Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 143 Chapter 143

Dongxi Village was still busy trying to restore the fertility of the land until the latest good news began to be broadcast in the news. After the world showed a trend of abnormal temperature, the country has increased its support for related research in a prepared manner. The good news this time is that new varieties of drought-resistant seeds can be put into use.

The biggest feature of these new varieties of seeds is heat and drought resistance. They are more resistant to high temperatures during growth and have a reduced demand for water. However, there are gains and losses. The taste of the grain grown will not be so good, but the nutritional content is sufficient.

According to the description in the news, although the newly researched seeds still need further verification of stability, they can basically be put into planting. Now those who are willing to plant can apply to the local government. If the results of the careful planting do not meet expectations, the government will subsidize the grain.

When the villagers saw this news in the news that day, they were all excited and asked the village cadres to collect it early.

The villagers didn't need to say anything. The village chief had already gone to the government to apply for the permit with a cane and his old friend who could drive. The rest of the people tried to persuade him but failed.

As the temperature gradually dropped, people relaxed and many people, who had been holding on for the difficult six months, became weak. All kinds of problems came out. The small clinic in the village was crowded with people those days.

The village chief also had a high fever one morning. When the ordinary wells in the village were out of water, he was so anxious that his mouth was full of blisters. Now he didn't have to worry about it, but he had a high fever. After the fever subsided, his legs and feet became less agile. He went to the hospital for a check-up and was told that it was a root cause of the disease from doing farm work when he was young. After taking some medicine, he started to use the cane made by Uncle Wang.

Less than half a day after leaving, the village chief came back happily. The first thing he did when he came back was to attend a meeting.

"I have posted the types of planting and the standards for receiving them on the wall. Don't worry if you can't see them clearly. I will read them to you later. When the time comes, everyone can choose the number and types of seeds to receive according to their own land. Report them to us first, and then report them to the town."

"Village chief, can our village really apply for it?"

"It's because our village performed well before. I went there early. When I told them about this, they said that they would find the seeds immediately after we reported the statistics."

The villagers were very happy when they heard this. Although these compliments were not said in front of them, they were particularly happy just to hear them from the village chief. They were happy in their hearts and were more willing to follow the country's instructions.

They always quickly skimmed over the comments on the Internet that worried about the reliability of new seeds, and never took them to heart. Those who were literate and had good eyesight read out the content posted on the wall directly, and the people next to them listened and discussed with their families what to plant.

The meeting reported all the villagers' choices on the spot. The village chief took another hard trip the next day, sent the statistics, and took the seeds back.

The temperature was still a little hot at this time. According to the planting manual distributed by the government, the current temperature was not the most suitable for sowing. It was better to pre-treat the seeds indoors first, and then sow them in the soil after the seeds germinated, so that they would grow more easily.

The time gate was just right. According to the time gate scheduled in advance with the agricultural machinery rental store, the seeds were just ready to be sown. With the help of machinery, the sowing of the entire village took only a few days. The villagers needed to take care of them carefully for the rest of the days.

The temperature has dropped below 40 degrees. It is hot, but after experiencing the previous high temperature, this degree of temperature has not caused them too much trouble.

Most of the long-distance transportation vehicles that had to be stopped during the days with extreme temperatures have restarted. After experiencing these difficult months, some people in Dongxi Village who had worked outside the province and did not choose to return have returned.

The people who came back planned to live in the village, which brought fresh topics to the village.

Among them, there were people who went to live in the north. The villagers thought that even if the temperature rose in the north, it should be cooler than here, and the water resources were also quite abundant, so life would definitely be better than in their hometown. As a result, they heard from the people who came back that it was not the case.

The temperature there is not much lower. When the abundant water sources cannot be replenished by rain, there will be a lot of arable land and humans.

Because everyone thinks that the north may be more suitable for living in hot weather, a large number of people have migrated to the north since there were signs last year, most of whom are powerful people.

When resources are in short supply, even if the country takes action to control them, the resources that ordinary people can obtain are far less than those powerful people, and they are not as good as locals who have houses and connections. Sometimes, even if you suffer a loss, you have to bite the bullet and bury it in your stomach. Carrying the high temperature and the pressure of life, not only the body can't stand it, but also the spirit can't stand it. The whole person feels many years older.

I survived but my life was not good, so after much thought, I left the crowded place and returned to my hometown. After returning, I saw some familiar and some unfamiliar faces, and tears came to my eyes. It was not only the sadness of returning to my hometown, but also the mental state of the villagers and my own state. It was inevitable to feel uncomfortable.

