Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 12 Chapter 12

"Report! The special search team has found a suspected worm nest with nine mud pupae in it, which are very similar in shape to dead worms. Please instruct whether to carry them out for evacuation."

At the same time as the call, the relevant images taken after entering the cave were also sent out.

The message was transmitted through the enhanced communicator, and the command center, which was always waiting for the message, breathed a sigh of relief and issued an order to bring back three mud pupae and destroy the rest on the spot.

The communication went smoothly, and the captain was relieved for a while, and directed the team members to prepare to pick the mud pupae.

At this moment, the captain raised his head as if he had realized something, and the people standing behind him also raised their heads and looked at the mud pupae hanging on the top and wall of the cave.

Someone couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Why do these mud pupae seem to be moving?"

He couldn't help rubbing his eyes, suspecting that it was an illusion caused by the dark light. But after rubbing, his eyes widened even more-these mud pupae were really moving, and the frequency of movement was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Several pieces of soil fell from the top of the cave, making a few snapping sounds, which made people feel uneasy.

There was no need to think of other guesses. The mud pupae illuminated by many flashlights made a crisp sound under the eyes of everyone, and obvious cracks appeared on the rough mud surface.

"It's the creatures inside the mud pupae that are coming out. Sure enough, these mud pupae are the eggs of death worms!"

The insect research experts who followed were not afraid at all, and their expressions became excited, forming a sharp contrast with the stern expressions of others.

The camera in his hand kept shooting, and the frequent flashlights were a bit dazzling.

"Emergency..." The captain just picked up the communicator and saw the signal indicator light on it flickering, and finally went out completely. He couldn't help but curse in a low voice, "Damn it."

Everyone who saw this scene tried to try the communicator they carried with them. Without exception, the members of the expert group also became serious.

"This communication machine was specially developed for the interference effect of the death worm. It has been tested many times. Now that the communication fails, I'm afraid something will happen."

"Bah, you don't know how to say something nice."

"Okay." The captain standing in the front frowned and ended the discussion of the expert group. He was like a stabilizing force in the team, and deployed in an orderly manner.

"Everyone stay calm and act according to the third set of emergency plans. The rear team members will lead the expert group to evacuate in an orderly manner. Once the signal is received, immediately request rescue. The rest of the people pick up weapons and prepare to attack!"


Qi Qi stretched out his hand and pulled from the side. A layer of soft protective clothing fell into his hands and spread it on his body. In less than ten seconds, everyone's clothes were covered with a layer of "raincoat".

This is the latest research result, which can protect people from the erosion of worm blood.

The hole that just came in behind has been widened and raised, and only one person can pass through each time. Several soldiers returned first, and the expert group walked in the middle, with soldiers protecting them in front and behind.

The captain led the remaining members to wait for the end and took the prepared weapons in his hands.

Cracks appeared one after another. Before half of the people got out of the car at the entrance of the cave, the first mud pupa cracked, and the death worm drilled out from the crack. Before the captain's bullet hit it, it turned around and went into the mud layer.

The hard soil layer was like soft plasticine in front of the death worm. When its head touched the soil, it was like turning the soil into mud. In a blink of an eye, it crawled into it, and the entrance of the cave was smoothed by its tail.


"Tell them to speed up the evacuation and pay attention to the surroundings. We will take the initiative to attack."

Once these worms attack, it will cause countless casualties. Since they are about to hatch, they cannot be let go.

The oxygen underground, especially in the cave, is not enough, and it is not convenient to use, but the cold weapons carried can attack before the worms run away.

The soldiers who received the order stood up, holding the long knife on their backs in their hands, and chopped directly at the mud pupa on the cave wall.

With a clang, the refined long knife hit the mud pupa with a violent sound, but the mud pupa was only cracked, which was not cut in half as expected.

The huge movement seemed to alarm the other mud pupae, and they trembled more violently. The captain quickly signaled everyone to start.

"Cut along these cracks."

The cracked gap was a good choice. The long knife was aimed and cut directly into the mud pupa, and purple-red blood flowed out along the gap.

The soldier who had just finished cutting showed a little joy, but he realized that there was something wrong with the long knife in his hand. The slight joy disappeared, and he pulled out the long knife with his hand. The original intact blade gradually melted under the purple-red blood.

"Everyone be careful, the corrosiveness of these worms' blood has increased again."

However, this reminder was not enough.

The blood flowing from the cut worms seemed to stimulate the ferocity of other worms. At the same time, several worms broke out of the mud pupa, and no longer burrowed into the soil to escape, but emerged from the mud pupa and jumped in the direction of the soldiers.

With a bang, a bullet shot out from the muzzle and sank into the worm's body. However, in the blink of an eye, it was devoured by the wriggling flesh and blood of the worm. It seemed that this bullet only slowed down the worm's attack.

