Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 144 Chapter 144

With the blueprint drawn by Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, the detection experts only need to verify it again after they come. They did not stay in Dongxi Village for too long, but they approved the excavation site selected on the blueprint and reported the results.

In addition to the state subsidy, the villagers need to bear part of the cost of digging caves themselves, which not only costs money but also takes a lot of time. Several village cadres explained it to the villagers in detail. The villagers who were willing to follow the village committee were more willing to hear that this was the idea proposed by Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, and quickly paid the required amount.

The village chief fell ill again at this time. He no longer dragged his sick body around, but handed over the work that needed to be contacted with various departments to Wen Zheng. The other village cadres understood the village chief's idea, but they were also happy to see it happen, and planned to help Wen Zheng when he could not solve it.

Digging caves in the mountains is not a simple task that can be completed by manpower alone. It is even more difficult for people who are just starting to get involved in this work to get various departments to approve and cooperate with Dongxi Village's plan as soon as possible.

Wen Zheng did complete it smoothly, which surprised the people who knew about it. But the subsequent attention soon shifted to the work of opening the mountain. Soon, in the process of this work, they got used to discussing with Wen Zheng and obeying his command.

The rumbling noises made everyone in the village look up. The rolling dust was floating from the mountain to the sky. The small animals staying on the mountain were frightened and fled everywhere, looking for a secret place to hide themselves.

Some hard rocks need to be excavated by such violent means, and some parts only need machines to dig. After the machine is used to dig out the general cave space, how to transform the rough cave into a place where people can live comfortably and have electricity and Internet access will take time to slowly transform.

During the entire construction process, the villagers of Dongxi Village are not only responsible for entertaining the construction team, but also for taking care of the fields and vegetable gardens. The remaining time is also for preparing to move into the cave later. In addition to these, we also need to deal with other visitors from other places who come to check the situation.

After experiencing this unbearable high temperature, there are no humans living in the hottest areas in the world, and even most of the animals and plants are gradually disappearing in those places. Many countries and regions that barely withstood this high temperature have fallen into disputes caused by humans before facing the next high temperature.

High temperature, chaos, war, plague, death...

There are countless places where scenes in hell are happening. The world is almost completely in chaos. The world's national alliance can no longer control the development of the situation. Only a very few countries can barely control the domestic situation, but they have no extra energy to provide help to the outside world.

The situation in China is not bad. At least the villagers in Dongxi Village have something to look forward to every day. They have things to do and are not worried about the difficulties that have not yet arrived. They responded to the call of the country and dug the mountain and opened the cave as soon as possible to make plans to resist the high temperature in advance. Unlike other villages, they ran over every day to look at it, but they were unwilling to make up their minds to do it. Some of them did not get a unified decision at the end of the preliminary excavation.

The northern region cannot meet the living needs of the existing population in the country, so the arrangements that the country can make in advance are to try to reserve more water and food, and to carry out construction underground or in the mountains to resist the high temperature. However, in the past year, most industries have been shut down due to the high temperature. In order to maintain market order and ensure the safety of the people, the country has put a large amount of reserved materials into the market to control the situation.

The situation abroad is worse than that in China. It is impossible to carry out too many additional material reserves from abroad. The resources previously reserved are being consumed rapidly, so the work of digging and opening mountains cannot be completed entirely by the country. Local people are also required to contribute their own strength. Therefore, some people in some areas are reluctant to start work.

Some people believe that the country will not watch them die in the end, and will definitely find a way to help solve the problem in the end, so they voted against it in every collective vote. When the number of people who are unwilling to pay is too large, the supporters are unwilling to pay the extra costs for these people, so the final voting results are often left unresolved and delayed again and again.

The villagers of Dongxi Village can't care so much. The construction team left Dongxi Village after completing their tasks. After more than a month of busy work, the Spring Festival of the new year is about to come. This is a fact that I noticed only after seeing the news reminder. This year has passed so well that people can't tell the seasons or days. Sometimes when I just woke up from bed and my mind was still confused, I couldn't even tell whether I was still alive.

It was clearly the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, and it was clearly winter, but the people in the village were still wearing clothes from the spring or even summer. Judging from the current temperature, they will definitely not see any traces of snow this year. Only in dreams can they recall the winter covered with snow.

Although it didn't feel too real, the reminder of the news still made everyone realize the arrival of the Spring Festival. The work in their hands can be temporarily stopped. No matter what, they have to prepare for this annual festival.

