Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 152 Chapter 152

He went down the steps nimbly and quickly, until he met the villagers who were planning to evacuate from the exit. Tuantuan then stepped slightly heavier to make his figure appear in front of the frightened villagers.

"What's the situation now? Where did the group of people who drove over come from?" Tuantuan asked before the villagers could ask him where he was going. His serious face looked very similar to Wen Zheng, making people think that Wen Zheng was there. Ask questions.

The old village cadre who organized the evacuation of the villagers came out from the end of the team and gave Tuantuan a brief explanation.

The people driving over were people from the next village. When the vehicle just approached the cave, the villagers thought Wen Zheng was back, but when they went out and saw that it was not the case, they regretfully asked them the purpose of coming.

The old man's throat moved nervously, his voice was dry and hoarse, and he tried hard to hide his slight fear and worry.

"They were probably starving and got out of the car with a few machetes in their hands. A quick glance showed that they had no good intentions. The few people I saw at the entrance of the cave quickly went in and told the young and old to hide first. That group of people I guess we don’t know that we have other exits. After people came in, they drove directly to block the entrance. I was afraid of any accidents, so I brought people here first so that I could evacuate in time if something happened.”

"I understand. You continue to wait here. There is no movement while I'm walking. Let's go in first to check the situation. Wen Jianghe and the others may come from here later. Please pay more attention." After all the explanations, the villagers left without waiting for them to stop. The team flashed in from the side.

The group moved very fast, capturing the movements coming from the cave as they walked, distinguishing the specific location of the sound from the various echoes transmitted, and guessing the specific situation happening there.

Based on the analysis of the sounds captured so far, the group of people running over had already started fighting with the villagers staying in the cave. According to what the old village cadre just said, the incoming man was carrying several machetes. If he was a little careless, he would cause a lot of casualties, so Tuantuan silently quickened his pace.

Taking out the wooden knives and swords hidden on his body, Tuantuan rushed over again, and also entered the cave where the sundries were placed to take out ropes, bamboo baskets, etc.

At this time, people from neighboring villages were waving machetes in their hands angrily, staring at the villagers in Dongxi Village with increasingly terrifying eyes, and the expressions on their faces were distorted to the point of deformation.

Every time they ran to attack other villages, they would have a full meal. Those who had no food, no drinking water, and no preparations would not be their opponents at all, and in the end they could only be slaughtered by them.

Dongxi Village has become famous in the neighborhood last year because of the government's commendation and the construction of caves. They knew that Dongxi Village's food reserves were relatively sufficient, so they deliberately placed Dongxi Village at the end until the villagers in Dongxi Village had consumed almost all the food. Attack again when you are weak.

The planned plan was shattered the moment he saw the villagers of Dongxi Village. The outward appearance of the villagers in Dongxi Village was indeed not good, but compared to the skinny skin of the people in other villages, it was simply great. Not only did I have the strength to walk out of it, but I was also full of energy when I spoke.

The initial surprise passed, and their limited minds were filled with questions about why the people in Dongxi Village could still live so well. If their village had sufficient food, they would not have betrayed their relatives and friends and reached this point. .

Jealousy, disgust, hatred and other negative emotions were intertwined. This group of unkind neighboring villagers tried to attack with machetes after entering the cave.

Their rationality was completely overwhelmed by negative emotions, and they only wanted to kill the group of people in front of them who were too lucky. People who were not far from madness would not consider themselves when attacking, and would only attack the target in front of them.

The response of the villagers in Dongxi Village was fast enough. At the critical moment, someone remembered the emergency measures Wen Zheng had installed in the cave and stretched out his hand to pull in the passage. The sound of evacuating as soon as possible resounded in all the caves.

According to the process that has been rehearsed before, some young and middle-aged people protect the old and weak and evacuate, while some combat forces decide whether to leave or stay to solve the problem based on the situation they face.

After confirming that the danger encountered by Dongxi Village was a catastrophe and not a natural disaster, the pre-prepared defensive measures were activated. The young adults who were left behind found items that could be used as weapons and armor and began to fight to protect their residence.

But the villagers in Dongxi Village are still awake. Being awake means fear. Facing the desperate fighting methods of those crazy intruders, they are somewhat timid and try hard to protect themselves from getting hurt. They will inevitably fall into the trap during the fight. Downwind.

Just when a villager was about to be injured, a sudden bright light shone on the intruder's eyes. The fragile eyeballs suddenly suffered such an attack, causing physiological pain and tears.

Before he could recover, several important parts of his limbs suffered violent blows. The pain was so uncontrollable that his body collapsed on the ground, unable to move, and his brain almost lost consciousness.

When they recovered, they found that they had been tied up with hemp ropes, bamboo slices, etc., and standing in front of them, apart from the several adults who had just resisted them, there was also a boy with baby fat.

Who among them was responsible for the sudden hit on the limbs just now?

Looking at the crazy-looking men with bloodshot eyes in front of him, some not-so-good memories of the disaster world he had lived through appeared in his mind. This state was really too similar to the "human beings" who had encountered cannibals in the past. ", completely losing the bottom line that human beings should have.

