Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 154 Chapter 154 (1/2)

This long-awaited rain lasted longer than everyone expected, so long that it did not stop even after filling all the water storage tools, allowing everyone to wash their bodies carefully in the rain.

The skin was subjected to high temperatures for several months, during which blisters appeared and broke, and the scaly dead skin adhered to the body. In order to protect the tender skin from being damaged by the high temperature, the villagers left the dead skin as a protective film, and even had to be careful not to damage it.

The dry dead skin gradually softened when it came into contact with the abundant rain, and most of it fell off automatically without the villagers having to work hard. They no longer looked like savages, and their whole bodies became relaxed.

The rain washed away the dead skin on the body, and slowly diluted the pain and darkness during the high temperature period. Reluctant to watch the rain leave, the villagers got more exciting news from the communicator.

In recent days, the villagers have been looking forward to it. First, they welcomed the census and registration of the entire village population, and then they waited for the new high-temperature resistant planting that they had been thinking about. From this day on, the busy figures of the villagers appeared in the fields again.

First, calculate the amount of food needed by the people based on the latest population data, distribute relief food to various places, and arrange work for the people who are short of food, so as to restore the normal operation of society as soon as possible.

Send troops to clear out the bandits born in the disaster and ensure the safety of people's lives.

Recruit personnel in towns and villages to clean up roads, reclaim farmland, restart small factories and transform lines to produce the most scarce daily necessities, arrange work and rest time, and provide three meals and drinking water every day.

There is no way to have rice and noodles for every meal, but providing two palm-sized grain cakes for each meal can fill people's stomachs. Even if they will choke a little in the process of swallowing, the feeling of filling their stomachs is enough to make people happy.

After working for more than half a month, the skinny personnel have grown some meat on their bodies, and they no longer look so scary. They will also find some topics to chat about during breaks, and the content of the chat is mostly about the next arrangements of the country.

The country has made every effort to arrange limited resources to restore normal order and prevent the tragedies that occurred in the disaster from happening again. After the road was opened, the pre-trained staff formed different teams and went to the existing population centers in the country in batches to transform the power and communication lines.

When the convoy arrived, all the locals who had free time couldn't help but go over to take a look, and then go back to continue their work. Even those who had no time to go would look in that direction from a distance several times in their busyness.

The circuits and communication lines were reconstructed and rebuilt, and an enlarged version of the new communication equipment that Wen Zheng got was installed in the center of each village. After turning it on by remote control, it can play the current policies and measures and some related news. Every day after dinner, everyone likes to come to the nearby area with their bowls and listen while eating.

The news repeats the results of scientists' research every day, and the most difficult time has passed. The planet they live on is affected by the changes of the surrounding planets. The fact that the overall temperature rises is inevitable, but they will not encounter the situation of extreme high temperature and water shortage as last year.

Most ordinary people are half-believing and half-doubting when they hear these words. They are really too scared. Those days left a deep mark in their hearts. Many people, when working for the government, used only one-third or even one-tenth of the drinking water distributed by the government as long as their bodies could bear it, and took the rest back for storage.

After finishing their work for the government, this group of people immediately went back to take care of the land. When reclaiming and cultivating the land, there were agricultural machinery sent by the government to help plant all the arable land, but they still needed to take care of it carefully after planting. These farmlands are now the lifeblood of everyone.

The suspicion of scientists continued until the summer of this year. The temperature was indeed higher than that in spring, but it was still far worse than the extreme temperature last year. After experiencing last summer and this summer, it was simply tearful.

The human body has a very strong ability to adapt. After three years of high temperature life, most people's bodies have improved their tolerance to high temperatures, especially newborn babies, who are more accustomed to high temperature environments than adults.

Two pregnant women in the village, including Wen Jiangliu's wife Zhang Tian, ​​gave birth to their children smoothly. Young children cannot speak yet, but they will not cry day and night, and their tender skin does not show discomfort in the high temperature of summer.

There are also many animals that survived, but the number is very small, and you will only see them occasionally if you are lucky. Sharp people will notice that some of the appearance characteristics of these animals have changed due to the high temperature.

There are not many trees left. Among the plants planted on the mountain in Dongxi Village, nearly one-third of the tropical plants that Wen Zheng specially bought survived, and only one-tenth of the original local plants survived. If you try to dig up the soil next to it, you will find that the roots of these surviving plants are all abnormally developed.