"Hiss..." The worm, whose body was still in the air, suddenly let out a painful cry and fell straight from the air. The bullet that hit the worm's body released the medicine inside and broke it from the inside.

The captain who hit the worm did not relax at all. He kept his eyes on the trajectory of the worm's movement. After it fell into his attack range, he immediately found the angle that could avoid blood splattering as much as possible and chopped it down with a knife.

The worm, which was suffering in pain, launched the most powerful attack at the last moment of its life.

The yellow body was wriggling in pain, and the front and back ends were still raised as much as possible. Two mouthparts appeared at both ends of the body at the same time.

The mouthparts with dense teeth opened wide, and together with the roots of the teeth with blood vessels, most of the poisonous blood in the body was sprayed out.

In an instant, the purple-red mist enveloped the front and back ends of the worm.

The captain had no time to change his posture. The long knife fell, and the worm body that was cut off did not splatter blood, but the protective clothing bathed in the purple-red mist made an unpleasant tearing sound.

"After the worms evolve, they can spray poisonous mist. Even protective clothing is useless. You must avoid the mouth opener." The captain quickly retreated and took the time to remind his teammates, but he still let out a cry of pain.

The evolution speed of the worms exceeded their imagination. The protective clothing originally made to resist corrosive blood was obviously effective in the laboratory, but facing the evolved poisonous mist, it corroded into pits in more than ten seconds, and even had a surplus to erode flesh and blood.

The captain endured the pain and looked for opportunities to attack other worms, while commanding the rest of the teammates to retreat quickly: "Hurry up, pay attention to the shadows."

"You are injured, captain, you go first."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

The walls of the passage are equipped with bright lights, which illuminate the passage, but when walking inside, you still have to be careful whether there are worms sneaking out of the shadows created by walking in it.

After the captain confirmed that the support device in the tunnel was still there, after all the teammates walked out, he stood alone at the entrance of the tunnel and threw a special small grenade at the two mud pupae that had not yet completely cracked, and then turned and ran out.

Along with the rumbling sound, a lot of mud fell on the body in the tunnel, and the lights on the wall swayed. Two even fell to the ground, but fortunately they did not collapse.

Before one explosion stopped, another explosion sounded, mixed with extremely painful screams, which came from the subway tunnel outside.

"Oh no, there is a worm attack outside."

The worms that can move freely in the soil layer arrived at the tunnel one step earlier and took the opportunity to attack.

The few members who were still in the tunnel could not help but speed up again until the captain issued a warning: "Watch out for the top of your head!"

Unfortunately, it was too late.

In the deep underground tunnel, there were five evolved death worms coveting these prey, eager to swallow them into their stomachs.

Except for the newborn worms in this worm nest, which welcomed the prey that actively fed them, they only caught them underground.

But the other mud pupae hidden deep underground were awakened by this special thick fog. They struggled to turn out of the mud pupae, facing their parents who drove them away and the strong desire to devour flesh and blood.

They have mastered their innate talents since hatching, and quickly moved towards the location of the prey following the smell of flesh and blood wafting from the cracks in the soil.

Wen Zheng couldn't fall asleep all the time. He got up quietly in the breathing of his roommates, and then walked from the bed to the balcony of the room with the faint light of the mobile phone screen.

It was pitch black.

Looking up at the sky, I couldn't see the moon and stars, and fell into the deepest darkness. Only a few buildings nearby still had a little light.

Standing on the balcony for less than a few seconds, my face felt a little cooler. Wen Zheng thought of the fog before falling asleep and turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone.

The flashlight emitted light, and the white fog visible around the light was so thick that it didn't dissipate after so long.

Snap! Crash!

The cone standing upside down in the room fell to the ground with a snap, and all the warning mechanisms in the room that were set up every day immediately took effect, waking up everyone in the room with the crackling sound.

"What's wrong?"

"Did someone accidentally touch the mechanism?"

The next second, the alarm sounded throughout the base, and sleepiness immediately cleared from his mind. This was not an accident, but a real accident.

Wen Zheng immediately returned to his bed and told everyone what he had just discovered.

"The thick fog outside has not yet dissipated, and it is even thicker than before going to bed. This kind of weather will have a great impact on operations."

"What! Is there something strange about this fog?"

"So, I suggest that everyone should reduce contact with this kind of fog. I plan to wrap all parts of my body."

While speaking, Wen Zheng had already changed into long-sleeved and long-trousers clothes, wrapped his ankles tightly, put on gloves on his hands, and a hat on his head. In addition, he took a towel and wrapped his face and neck tightly, leaving only his eyes, looking for equipment that could serve as goggles.

Others witnessed this scene, hesitated again and again, and followed suit.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-13 23:37:10~2021-08-14 23:25:13~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: Lan Yi 11 bottles; Wuyou (Aotu), Gan Guo Gan Guo 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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