Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 142 Chapter 142

The sound of the raindrops falling was particularly pleasant. Many people couldn't hold back their excitement and ran into the rain, grinning and laughing foolishly, and tears fell as they laughed.

The rain came suddenly and left very quickly, disappearing without a trace in less than half an hour. It was enough to make people happy that the rain came, which meant that the most difficult days of this year were about to pass. The rain that fell in more than 20 minutes had already awakened the vitality of this world.

The villagers were reluctant to change their wet clothes. None of them felt uncomfortable. They carefully moved the containers filled with rainwater back to the house, covered them with lids, and waited for the water inside to clarify before using them.

The yard was wet from the rain, and some places still had some stagnant water. The children were chasing each other happily in the yard, stepping on the water. After finishing their work, the adults called their children to their side, held their hands and walked out of the house, and saw that the scene they saw every day had become particularly different.

The grass and trees that had not completely dried up tried hard to absorb the water that fell into the ground. The animals that finally drank enough water began to have fun. Insects and birds chirped in the trees, and wild animals left special footprints in the mud. There were even hares and hedgehogs that were so thin that they were almost meatless rolling in the mud irrigated by water.

This was a celebration that all creatures had the same tacit understanding. Humans did not disturb the happiness of animals, and happily shared their shared happiness with neighbors. The corners of their mouths never fell, and they couldn't help laughing before they said a few words to people.

"It's the coolest right after the rain. Don't worry about the fun. Come and help make the pig-killing meal. Let's celebrate."

"Uncle Shuangquan is bleeding a lot now."

"One pig alone is not enough for the whole village. I have two chickens at home. I'll kill them and bring them back when I get home."

Your family took out some, my family took out some. The ingredients that we had been reluctant to eat were willing to be eaten this time. A big feast was set up in a lively atmosphere. Because it was hot and there was a lack of food, the villagers really missed it. In the end, all of them ate until their stomachs were full.

This rain did not bring too much coolness after it fell. The weather became hot again the next day, but the villagers were not so impatient. As long as it rains, the next rain will not be too far away. What's more, the arrival of this rain replenished the water that is urgently needed now, so everyone can hold on for a longer time.

Time passed as people counted the days. In October, the temperature showed a slight downward trend. People kept talking about it during the day and thinking about it in their dreams at night. Finally, in late October, a heavy rain fell at dawn. Although it lasted less than 20 minutes, the rainfall was heavy, and the outdoor temperature did not rise to an unbearable level until noon.

The coolness brought by the rain allowed the villagers to walk outdoors during the day after nearly half a year. The reversed day and night schedule made the body a little tired, but the excitement made people ignore this feeling, and they did not go back to the house until it was too hot.

The predictable drop in temperature made the villagers start to think about adjusting back to their normal schedule. They had never been so eager for the arrival of winter. Every day, they were eagerly looking forward to it, refreshing their phones countless times every day to see the latest weather forecast.

Wen Zheng looked at the land that was no longer full of cracks after being watered by the heavy rain, and noticed that some weeds with tenacious vitality had already sprouted. He estimated the time based on the information he had collected, and went to discuss with the village cadres and the rental shops in the town to book the use of agricultural machinery in advance.

The owner of the shop remembered the grain rental situation in Dongxi Village last year. The grain helped them a lot. Moreover, despite the hot weather in the past six months, the news has not stopped circulating. The people in the town have heard about the reputation of Dongxi Village.

Of course, Dongxi Village has a good reputation. Many people think they can't do it because they can take the initiative to save the poor people who were thrown by their children to fend for themselves in the most difficult time and are willing to let them live in the village. This is not just about living in, but also about sharing the scarce water resources.

"The date you booked is quite early. I've made a note of it. I'll call you a few days before the date. If the date doesn't change, I'll have someone drive the machine over on the scheduled day." The boss agreed to the reservation of Dongxi Village. Not only did he record it in the notebook, but he also told his family to remind him not to forget about it.

"Although it has rained a few times, the land is still dry due to lack of water. The rest of the people are still waiting to see how it goes. How come Dongxi Village has decided on this matter so early?" The boss's wife thought a little more and couldn't help but speak out.

"Don't mention it. Last year, Dongxi Village had foresight and planted and harvested crops in advance. It was the best harvest in the surrounding area last year. Who knows what they have predicted this year. Wife, why don't you call my hometown and ask them to go to the fields when they have nothing to do. When Dongxi Village starts working, I will have someone drive the remaining machinery to my hometown and follow Dongxi Village." The boss thought about it and decided to take a risk. He also persuaded his wife and some relatives in his hometown.

