Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 10 Chapter 10

Hu Yuanxia's death will be reported to the superiors. He may not be the first to die from fake drugs, and he will definitely not be the last.

Before getting permission to release the special medicine, the police station needs to explain the cause of Hu Yuanxia's death to Hu's parents.

The old couple sat in the lounge, and the hot water in front of them was not drunk until it cooled down.

As soon as Officer Ma walked in, the confused parents of the Hu family immediately stood up and listened carefully to every word.

"You said it was because of fake drugs..." When speaking, Hu's father's hands couldn't stop shaking.

"What? Fake medicine?" The relative of the Hu family who was eavesdropping outside the lounge pushed the door open in a hurry, "How could it be fake medicine? Didn't Yuanxia see it with his own eyes and said it was exactly the same as the real medicine."

"After testing, the bottle of medicine used by Hu Yuanxia was not a special medicine distributed by the state, and it was also highly toxic. Hu Yuanxia died of poisoning."

Officer Ma had a stern face and faced these people seriously: "If you know how Hu Yuanxia bought fake medicine, please tell us."

"Ah? Okay, that... I know..."

"Of course you know, it was you who recommended this fake medicine seller to my Xiaoxia, and you ruined him."

"Brother, I was also deceived. It was not because Yuanxia said it was real that I bought it. This medicine is one thousand yuan a bottle, and I bought a bottle out of my own pocket and gave it to Yuan..."

"You still have the face to say!"

The crying, noise and obstruction were left behind, and Wen Zheng left the police station alone.

After returning home, Wen Zheng recalled the experience of fighting giant worms twice. He wrote a training guide based on the characteristics of worms and sent the document to each teammate, including the second and third teams.

"I have explored my own experience. You can take a look at it when you have time. Maybe it can be used."

"Thank you, Brother Wen, you are too modest."

"Will the training continue tonight? You have to guide us in person."

"Brother Wen, if you hadn't called out, we would probably be lying in the hospital. I don't thank you for your kindness. We will never say a word if you need help in the future."

"Are the test results out? What's the situation with Xiao Hu?"

"One of the bottles of medicine he used last night was a fake medicine. It is very similar to the special medicine, but it is very toxic."

"Damn it, those fake medicine dealers who should go to hell!"

While chatting with his teammates, Wen Zheng logged on to the Internet platform again, and the relevant public opinion had begun to ferment.

The growth and evolution cycles of these worms are extremely similar. At first, they appeared one after another within a few days. This time, they evolved into corrosive blood in almost the same time.

Even after discovering that the blood of these dead worms was corrosive, Officer Ma reported the situation immediately.

But the transmission of information takes time. The superiors reminded personnel in various places to pay attention to this as quickly as possible, but they still did not completely avoid casualties. The proliferation of fake drugs has exacerbated the casualties.

The community where Wen Zheng and his team live is relatively good. They are relatively remote, large, and have a small population. There is only one worm active in a community. In addition, Wen Zheng responded in time, and only one member died in the end.

Those urban areas with extremely high population density are very serious. In front of giant worms, the place where humans gather together every day as food is more like an extremely rich hunting area, which requires caution against the counterattack of prey.

The number of giant worms there is not comparable to that in suburban areas. Their territory is very small, and there may even be two worms active one street apart.

This time, the worms were in a large-scale riot, and a large number of police were dispatched to deal with the densely populated areas. However, the corrosive blood really caught people off guard, and even the police suffered a lot of casualties.

From last night to now, in less than a day, many people on the Internet have uploaded photos of the ground, objects, weapons, and even the injured.

There was a small building. Not only was the ground damaged by the giant worms drilling out, but a lot of corrosive blood was splashed on the load-bearing walls. Only by looking at the back wall can you deeply feel the intensity of the corrosion.

After a battle, the worms were not killed, but the building basically became a dangerous building. If you want to live in it again, the cost is almost the same as rebuilding a house.

There were also places where worms hit the gas stoves in the houses next door during the battle, causing a violent explosion on the spot.

The worms were half killed, and the streets around dozens of meters were covered with a layer of black skin. The casualties can be said to be the most serious this time.

After seeing the photos of inanimate objects such as houses, netizens who did not see them with their own eyes can still express a lot of feelings. When they saw the photos of injured people, they felt as if they were in pain.

The scene was too tragic.

Some timid people had nightmares the same day after watching it.

All the injured were sent to the hospital, and medical staff and researchers studied these injuries and treatment methods day and night.

But everything was not that easy. The corrosive blood in the worms can not only damage the flesh and even bones, but also hinder their healing.