The temperature dropped to the point where people can go out during the day. The market that has not been seen for a long time has appeared again. It is not the common shopping malls in big cities, but different people bring their own goods to the market to sell.

If there is anything in the village that they want, they will go to the other party's house to discuss it, so everyone in the village wants to go to the town market to see what new things there are.

After the temperature dropped, many people were willing to buy and resell goods in the hot temperature at that time, so they made a lot of money. Many people know that this is a good way to make money, but few people can bear this kind of hardship. Moreover, because the world has become more and more chaotic, the country's control over some areas has weakened, and the degree of danger on the road has greatly increased.

This time, it was heard that a caravan that had traveled to many places came to their town, and spread the news outside after arriving during the day. They brought a lot of new things that are suitable for high temperatures and are almost not seen here. They only plan to stay here for three nights, and they are too tired on the road. They don't want to sell things in the hot daytime, so they opened the night market for three days and only accepted grain transactions.

The news spread widely. After hearing the news, many villagers in Dongxi Village wanted to join in the fun. Finally, according to statistics, except for some elderly people and children who are not suitable for the age, and some people who are not feeling well, everyone wants to go. The few vehicles in the village could not carry so many people, not to mention that just thinking about it would show how lively the night market would be during these three days, and it was easy for various accidents to happen, so Wen Zheng divided the people who wanted to go into three groups, and then divided each group into groups to ensure that each group had strong adult men. He also equipped the villagers with the necessary preparations before driving all the vehicles in the village out and carrying the first group of people.

It was still dusk when they came out, and they met many vehicles rushing to the town on the road. When they arrived, they saw that the night market point specially vacated in the town was already crowded with people. There were police officers on both sides of the road who came to maintain order and directed them to park their vehicles in the designated locations.

The people of Dongxi Village got off the car. They hadn't seen such a lively scene for a long time, and everyone was a little dazed. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan stood at the front of the team and informed everyone of the precautions again. The groups that had been divided in advance gathered together, with women and children protected in the middle, holding hands tightly, and men standing on both sides to keep an eye on them. They also dragged a bamboo cart with small tires underneath, which contained food to be used as money tonight.

These wooden things were probably made by Uncle Wang when he had nothing to do, and were originally for children to pull and play with. Originally, it was just a bamboo backpack. After a villager found the walker that his child played with when he was young, removed the wheels inside, and asked Uncle Wang to install it underneath, it became popular with more children, so many more were made afterwards, and it came in handy today.

The cart with wheels makes it very easy to push. While pushing the cart, you can always check the situation with your eyes to prevent theft. And because it was a backpack at the beginning, the overall image is thin and long, and it takes up very little space. The bamboo pieces are densely packed and tough and strong, which is the first barrier to protect the food inside. It is much easier than carrying a large backpack. Many passers-by beside them showed envy after seeing it.

The sky gradually darkened, and there were gusts of gentle breeze, which should have brought some coolness to the night. However, because there were too many people gathered in the night market, the surrounding temperature could not be lowered, and the wind sent a variety of unpleasant smells into the nose. These problems that people had to endure were gradually forgotten after the night market opened.

With the arrival of night, the sky gradually turned into ink color, and the street lights on both sides of the road lit up. The solar energy that was converted and stored every day helped people solve the crisis of power shortage. The bright street lights illuminated the night market as bright as day, and the crowd was illuminated by various folded shadows under the lights.

In addition to the foreign merchants, there were also many locals who wanted to earn some food and applied for it. After being approved, they set up stalls here to sell. Most of them were daily necessities, and there were also many clothes and snacks. The villagers would buy some when they saw what they needed, and then bargain.

Wen Zheng brought the villagers here this time, and stayed around all the time, carefully paying attention to the movements around, watching the villagers take the tools prepared by the vendors, open the lid on the cart, and reach in to take out the food. The food they brought was not refined grain, but corn flour ground from harvested corn. They bargained with the vendors about the quality and value of the corn flour before buying the goods and putting them in the empty cart.

Going a little further ahead, the crowded area is the main vendors of this night market. There is a large truck parked there. Probably because there are too many people and it is too crowded, the seller climbed directly onto the roof with the samples. This climb scared the people who just saw the seller's appearance.

Under the light, the seller's skin is so dark that it is almost glowing. When he smiles, he reveals a mouthful of white teeth. If his appearance is not completely consistent with the characteristics of compatriots, at first glance, I would think he is an international friend who ran away from somewhere.

This is a bit too dark.

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