Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 457

Although the gods in the God Realm could not interfere with the matters on the Douluo Continent, when the Sea God gave Hai Wu Ya a test through the Sea Horse Sacred Pillar, he was able to have a simple conversation with Hai Wu Ya through the Sea Horse Sacred Pillar.

Hai Wu Ya couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he heard the voice suddenly ringing in his ears, but he quickly understood the identity of the person speaking and shook his head, "Lord Sea God's kindness is appreciated by Hai Wu Ya, but I want to coalesce my own divine throne!"

As long as Hai Wu Ya agreed to inherit the divine throne of the Sea God, then the Sea God would grant him the Sea God test which was more precious than the top test, but the Sea God did not expect Hai Wu Ya to reject his offer.

"Hahahaha, interesting little fellow, then I will wait for your arrival in the God Realm."

When Poseidon heard that Hai Wu Ya refused to inherit his divine throne, he didn't feel angry instead he appreciated him even more.

Because the sea god also relied on absolute power to conquer the sea creatures, then with the power of their faith to condense the sea god's divine throne, so the sea god appreciated Hai Wu Ya's behavior of becoming a god on his own.

Although inheriting other gods' thrones is a good way to become a god quickly, but this kind of inherited throne is difficult to match with oneself. Therefore, a god-ranked powerhouse who became a god by inheriting other gods' godheads would usually be weaker than those who gathered godheads through their own power.

Now that Hai Wu Ya has already learned the God-Buddha Golden Body, a technique to become a god by faith, he only needs to practice it by the book to be able to condense his own godhead, so he wouldn't be willing to inherit the godhead of the sea god!

After the sea god's proposal was rejected by Hai Wu Ya, the red light of the seahorse sacred pillar instantly transformed into a red mark of a seven-maned star imprinted on his forehead.

"Dingdong! System Task: Complete the top seven exams of the Sea God. Mission reward: 100,000 Origin Points."

After Hai Wu Ya had accepted the Top Seven Examinations, a system prompt sounded in his ears immediately afterwards.

"Hai Gongzi, I am honored to be your examiner, you can come to me with any problems you encounter during the next examination." After Seahorse Douluo recovered from his shock, he bowed towards Hai Wu Ya very respectfully.

Although the level of the Top Seven Exam was more than the Black Level Exam, the pass rate of the Top Seven Exam was 100%, and the last person who passed the Top Seven Exam was the current High Priest Poseidon!

As long as Hai Wu Ya passed the Top Seven Exam, then he would be the successor of the next High Priest and also the next person in charge of the Sea God Island, that's why Seahorse Douluo was suddenly so respectful to him.

"Little fellow, what is your name?"

The space around Hai Wu Ya slightly distorted, and a silhouette dressed in a red robe appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"See the High Priestess!"

Seeing the visitor, Seahorse Douluo hurriedly bent down and saluted respectfully.

Although Poseisi had been in seclusion for ten years, but her prestige had not decreased but increased in the hearts of the people of the Sea God Island, the title of the strongest extreme Douluo of the ocean was not just a joke.

Hai Wu Ya looked up at the visitor, only to see her dressed in a red robe, a hip-length sea-blue hair draped behind her, holding a three-meter-long golden scepter, which was also inlaid with a diamond-shaped golden gem.

Although Possesi's age is already several hundred years old, but her appearance looks only about thirty years old. She was not only attractive but also had an extraordinary temperament, even Bibidong's queenly temperament was inferior in front of her.

After Hai Wu Ya recovered from her surprise, she arched her hand towards Poseisi and said, "I, Hai Wu Ya, have met the High Priestess!"

"No need to be polite, since His Majesty the Sea God has granted you the top seven exams, then when you complete the test you will be the next High Priest." Poseisi looked at Hai Wu Ya for a moment and slowly said in a kind tone.

According to the rules of the Sea God Island, if the 3,500 sea fighters serving the Sea God are over seventy years old, then they can retire to take care of themselves.

But if the seven sacred pillars of the sea douluo and high priest want to retire, then there must first be a successor to do.

In fact, the Poches could have chosen to retire hundreds of years ago, but because no one has the qualifications to participate in the top seven exams, so the Poches can only remain as the high priest.

Now that Hai Wu Ya has the qualifications for the top seven exams, then just wait for him to inherit the next high priest position, Posesi will be able to smoothly resign from the high priest position.

"Eurasia, pass on my order. From now on Hai Wu Ya is the guest of honor of our Sea God Island, except not to help him complete the test task, other requirements you have to meet him as much as possible, he will temporarily live in your Seahorse City!" Poseisi turned his head to the Seahorse Douluo at the side and ordered.


