Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 147 Chapter 147

When the villagers first moved into the cave, they were still a little uncomfortable. The cave was not as big as a normal house, and the space for activities was much smaller, but the cooling effect was quite obvious.

The mountain became an extremely effective insulation layer. Just by walking in, you can feel the difference in temperature between inside and outside. When it's time to go to bed, you don't need to turn on the fan or air conditioner for the time being. Just lie on the bamboo mat and take care of your stomach, and you can have a good sleep.

The benefit of cooling alone can make everyone accept the other inconveniences and adapt to life in the cave as quickly as possible.

When I woke up early in the morning, I smelled the fragrance of breakfast in the air. Wen Zheng yawned and got up. He looked into the next room and didn't see a group of people. He knew that he probably took a group of children to the mountain for training again.

He went out and walked around the passage in the center of the cave. He stepped on the steps that were carved out with great effort and walked directly from the cave to the mountain. There is a big tree with deep roots and lush leaves at the exit. Even if the leaves are sparse, it is enough to block the sun. Two steps ahead, there is a shed built on the flat ground on the mountain. Below is a built sink, and the faucet above is connected to the water supply pipeline in the village.

Wash up simply in front of the sink, and place different sewage in different places, and then reuse it.

Tuantuan ran down from all over the mountain with a group of children, holding various bamboo baskets and wooden jars in their hands. Seeing Wen Zheng behind, he ran over immediately. Wen Zheng opened it and saw that the things inside were also varied. The bamboo baskets were filled with various wild vegetables and weeds that can be eaten, and the wooden jars were filled with various insects, all of which are edible.

"It's a good harvest today. Take it and go down to have breakfast." Wen Zheng smiled and saw the group of children laughing and walking down the stairs again, with Tuantuan walking at the back.

Now everyone lives in the cave, and the air circulation is far worse than outside, so a large space with good ventilation effect was built as the canteen for the whole village. After moving in, everyone started to eat big pot meals again.

Cooking and washing dishes together, the water used is much less than separate.

Auntie Pang took a few villagers with good cooking skills to take charge of everyone's three meals a day. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan went down to put the things away, and then lined up at the entrance of the canteen. Breakfast is a simple wild vegetable porridge, thick, with less water and more ingredients.

Knowing that everyone can't eat too hot food, they waited until it was cool before letting people come to eat. The wild vegetables were pickled in advance, which slightly improved the taste. In fact, the taste is not bad.

However, it is hot now and there is less work to do. Everyone has doubts in their hearts, worried that food and water may not be enough in the future, so no one eats too much, and eating half full is enough. If you are really hungry, eat something else to fill your stomach.

After dinner, everyone was not idle. Now that they had moved into the cave, the house was empty. The temperature was always better than that of the open fields, so the empty rooms, especially the basement, became places for growing vegetables and even raising chickens. They just went back every day to check the situation.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan also planted and raised a lot of things in their own yard, and his house was at the foot of the mountain, close and convenient to go back.

In the first few days after moving into the cave, everyone went back to check the situation during the day and came back when it was cool at night. Later, I felt that it was more comfortable to stay in the cave, so I went back and left after I was done. Later, the temperature got higher and higher, and everyone slowly adjusted their work and rest to stay at night and stay at night, so they went out in the morning and evening.

The night activities were that it would be darker inside the cave, and at this time everyone would run outside to relax, and the moonlight outside was exceptionally bright.

The brightness of the moon is always limited. It’s okay to do other things, but reading in the moonlight may hurt children’s eyesight. So the children in the village study in the cave with lights on every night.

Yes, even if the school cannot open, all students still have to study. As long as there is electricity and Internet supply, advanced technology can give them the opportunity to take online classes.

After receiving the notice of online classes, Wen Zheng thought about restoring Tuantuan's student status. Tuantuan is not happy to go to school to study. He can barely accept online classes at home, but the content taught by the teacher does not match his learning progress. He has been learning by himself.

Time slowly came to the end of June. According to the situation reported on the news, all parts of the country are now in a state of hiding during the day and going out at night. A large number of industries have to stop. Only some state-supported enterprises can persist until now and try their best to produce to meet the daily needs of the people.

Before moving into the cave, Dongxi Village bought a large number of necessary materials for life with last year's harvest of grains and stored them in the cave, so there is no need to go out to purchase. The most important thing that Wen Zheng, the new village chief, needs to worry about is the two pregnant women in the village.

In fact, around the Chinese New Year, three pregnant women confirmed their pregnancy. At that time, the babies in their bellies were about one to two months old. The earliest one was when it just started to rain last year.

