Infinite copy of the world

Infinite copies of the ten thousand worlds Chapter 458

After Hai Wu Ya was shaken away by the Sea God's Light, he moved his somewhat sore body and nodded with satisfaction.

Although Hai Wu Ya was not able to rush up to the highest point in one breath, but he had this expectation in his heart long ago.

To know that the light of the sea god is set by the sea god himself, only the same god-level powerhouse can force a hard entry into the sea god hall. Even if a Seal Douluo level strong person wants to break into the Sea God Hall by virtue of physical strength and soul power, almost can only forcefully rush to more than nine hundred steps!

"Top seven exam first exam, crossing the light of the sea god. Has passed the soul power to enhance one level, with soul ring skills power to enhance five hundred years!"

Hai Wu Ya had just been shaken by the Sea God's light not long after, his ears rang a prompting tone without the slightest emotion, the next moment the red seven mangoes on his forehead suddenly burst out a dazzling red light.

Under the baptism of this red light, Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level soared, and in the blink of an eye, he was raised from the fourth heaven of the body stage to the fifth heaven of the body stage.

Hai Wu Ya felt the surge of cultivation in his body, his eyes couldn't help but flash a glint of excitement, participating in the Sea God test was really a way to quickly raise his cultivation.

As for the reward of five hundred years of soul ring skill enhancement, Hai Wu Ya did not feel much. After all, the seven soul rings on his body are all 100,000 years old soul rings, five hundred years of enhancement he really does not see.

After the first test was successfully completed, the task of the second test also appeared in Hai Wu Ya's mind, which was to let him successfully break through the ring-shaped sea around the Sea God Temple to reach the other side without killing any sea soul beast.

Moreover, because Hai Wu Ya had used the ability of spatial travel, the sea god had set a restriction of not allowing the use of spatial ability in the second test.

Previously, because Hai Wu Ya participated in the first test, the sea spirit beasts in the ring-shaped sea would not come out to attack him. But if he started the second test, then those sea soul beasts would take the initiative to attack him.

"Since it's soul power sent to my door, then I can laugh at it."

After Hai Wu Ya heard the request of the second test in his mind, his body turned into a lightning bolt leaving a trail of lightning on the surface of the ring-shaped sea, and his body instantly appeared on the opposite side of the ring-shaped sea.

"Holy shit!"

On the other side, far away in the divine realm, Poseidon subconsciously exploded after perceiving Hai Wu Ya's method of passing through the Ring-shaped Sea.

Although the sea god was already a god-level powerhouse, it was impossible for him to know all of Hai Wu Ya's methods, he could only perceive what was happening through the examination mark on Hai Wu Ya's forehead?

Since Hai Wu Ya had previously appeared under the steps of the Sea God's Hall using the ability of spatial shuttle, the Sea God had deliberately restricted Hai Wu Ya's spatial ability in the second test. He just wanted to see how Hai Wu Ya's true strength really was? However, he did not expect that Hai Wu Ya would still be able to transform into lightning.

However, even if Hai Wu Ya's means of passing the test was somewhat tricky, the sea god in the divine realm still shook his head helplessly and let him pass the second test.

"The second test of the top seven exams, breaking through the ring-shaped sea. Have passed the soul power to enhance one level, have soul ring skills power to enhance five hundred years!"

As the beep sounded, the examination mark on Hai Wu Ya's forehead erupted with a dazzling red aura, and the cultivation level in his body was instantly raised by one level again.

Chapter 567 - King of the Devil Soul Great White Shark (Request for subscription, request for tickets)

Although Hai Wu Ya's cultivation was continuously raised by two heavens within a short period of time, but since it was the sea god who used his divine power to help him raise his cultivation, there was no problem of his cultivation being raised too quickly with an unstable foundation.

"Kid, this god doesn't believe that he can't force you to use your full strength!"

The more Hai Wu Ya performed amazingly, the more the sea gods' interest in him increased. The God of the Sea in the divine realm had a teasing look on his face and issued the third level of the test content for Hai Wu Ya again.

The third level's test content was to let Hai Wu Ya support one incense stick under the King of the Devil Soul Great White Shark, which meant that Hai Wu Ya could no longer use tricky means to pass the level this time.

The King of the Great White Shark is the mount and pet of the Sea God, she is a real 100,000 year old sea soul beast. Not to mention that Hai Wu Ya is a land soul master, once he enters the bottom of the sea and fights with the King of the Devil Soul Great White Shark, it will be even more difficult than against a ninety-five ranked Douluo on land.


After hearing the content of the third level, a trace of playfulness flashed in the eyes of Hai Wu Ya, directly leaping up in mid-air with a beautiful parabola, setting off a small splash into the ring-shaped sea.

Just now, Hai Wu Ya has used the Seeing color hegemony to sense a powerful sea spirit beast's breath in the ring-shaped sea, so he will deliberately take the second level of coincidence. But I didn't expect the sea god's bad taste to be so full, after all, refused to let him pass easily.


Hai Wu Ya just jumped into the ring-shaped sea not long after, a body size of twenty-five meters of the Great White Shark of the Devil's Soul cut through the sea, like a discharged cannonball rushed towards him.

