Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 153 Chapter 153 (1/2)

"Hurry up and get someone here! You village cadres don't know how to do your job every day. You're still dawdling at this time. I tell you, if anything happens to my grandson, our family will never forgive you."

"Village head, Jiang He, my son went out tonight and hasn't come back yet. He might have encountered some danger outside. You see, my daughter-in-law is in a bad condition. How can he, who is about to become a father, not be at the scene? Send someone to find my son quickly."

Wen Jiangliu's two parents, who had not grown many white hairs, were standing beside their daughter-in-law lying on the ground, pointing at the village cadres who hurried over and giving orders. However, the words that ignored their daughter-in-law made the people who heard them feel cold.

No matter how uncomfortable she felt, the current condition of the pregnant woman was the most important, especially since she had a sensitive nose and could faintly smell the blood floating over. She had no time to entangle with the two of them.

"Your son is not lost, he is behind. Where is Liang Jiayu? Come over quickly, bring some hot water, and then go outside to clean up the car I drove back, and prepare to send him to the hospital in the town." Wen Zheng asked everyone to disperse and not crowd together, and make room for Liang Jiayu to come.

The old couple had already found Wen Jiangliu in the crowd and asked him with concern. Seeing the marks left on Wen Jiangliu's body by being tied up, they felt even more distressed.

Wen Jiangliu had not lost his last bit of conscience. He pushed his parents aside and squeezed to the front. He squatted beside his wife in panic. He probably wanted to reach out and hug his wife but didn't dare to touch her for a long time. In the end, he just held his wife's hand. After Liang Jiayu came over, he stepped back to make way, and then didn't say a word.

Liang Jiayu realized that something was wrong after checking, and didn't speak but looked at Wen Zheng.

"Has the car outside been vacated?" Wen Zheng took a deep breath and shouted to the outside, then turned to Wen Jiangliu, who was silent and didn't know what he was thinking, "Wen Jiangliu, hurry up and hold your wife in the car. It's up to you whether your parents go or not. Liang Jiayu and I will go too."

Wen Jiangliu didn't let his parents follow him. The old couple kept yelling about no one paying attention, and the villagers helped as much as possible.

Wen Zheng, who was sitting in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove fast on the road. Wen Jiangliu hugged his wife and children in the vacated rear compartment. After a brief hesitation, Liang Jiayu put the medicine that Wen Zheng had just stuffed into him into a straw cup filled with warm water and handed it to Wen Jiangliu for him to feed it in.

Feeding unknown medicine to a pregnant woman whose condition was unknown was the boldest thing Liang Jiayu had done in his career, all relying on the trust in Wen Zheng that had accumulated over time.

Zhang Tian was fed and reluctantly drank two sips of water, but she refused to drink anymore. After about ten minutes, the moaning sound that had been echoing in the car weakened. Wen Jiangliu immediately grabbed Liang Jiayu nervously: "Doctor Liang, can you check if my wife is about to die?" Liang Jiayu wiped the sweat on his forehead and hands with paper, and then used the existing tools to check Zhang Tian's current condition. Although the conditions were simple and not much could be found, all the symptoms that could be checked showed that she was getting better. Liang Jiayu breathed a sigh of relief and comforted Wen Jiangliu. Wen Zheng had just left the village a few days ago and had just returned. He was already familiar with the road to the town. He drove to avoid the main road with many obstacles and had not been cleared, and took a detour directly from the flat road. The distance was a little longer, but it actually saved a lot of time. The vehicle arrived directly at the gate of the hospital. "Doctor, doctor!" As soon as the car stopped, Wen Jiangliu shouted and rushed into the hospital holding Zhang Tian. Zhang Tian's condition has been stabilized by the medicine Wen Zheng brought out, but as long as there is a violent emotional fluctuation, it is easy to have this situation again. Now the hospital is short of staff and equipment, and caesarean section cannot be performed for the time being. It is recommended that pregnant women stay in the hospital for the time being, and any problems will be solved here.

"Thank you, doctor. I didn't bring money and food this time. Can I let my wife stay in the hospital first? I'll have someone send it to me." Wen Jiangliu seemed to have grown up a little after this. After getting the doctor's answer, he asked Wen Zheng to go back to the village and bring two bags of food from his family. He wanted to stay here to accompany her.

"Don't make a fool of yourself in the hospital again." Wen Zheng had a stern face, and when Wen Jiangliu lowered his head in fear, he continued, "Accompany Zhang Tian well in the hospital, and other things will be discussed when you go back."

After the explanation, Wen Zheng took Liang Jiayu to the town government first and told them that someone ran to their village with a knife to attack.