According to this calculation, the baby will be born in October or November this year. The entire pregnancy process will go through the most difficult summer. Just think about it and you will know that pregnant women will suffer extra hardship.

Wen Zheng’s first reaction when he knew about it was that it would be better not to have a child. Perhaps because he had experienced too much, he would be indifferent in some aspects. However, this pregnancy process would not be a pleasant experience for both the adults and the children in the belly. He was also worried that the medical conditions would be insufficient due to the high temperature, and he might not be able to send the child to the hospital in time. At that time, even the worst situation of one body and two lives might happen.

But the child was not his own, and it was not up to Wen Zheng to decide whether to have or not. What Wen Zheng could do was to make it clear what might happen if he had the child in the case of possible complaints from the villagers, and then let the pregnant family make their own choices.

Rural people rarely have the awareness of contraception, and basically they just give birth to the child if they have it. There are not many young couples in Dongxi Village, and it is difficult to have the idea of ​​having children in hot weather, so there are only three pregnant women, which is already a minority.

The initial happiness passed, and after hearing Wen Zheng’s reminder, the three families with pregnant women had to consider the reality even if they were a little unhappy, and they were worried about it.

In the end, only one pregnant woman chose to go to the hospital to abort the child. She didn't want to suffer, nor did she want the child to suffer from high temperatures as soon as it was born. The remaining two pregnant women and their families insisted on giving birth to the child after long consideration.

Wen Zheng had no way to comment on their choice. After all, these people said that no one could be sure how long it would take for the strange temperature to return to normal, and they couldn't stop people from getting married and having children.

This is their right. As the village chief, Wen Zheng can do as much as possible to help where he can.

When they decided to keep the child, Wen Zheng persuaded them to go to the hospital for a pregnancy test first. There was nothing wrong with the two embryos in the belly. The pregnant woman returned to the village to recuperate. Wen Zheng asked the doctor in the village to supplement some medicines needed by pregnant women and newborns, and then do a simple check every week. When the month of pregnancy check is needed, let the villagers drive to the hospital for examination at night.

In June, the child was already pregnant. The villagers helped as much as they could in their daily lives and passed on various experiences.

However, after returning to their respective caves, the elderly people would privately say that the two families were a little confused. When they mentioned it, they would inevitably sigh a few times and still worry about them in their hearts.

Wen Zheng could feel that the temperature this year would definitely be higher than in previous years, so when June came, that is, when summer came, he wanted to persuade the two pregnant women to live in the hospital, or to live in the town, which was only a short distance from the hospital, so that if there was any problem, they could seek medical treatment in time.

However, whether it was going to the town or further living in the hospital, it would cost a lot. There was not much food in the village to support them, and most of it needed to be paid by themselves. In the end, this persuasion was also in vain.

June passed, July came, and the time that Wen Zheng was most worried about came.

People had already changed to sleeping during the day and moving at night. Now it is difficult to fall asleep even in the cave during the day, and electric fans need to be turned on to bring some coolness.

After breakfast, everyone turned on the fans to fall asleep as soon as possible.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were the first to notice something was wrong and opened their eyes. They looked at the room temperature detection instrument placed in the cave. The temperature on it had broken through the 45-degree mark and was heading towards 50 degrees. Looking at the time again, it was only twelve o'clock in the afternoon, not yet the hottest one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

When approaching the entrance to the outside, you can feel the rolling heat waves coming out without opening the curtains. In addition to Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, the other villagers who couldn't stand the heat also came out one after another.

Wen Zheng called a few people to check the circuit in the cave again. After finding no problems, they turned on the installed air conditioner. The caves where these air conditioners are located are all close to the mountain, so that they can be connected and placed outside the mountain.

These caves are basically arranged for families with pregnant women, the elderly and young children. The residences of the rest of the people are located deeper in the cave, but because of the deep location, the temperature is still bearable.

It is impossible to sleep well during the day. Even if the air conditioner is faced with too high a temperature, it will not play a big role. It can only ensure that the indoor temperature will not cause heatstroke.

Everyone can only satisfy the body's need for sleep in two time periods, from early morning to morning, and from dusk to night. Late night is used for outdoor activities. As for noon, it is often too hot to fall asleep, let alone do any activities. Just lying on the bamboo mat with eyes open can feel the body sweating.

This kind of life lasted until mid-August, when something bad happened. The person who was browsing the news screamed, ran out of the cave, and asked everyone loudly: "My mobile phone suddenly lost the network and there is no signal. Can you check if your mobile phone can still be used?"

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