Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 141 Chapter 141

The daily hospitalization cost was not small. The rescued people recuperated in the hospital for a few days and then went through the discharge procedures. However, the physical deficiency could not be cured in a short time and needed to be made up slowly in the future.

Old Mrs. Wang was taken away by her daughter. Brother Wang and Aunt Pang both planned to go to Dongxi Village, but before they went to live in a new place, they needed to go back to the village.

The people who went back to Dongxi Village this time did not interfere. Anyway, there was the police to help, so they were of no use. They set off in the evening, and the police car did not send Old Mrs. Wang and Aunt Pang over until dawn. The expressions of the two were a little numb. After all, this time they saw the true face of their children thoroughly, and they barely cheered up to thank the police for their help.

The village chief took Wang Erge to his home to take care of him as he had promised before, and found a place for Auntie Pang. Auntie Pang was a little fat, and her movements were a little inconvenient. During this period, her son starved her, and her body became a little thinner. As long as there was a place to live and she could take care of herself, the village chief temporarily arranged for her to stay in the village committee.

Suddenly, there were two more people. Even though the villagers had heard a little bit of the news when a group of people drove out of the village and came back last time, the village chief still had to formally inform the villagers of the specific situation and asked the villagers to come over again at night.

Before everyone in the village arrived, Wen Zheng went to the meeting place alone. Wen Jianghe saw Wen Zheng and waved to him. Then he found that Tuantuan was not next to Wen Zheng. He asked in surprise, and got the answer that Tuantuan was playing somewhere else.

Wen Jianghe didn't ask any more questions, and told Wen Zheng what he had been holding back: "Brother Wen Zheng, do you know why Auntie Pang's son treated him like this? Auntie Pang found out the last time she went back that her son sold all the food in the family when the food price was high. Later, when the family didn't have enough food to eat, he didn't dare to tell Auntie Pang, and he was disgusted that Auntie Pang only had food to eat and couldn't work, so he locked her up in the house. If it weren't for the police backing Auntie Pang, she wouldn't have gotten the money from selling the food..."

No wonder Auntie Pang was in worse spirits after she came back this time than when she was just discharged from the hospital.

The police need to pay attention to evidence when handling cases. No matter what the reason is, the people in the next village didn't tell the truth in front of the police, but the village chief wouldn't care so much. He didn't exaggerate, and directly explained the whole cause and effect of the whole thing.

Birds of a feather flock together. The situation in the neighboring village was so bad that the people in Dongxi Village were indignant for Wang Erge and Aunt Pang after hearing about it. Those who were somewhat related to them, especially the older ones, wanted to go over and scold those unfilial descendants.

The decision of the two to move to the village was smoothly accepted by the villagers. Although the two more people would take more water, they couldn't just watch the two people who were on their way to a dead end being rejected again. At least water could be pumped out of the deep well.

"This time, I specifically called everyone to the meeting. In addition to explaining this matter clearly, I also want to tell everyone that we cannot have such unscrupulous and heartless people in our village. Not only should children be filial to their parents, but parents should not be mean to their children, and those who are partial should not be too extreme. If there are really people who can't stand it, the village will help to uphold justice, and then let the whole village judge who is right and who is wrong." The village chief stood on the stage and spoke this call with a serious face. His eyes swept over the villagers below the stage. A few people who were not too excessive but did do something wrong lowered their heads in shame.

After this meeting, the atmosphere of the whole village became better, and all the villagers thought about what else they could do in their spare time.

After September, the temperature still did not drop, but there was a piece of news that I didn't know if it was good news. The families in the neighboring village were finally going to get the punishment they deserved. Last time, when several families with the surname Yang were assigned to Dongxi Village, several families from other places were assigned to the neighboring village. The neighboring village was not very good to its own people, let alone outsiders. They were threatened by the people from the neighboring village before and dared not speak. As a result, they reported the people directly as soon as they found an opportunity.

Special cases are treated specially. Several policemen have been keeping an eye on them. As soon as they got the evidence, they submitted it immediately. A series of procedures were particularly smooth. Several families were sentenced, but they were not imprisoned. It was a bargain for them to have food and accommodation. Instead, they were sentenced to suspended sentences and a large amount of compensation was ordered to be paid to the victim, who was also their parents.

In addition, the situation in the neighboring village was set up as a negative example. The village cadres were basically dismissed from their posts, and the villagers were all well educated. The whole village became famous, but it was not a good reputation.

The families who migrated to the neighboring village must not be able to continue living there, so they all slipped out when reporting, and they were unwilling to go back after submitting the evidence. They did not choose another village to live in the local area, but proposed to continue migrating to a place further north, and finally got approval.

After the verdict was handed down, the police even came to Dongxi Village with the compensation money, handed the money and food to Wang Erge and Aunt Pang, comforted them, and discussed other situations with the village cadres.

