Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 9 Chapter 9

Although there are several meanings for "passed away", judging from the tone of the captain of the second team, it is likely that Hu Yuanxia passed away before he received treatment.

Wen Zheng and Officer Ma understood, but they couldn't believe it, especially Wen Zheng, who saw Hu Yuanxia's injuries clearly. When he went to the hospital, the wound had successfully stopped bleeding.

"Is Hu Yuanxia seriously injured?" Officer Ma asked with a serious face.

"...It is serious, but it should not be life-threatening." The captain of the second team answered on the other end of the phone.

Wen Zheng walked silently to the place where Hu Yuanxia was injured just now. After listening to the battle process, the police who had just arrived surrounded the area to collect samples. One of the police picked up two porcelain bottles from the ground with gloves and put them in the evidence bag.

"Can I smell these two bottles?" Wen Zheng looked at Officer Ma who followed him.

The sampling police stopped and put the two opened bottles in front of Wen Zheng after seeing Officer Ma nod in agreement.

The stench of the dead worm's blood still lingered in the air. The powder in the bottle was basically sprinkled on Hu Yuanxia's arm. There was basically nothing left in the bottle. It was barely possible to distinguish that the smells of the two bottles were very similar.

"What did you smell?" After asking the police to pack the bottles, Officer Ma took Wen Zheng to the side.

"It's just a guess. Each time, only one bottle of medicine is distributed to patrol members, but Hu Yuanxia just took out two bottles and used them all on the wound. I don't think it's right."

Officer Ma was stunned: "Maybe it was given to him by other patrol members. I asked you to notify me last time. Who dares to use drugs of unknown origin indiscriminately."

"Who would easily give others drugs used to save lives at critical moments." Wen Zheng sighed lightly, "Anyway, let the identification personnel of the police station check the two bottles of medicine."

Back home, Wen Zheng comforted his parents who had been waiting all night to rest early. It was already dawn.

Before he could get sleepy, bursts of crying and shouting penetrated the early morning sky and were captured by Wen Zheng's enhanced hearing.

Walking to the window, Wen Zheng, with his improved vision, could see Hu Yuanxia's parents in the distance, supported by several relatives and friends, crying along the way.

The sun hadn't come out yet, and the sky was gloomy, just as people's moods were increasingly lacking the sunshine.

In the early morning, Wen Zheng was afraid that Shi Yi and Wen Huahui would be too worried and unable to sleep, so he didn't tell them the news of Hu Yuanxia's death. But when Wen Zheng sent Shi Yi to work, he couldn't help but hear other people's discussions.

"Another bug ran out last night, did you know?"

"Yes, the alarm set in my room went off and collapsed to the ground, scaring my husband and me to stay awake all night. Later, I saw the news in the community group and realized that the bug was still far away from my home."

"How could there be movement from your home so far away?" The puzzled person asked casually, and then turned the topic back.

"I heard that this insect can spray venom, and the venom is very powerful, just like sulfuric acid. The patrol team's Xiao Hu, the clean-skinned one, had both arms corroded to the bone, and he died in the early morning."

The two aunts lowered their voices at first, but as they spoke, their voices became louder and louder.

When the news of Hu Yuanxia's death came up, Wen Zheng felt a sudden pain in his arm. Shi Yi's hand was tightly holding his arm, with worry and fear in his eyes.

At this time, Wen Zheng didn't care about being modest or not, and hurriedly comforted: "Mom, I'm fine, your son is very powerful."

Wen Zheng smiled at his mother ingratiatingly, and in another path blocked by trees, the voice of an aunt suddenly rose again.

"Is it really a special medicine?"

"Hey, lower your voice."

When they heard that they were discussing the channels for fake drugs again, they noticed that the patrolman Wen Zheng was approaching, and they immediately stopped talking and turned to avoid Wen Zheng's direction.

The patrol officers who were checking for fake drugs avoided them very quickly, and Wen Zheng had no choice but to do nothing about it.

Walking from his home to the underground garage of the community, people along the way were discussing the same topic. Hu Yuanxia's death had spread throughout the community in just a few hours.

Approaching the underground garage of the community, a couple led two children, each wearing beautiful clothes and walking in the middle, with their favorite dolls on their chests and backs, coming from the other direction.

"Brother, we are going out to play!"

"Mom, I want to go to the zoo to see giraffes."

The children jumped and jumped even when they walked. They had been stuck in the house for a long time and could not go out. They finally got the opportunity to go out and play. The two children were particularly happy.

Such simple happiness is the easiest to spread to others. Wen Zheng found that he and Shi Yi both smiled quietly.

After sending Shi Yi to the company gate, Wen Zheng looked around and listened to all directions. He drove the car back smoothly. On the way, he passed the police station responsible for their area and wanted to ask about the results of the inspection. He could hear crying inside before he went in.