The town leaders saw Wen Zheng coming over with a smile on their faces, but they immediately put it away after hearing what Wen Zheng said, especially after Wen Zheng whispered to them that these people might have many lives on their hands, their brows furrowed tightly.

Under the disaster brought by extreme high temperatures, many places are out of government management. When people are in desperate situations and cannot seek help, some people will show the brilliance of human nature, but some people will show the badness of human nature to the fullest.

They have heard about the group of modern bandits on the way to the city. This group of people has completely lost the rationality that humans should have. They don't consider the consequences of being caught. After breaking the bottom line in order to survive at the beginning, their desires are getting more and more unsatisfied.

After hearing about this situation, the town leaders began to prepare themselves mentally. They knew that the outbreak of the disease in the town had kept them busy for a while, and the strange high temperature cut off all means of remote communication. Unless someone from the village found the town, they had no time to pay attention to the situation below, and it was very likely that such a situation would occur.

After hearing the situation reported by Wen Zheng, the good mood that had finally emerged because of contacting the district disappeared without a trace. The huge stone in the heart finally fell, and then there was a heavy feeling of suffocation.

As expected, such extremely dangerous criminals appeared in the area under their jurisdiction, which was a serious dereliction of duty.

The town leaders who had planned to patrol the villages below tomorrow changed their plans and immediately asked the police station personnel to lead the team to follow Wen Zheng to Dongxi Village to interrogate the dangerous elements who were arrested first, and then go to several villages to see the situation based on the interrogation results.

After arriving at Dongxi Village, the police from the town borrowed a cave to interrogate the dangerous elements who were tightly tied up. The results of the interrogation were shocking. The number of victims was so large that they were almost all over the villages in the town.

The reason for taking this path was nothing more than being too hungry and greedy. The supplies stored in advance were insufficient, and there was no one to manage them. They had been eyeing the nearby wild animals for a long time. After eating them, the gate could not be closed until all the wild animals they could catch were killed. What should they do if their greed relapsed? Their eyes fell on their own kind.

From the dead who had just died to the dying living, and finally selecting the target to attack in secret, the villagers should go to other villages when they were prepared. The more people they killed, the bolder they were. Finally, they set their sights on the iron plate of Dongxi Village.

All of them came to Dongxi Village and were caught, but there were more than just their group of dangerous elements in the surrounding towns and villages. There were others wandering around.

This is not a case that can be solved in a short time. The town police station has not sent enough people, but the town cannot send more people to reinforce. It can only borrow people from Dongxi Village. It needs to find Wen Zheng, the village chief of Dongxi Village.

Wen Zheng has not rested since he came back. He first informed Wen Jiangliu's parents of their daughter-in-law's situation during the police interrogation, and explained that when his son accompanied his daughter-in-law in the hospital, he had to face their faces that were reluctant to take out food. Finally, he did not want to spend too much time and effort, so he handed the matter over to other people.

Then he briefly explained the situation within a few days of leaving to the village. When Wen Zheng went to the town, the town had already controlled the disease. Seeing that the temperature had dropped a little, it sent a team to the district for help, but the team sent out never came back.

The town was planning to send another team over, and Wen Zheng happened to catch up, so he went to the district with this team. On the way to the city, Wen Zheng was the first to find something wrong. It was because of Wen Zheng's timely reminder that the team avoided the traps on the road and also caught a few people and tied them up and sent them to the district together.

This time, their team arrived at the district smoothly. It happened that the district sent troops to clean up the main roads first. After they reported to the district government, they were able to take the items distributed by the district back from the main road.

Therefore, Wen Zheng delayed several days before returning, and when he came back, he encountered an attack on their village.

On the way to the district, Wen Zheng's sharpness was known to the town, so the police hoped that Wen Zheng could also temporarily join their team.

In the end, Wen Zheng took several young people from the village to become non-staff members of the team. Before leaving, Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan to add several defense measures in the cave, and arranged for people to patrol in shifts before leaving with peace of mind.

The upcoming Spring Festival was hurriedly spent in such a busyness. Even in the more than a month after the New Year, Wen Zheng could not stay too long every time he went back, and he did not stay in the village for too long in total.

When this crackdown came to an end, the few young people brought out by Wen Zheng had changed a lot. In just over a month, they experienced a lot of things that they had never experienced in their previous half-life. Their psychological qualities and reaction speed were trained. They were not good at the beginning, but they performed better and better after gritting their teeth and persevering.

After returning to the village, these young people were still a little unaccustomed to normal life, and it took them two or three days to adapt.

After more than a month, this group of young people exchanged their experiences with the villagers who stayed in the cave. The villagers listened to the young people's narration as if they were listening to a story. They couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard the thrilling part, and they were glad that their village did not encounter such situations.

Most of the villagers thought that the young people who went out exaggerated in the process of narrating. Occasionally, when they talked about being heard, the young people just smiled and did not refute.