Compared with the neighboring village, which had a bad reputation, Dongxi Village’s role in this incident was not spread, but the police and some other people who knew the specific situation were very aware of it. They kept Dongxi Village in mind. Sometimes when there are new measures that need to be tried, the first village that comes to mind is Dongxi Village.

The police's visit brought the fat aunt's energy back. As soon as the fat aunt, who was much thinner, regained her energy, she endured the sweltering heat of the kitchen and began to think about how to put her cooking skills to use. Her current chubby figure was all gained through her cooking skills.

The fat aunt had no time to think about new ways to eat in summer. When the villagers were chatting in the evening, she brought some to let people try. She also explained the specific method in detail, which actually made some people who had no appetite eat a little more. In the village He was even more willing to accept her, and privately they said that the fat aunt's son and daughter-in-law had ruined their blessings themselves.

The difficult days passed little by little with everyone's expectations. The deep wells in the village have not dried up yet, and everyone in the village saved time and money when using them.

Among them, the family that saves the most is Wen Shuangquan's family, because in addition to water needs for people, their family also has a pig that they insist on drinking a lot of water every day. Everyone in the village must admire them for being able to raise it to this day.

Wen Shuangquan was already over fifty. A few years ago, he and his son opened a small pig farm in the village. Sometimes they lost money and sometimes they made money, but overall they still made money, but it hurt their health. Now they look like a skinny person. little old man.

Last year, a lot of pigs were killed by the heat. This year, Wen Shuangquan disposed of most of the pigs in the pig farm early. But because his family is the only one raising pigs in the village, if his family doesn't raise pigs, what will the villagers think? To eat pork, you have to buy it elsewhere, so this year I still kept a few piglets and killed one every once in a while. Now there is only one piglet left. The villagers haven’t had fresh pork for a long time.

In the middle of the afternoon this afternoon, the village received the news from Wen Shuangquan. The pig he raised at home still couldn't stand the high temperature and was about to die, so he planned to kill the pig and called a few villagers to come over and help. . Otherwise, if you wait until the pig dies of fever before killing it, the internal organs will be wasted.

The pig barely managed to hold on until the sun went down. At this time, the temperature was not low but still bearable. Not only did people come to help, but many villagers who wanted to watch the fun also came over.

The pig howled fiercely, but the villagers were thinking that they would have pork to eat soon. The flowing pig blood was collected into a basin and quickly put into the air-conditioned kitchen for processing. A whole pig was cut into pieces, and the pork was Fortunately, it is not easy to clean the internal organs quickly. There is no extra water to use in this area. The experienced older generation came from the difficult times in the past. If there is no water, they use plant ash to remove the internal organs first, and then wash it with water at the end.

A whole pig looks quite big, but there are many people working on it, so some parts of it are immediately put in the refrigerator before being processed, for fear that the high temperature will change the taste of the meat. The villagers who were working were so busy that they sweated all over and didn't bother to deal with it. They only felt hot and didn't realize that today's heat was different from the past.

However, those villagers who did not participate in the work were fully aware that something was wrong. At first, it was a gust of wind that blew quietly. The force that blew on the face was so gentle that it was ignored, but the dry leaves hanging on the trees could no longer withstand it. No matter how hard it is, it will be blown to the ground lightly.

"Do you feel like the wind is blowing?" Someone hesitated for a while before speaking in a low voice.

The word wind seems to have been set as a keyword in their minds. Those who were talking about other things, their ears were particularly sensitive and caught this sentence. They stopped and started to feel it: "It seems like it is really going on." The breeze is blowing, still from the southwest.”

More people stopped when they heard it, and some people raised their heads belatedly. Since they were killing pigs tonight, they turned on the incandescent lights in the yard. The yard was as bright as day, so no one looked up to the sky.

Now when I look up at the sky, I find that many stars are blocked by clouds and are no longer so bright. Even part of the moon is covered by clouds.

The villagers' voices trembled as they spoke: "The weather looks like it's going to rain..."

It rains, it rains. The villagers no longer even thought about pork. They all raised their necks and looked to the sky, until Wen Zheng reminded them: "Leave a few here to deal with the remaining pork, and the rest Everyone went home and looked for water storage tools. No matter whether the rain can fall or not, the most difficult summer is about to end, so water storage tools must be prepared quickly. "

"Wen Zheng is right. You, the master, are here to chop the meat. I will take the children back and find all the basins, buckets, pots and other things."

"Yes, they will be placed in the yard to catch the rainwater."

"If it really rains tonight, this freshly slaughtered pig will be used to make a whole pig feast, and Fat Auntie will be the host. Let's all celebrate."

The villagers went home non-stop. From time to time they looked up at the sky outside and found all the containers in the house, even the bowls. They were all placed in the open yard. They couldn't even go out. Have to take a detour.

It would be great if it rains tonight.

It wasn't until the cool raindrops wet their faces that people realized that their beautiful expectations had come true. Their lips trembled with joy but they couldn't even say a word.

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