Previously, Hai Wu Ya learned from the mouth of the sea horse Douluo that there was a 200,000-meter-long devil soul great white shark king outside the Sea God Island, so obviously this great white shark was the devil soul great white shark king.

However, Hai Wu Ya did not feel the killing intent of this Devil Soul Great White Shark King, otherwise it would not have hit Hai Wu Ya with its body, but opened its mouth to tear Hai Wu Ya.

When Hai Wu Ya saw the Devil Soul Great White Shark King ramming over, the corners of his mouth raised a bad smile as he slowly raised his right hand to meet it.


In the disbelieving gaze of the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, Hai Wu Ya actually used only one hand to block its impact that was enough to shatter the deep sea canyon, she felt as if she had crashed into a huge mud puddle, all the impact force was absorbed as quickly as it was.

Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level has now reached the sixth heaven of the merging stage, the energy in his body is up to more than twenty billion points, and he has developed his energy absorption ability to the fourth level.

The upper limit of energy absorbed by the first level of energy is ten times the energy in Hai Wu Ya's body, while the upper limit of energy absorbed by the fourth level of energy is ten thousand times the energy in his body.

In other words, if the King of Devil Soul Jaws wanted to defeat Hai Wu Ya, unless it could burst out more than two trillion points of energy in one strike to force Hai Wu Ya to burst, or if it used an attack that Hai Wu Ya could not absorb at all, it could not even break Hai Wu Ya's defense.

"Go you!"

After Hai Wu Ya's right hand blocked the impact of the King of Demon Soul Great White Shark, he raised his left hand and flicked at its big head. The energy absorbed just now was like a flood of water rushing out, a finger flicked the King of the Great White Shark of the Demon Soul hundreds of meters away.

Although the energy ejected by Hai Wu Ya's finger was the same as the energy from the impact of the King of the Great White Shark, but when the energy was concentrated in one point, then the power generated far exceeded the impact of the King of the Great White Shark.


After the King of Devil Soul Great White Shark stabilized her body, she shook her head a little dizzy, and when she saw Hai Wu Ya's face full of teasing, she couldn't help but let out a hiss of annoyance, and rolled up a raging dark current and rushed towards Hai Wu Ya.

"What a naive fellow."

Hai Wu Ya took a look at the furious Demon Soul Great White Shark King, his eyes slightly opened a red aura flashed, silently laid a small illusion realm of a thousand meters in circumference.

"This kid's tactics are really ah! Little White White was actually tricked by him, it seems to want to test his real strength a little difficult ah!"

The sea god perceived the move of the king of the magic soul great white shark after entering the illusionary realm, constantly chasing his tail and turning around in place, with a speechless face, he covered his eyes with his hands.

Originally, a 100,000 year old soul beast like the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, it still had a chance to discover that it was in an illusionary realm if it could calm down. But when it fell into anger, then there was no chance to break free from the illusion released by Hai Wu Ya.

By the time an incense stick of time had passed, the King of the Devil Soul Great White Shark was still chasing its own tail, as if it had some deep hatred for its own tail.

"Top seven exams third exam, support one incense stick under the king of the devil soul great white shark. Have passed the soul power to enhance one level, have soul ring skills power to enhance five hundred years!"

As soon as the time of one incense stick arrived, Hai Wu Ya's ears rang with the prompting sound of the sea god, and the seal on his forehead erupted with a dazzling red aura as his cultivation level soared another level higher.

When Hai Wu Ya's cultivation level finished rising, the content of the fourth level assessment appeared in his mind. The content of the fourth level assessment was called the Battle of the Peak Shark and Whale, which required Hai Wu Ya to assist the Demon Soul Great White Shark group to kill the Evil Demon Killer Whale King in the Evil Demon Killer Whale group.

Originally, the sea god issued the content of the third examination to Hai Wu Ya just to see his real strength, but it was unexpected that Hai Wu Ya's strength was far beyond his expectation, and he was able to fool a 100,000 year old sea soul beast like the king of the Devil Soul Great White Shark without using his full strength.

That's why the sea god issued such a fourth level test content to Hai Wu Ya, his purpose was to let Hai Wu Ya help Xiao Bai get rid of the threat of the evil devil killer whale group.

The evil devil killer whale is a very ferocious soul beast among the sea soul beasts, plus they are swarming creatures, and their overall strength is more powerful than the devil soul great white shark group, even Xiao Bai's brother was also killed by them.

Although the God of the Sea is far away in the Divine Realm can not intervene in the matters on the Douluo Continent, but the King of the Devil Soul Great White Shark is after all his mount and pet, he can not watch the little white being bullied but do nothing, right?

Previously, the sea god was not able to send someone to deal with the evil devil killer whale group, but now with the sea Wu Ya, the assessor who sent to the door, the sea god can naturally use the method of issuing the sea god test to let him help Xiao Bai destroy the evil devil killer whale group.

According to reason, all sea creatures should be treated equally in the eyes of the sea gods. But the evil devil killer whales are not only murderous and do not respect the sea gods at all, so the sea gods naturally do not need to be merciful to them.

After listening to the content of the fourth level of the test, Hai Wu Ya, with a thought to release the illusion released earlier to remove.

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