Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 402

"Minister, you have come just in time, this is my newly worshipped teacher, and his name is Hai Wu Ya. I will formally enthrone my teacher as the Imperial Teacher today, and from now on when you see the Imperial Teacher, you must respect him as you respect me." The young emperor glanced at the Onest minister, then directly spoke out and announced.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not right! This person's origins are unknown, how can you enthrone him as an imperial master so easily? Moreover, to become an imperial master, one needs not only convincing moral character, but also great strength?"

The reason why Ernest was able to overshadow the world was because he was able to guide the young emperor's decision from the sidelines.

But now there was suddenly a so-called emperor teacher, then it would not be easy for him to sway the young emperor's decision anymore, that's why Ernest was so opposed to the young emperor enthroning Hai Wu Ya as an emperor teacher.

"Minister you are also right, to hold the post of emperor teacher naturally needs convincing character and strong strength. But since I have enthroned my teacher as an imperial teacher, then naturally it means that I approve of his character and strength, that's why I have enthroned him as an imperial teacher today!" The young emperor glanced at Ernest, then returned unhurriedly according to the words that Hai Wu Ya had given him beforehand.

Hearing the words of the little emperor, Ernest's face could not help but turn ugly.

In the past, the little emperor never questioned his words, so he was able to let Ernest do whatever he wanted in the empire. But I didn't expect the little emperor to start refuting his opinion now, which made him feel a huge threat.

Ernest showed an impish smile and said to the young emperor: "Your Majesty, since you think so highly of your teacher, why not let him show his strength in front of the ministers? So that we can also see his heroic style!

If this Hai Da Ren, as Your Majesty said, really possesses convincing virtue and great strength, then it is naturally a matter of course to enthrone him as the emperor's teacher. But if he is just a villain who has deceived Your Majesty, then please also ask Your Majesty to put him to death as a warning to others."

The young emperor did not answer Ernest hastily, but turned his head to Hai Wu Ya who was beside him and asked, "Teacher, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, since some people don't believe in my strength, then I have no choice but to take a shot to prove it and convince those people."

Hai Wu Ya smiled faintly at the little emperor before turning his head to Grand General Bude below and smiled, "I have long heard that Grand General Bude is one of the two strongest generals in the empire, why don't we ask Grand General Bude to step in and spar with this seat?"

The young emperor nodded his little head and smiled towards Grand General Buder, "Since the teacher has said so, then Grand General, you will be the one to compete with the teacher!"

"I, obey the order!"

Grand General Buder could have ignored Hai Wu Ya's words, but since even the little emperor had said so, then he could only follow the orders.

Although Grand General Buder did not have any animosity towards Hai Wu Ya as a person? But he was bent on being loyal to the imperial family. If Hai Wu Ya was really a liar, then he would never show mercy in the next competition.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, then you can't blame me."

Onest was originally just going to let his personal guards, the Four Ghosts of Rakshasa, fight with Hai Wu Ya, but he didn't expect that Hai Wu Ya would take the initiative to pick Grand General Bude as his opponent.

Although Ernest was not used to the old-fashioned and old-fashioned General Buder, he still recognized his strength.

Oneste did not think that Hai Wu Ya, a teenage boy, would be a match for General Bude.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from destroying the palace, the competition between Hai Wu Ya and General Bude was finally held in the training ground of the palace guards.

Under the secret propaganda of Ernest, the news of the match between General Bude and Hai Wu Ya soon spread throughout the palace, and dozens of important imperial officials gathered around the competition site.

Chapter 491 - Grand General Bude (Request for subscriptions and tickets)

Ernest had already decided in his heart that as long as Hai Wu Ya lost to General Bude, then he would lead the other important ministers to force the young emperor to order Hai Wu Ya's execution.

When the young emperor's parents died suddenly, it was Ernest's fault, and the main reason why he assisted the young emperor to the throne was because the young emperor was more convenient to be induced by him.

Only when the emperor only trusts Ernest, his every move can be done according to Ernest's words, and if he has an additional imperial master by his side, then Ernest will not be able to induce the emperor to do things like before.

The stout General Bude, wearing the armor-type imperial apparatus Thunder God Rage Ademir, with a pair of stern and compelling sword eyes staring at Hai Wu Ya's eyes with a serious face, said, "Let's say it in advance, if you are really a liar, the old man will never show mercy!"

"Am I a liar or not? Just try your hand and it will be clear, won't it?" Hai Wu Ya did not see the slightest bit of annoyance at his words, but said with a bland light smile.

"Then you can take it!"

General Bude's eyes faintly gaze, also no more nonsense, raised his right arm flashing with white lightning, like a super S-ranked dangerous species generally rushed towards Hai Wu Ya.

