Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 130 Chapter 130

"It's really powered on. I wonder how much electricity can be generated by drying it for a day." The old people ran into the house to check. The air conditioner and refrigerator were running normally, and the lights in the house could also be turned on to supply electricity. However, facing this new gadget, it's okay to watch the fun, but few people are willing to try it themselves.

Finally, after watching the rare things in the village, seeing that the sun was rising high, the old people said hello to Wen Zheng and prepared to go home. Before leaving, they asked Wen Zheng to try the solar generator carefully to see if it was useful. They prepared a lot of things in their stomachs and planned to go back and talk about them to the old friends who didn't come.

For two consecutive days, villagers ran to Wen Zheng's house to see the novelty, and then the power outage came.

It's really hard to have a power outage in the summer. Most people in the village didn't sleep well that night.

The power outage notice allowed them to make some preparations in advance. Most of them set up a cool bed on the balcony or in the yard, and set up a mosquito net to prevent mosquitoes that were as poisonous as the sun in the summer. They only wore close-fitting clothes and kept shaking the fan in their hands. There was also a basin of well water next to them. When they couldn't stand the heat, they took a towel, soaked it in water, wrung it out, and wiped their bodies a few more times.

Finally, sleepiness came over them, and the hand shaking the fan slowly fell on the bed, until they were awakened by the heat in their sleep, and found that their head was full of sweat. They looked at the time on their mobile phones and realized that they had only slept for dozens of minutes. They fell asleep and woke up again by the heat. They could only sleep peacefully for two or three hours in the middle of the night, and the quality of sleep was not very good.

The grandchildren who stayed with them completely forgot about themselves in order to let the children sleep well, and fanned the children with a palm-leaf fan in their hands. In this way, they couldn't fall asleep if the children didn't sleep peacefully, resulting in even less sleep time.

The next morning, when talking about the power outage, the villagers were full of envy for Wen Zheng's family who had electricity, but no matter how envious they were, no old man agreed to buy a generator. They said that they, the old guys, usually don't sleep much, and it doesn't matter if they sleep a few hours less occasionally, as long as the children don't suffer too much, and they didn't care about their physical condition.

They didn't expect that that night, Tuantuan took the initiative to bring his group of younger brothers to visit every household, and explained his purpose in the villagers' puzzled eyes: "If there is another power outage in two days, let them all sleep in my yard at night. My father bought four super large electric fans. But my cool bed is not enough, and you will need to move a folding bed over when the time comes."

Children who are too young or too old are taken to the parents who work away from home to take care of them. There are more than 20 left-behind children in the village. In Wen Zheng's yard, if they are arranged reasonably, they can really fit them. Electricity and space are limited, Wen Zheng did think about whether to take care of the elderly or the children. In the end, he made the decision because he knew that even if he chose those elderly people, the elderly people would only give up to the children.

It took a long time for the elderly to react after hearing the news, but the children were so excited that when the power went out again, they had dinner and washed up at home, and then parents drove tricycles to Wen Zheng's home with people and folding beds.

Beds were laid flat in the yard, separated by boys and girls, and opaque cotton cloth was used to separate them in the middle. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were responsible for taking care of the boys on the outside, while the inside was taken care of by a capable Aunt Li in the village.

These children obeyed Tuantuan's words and slept quietly when they were told to sleep. The four large electric fans on both sides were whirring, and the mosquito repellent plants were not pungent when burning, and they also had a little sleep-inducing effect. These children all slept well, and the elderly who only had to take care of themselves could sleep a little longer.

There were several power outages at night this summer, and the children were basically placed at Wen Zheng's house. The adults endured it at first, but later the village chief proposed to buy a small electric fan that could be charged in advance. The cost was not high, and many villagers were willing to pay for it this time.

After spending the hottest months with difficulty, the temperature began to decline at the end of August.

In the overseas countries where wildfires had occurred before, nearly half of the territory was burned to ashes. Many local residents were forced to move to safe places and waited until heavy rains fell to gradually put out the fire. The final losses have become incalculable.

The situation in many places in China is also not good. The long-term high temperature and almost no rain have made the areas with water shortages face the coming of drought, and many crops planted in the fields have shown symptoms of water shortage. Many governments are considering artificial rainfall, but they just need to wait for the air conditions suitable for artificial rainfall.

The situation in Dongxi Village is not bad. The stream flowing down from the mountain has only become smaller, and there is no trend of drying up. The deep wells in the houses can produce water normally. However, the water level of many small ponds in the village has dropped a lot.

In the small pond in front of Wen Zheng's house, there are still many lotus flowers and water chestnuts in full bloom. The lotus pods have gradually matured since August, and the ones near the periphery have basically been picked by the children in the village. The time for harvesting water chestnuts will be a little later, and there are many that can be harvested now. The water level in the pond has dropped to the level of an adult's calf, and there is thick black river mud under the water.

