Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 403

Chapter 492 - Eastern Divine Dragon (Request for Subscription, Ticket)

Above the tens of thousands of meters high clouds in the East Sea, one of Hai Wu Ya's shadow doppelgangers used the reverse psychic technique to summon Hai Wu Ya's main body in time before it was about to disappear.

Hai Wu Ya looked up at the thousands of meters long Eastern divine dragon not far away, and could not help but lament: "I'm afraid this guy's strength is even stronger than the Nine Tails, no wonder the shadow doppelganger could not beat it!"

Although the strength of Hai Wu Ya's split shadow body is not as strong as the main body, it is still more than enough to deal with ordinary Super S-ranked dangerous species, but the strength of this Eastern divine Dragon is much stronger than ordinary Super S-ranked dangerous species.

In the world of the copy of Chopped Girl, there is a thread-type emperor's tool called the Crossed Tails of a Thousand Variations, and the silk thread that makes this emperor's tool is the body hair on this Oriental Dragon.

When the first emperor of the empire combined the power of the whole country, paid a huge amount of power only from the Oriental Dragon's body knocked off some body hair, as for the harder scales or claws and teeth but simply can not knock off.

The dangerous species in the shape of the Oriental Dragon felt the dangerous aura emanating from Hai Wu Ya's body, and a trace of doubt flashed through its huge beast pupils. But it felt that the Hai Wu Ya in front of him was much more dangerous than the shadow doppelganger.


But the Eastern divine Dragon simply did not think about it, it roared and opened its bloody mouth towards Hai Wu Ya and swallowed it.

Thousands of years ago the Eastern divine Dragon was attacked by a group of abominable humans while it was sleeping, although it killed most of those humans, but still some humans escaped, so since then it hates humans in particular.

Hai Wu Ya looked at the approaching blood bowl, star-like eyes flashed a trace of playfulness, the corners of the mouth slightly raised smile: "Ah Da, swallow it!"


As soon as Hai Wu Ya's words fell, the 100,000 meter long Heavenly Curtain Beast instantly rushed out from the Spirit Realm space and opened its black hole-like mouth to swallow the Eastern Divine Dragon directly.

Although the Eastern divine Dragon's body size is thousands of meters long, but in front of the Heavenly Curtain Beast is like a small loach, without the slightest resistance it was swallowed in one bite.

After swallowing the Eastern divine Dragon, under the effect of the Tun Tun Fruit Phenomenon, not only did its cultivation skyrocket from Jindan Stage 1 to Jindan Stage 7, but its body also grew a thick layer of green dragon scales.

Hai Wu Ya looked at the Heavenly Curtain Beast whose form had changed greatly and nodded in satisfaction, "Sure enough, the Tun Tun Fruit is the most suitable for you."


The Heavenly Curtain Beast let out a petulant-like cry towards Hai Wu Ya, then opened its mouth and spat out a palm-sized orb that flew down to Hai Wu Ya's front.

"Is this the prop that the Eastern Divine Dragon exploded out?"

Hai Wu Ya took a closer look at the green orb, only to see that the translucent green orb was sealed with an Eastern Divine Dragon that had shrunk countless times.

After Hai Wu Ya used the scrying technique to probe the properties of this orb, the properties were displayed as follows

Dragon Soul Pearl: A treasure pearl sealed with the soul of the Eastern divine Dragon, a rare refining material.

"A refining material? It's not bad!"

Hai Wu Ya put away the Dragon Soul Pearl with a wave of his right hand, and then with a move of his mind he took the Heavenly Curtain Beast into the Spirit Realm.

Although Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level had already reached the eighth heaven of the YuanYing stage, and the magic power in his body had been transformed into more than 160 million points of energy, he still couldn't maintain the existence of the Heavenly Curtain Beast for a long time.

Just now, from the appearance of the Heavenly Curtain Beast to devouring the Eastern divine Dragon to complete its evolution, although less than three minutes have passed, but it consumed nearly 50 million points of energy in Hai Wu Ya's body, so it can be seen how much energy needs to be consumed to maintain its existence.

But the strength of the Heavenly Curtain Beast has also become stronger than before, it is now after the evolution of the outbreak of the full force of a blow, I am afraid that even the average numbered Douluo may not be able to withstand, after all, its power is too big.

In fact, the giant beast now has the ability to swallow the fruit, Hai Wu Ya can let it swallow a powerful soul beast to quickly improve their strength, but he did not dare to do so.