After booking the farm machinery, the villagers of Dongxi Village have not been idle for a long time. They run to the fields every day. Seeing those left by excessive drought is very urgent, it is distressing. If this dry land wants to continue to grow crops, it not only needs enough water, but also needs to apply certain fertilizers. All the villagers have started to get busy and are willing to be so busy.

In December, everyone was still busy in the fields wearing thin single clothes, and they didn’t know that a team of vehicles was driving towards their village. The vehicles were carrying the inspection team sent by the city to check the situation.

During the hottest period, every staff member in the government was very busy. They had too many things to do. Some necessary but not the most urgent things were temporarily put behind. Until now, when the rain moistened everything and everything revived, they began to draw personnel to the grassroots to determine the real situation.

These things were not mentioned in the news, but if people who are more informed have received the news, it is just that the people in Dongxi Village have been busy with the work in the fields recently. It is difficult for the land to recover to the past after such a drought, and it is not too much to take care of it carefully. Villagers not only need to apply fertilizer, but also need to remove weeds from time to time to avoid robbing water and fertilizer. Every day, they run to the fields and bend or squat to work. Few people pay attention to this matter.

So when these investigators drove into the scope of Dongxi Village, the first thing they saw from afar was children carrying small backpacks and small shovels, walking in a line on the roadside, singing nursery rhymes describing the characteristics of various wild vegetables.

The clear and pleasant singing of children was transmitted to the courtyards and the birds staying on the trees on both sides of the road in the open fields. The sounds they made vaguely matched the melody, as if they were accompanying these children.

Looking more carefully, the clothes on these children are clean, which shows that they are well taken care of. According to the standards before the disaster, their bodies are a little thin, but compared with the places they have been to before, they are quite good, and their faces are ruddy. They are well taken care of at a glance, which makes people happy just by looking at them.

Thinking in my heart, the vehicle has already driven to the side of these children and slowly stopped. The children who were originally concentrating on digging tender wild vegetables saw this and quickly called their scattered friends together, looking at the vehicles warily. Even the children hiding in the back secretly picked up branches on the ground.

"These children are quite vigilant." The people in the car were somewhat surprised.

A young man wanted to ask these children first, so he opened the car door and walked out. He just asked casually, but found that these children knew a lot. You know, many children have slowly forgotten the knowledge they learned during the six-month suspension of classes, but these children in front of them know more than they should know.

The young man became more and more curious and did not notice the alertness in the children's eyes. The people who did not get off the car noticed it, but wanted to see what these children would do, so they did not remind them for a while.

So when the young man saw these children getting more and more happy, took out candy from his pocket and wanted to pick up a child, he did not expect that he would be attacked.

His legs were kicked by two children, and the whistle hanging around his neck was picked up and blew sharply into his ears. The younger children had long been hiding behind and now ran to the sides of the road, so that the trees planted on both sides of the road could block the vehicles from chasing.

As for the people in the car, if they rushed down to chase, the villagers who heard the whistle had already rushed over with hoes, shovels and other farm tools.

The young man squatted on the ground before he could react to the pain in his calf and the buzzing sound in his ears, and was surrounded by the villagers. He quickly waved his hands to show that he had no ill intentions and waited for the rest of the companions in the car to get off and explain clearly.

It was originally a misunderstanding, and it would be fine after it was explained clearly. However, this time the inspection team did not show their health. When explaining, they chatted a few words by the way, and they understood the situation in the village. The children who ran back again with their parents beside them also said a lot.

Someone was curious about the whistles hanging around the children's necks and asked a few questions. These whistles were not the kind of plastic products with poor quality, but made of wood. The surface was polished very smoothly, and it would definitely not hurt the children. Just looking at this, you can tell that they were made with care.

"These are all made by Grandpa Wang for us, and our small shovels are also made by Grandpa Wang. They are very well made." Several children said in childish voices. After they asked carefully, they found out that it was Grandpa Wang who couldn't move his legs. They knew that it was the person who was rescued.

The inspectors have basically determined the status of Dongxi Village. They are not going to go in to check again today. They just take a detour from here to go to several neighboring villages to check the situation. I think the villages with sensitive news have already thought that they have no time to go to other places in Dongxi Village.

Before the vehicle drove away, he looked back through the car window at the villagers who were busy in the fields again, thinking about the fact that these villagers said that they would plant crops in two days, and wondering whether to help Dongxi Village apply for some new seeds in advance.

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