Hearing this, Seahorse Douluo hurriedly answered with incomparable respect.

"Wuya, you as a land soul master is different from a sea soul master, so you need to complete at least one of the seven tests given to you by the sea gods each year before you can do so. When you complete the first test, the second test will naturally appear in your mind, and I am looking forward to the day when you pass all of them." Poseisi turned her head to look at Hai Wu Ya, those beautiful eyes as charming as autumn water were filled with kindness.

"I will live up to the High Priestess' expectations."

Hai Wu Ya smiled faintly with confidence when he heard Poseisi's words.

After Poseisi felt the confident aura on Hai Wu Ya's body, a light smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and a red aura flashed her figure instantly disappeared from Hai Wu Ya's sight of them.

"Hai Gongzi, please follow me!"

After Seahorse Douluo saw Poseisi leave, he then led Hai Wu Ya to his Seahorse City.

On the Sea God Island, there were seven cities corresponding to the Seven Sacred Pillars, and as the guardian of the Sea Horse Sacred Pillar, the city under his jurisdiction was the Sea Horse City, which was the closest to the Sea Horse Sacred Pillar.

Five hundred and sixty-six chapter sea god test (request subscription, request votes)

Seahorse City is only a very small city, covering an area of almost one-tenth of the size of Tian Dou City. However, there are only a thousand residents in Seahorse City, so not only do you not feel crowded when you walk in the city, but you feel that the streets are spacious.

Seahorse Douluo first introduced the affairs of Seahorse City to Hai Wu Ya, and then arranged for Hai Wu Ya to stay in his own city master's residence.

Because Seahorse Douluo needs to guard the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and his cultivation speed will increase a lot when he cultivates under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, so generally Seahorse Douluo will stay by the Seahorse Sacred Pillar to cultivate if he has nothing to do.

The next morning, after Hai Wu Ya ate a sumptuous seafood meal, he rushed to the forbidden land of Sea God Island.

Hai Wu Ya's first task was to go to the Forbidden Land of Sea God Island to cross the Light of Sea God, and he needed to climb one hundred and thirty-six steps before he could be considered to have completed the test.

Since Poseidon had already given orders to the Sea Horse Douluo, the other people on Poseidon Island naturally would not stop Hai Wu Ya, and he arrived at the Poseidon Island Forbidden Land without any obstacles.

The forbidden place of the Sea God Island was in the middle of the Sea God Island on the ring-shaped sea, and the distance between the forbidden place and the Sea Horse City was two hundred miles, but the distance of two hundred miles was just a thought for Hai Wu Ya!

When Hai Wu Ya arrived at the ring-shaped sea, he only saw a small island shrouded with a faint golden light in the center of the ring-shaped sea.

According to the introduction given to Hai Wu Ya by Seahorse Douluo earlier, this island emitting a faint golden light was the real Sea God's Island, which was also the place where the Sea God lived at the beginning.

At the top of the island there is a quadrangular building carved like white jade, that building is the sea god temple. There is a ladder paved by white jade stone above the Sea God's Highness, the ladder has a total of 1,001 steps, just like a white dragon winding down.

In the sea god island only through the purple level test or above the sea soul master can walk up these steps, but also must be in the kind of rituals held when they can enter the sea god hall to worship the sea god.

Usually if someone trespasses into the sea god hall, then it will be stopped by the light of the sea god, or even directly killed!

Since Hai Wu Ya was here to take the top seven exams, those soul beasts hidden in the ring-shaped sea did not attack him, allowing him to cross the ring-shaped sea to the bottom of the stairs very smoothly.

When Hai Wu Ya stepped onto the white jade ladder, he only felt a rebounding force coming from the top of the ladder, and his whole body had a feeling of being pushed outward, and the rebounding force would become bigger with each step up.

Neptune's light also has the effect of rebounding physical and energy attacks, so if you want to cross the white jade ladder you can only rely on your own physical strength and soul power to resist the rebounding force.

The bounce force from the fifth step of the ladder was enough to bounce a 30th level soul master.

However, Hai Wu Ya's body strength far exceeded that of strong people of the same level, so he felt some pressure only slightly when he walked all the way up the one hundredth step.

"One hundred and thirty steps are too unchallenging for me, so let's try our limits!"

The corners of Hai Wu Ya's mouth lifted slightly as he looked up at the nine hundred and one steps in front of him, the blood in his body emitted a roaring sound like a rushing river, and his feet stomped hard.


Hai Wu Ya is like a bow and arrow, leaving a series of residual shadows on the steps towards the direction of the Sea God Temple. However, when he rushed all the way to the nine hundred and fifty-nine steps, a terrifying rebound force violently erupted and directly shook him out.

"Not bad!"

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