Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 146 Chapter 146

After the Chinese New Year, it feels like the cold days won't last long. The villagers counted the things to do after the Chinese New Year. They had to quickly transform the caves into places suitable for living, and worry about the harvest of crops in the fields.

They were relaxed for a few days during the Chinese New Year, but they were busy again just after the Chinese New Year.

The caves were dug as much as possible to make them into the shape of a room. There are small paths from the entrance to the inside, leading to different caves. There are about five such entrances, connecting all the areas where the villagers will live.

This is a big project. The most difficult part was completed before the Chinese New Year. The most important work after the Chinese New Year is to lay circuits in the caves and connect them to the solar power generation equipment outside. It is also necessary to find a suitable place to install several signal amplifiers. The signal strength inside the mountain is really not very good.

The life of rural people is not so convenient. Many things need to be done by themselves, so people in the village can do some circuit work more or less. When the cave was dug years ago, a place for the wires was reserved. Now, after discussing with people who are more familiar with circuits, the villagers can start work directly with the purchased wires and other materials.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan carefully read the drawings before starting work, and they would also walk around when they started work to confirm that there were no installation errors. Tuantuan even brought the children in the village who were still in school age and above junior high school to learn some circuit knowledge in physics on the spot.

The villagers sat on the ground and looked at them when they were resting after work, and their faces were full of wrinkles. They took down the cigarettes that were placed on their ears, but only held them in their hands without lighting them. They were reminded not to let the children breathe secondhand smoke.

What's more, things like cigarettes and liquor are now impossible to buy. They rely on the previous inventory. The more they use, the less they have, so they have to use them sparingly.

The circuit was installed quickly. First, the electric light was installed in the cave to confirm that it can be powered on normally before they can rest assured.

There is no need for too much decoration inside the cave, just a simple waterproof layer is enough, it is estimated that it will be too dry in the future and this function will basically not be needed. After a little painting, it looks like a nice room from the inside.

Each household has chosen a cave to live in in the future, and a wooden door can be installed at the entrance of the cave to isolate it from the outside. There are enough dry trees on the mountain to provide wood to make wooden doors and other furniture, and then a little paint, it looks good and can prevent insects.

The room in the middle of the house chosen by Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan has become closely connected with the other villagers. The village chief will bring people to visit from time to time, and often chat with Wen Zheng about various situations in the village.

Almost a month after the New Year, the temperature has gradually risen to the point where it is almost impossible to go out during the day, but the crops planted in the village are about to be harvested.

After discussing, the villagers were unwilling to wait any longer, but they switched to a life of hiding during the day and going out at night in advance. In the morning, evening and early morning, people drove rented agricultural machinery to harvest, and then put it on the ground under the scorching sun to dry. It would take three to five days to dry enough to be stored in the cave.

However, drying the grain also encountered great troubles. Now it is not easy for animals and plants to live. Plants have no hands and feet, and can only try to stretch their roots deep into the soil to absorb water, but animals are different.

All omnivorous animals have set their sights on the grain drying in Dongxi Village, but stealing food alone is not enough for them. After eating, they still want to steal some food reserves, which will provoke the villagers.

These grains are the flesh and blood of the villagers. They are unwilling to give them to others after working hard to grow them, and other animals are not allowed to do so. Therefore, after some villagers found that animals were stealing and stealing, the news spread throughout the village immediately. Everyone was alarmed and began to think of ways to deal with it.

Last year, many animals in the village died of heatstroke. Some smart ones even left here, but there were still many animals left around. All the animals that came out were omnivores that would eat food, mostly birds, and some wild rabbits, voles, and even wild hedgehogs that came to steal the sweet potatoes that were drying.

When the villagers found out again, they quickly drove the animals away with bamboo poles. The birds were frightened and flew everywhere, and the small animals ran to both sides of the road. The villagers did not chase them from behind, but continued to drive away the birds that came back with bamboo poles. When they heard the screams of the animals, they looked and saw the tail of the weasel in the sparse grass due to the heat.

Voles steal food, and weasels are behind. There have always been weasels in Dongxi Village. In the past, they would occasionally meet them on the roadside in spring and summer, and they would come to the village to steal chickens.

Now the small amount of livestock raised in the village is a treasure, and the villagers protect them well. The weasels can't stand being hungry, so they come to hunt small animals on their menu. This is also a naturally formed food chain, and there is nothing to stop them. The villagers are still more worried about their own food.

If drying food on a flat road is not possible, then they can go to their own yard to dry it. Then they can find all the fishing nets they used to catch fish and cover the whole yard. Now the birds can't fly down. If they try to fly, they will be trapped by the net.