Hu's parents were both in the police station. It had only been a few days since Wen Zheng last saw them, and the faces of the two old people seemed to have aged several years.

Crying in the police station was not advisable, especially since their son chose the position of patrolman, he had to be mentally prepared to lose his life.

The police respected their son's sacrifice after fighting the worms, and sent someone to gently persuade him without any tough attitude, hoping to give them time to find out the cause of Hu Yuanxia's death.

The two old people knew this, but when they thought of their son who was alive and well yesterday, lying there and unable to get up today, and even looking at the content posted by people in the community group, both arms were destroyed, and there was not even a complete body.

How could they not feel heartbroken.

Just thinking about this, tears could not be controlled.

When Wen Zheng walked in from the gate, he was caught by the old couple before he walked to the police, and a figure immediately rushed in front of him.

"Wen Zheng, aren't you very powerful? Why didn't you save my family's Yuan Xia? You are his captain, why didn't you protect him well? Do you resent him for not giving you face?" The old hands used all their strength, and Mother Hu grabbed Wen Zheng's arms tightly, staring at him fiercely, "Did you do it on purpose!"

"Auntie Hu, let go quickly, this has nothing to do with Captain Wen."

Father Hu stared at this scene blankly, without any reaction, and the police hurried to pull Mother Hu away.

With a little cleverness of the body and the help of the police, Mother Hu's hands were quickly freed.

After putting the man on the chair, the police patiently explained: "You have all watched the video of last night. Captain Wen did nothing wrong, not to mention that it was intentional."

In fact, if Wen Zheng hadn't felt something was wrong and reminded him loudly, Hu Yuanxia would not be the only one injured.

"Why didn't you save him, save him..." Hu's mother didn't pay attention to anyone anymore, just leaned back on the chair with her face up, muttering to herself.

Hu's father was the same, his eyes were unfocused, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, the police asked someone to help Hu's parents to rest in the next room.

As soon as the door was closed, several relatives and neighbors who came with Hu's parents surrounded the police and began to ask what compensation Hu Yuanxia would give to Hu's parents after his death.

After hearing what they meant, the police didn't have such a good attitude towards them. They asked them to sit on the chair and wait, and asked Wen Zheng to find Officer Ma by himself.

When Wen Zheng arrived, the results of the test were already out, and Officer Ma's expression was very complicated.

"Your guess is correct. One of the bottles contains fake medicine, and it is highly toxic."

"Is the fake one made of red mulberry?"

Officer Ma looked up in surprise: "Really? How did you know?"

"I have a good sense of smell." Wen Zheng answered casually, thinking back to the two bottles of medicine. After a two-second pause, he confirmed word by word, "Is the real one also made of red mulberry?"

Seeing that Wen Zheng's expression was serious, not like he was joking at all, and even his tone of voice was very firm, Officer Ma couldn't sit still at all.

How come this kid knows everything? His brain is so useful. Should he deny it or pretend not to know now?

Without any answer, just looking at Officer Hu's performance, Wen Zheng got the answer.

Sure enough, the similar smell is not accidental. The country has been slow to disclose the specific situation of the special medicine, which is obviously related to this.

The brain connects all the clues together, and Wen Zheng can basically guess the general situation. Officer Ma saw that he couldn't hide it, and out of trust in Wen Zheng, he told the situation that he had just learned not long ago.

Red mulberry is highly toxic, but it can neutralize the components secreted by worms that cause the wounded to bleed profusely. However, the toxicity of red mulberry is not affected. Moreover, because it is used on the wound, the toxic components will enter the body faster.

After many attempts, the research team coincidentally discovered that most of the toxicity can be offset by special treatment methods.

Before further research results came out, the death worms broke out, and special drugs were hastily produced.

That kind of special treatment method is time-consuming and material-consuming, and it takes a lot of time. It is impossible to mass-produce drugs. The only way is to meet the needs of combatants facing danger as much as possible.

There has been no progress in more effective detoxification methods, but if the specific situation is announced, what should people do if they pick red mulberry and use it indiscriminately.

At the beginning, the giant worms were still within the controllable range. All kinds of preparations were made for the giant worms. It was estimated that the damage caused by the worms might be less than the poisoning of red mulberry.

In some ways, these concerns are not wrong.

Unfortunately, after someone found that red mulberry was similar to special medicine, they used red mulberry to make fake drugs that were similar enough to make a profit, wasting their talent in vain.

These untreated fake drugs do not need worms to do anything once people use them.

Hu Yuanxia is a victim.

"Some people have died from fake drugs, and worms in many areas have evolved to store corrosive liquids. The casualties will be more serious in the future, and people's desire for special drugs may be raised to a new level."

"It seems that chaos is about to break out again..."

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