The first reason is that if the strength of the Heavenly Curtain Beast increases too quickly, then it will easily break away from Hai Wu Ya's control.

The second reason is that the faster its strength increases, the more energy Hai Wu Ya needs to use to summon it to battle, and it would be embarrassing if there wasn't enough energy.

For these two reasons, Hai Wu Ya will intentionally control the speed of the Heavenly Curtain Beast's strength increase.

After successfully finishing off the Eastern Divine Dragon, a super S-ranked dangerous species, Hai Wu Ya moved his body to use his space shuttle ability to rush back to the imperial capital.

In the next half a month, Hai Wu Ya's body stayed in the imperial capital to live a life of luxury nobility, while his shadow doppelganger was killing powerful dangerous species in major dangerous places.

Only when the shadow doppelganger runs out of energy or can't deal with the dangerous species, will he use the reverse psychic technique to summon Hai Wu Ya's body to fight in person.

But the peace was not long shattered when a homicidal maniac appeared in the imperial capital who liked to kill at night, Zanker.

Zanker was originally an executioner in the empire, but he got into the habit of killing people every day, and gradually he was no longer satisfied with just killing people in prison, so he stole the warden's empire tool and started to kill people in the streets.

Since Zanker loved to kill at night and did so irregularly, during this period of time whenever it was night, ordinary people did not dare to leave their homes except for the Imperial soldiers who were in charge of night patrols.

"At this time of the night and still dare to wander around in the street, it seems that it should be someone from the Night Attack organization."

Hai Wu Ya flew hundreds of meters high in the air, looking down on the imperial capital shrouded in darkness, and when he saw those few sneaky figures, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

Although Hai Wu Ya does not have much interest in the development of the anime plot? But since he ran into the people of Night Raid, Hai Wu Ya didn't mind playing with them.

However, it must be said that although the people of Night Raid are known as an assassination organization, but as an assassination organization their actions are somewhat less mature.

The reason why the members of Night Raid were scurrying around the streets at night was because they wanted to get rid of Zanker and bring peace back to the imperial capital.

However, if Hai Wu Ya is a member of the Night Raid, then he will definitely not take action against Zanke, because Zanke, a murderous maniac, killed people indiscriminately, then the ultimate headache is still the people on the side of the Empire.

And the night raid people are obviously the Empire's enemies, but they risked the Empire's discovery to deal with Zanke, this is not full of nothing to do?

Chapter 493: Beheading Zanker (subscription, ticket request)

In the anime storyline, if Akane had not arrived in time, then Tazmi would have been killed by Zanker.

It would have been ironic if the people of Night Raid had really tried to bring peace back to the imperial capital as soon as possible, only to have several members killed by Zanker.

A high building in the imperial capital, Zanker used the long-range vision of the emperor's tool to observe the movements of the members of the night attack, while showing a bloodthirsty smile and sneered: "Hahahaha besides me, a murderer, even the killers have appeared? This city is really dangerous! Then let me see whose head will be chopped off first, right?"

"Such passionate eyes, decided, let's start with you first!"

Zanker looked back and forth at the members of the Night Raid, and finally locked his target on Tazmi, who was the weakest.

Only what Zanker didn't know was that Nadjeta had let the strongest Red Hitomi form a squad with Tazmi two in order to prevent something from happening to Tazmi, the newest member.

On the other hand just finished putting water in an unoccupied corner of Tazmi, he suddenly felt an eager gaze staring at him, subconsciously hit a jolt.


When Tazmi turned his head to look at the moment, his pupils suddenly shrunk, only to see the original should have long died in the same village friends but suddenly appeared in front of their own.

After taking a look at Tazmi, Sayo, who was wearing a white tunic, turned around and disappeared around the corner without saying a word.

"Sayo, wait a minute!"

Tazmi saw Shayo's back leaving, his heart can not care to think more? As long as Saya is still alive, that is more important than anything else!

"Is this the effect of the emperor's five vision omnipotence? It's not a bad imperial tool, but unfortunately it's of no use to me, huh?"

Hai Wu Ya looked down at Tazmi from a height by Zanker's side, and shook his head with some regret.

Although the attack power of this emperor's tool is not strong, it has five powerful auxiliary abilities, with five different abilities of insight, far-sightedness, perspective, future-sightedness and illusionary-sightedness.

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