Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 131 Chapter 131

Inside the room, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan looked at each other with worries on their faces.

It is easy to find a reason to take a leave of absence, but it is difficult to find a suitable reason. With Tuantuan's grades in the high school entrance examination, as long as Tuantuan stays in the village after applying for a leave of absence, many people will come to ask what is going on. So even if he applies for a leave of absence on the grounds of illness, he must find an illness that the villagers can accept.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan made a plan. The children in the village could not call Tuantuan out during the day. As for Wen Zheng, he would look sad when he appeared in the village. When someone asked about it, he would smile and change the subject.

After the atmosphere was almost created, Wen Zheng took Tuantuan away from home. He was out for five days, which caused the villagers to speculate.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan drove out of the village and went to two hospitals one after another. They secretly did something to hide the doctor's examination and obtained the certificate. In his spare time, he went to various markets to buy the necessary supplies. On the first day of school, Wen Zheng brought Tuantuan, who was wearing sunglasses, to the school with the freshly-made certificate.

After confirming that the certificate was genuine, and after Wen Zheng, a parent, studied it, the school principal approved Tuantuan's admission procedures with regret, and then helped him to apply for a one-year leave of absence. He also explained to Wen Zheng that the student's learning progress might not keep up after the leave of absence. When Tuantuan returned to school, he would not only have to start from the first year of high school with the next class, but also could not enter the gifted class.

"I understand. I will urge my child to study during the leave of absence." Wen Zheng hurriedly expressed his understanding. As long as Tuantuan's leave of absence could be approved in the recent year, it would be difficult to carry out normal teaching in the second year according to the previous disaster world.

Just when he was about to call Wen Zheng in the village to ask what difficulties he had encountered, and even thought about how much he could borrow, he saw the car of Wen Zheng's family driving in from the entrance of the village.

Not long after entering the village, the village stopped the car. Wen Zheng looked less sad after getting off the car, but he saw Tuan Tuan sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes covered. His heart was lifted at that time, and he asked hurriedly: "What's wrong with your Xiao Ling's eyes?" No wonder I didn't see this child go out often some time ago. Why didn't I ask Wen Zheng more at that time.

"It's nothing serious. Xiao Ling said that his eyes were uncomfortable a few days ago, so I took him to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that he had dry eyes. He couldn't overuse his eyes and couldn't be stimulated by strong winds and strong light. He needed time to recover."

"Is it really dry eyes? Did the doctor say when it will be cured? School is about to start. How can the child study!" Hearing that he was not blind, the surrounding villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

"This child's eyes feel uncomfortable after reading for a few minutes. I took him to the hospital for a checkup and then went to the school to apply for a leave of absence. He will go back after his eyes are fully healed, so as to avoid further trouble."

"Stop school?" The villagers exclaimed. It sounded like a minor eye problem, but Wen Zheng said it was serious enough to need a leave of absence.

Probably still worried about the child's problem, Wen Zheng proposed to go back first after talking about Wen Ling's examination. The villagers immediately made way for him and waited for the car to drive away before discussing it.

For them, the need to apply for a leave of absence must be quite serious. In addition, Tuantuan's blindfolded look just now made the villagers suspect that Tuantuan's eyesight was affected and he might become blind in the future.

The rumors were getting more and more outrageous. Later, the village chief and the village secretary went to Wen Zheng's house. They studied the test form and the mobile phone for a long time with their eyes. They also found a weird news and found the contact number of an ophthalmologist to ask. They learned that Tuantuan's condition might take a little longer as long as he was carefully cared for, but he could recover to normal. The village chief and his friends were relieved and told Wen Zheng to take good care of the child. If there were any difficulties, the village committee would help solve them.

The village committee helped to explain the increasingly outrageous rumors in the village. The villagers believed it a little, but every time they talked about Wen Zheng's family, the topic changed again. Now every time they opened their mouths, they would say: "Alas, Wen Zheng and Xiao Ling, the father and son, have a miserable life..." In the future, they would help more.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were happy because they thought they had solved the problem of going to school. Even if Tuantuan was blindfolded, it would not affect his actions. His ability to distinguish the location by sound was almost the same as that of the heroes described in martial arts novels. When the younger brothers came back from school after a week of study, they performed for them and immediately received many admiring and envious eyes.

"Don't think it's so easy for me to apply for a leave of absence. This is because I used to study well. Now I stay at home and listen to the video of the class every day to study in my mind. If you don't study well, don't learn from me." Tuantuan taught a few words in advance. It would be bad if these children pretended to be sick or even hurt their eyes in order to avoid going to school.

