Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 11 Chapter 11

His performance was outstanding among ordinary people, but for police officers and soldiers with rich combat experience, it was just a trifle.

Wen Zheng had doubts in his heart, but he could see that Officer Ma really wanted him to participate, so he agreed happily in the end.

He asked his father to accompany his mother to and from get off work every day, to be careful on the road, and told his teammates to train more when he was away, and then Wen Zheng left.

If the worms in their area had not been solved and there would not be a second one in a short time, he would still be worried.

He came to the place Officer Ma said in advance, and when the bus arrived, it was almost full.

After getting on, he saw two completely different teams on the bus.

Even though they were all wearing ordinary clothes, the people in half of the car sat with their backs straight and rarely talked. Wen Zheng also saw a familiar face inside, a policeman from their police station.

The people in the other half of the car had different postures. Many of them sat together and talked in a low voice, but their expressions and eyes revealed a firmness beyond ordinary people.

After observing everyone, Wen Zheng found two familiar faces sitting inside.

On the day his family moved, in a supermarket that was accidentally attacked, a man and a woman took the initiative to attack the giant worm after a middle-aged man died.

These two people were also sitting in this car.

After the car started, Wen Zheng looked at the scenery outside and soon found their destination.

It was the reason for his family to move, which was the army military base not far from here.

The vehicle stopped, and the man in military uniform sitting at the front of the car got off the car. After checking his ID, he let the people in the car get off.

"Please put your luggage here, take out your ID, and follow me to the training ground after checking."

The first to get off were the plainclothes policemen sitting in the front. They lined up and handed in their IDs one by one, and the ordinary people in the back half of the car quickly followed suit.

Many people were curious when they entered the military base for the first time, but considering the current situation, they didn't dare to look around.

They walked smoothly to the training ground in the uniformed man's mouth. Everyone sat on the grass as instructed and listened attentively.

Soon after the speech began, there was an uproar below.

This was indeed not an ordinary exchange meeting, but a further combat personnel selection meeting. Those who came here had performed well in the battle with the giant worms and had the potential to continue to improve.

So, they were selected to come here, and they will undergo more rigorous training here. They will also face more dangerous tasks in the future and have the possibility of losing their lives at any time.

When talking about dangerous tasks, Wen Zheng used his enhanced vision to notice that the man speaking on the stage had a heavy look in his face.

In places that ordinary people don't know, there must be more severe battlefields, and even this batch of training is to prepare for future events.

"Those who don't want to participate or those who can't persist in the subsequent training can leave at any time. You are here just to participate in an experience exchange meeting."

Finally, the leaders above gave everyone time to think.

Wen Zheng chose to participate without any hesitation.

Only by participating in the country's actions can you get relevant news in advance. Judging from the current evolution of the giant worms, it is likely that they are not yet in their strongest state.

Everyone who can come here has a certain strength and their own pride. When they first came here, no one chose to give up.

So, they were taken to a room not far away to change into training clothes, and began brutal training on the first day.

The severity of this training is not as simple as the first patrol assessment. Even Wen Zheng, who has been strengthened, is a little tired after training at night, not to mention others.

On the second day, some people chose to leave. After three days, more than a dozen people left, leaving 42 people.

The first few days of rigorous physical training eliminated those who could not persist, and then the daily training content was adjusted.

The daily physical training volume is still blinding, but there are several new courses, including the use of some specially selected cold weapons and hot weapons.

The new course mobilized everyone's enthusiasm. Even if they were lying on the ground due to muscle soreness in the previous second, they could get up immediately in the next second.

A month later, the initial excitement disappeared, and the daily training tasks became extremely boring, but everyone still maintained that serious attitude.

Wen Zheng was one of the most outstanding people among these people, including the two people he noticed in the supermarket before, Guan Luping and Yang Yuan were both outstanding.

During the training, Wen Zheng communicated with his parents. Half a month after he left, there were traces of giant worm activities again. Now everyone has to be on tenterhooks every day.

That evening, after Wen Zheng finished communicating with his family, he noticed that the air was gradually filled with fog, and the sky soon darkened.

When he walked back to the dormitory, the other roommates looked at the thick fog outside the window and laughed.

"The weather has become more and more strange in recent years. I remember there was such a big fog in early summer this year."

"There are even more than one meter long man-eating worms. What's the weather."

"That time in summer, it seemed that the fog started early in the morning. It was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you."