Special drugs can stop bleeding, but they cannot remove the components that hinder healing. If an effective treatment cannot be found in time, it may be necessary to take the plan of amputating the injured part.

The backlog of pessimism broke out all at once, especially those who died and injured in the casualties, and their families and friends, all needed an accurate statement.

Before various rumors were spread enough, the official opened a live broadcast room in time, and the news release was immediately circulated throughout the entire network.

When the live broadcast room opened, there were hundreds of millions of viewers in just a few minutes.

After all, this is what everyone cares about.

Perhaps taking into account everyone's excitement, there was no nonsense in this live broadcast. First, we talked about the evolution of the giant worm and the subsequent countermeasures.

The national research team is working overtime to research targeted corrosion-resistant materials, focusing on corrosion-resistant protective clothing.

Then there is the issue of counterfeit drugs that caused huge casualties. After the number of deaths due to counterfeit drugs was announced, the Internet was in an uproar.

"I thought that these fake and shoddy products were useless at most and would not harm the body. I didn't expect that many of them were poisonous."

"Fortunately, I didn't dare to use it, otherwise I would be dead too."

"Those drug dealers are selling fake drugs, and the prices are extremely expensive. They are all just looking for money. I will report them right now."

"My mother also saw it privately with the patrol officers. They said it was just like the real thing. That's why my mother bought it. It's very valuable."

"You didn't read what was announced just now. There were several patrolmen who died after buying fake medicine and taking it themselves."

"Everyone knows that those medicines are probably fake, but if they were really available, who would buy those three-no products?"

"Yes, how long has it been since the country still sold drugs openly?"

"Don't just list the number of people who died from counterfeit drugs. What about the number of casualties who did not receive timely treatment?"

Everyone is expressing their own opinions, and the third thing in this live broadcast is to announce the method of making special drugs.

As soon as they heard that the main material was Hongwuzi, most viewers doubted their ears.

“Isn’t the red wuzi extremely poisonous!!!”

"So, some fake medicines actually have the right raw materials, but the processing methods are wrong."

"It's nothing, the handling method is wrong, but it is the difference between making an antidote and making a poison."

"I have gone downstairs to pick red sunflower seeds, and there is a large patch of them growing downstairs at my house."

"This kind of behavior upstairs is probably the reason why the country doesn't announce it. Red black seeds are highly poisonous. Don't mess with it if you don't know how to handle it."

"Come on, some people just do whatever they're not allowed to do. I guess there will be a lot of patients poisoned with red black seeds in the hospital in the next few days."

After answering the questions that the public is most concerned about, the live broadcast is over, and new challenges have just arrived.

Calls reporting counterfeit drugs came one after another, and the calls to all police stations basically never stopped.

After learning about the many cases of counterfeit drugs harming people, most people are extremely disgusted with counterfeit drugs.

Dealers who sell counterfeit medicines don't even have a chance to escape. Being reported by neighbors and even former customers is a basic operation. Some who try to run away are caught by neighbors and taken to the police station.

The police department is extremely busy, and the tasks of protecting the people and fighting the death worms are basically left to the army.

There are fewer people going out, and those who are still going to work always feel a sense of trance when they see the soldiers walking on the roadside.

The main raw material of special medicines is the information released. No matter how toxic the seeds are publicized, there are still people picking them.

Government officials at the grassroots level are afraid that someone may be accidentally poisoned and instead waste medical resources. They use various methods to carry out publicity and warnings and are busy every day.

In addition to the previous patrol tasks, patrol members also need to assist and act with any of the above three parties.

It took almost half a month for the order to stabilize slightly.

There is still no effective solution for the treatment of corrosive wounds. In the end, those body parts can only be abandoned. Now the injured have begun to enter the next step of treatment and rehabilitation.

Funerals were held for those who died in the battle.

At Hu Yuanya's funeral, all the patrol members in the community went. Wen Zheng stood in the crowd and felt heavy when he saw the newly grown white hair of the Hu family's parents and their faces that looked like those of teenagers.

He cannot protect everyone, he just hopes to give more people a chance to survive on the basis of taking good care of his family.

"Xiao Wen, I heard that you wrote a set of training methods for dealing with worms." On the way out, Officer Ma's voice brought Wen Zheng out of his thoughts.

"These are all wild ways I figured out." Wen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Not bad." Officer Ma patted him on the shoulder with praise, "Everyone can see your performance during this period, especially your outstanding performance in the last battle."

"Send me a copy of your training method and prepare some more. Come with me to the pest control exchange meeting in a few days."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-08-09 23:51:45~2021-08-11 23:32:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 1 vest team;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Xiaxiaya; 5 bottles of dried fruits;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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