In fact, the version they told was a beautified version. They couldn't eat or sleep in the first few days of the action. They finally fell asleep but were full of nightmares. They hoped that the villagers would never face such a scene.

The elderly usually don't express their opinions, but the elderly who are old enough have seen corpses everywhere and the evil of human nature when they were young. They are deeply buried in their memories and are unwilling to take them out again.

The situation in the village has been quite good over the past month. In Wen Zheng's absence, the village should have been managed by several village cadres. However, after several speeches, Tuan Tuan became the invisible acting village chief, managing the village in an orderly manner and leading the villagers to welcome the new year.

The temperature at the end of this winter is slightly lower than that in the summer of normal years. It is too mild compared to the extreme high temperatures in the previous few months. More people go out at night. If there is something, they will go out in the early morning and evening. It is not limited to the night. I heard that there is a small market in the town.

After the town and the district got in touch, they had a backing. Everyone in the town government was so busy that they wanted to split themselves in half. On the one hand, they had to worry about the situation in the town, on the other hand, they had to send teams to arrest dangerous criminals, and they also needed to send people to various villages to investigate.

The result is not optimistic. Many villages are facing the dilemma of food and water shortage. Even if the few subsidies distributed by the district are all distributed to these villages, they still cannot meet the needs.

There has been no rain in the town for nearly half a year. Even the water level of several deep wells in Dongxi Village has dropped to the lowest level in history. Not to mention several other villages, they barely rely on drinking water from the subsidies to maintain their lives.

After Wen Zheng and Tuantuan calculated the time when the disaster would end and the amount of drinking water stored in the space, they found an opportunity that was not easily noticed and took out two-thirds of the drinking water stored in the space and placed it in the courtyard of the town government, which was then distributed to the villages in need by the town government. The remaining one-third was left in the space, and in daily life, it was added to the village's usual water containers in small quantities and multiple times.

The town government did not know where the drinking water that suddenly appeared in the courtyard came from. The camera had been broken for a long time, and the door was open during office hours. Everyone was busy. When they found that there were several more boxes of water in the courtyard, they did not find any suspicious figures nearby. After checking that it was indeed safe and harmless drinking water, the government did not keep any of it, and all the water was distributed according to the population of the town and each village. Not only did they not take the credit, but they also explained that it was an anonymous donation when distributing it.

The problem of drinking water is no longer prominent in Dongxi Village, which is in short supply but still has water available, and there are still a lot of food reserves that can be provided to other villages.

The town tentatively proposed to borrow a batch of food from Dongxi Village for emergency use. If the villagers agreed, they could choose to return the food when the superiors distributed the relief food, or they could exchange it with scarce supplies such as dried meat and dried fruit.

Food is life in a disaster. The villagers of Dongxi Village were reluctant to give up their stored food, and they could not watch people from other villages starve to death. Everyone held a meeting and discussed it again. Each family still took out half a bag of grain. Those with more stored food at home exchanged for some rare ingredients, and those with less stored food borrowed it and asked the town to write an IOU.

They handed the food to the staff sent by the town. At that moment, their hearts were like a knife, but it took a while to recover. The food provided by Dongxi Village helped the other villages wait for the second wave of relief food to arrive. At the same time, the latest communication equipment also arrived, which could be used normally without being affected by the disaster.

The cost of the latest communication equipment has not yet been reduced. It is first provided to governments at all levels for easy communication to better solve the problems faced by the masses. The town leaders held a short meeting to make the latest arrangements for the current situation. At the end of the meeting, they discussed the distribution plan of the three latest communication devices obtained by the town. Considering Dongxi Village's contribution in catching dangerous criminals and lending food, one of the communication devices was allocated to Dongxi Village.

Along with the communication equipment, there was also a paper instruction manual. Wen Zheng took the instruction manual and read out all the contents in front of the curious villagers. The new communication device is about the same size as a mobile phone, combining the functions of a radio and a satellite phone. The villagers were curious and asked Wen Zheng to open it to see what news he could receive.

Just as Wen Zheng was operating according to the instructions, the sound of raindrops came in from outside. As soon as the sound that had not been heard for a long time but often appeared in dreams appeared, it attracted the attention of almost everyone.

Only Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan heard the notification broadcast by the game system.

[Welcome to the Infinite Disaster Survival Game!

The main task-surviving in extreme heat for three years has been completed, and 8,000 points are awarded.

Will the player leave the game? 】

They both blinked and chose no.

The villagers all ran into the rain. They didn't know that this rain marked the end of three years of extreme heat. They cheered for the rain. Some villagers noticed that Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan didn't come out and shouted their names excitedly. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan smiled and went out of the cave to join the carnival.

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