"That's exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration. At least there are people who can't tell the difference between humans and animals within three meters. We didn't even dare to drive on the road that day. I asked for leave from the company directly."

"We have to get up early tomorrow to continue training. Why don't you go to bed quickly?" Wen Zheng's words made the room quiet immediately, and everyone's breathing became stable soon.

One of the benefits of coming here to train is that you don't have to worry about insomnia anymore. After a hard day, you can basically fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow.

Wen Zheng usually falls asleep very quickly, but today he can't fall asleep. He always feels a little uneasy, but he doesn't realize the reason.

Maybe the worm worm has evolved again, but he can't stop it.

The sky is dark, even the moon and stars are covered by thick fog, and the lights are dim.

The thick white fog, like smoke and clouds, floats down from the sky, slowly condenses into turbid water droplets after touching the leaves and flowers, dripping on the ground, and seeping into the soil together with the fog that falls directly on the ground.

In the quiet night, people all quietly fall asleep. Even those who used to work overtime late at night just want to stay at home where they can feel safe in the dangerous world now.

Only the special team of the execution team is still walking in the dark underground, day or night, looking for traces of death worms.

As early as the appearance of the giant worms, the subway tracks located underground had to be abandoned. After all, on the day of the worm activity, a subway was trapped in an underground tunnel that collapsed after being ravaged by the worms, and there was no time to wait for rescue.

The subway was abandoned and the subway entrance was closed, but it was one of the few safe passages leading to the underground, and it may even have become the nest of worms.

Through the use of worms, activity areas and detection instruments, after the worms have come out and escaped many times, the location of the worm's nest can be roughly inferred through data calculation.

But the underground is the territory of the worms, they have an absolute advantage, and they don't even need to fight much. Just collapse the mud layer to bury people completely underground.

So until today, after the research team discovered that the worms might be in an emergency state of reproduction, they sent a team to investigate underground directly in order not to cause panic among the people.

The area investigated by this team had just faced a battle three days ago and today.

Two dead worms of different sizes faced fierce attacks one after another and died on the ground. No worms will come to occupy this territory in a short time. The task of this team is to find the worm nests located underground and determine whether there are larvae growing.

The team with mechanical equipment relied on the lights they carried to travel in the subway tunnel. The instruments in their hands pointed to the direction of the destination, which was extremely close to the location of the subway tunnel.

After being destroyed by worms, the subway tunnel is no longer flat as it used to be. There are piles of soil and gravel everywhere, forming obstacles to progress on the ground.

The slightly better thing is that there are no underground creatures such as rats, which may be afraid of worms.

The team's forward speed is quite slow, and when it reaches the area close to the worm nest, the speed slows down again.

Experts with a rich understanding of geology, under the protection of the soldiers, carefully checked the collapsed areas.

Finally, in front of a mud layer, he said: "It's here."

"Quick!" The captain's eyes lit up and he directed everyone to step back and let the small excavator behind him dig up the closed collapsed soil layer.

The soil layer that had been drilled by the worms was quite soft. After digging more than one meter inside, a half-meter-high hole appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Found it! Fighters, pay attention, be on guard at the front, and the rest of the people step back."

Even if the two worms in this area have been eliminated, they cannot relax their vigilance.

The whole team was on full alert, and a beam of bright light entered along the hole. Deep in the short passage, there was a larger cave.

It is very likely their destination-the worm nest.

The half-meter-high passage was expanded and reinforced. It was already late at night, and the search team tried to enter the cave.

After seeing the situation in the cave, the first person was stunned in place. The team member behind him immediately asked worriedly, "Captain, what's going on inside?"

"There is no danger for the time being, you come in first." The captain gave up his position, and the light of the flashlight shone everywhere on the walls of the cave.

Everyone who entered the cave couldn't help but take a breath.

This cave is half the size of an ordinary classroom. Several mud and stone pillars evenly distributed ensure that the cave will not collapse, but this is not the reason for their panic. What makes them panic is the huge mud pupae located on the top of the cave and the surrounding walls.

The mud pupae are all cylindrical, only the front and back sections are slightly thinner, and the body size is only half the size of a normal dead worm. There are nearly ten in this cave.

"Are these all eggs, no, larvae?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Everyone's face was extremely ugly. The captain asked someone to carefully remove a mud pupae first, and at the same time took out the enhanced communicator to prepare to report the situation.

However, while they were unaware, moist mist slowly seeped from the surface through the cracks in the soil into the ground, and then into the mud pupae.

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