The pond at the entrance was not very big, so Wen Zheng called three people from the village to come over and start harvesting from the four corners. In fact, in their village, the adults are good at swimming, and they have all practiced since childhood. However, with the changes of the times, the safety of children has become the most important. Now children in the village are not allowed to go into the water, and there are not many children who can swim.

Tuan Tuan was not allowed to go into the water because of his identity as a child, so he called all his younger brothers over. They could only stay on the shore and help peel the harvested lotus pods and water chestnuts, and transport them to the water pressure well in the yard to wash them.

Strong sunlight will still have an impact on the plants. After two days of busy work, the harvest is much less than in previous years, but the taste is still good. When the lotus seeds are fully mature, they are not as juicy as fresh ones when eaten raw, but they are easier to preserve. After removing the lotus core, they are quite good for making porridge.

Not long after the group of children finished helping, they were called over to help go to Lianxin again. However, Wen Zheng's family started to use air conditioning, turn on the TV, and provide fruits and snacks. The children were obedient to Tuantuan, and they were even more happy to face such treatment.

Since the power outage, Wen Zheng took the children home to take care of them. The reputation of the father and son in the village has risen significantly. As long as the children are in Wen Zheng's house, no one in the village is unhappy.

While the children were resting, Wen Zheng cooked the water chestnuts in the kitchen. The shell of the water chestnuts is hard, but it will become soft after cooking. It can be peeled with hands or teeth, just like eating melon seeds, peeling the shell to reveal the kernel inside. People in the village usually eat it directly like this, with a little chewiness, and it tastes light and fragrant. Wait until the evening to make another pot of water chestnut cakes, which taste crispy, soft, sweet, and glutinous without stickiness.

A lot of the harvested food was consumed within a few days. Wen Zheng dried the remaining food and drove out to buy some more food. In fact, he put all the food he bought and stored at home into the space ring.

Because Wen Zheng took the food out to sell, the villagers asked about the purchase price when he came back. Hearing that the price was a little higher than in previous years, they planned to ask Wen Zheng to help drive it out to sell.

"The temperature is high this year, and many places have reduced production. I estimate that the price may rise. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait." Wen Zheng analyzed for the villagers. The prices of lotus seeds and water chestnuts are not low, and they are not particularly filling. Wen Zheng still hopes that the villagers can sell them at a good price, and then persuade them to store more food.

After listening to Wen Zheng's words, the villagers began to inquire about the changes in the purchase price from time to time. It is true that after rising day by day, they temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​selling, and then they were attracted by other things.

Normally, the school starts in September, but due to the high temperature, it was delayed for half a month. The children in the village were happy not to go to school and continued to spend more than a week of vacation, catching up with the fishing operation in the village before school started.

The village committee found that the water in the pond where the fire was put out was about to dry up, and there were still many fish fry put in by the village. They were all quite big. If they were not caught in time, they would probably die in the water after the water was really dried up.

Fishing is the busiest time of the year in the village. The pumps purchased by the village committee are often used in this situation. Men, women, and children in the village will participate. In addition to people, cats in the village are also attracted.

First, cast the net, and wait for the water level to drop after a while. The strong villagers will wear thick rubber boots to go into the water to catch fish. Because the fish fry are funded by the village, the fish caught will be distributed according to the number of people in each family.

This year, there is no need for pumps, but the scene is still as lively as before. The temperature near the pond will be lower. Adult men work in the water, and children watch the excitement on the shore. Some people pick up fresh river clams by the water with baskets, not for their own consumption, but to take home as a snack for the chickens raised at home.

Most of the fish raised in the pond are crucian carp and grass carp. After being fished out, the ones larger than the palm are weighed together, and then transported to each household, and the smaller ones are thrown into the rest of the fish ponds. After the fish are distributed and taken home, they are usually kept in buckets and large basins. Some will be transported to the town for sale. The price of scattered sale will be higher, but they cannot be kept for a long time in summer. The final place to sell is still the purchase point with low purchase price but large purchase.

In addition to those planned to be sold, there will be a few fish on the table of each family that day. Wen Zheng's family not only stewed fish soup and fried small fish, but also cleaned up the small half bucket of snails they picked up and fried a pot of spicy snails.

The father and son ate the whole pot clean. After they were full, they fished out a watermelon from the well and ate half of it each. They looked out the window at the bright stars in the sky. It was originally such a quiet night, but Wen Zheng still brought up a topic that affected his mood.

"Tuantuan, there are only two days left after the school was postponed for half a month. Let's discuss the reason for your application for leave of absence?"

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