On the side, when Minister Ernest saw that Hai Wu Ya had unknowingly provoked Grand General Bude, a gloating expression appeared on his face, he felt that he was already about to see the end of Hai Wu Ya being beaten to a pulp by Grand General Bude's fist.


But to everyone's surprise, in the face of General Bude's heavy blow, which was enough to kill the S-rank dangerous species, Hai Wu Ya only slowly raised his right hand to receive the thunderous blow with his empty hand.

"How is that possible?! Even that crazy woman, Estes, couldn't have received Bud's angry strike with her empty hand!" Ornest rubbed his eyes hard, filled with disbelief as he secretly shouted in his heart.

"Great General be careful."

Hai Wu Ya looked at General Bude, whose face had changed drastically, and grabbed his right fist with his palm, a huge force burst out from his palm, like the impact of an intercontinental missile explosion directly shook General Bude back several meters.

After stabilizing himself, General Buder first gave Hai Wu Ya a complicated look, then turned his head and bowed respectfully to the young emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the strength of the emperor is unfathomable, I am ashamed to say that I am inferior."

Although Grand General Buder had not yet used his full strength, but between the brief exchange of hands with Hai Wu Ya just now, he already understood that he was far from Hai Wu Ya's opponent.

What's more, Hai Wu Ya had just shaken back Grand General Bu De, which had already left him some face, so he naturally wouldn't continue to fight with Hai Wu Ya, otherwise he would be the one to lose face after all.

"Since the teacher has already defeated the great general, he is the only imperial teacher of the empire from now on." The young emperor looked around at all the ministers and made an effort to make a majestic expression and announced.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Ornest naturally did not want to agree to this matter, but the matter has come to this point he can only helplessly accept the order.

Although Ernest had a lot of power in the empire, he knew that there were some people he could not touch, especially people like Hai Wu Ya, who was powerful and trusted by the young emperor.

Since there was no way to stop Hai Wu Ya from taking up the post of emperor, Ernest could only change his response and try to bring Hai Wu Ya to his side.

The next morning, the news of Hai Wu Ya taking up the post of Imperial Master spread throughout the empire, and his sudden emergence as an Imperial Master also fell into the eyes of many people who were interested.

In the hidden base of the night attack assassin organization in the forest outside, a strong woman-like Najita looked at the new news while smoking a cigarette and could not help but frown slightly.

According to the new information that Najita got, this new emperor is from a mysterious origin, and the only battle record that he has done is to defeat the great general Bude.

Although Hai Wu Ya only had this one battle record for the time being, but it had already caused Najita a headache.

As a former general of the empire, Najita knew very well how powerful General Buder was. Even if the strength of General Bude is not as strong as Estes, but the strength between the two will not be too different.

Since this Hai Wu Ya was able to defeat General Buder, his strength is at least Estes level of existence.

The Night Raid Killer Organization is a member of the Revolutionary Army, and they will definitely face off with Estes in the future. The original Najata was in a headache how to kill Estes? The result is that the empire now has another emperor who is not weaker than Estes, which is naturally not what Nadjeta wants to see.

But fortunately, Estes is now crusading against the rebellion of the foreigners in the north, and should not be able to get away for a while. If the night attack assassin organization can kill the emperor before Estes rushed back to the capital, then it would be good.

The idea of pulling Hai Wu Ya to the side of the revolutionary army flashed through Najita's mind, but the idea was dismissed as soon as it appeared.

The emperor is second only to the emperor in the empire, and what kind of conditions can Najita offer to persuade Hai Wu Ya to join the revolutionary army? Unless she promised Hai Wu Ya that after the revolutionary army overthrew the empire, she would let Hai Wu Ya take up the post of emperor, which would be possible to pull Hai Wu Ya into the ranks of the revolutionary army.

But Nadjeta knew that this matter was simply impossible, not to mention that those leaders of the revolutionary army would not agree to this condition.

In the emperor's residence, Hai Wu Ya sent away the guests who came to congratulate him, and a playful look flashed in his eyes.

Now that Hai Wu Ya had been appointed as the Imperial Master by the Little Emperor, even the Oneste ministers had been overwhelmed by him. Those important ministers in the imperial court naturally would not let go of this opportunity to befriend Hai Wu Ya, and they all sent gifts to please Hai Wu Ya in the name of congratulations.

Even Ernest sent a heavy gift to congratulate Hai Wu Ya, because he didn't want to create such a big enemy for no reason.

However, although Hai Wu Ya accepted all the gifts, it didn't mean that he would go along with Ernest and the others. Once Ernest and the others interfere with his plan, Hai Wu Ya will not hesitate to turn his face against them.

At the same time, Hai Wu Ya's ten shadow doppelgangers took the map of the distribution of dangerous species from the little emperor and rushed to the gathering place of S and Super S dangerous species and started to kill those powerful dangerous species.

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