The temperature in September was similar to that in August of previous years. It was not until the end of September, half a month after the students started school, that the weather forecast finally showed an icon representing heavy rain. The areas where rain was forecast began to cheer excitedly, and related topics occupied nearly half of the popularity list. The areas where no rain was forecast were envious and jealous, and had never been so excited about the rain.

In Dongxi Village, water is not scarce. Even so, the villagers are still happy about the upcoming rain. They even saw that the weather forecast said it was a heavy rain, and they blocked the ponds dug to supply water to the rice fields in advance to prevent the fields from being flooded by too much rain.

When the day of the rain forecast came, those who knew how to use their mobile phones watched the time of the rain gradually postponed. The old people who didn't know how to use their mobile phones but made a living by farming for most of their lives would look at the sky, looked at the clouds in the sky and said to the anxious villagers: "It's going to rain soon, but it won't last long."

The sun was still radiating heat, and there was no sign of rain in the sky without any dark clouds, so when the raindrops fell on the eaves, making a dripping sound, the people in the house knew it was raining.

This was a sun shower, and the rain fell from the sky with crackling sounds. In the summer of previous years, the people in Dongxi Village hated rain the most. If it rained heavily for several consecutive days, it meant that the crops might suffer. But this year, everyone ran out of the house and enjoyed the cool feeling brought by the raindrops falling on their bodies.

This rain, which was not a rainstorm but was heavy rain, lasted for nearly half an hour. The sunshower came quickly and went away even faster. The sun never disappeared above my head. If it weren't for the rain on the ground and on my body, I would doubt whether it had rained.

The falling rain replenished the ponds and fields. By the evening, the water marks on the ground had disappeared under the sunlight. However, the land absorbed a lot of rain that had not been seen for a long time and supplied the water to the growing plants.

Although the rainfall in many rainy areas was not as heavy as predicted, it was a good start. The areas that did not receive natural rainfall received artificial rainfall arranged by the government. The precipitation was very small, which was better than nothing.

The situation on the Internet is gradually improving. Many people are beginning to comfort themselves that this weird summer is finally coming to an end. There are even experts appearing on TV and the Internet, talking about the reasons for this summer anomaly. In the end, there are many reasons, including natural factors of celestial movement and factors of human activities. In the end, everyone is called on to protect the environment. In fact, there is not much useful content.

After watching the relevant interview videos, Wen Zheng felt that it was more like an arrangement made by the country to avoid panic. The crisis has gradually emerged, and the country should start preparing.

By October, the late rice planted in the village was harvested, and the temperature in the morning and evening became bearable. Many villagers were reluctant to spend money on electricity during the summer period, which they thought was unnecessary. Many people chose to harvest manually in the morning and evening.

The drought-resistant crops planted by Wen Zheng were not yet harvested, but he was not idle. He drove to help the villagers transport them every day. On weekends, Tuantuan even wore sunglasses and took the children in the village to help at home.

When helping, when they met the villagers resting, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, the father and son, would chat with the villagers. When they talked, they basically hinted that this batch of grain was not in a hurry to sell outside, and more should be kept at home to see what the weather would be like next year.

After the rice was harvested, the threshing and drying were done. In fact, before the harvest, experienced farmers could roughly see how the harvest would be this year. During the summer drought, they release water from the pond to supply the rice fields. There is not much lack of water, but too high a temperature will sunburn the plants, which will eventually reduce the yield of grain.

The grain harvested this year is only about 70% of last year's. After the weighing data was reported, many people squatted uncomfortably by the rice field, and their dark and calloused hands weakly picked up the scattered rice grains that fell on the ground. Farming is really hard work and it is difficult to get high returns.

The oldest and most respected elders in the village were supported by their families to come to the rice field. They reached out and grabbed a handful of rice in the sack and spoke to the villagers.

"If everyone is still willing to listen to a few words from us old guys, don't sell this batch of grain this year. Maybe we think too much, but we are afraid that the situation next year will be worse than this year, and we will encounter the disaster we faced when we were young." At this point, several elders recalled the painful memories of those years.

The villagers were still hesitant. Later, on TV, many areas that had been short of water in previous years faced this strange high temperature this year. Many crops died in the fields due to drought and water shortage. The land was cracked and no grain was harvested. The government needed to provide assistance. Even now, it has not rained many times.

All these conditions show the severity of the situation this year. Nearly half of the families in the village kept the harvested grain, and the other half, seeing the high grain prices this year, still couldn't help but sell some of it. A very few families sold all the new grain this year.

Wen Zheng and several old people didn't express any opinions. They said what they should persuade.

As time gradually came to the end of autumn, the grain planted by Wen Zheng could also be harvested. He and Tuantuan naturally didn't plan to work so hard to harvest it themselves. They directly contacted the people from the agricultural machinery rental shop to come and harvest it. As for Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, they were busy selecting suitable people to renovate the house they were living in.

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