In the past ten or twenty years, many people in the countryside still used nets to catch birds. They ate them at home or sold them. They never let them go in vain. In recent years, the government has done more publicity. Knowing that wild animals carry many viruses, fewer people eat them.

Wen Zheng went over to persuade them with this reason. It was not the end of the road yet, so there was no need to take this risk. So after the grain was dried, all the small animals trapped in the nets or other traps were released.

After being trapped for a few days, the birds were almost out of strength to flap their wings. Finally, they tried to fly a distance and landed beside Tuan Tuan. They pecked at the grass seeds that Tuan Tuan had picked up out of boredom these days, drank a little water, and flew to the mountain with gratitude.

After all the grain was dried and bagged for storage, the birds around the village flew around the mountain for several days. Wen Zheng notified the villagers to return home and prepare. Everyone was worried all night, and finally found to their surprise that the temperature did not continue to rise, but suddenly dropped a lot.

After discovering this situation, many people were very excited. Then they saw a light rain coming. Some people began to wonder if this unbearable high temperature was about to end, and they could return to normal spring, summer, autumn and winter in the future.

Wen Zheng did not discourage everyone's fantasy. He could be happy for a while. This might be the last time to relax before the difficult days came.

Although they want to believe that the strange weather is about to end, the experience they have learned in the past two years is to store as much water as possible when there is water, so everyone is still busy in the rain.

It may be because of the drastic change in temperature. Even if the temperature is still not low after the drop, there will still be alternation between hot and cold. It may also be that they have a premonition in their hearts and are unwilling to face the upcoming high temperature. Many elderly people in the village who insisted on spending the past year have become unwell, and their children immediately panicked when they found out.

How can you be fine, but suddenly get sick? You have to take someone to the hospital quickly.

The old man insisted that his children and grandchildren wait for the rain to end, and asked the doctor in the village to see him, and took some medicine to drink. When the children did not miss the collection of rainwater, they reluctantly agreed to go to the hospital if the situation was serious.

However, some examinations are not only troublesome, but also extremely expensive due to the chain reaction caused by high temperatures, and it takes a certain amount of time to get the results. In the end, the villagers took the old man to do an affordable examination, and then ran to ask a Chinese doctor to see him.

The final result of the examination was not good. The elderly's physical functions were degenerating, and they were prone to various diseases. In addition, the high temperature in recent years, although they seemed fine at ordinary times, was actually a great test for the elderly's health. After the New Year, seeing their children harvesting food and collecting rainwater, and holding the beautiful hope that the temperature would return to normal, they relaxed their spirits and the suppressed physical conditions emerged.

The more they suppressed with psychological suggestion, the more serious it would suddenly show.

One old man was really old, died of old age, and left this world as soon as he came back from the hospital. The elderly in the same village are familiar with each other. Seeing familiar people die, they will inevitably feel a little sad, and finally affect their physical condition and have problems.

In half a month, five elderly people in the village left one after another, and five or six barely controlled their illnesses, but a serious illness took away their health and made their bodies weaker.

The village held a simple funeral for several elderly people, and their mood was as heavy as a stone. Only by putting all the remaining energy into busyness can we control our thoughts and not think about it.

The village chief, who was not young, also fell ill this time. His body became obviously weaker, and his spirit was far from the past. After insisting on presiding over the funerals of several deceased elderly people, the village chief was so tired that he lay in bed for several days. Everyone could see that the village chief was planning to step down from this position again.

This year is also the year of re-election. The specific month has not yet arrived, but special cases are treated specially, and it is okay to step down a little earlier. In the past, a meeting was held first and then all eligible people in the village were allowed to vote. This time, everyone was gathered together to vote on the spot.

Wen Zheng, who was listed as one of the candidates by the village chief, was successfully elected as the new village chief with a unanimous vote. Wen Zheng had already prepared for it and gladly accepted the responsibility of taking on the responsibility of the whole village. The village cadres were also re-elected. Several old cadres who had not yet reached retirement age but were older took the initiative to step down from this position. They looked at the young and strong new cadres who were elected, and their eyes were reluctant to let them go, but also contained encouragement and expectations for them.

In this increasingly difficult world, the performance of this group of young people will be seen in the future, and the old people can only pay attention in the back.

The new change of office started and ended smoothly. Wen Zheng, as the newly appointed village chief, reported the result to his superiors. After a more formal report through video, Wen Zheng was recognized by the government as the new village chief of Dongxi Village.

The first thing Wen Zheng did for the village after taking office was to move the villagers from the bungalows and buildings that were built with great difficulty to the caves dug in the mountains, returning to the era of "cave dwelling".

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