It didn't look like he was taking things in such a bad direction. Tuantuan frowned and said nothing. The villagers who had just organized the resistance took a step forward, took out the hemp rope that was stuffed in the mouth of one of them, and asked: "Wang Erhei, what are you crazy about?"

Wang Erhei stared at the hemp rope that was taken out and laughed. He didn't care about the pain in his body and shouted outside at the top of his lungs: "Lao Wu, do it, don't worry..."

Even if Tuantuan blocked the hemp rope back in time, it did not prevent the first few words from being transmitted to the outside. Everyone was shocked. There was still someone who had not been caught. This person might have some tricks up his sleeve. Even if he could not hurt the villagers, he would feel bad if he hurt the cave where they lived.

The villagers were anxious and didn't know which direction to go. When they were about to ask Wang Erhei, there was a muffled sound and a strange man was tied up and thrown out from a distance. Wang Erhei's eyes were seeing this man. In an instant, it was about to burst apart.

The villagers were tired of the series of incidents, but they didn't need to think about who caught this person, because Tuantuan had already given the answer immediately. Tuantuan stepped forward two steps faster, then made a slight leap, and fell into Wen Zheng's arms: "Dad, you are finally back."

Wen Zheng is back.

Only then did the villagers clearly see Wen Zheng's figure hidden in the darkness. Now they had found their backbone, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Zheng arranged for everyone to search the cave again. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan used their hearing to the extreme. After confirming that all outsiders had been tied up, they quickly notified the villagers who were hiding to come back. Wen Zheng faced everyone with an apology: "I'm sorry, folks. I've been out for a long time this time, which must have made you worried. Fortunately, I didn't come back too late. Please tell me what happened during the two days I left. I'll tell you about it later. Talk about the situation outside."

"We all came according to the arrangements you made before you left. Everything in the village has been fine these days. The only thing that happened was the group of people who suddenly came to attack tonight. Village Chief, has the order in the town been restored? Don't you want to send them to the police station in the town?" someone asked after answering.

"By the way Jiang He, how come you guys ran out without saying a word in the middle of the night and tied up Jiang Liu with a rope." Someone noticed that Wen Jianghe and his party came back later. When the situation was still unclear, they didn't I asked in my mind, and now I asked the questions in my heart.

Someone suspected: "Isn't it possible that Wen Jiangliu colluded with this group of people?"

"He doesn't have the guts." Wen Jianghe curled his lips and said. Several hidden exits in the cave were not discovered. "This guy is probably so greedy that he has no brains. He picked up a weasel somewhere and sneaked out at night. Eat it grilled.”

Two pregnant women who were about to give birth and several elderly people in poor health were inevitably frightened this time, so they were told to go back and rest instead of attending the meeting. Therefore, Wen Jiangliu's parents and wife had no chance to hear what he had done. Behavior.

After the villagers heard this, the originally quiet meeting was about to turn into a vegetable market. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had worked hard to popularize the knowledge. Before they were so hungry that they had nothing to eat, the villagers all pointed at Wen Jiangliu. The quarrel now was mainly about what kind of punishment should be given to Wen Jiangliu.

Wen Zheng felt his head hurt after hearing this, so he asked someone to let go of Wen Jiangliu and throw him aside. His problem was still an internal problem within the village and could be dealt with later.

Lowering their heads to check on the intruders, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan had the same idea, and were sure that they had seen blood on their bodies.

Between not telling the villagers and letting the villagers understand how terrible people's hearts are, Wen Zheng chose the latter. There must be villages around that have suffered from their murderous hands. Since this matter can't be hidden, then tell them now and let them understand people's hearts. of terror.

After carefully distinguishing the expressions of the captured group of people, Wen Zheng picked out a relatively rational person among them, took out the stuff that was blocked in his mouth, and restored his normal speaking ability.

Wen Zheng didn't speak, but some villagers couldn't wait to ask, and the content was the same as the question Wen Jianghe had asked before. Perhaps all their accomplices had been caught, there was no chance of escape, and some sense remained, so this man finally spoke.

"Why else? Because you still have food and water to drink. You haven't experienced the feeling of starving to death. You haven't eaten everything you can to fill your stomach. You haven't eaten dead people in order not to starve to death. Meat." This young man, who didn't look very big, looked at them with extremely hateful eyes and spoke with his teeth, as if he wanted to tear them apart and gnaw them.

Many villagers trembled in shock, unwilling to believe what they heard.

Wen Zheng shook his head slightly and whispered: "With the food reserves in your village, you shouldn't..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by several loud screams. The villagers who were already extremely sensitive due to the invasion immediately stood up, looked in the direction of the sound, and quickly picked up the I put down my recent weapons and planned to go over and see what happened.

"Come here, help!" Immediately after the female scream, an old voice called for help, which sounded familiar.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were startled, having heard what was happening. Wen Zheng regretted that the villagers should not have been so noisy just now, and now that there was no danger, he deliberately did not catch too many noises.

Who would have thought that Wen Jiangliu's parents, for some reason, brought their pregnant daughter-in-law out at this time, and happened to hear the echo of the intruder's speech. The pregnant woman was already in a panic, and was frightened again. She was in a worse state, and she slipped to the ground, holding her stomach and crying in pain.

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