He believes that as long as he is given a chance to recommend his sister, Wang Fan will never be so resolute again.

Wang Fan, gnawing at the drumstick, glanced at Liu pangzi in a daze and said, "fat man, do you want to eat? If I don't eat it, I'll make it round! That chicken is for the blind man's dinner. Don't stretch out your hand! "

"Brother fan, you can eat it. If you like it, you can eat this one too. I'll stew another one for you in the evening." Liu pangzi holding the old hen's plate, directly in front of Wang Fan, the tone is very sincere to him.

Ben joked with Liu pangzi. How could Wang Fan eat a complete chicken by himself? He put down the chicken bone in his hand, burped and said, "OK, I'm full too. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back to bed. You can remember to pick someone up in the city at night."

With these words, Wang Fan stood up and was ready to leave. Liu pangzi also stood up and asked anxiously: "brother fan, I'm still worried. Although you said something about xiaojuan'er, I don't think my second uncle will return the house to us."

"Worried?" Wang Fan, with a cigarette in his mouth, looks at Liu pangzi with a surprised look on his face.

"Well, you don't know, my second uncle, for the sake of money, but he doesn't recognize his relatives!" Liu pangzi said anxiously.

"Don't worry! Your second uncle won't give you the house at all. " Wang Fan waved his hand and said to Liu pangzi.

Just worried about the house, Liu pangzi didn't hear what Wang Fan said. When he came back, he opened his eyes and asked, "brother fan, what do you say? My second uncle won't give us the house back at all? "

"Yes! Do you think he is a fool? As far as I know about your second uncle, he must have been the legendary one in his last life. As long as he eats it into his mouth, you can't take it out again! " Wang Fan smokes a cigarette and says it seriously.

Wang Fan's evaluation of Liu Neng was absolutely approved by Liu pangzi, but it made him a little confused. He pointed to half of the stewed chicken on the table and asked, "brother fan, you said that we had been busy for a long time and invited him to eat chicken, and you and xiaojuan'er. What's the picture?"

"What's the picture? Didn't I say that? The chicken was originally used to exchange wine. Who knows that your second uncle put down the wine and left. He didn't even drink chicken soup. I made money from this business. "

"What about xiaojuan'er and you?"

"That's something about us! I see your second uncle is not pleasing to the eye, deliberately angry with him, the result really put him angry enough, this business, I made money again Wang Fan said to Liu pangzi triumphantly, remembering that Liu Neng's face turned into a pigliver color, Wang Fan felt very happy in his heart.

"But didn't you tell me last night that you wanted to go back to my old house with my second uncle?" Confused by Wang Fan's words, Liu pangzi scratched his head and asked awkwardly.

Heavily nodded, Wang Fan whispered to Liu pangzi: "the house must let him return, but it's not this time, it's not this way, do you understand?"

"When will it be returned? Not that way? Can my second uncle ask us to take back the old house? " The more he listened, the more confused he was. Liu pangzi regretted that he didn't study at the beginning.

These days, not only the blind Master talks strangely, but also Wang Fan talks strangely, which makes people feel that they can't find the north.

Patted Liu pangzi's shoulder, Wang Fan said to him with a smile: "have you ever heard of a sentence?"

"What's that?"

"The swallow knows the ambition of the swan!"

"I know! I know! Don't forget to be rich! I've heard it in the storytelling that blind Master heard! " Liu pangzi finally had a chance to understand, and naturally he was happy.

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