The people who came back temporarily lived in the office building of the village committee. The fields under their names were previously handed over to the village for use. Now they applied to the village to get the fields back. As for the cost of turning the soil and sowing, as well as the effort spent on taking care of the fields during this period, they need to compensate the village.

The village was not compensated with money, but with various solar products brought back from the north. When solar power generation equipment was installed all over the country, those companies that could barely support themselves, especially the manufacturing industry, began to study various daily necessities that consume solar energy. They had to pay a lot for the trip back from the north. They came back from a long distance, so of course they had to bring some rare goods in their hometown to earn the difference, no matter how tired they were.

The villagers liked these things very much, and they picked and bought a lot of them. The villagers of Guangdongxi Village bought one-third of the goods they brought back, and the rest were sold out in a few days when they took them directly to the town.

After having money in hand, it is time to solve the problem of housing. It is not good to always live in the village committee office building. Those who have just returned have been away from the village for at least three years. The houses left in the village have become dilapidated after being unoccupied for a long time. It costs a lot of money to repair them. If you want to build a basement for summer vacation, the cost will be even higher.

The high temperature has forced a large number of industries to shut down, and various materials still need to be used. The price increase to twice the previous level is already the result of state control. This is a lot of money that needs to be paid out, which can almost use up all the money they earn.

Just when they were worried about this, Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan with several thick drawings to find the village cadres. After listening to Wen Zheng's explanation of the situation, the village chief was sure that he could not make the decision on this matter, so he took people to the town. As a result, going to the town also did not get a definite result. After the leaders in the town reported to the higher-level leaders with higher power, they directly reported to the leaders in the city through the Internet in the office of the town government.

The person who reported was naturally Tuan Tuan.

When Tuantuan first came to this world, he was not very tall. He has been well taken care of by Wen Zheng for more than a year. Even on the hottest days, neither of them treated themselves badly. Both of them took the system's body enhancers and practiced to strengthen their bodies. Their tolerance to high temperatures has been greatly improved, and their appetites have rarely been affected.

His body is now in adolescence, which is changing rapidly, and he is not lacking in nutrition, so Tuantuan has grown like a stick, and is almost as thin as a straw, but his height is almost catching up with Wen Zheng. His face still has the childishness that a minor should have, but his eyes are calm, which is rare among young people in their twenties.

Although he has been absent from school for more than a year, he is not nervous at all when he speaks. When he listens to the content, he finds that he is confident. Wen Zheng took him over, and what Tuantuan said was the idea of ​​living in the mountains in response to the higher temperatures that may be more severe next year.

The disaster this time will last for three years. Now it has been less than two years. According to the experience of Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, the closer it gets to the end, the more difficult it will be. This year, we can barely avoid the high temperature by relying on air conditioning and basements, but it may not be possible next year. The temperature in the north is not necessarily much better than here, and it cannot accommodate the entire country's population. The remaining methods are either to build a deeper basement or to avoid the high temperature in the mountain.

The reason why Wen Zheng chose Dongxi Village is that he investigated the mountain behind Dongxi Village. It is not the kind of mountain that is unstable or too solid. The ancestors who lived in Dongxi Village a long time ago had a history of hiding in caves to avoid war. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan live at the foot of the mountain. When they are free, they go to the mountain not because they have nothing to do, but to find out the situation of the mountain on the spot, and draw a mountain map, marking several places suitable for digging caves.

There are caves in the mountain itself, but they are not enough for the whole village to live, and more need to be dug out manually. This is not something that Dongxi Village can do alone. It requires the approval and support of the government, so Wen Zheng took Tuantuan to find the village chief, and today's story was told.

While the people across the country were celebrating the drop in temperature, the country received a report from researchers that there is a very high possibility of facing higher temperatures next year. This unfortunate news made them eager to study a way to deal with it.

Mountain life has also been proposed, but this method requires the selection of suitable mountains and field measurements. It will not be announced to the outside world until the specific method is studied.

In fact, it is not particularly surprising that someone thought of this method, but what is surprising is that the mountain map drawn even marked the suitable locations and handed it to the specially invited geological experts. Even if they have not had time to see it in person, they can't find too obvious mistakes.

So Tuantuan has the opportunity to tell this story. Listening to what he said, he really knows the relevant knowledge very well, and he can't help but want to praise him a few words.

Originally, it was planned to let the geological experts explore the mountains in the jurisdiction. Dongxi Village took the initiative to find them, so they asked the experts to go to the mountain next to Dongxi Village to conduct a field assessment.

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