The worry about the temperature continued until the end of the year. Even in the summer with the highest average temperature, it rained several times, which did not put them in a situation of extreme water shortage. When the batch of high-temperature resistant coarse grains planted in late spring began to be harvested, batches of grains were dried and stored in warehouses. Many people knelt on the ground and cried, jumping around like they were rich, to vent the complex and indescribable emotions in their hearts.

If we have food and water reserves, we won't be so panicked. Of course, food needs to continue to be planted, but at the same time, some people also have to consider other work.

The government's recruitment notice was released at this time, and the conditions were much more relaxed. Staff from various departments collapsed from exhaustion and hunger at work during the disaster, and some were found to have problems and dismissed after the disaster. It takes a lot of staff to barely hold on until now.

And according to the latest policy after the disaster, food is now the top priority. All government staff will enjoy agricultural leave, and they can take turns to apply to go back to help when the fields at home are busy.

The casualties in Dongxi Village were very small. Many villagers in their forties and fifties were still fine. The free physical examinations provided by the government some time ago showed that they were in good physical condition and could take care of the fields at home. Young people were encouraged to give it a try.

Many young people in the village signed up for the town's recruitment, and a few brave ones went to the city to sign up. Wen Zheng did not interfere, but just gave them some guidance when they were preparing.

The government's recruitment process was very fast. After the results were announced, more than a dozen young people from Dongxi Village who had signed up passed. They were all people who helped the town police when they were fighting against the villains. They were trained at that time.

Those who failed to pass the recruitment were inevitably a little frustrated. Before they were frustrated for two days, many enterprises and factories that were restarted with the help of the government also began to look for people, and they also set up agricultural holidays. All the applicants this time passed, and the remaining ones wanted to stay in the village and take good care of the farmland.

After this wave of recruitment, the end of the year came, and small markets gradually gathered. The currency had not yet regained its credibility, and most of them still only accepted transactions in the form of grain or barter.

Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan to visit twice and spent a relatively good New Year with the villagers.

In the fifth year after the disaster, Dongxi Village carefully studied the current temperature and the needs of egg hatching, and spent a lot of effort to take care of the chicks that broke out of the shell. Wen Shuangquan, an experienced pig farmer in the village, took four sacks of grain and went to the city to exchange for two piglets.

Everything is moving in a good direction. The situation in the village is getting better and better. Wen Zheng, the village chief of Dongxi Village, also received a communication from his superiors, asking him if he had any ideas about transferring his position.

It was a time when everything was in ruins and education and ability became less important. After investigating Wen Zheng's situation as the village chief and determining that he was capable of taking on more important positions, they planned to promote him.

The villagers heard the news from somewhere and thought that Wen Zheng would choose to transfer. They were reluctant but still went to find Wen Zheng to express their support, which made Wen Zheng laugh and cry.

"Who told you that I was going to leave?" Wen Zheng surprised a large group of villagers. Everyone thought that Wen Zheng couldn't let them go, but Wen Zheng shook his head and said that he had his own plans.

After comforting the villagers and going home, Wen Zheng replied to his superiors and expressed his refusal, which puzzled a large group of people.

Wen Zheng still managed Dongxi Village, planned the future development direction of Dongxi Village, and made Dongxi Village better according to the preferential policies given by the state.

In this process, Wen Zheng always brought Wen Jianghe with him, and taught this young man who was not very old but had always performed well, and now he was erasing his previous impetuosity and becoming more Wen Zheng.

Anyone with eyes can see that Wen Zheng is training Wen Jianghe as the next village chief, but Wen Zheng is still too old to retire. The contradiction between training a successor and his decision to refuse to transfer is not understood by everyone. Some old people even specifically asked Wen Zheng to come over to care about his health.

Wen Zheng thanked the villagers for their kindness, but still did not tell them his specific plan. If he did, he would probably encounter more questions from the villagers.

Another two years passed, and normal order was restored in places where humans lived across the country. The country also began to restore diplomatic relations with other countries, and then announced the data of various drastic changes after the high temperature disaster.

Nearly one-third of the areas in the country are not recommended for human life. According to the population statistics just after the extreme high temperature ended, the national population has dropped by nearly one-tenth compared with before the disaster. In recent years, the birth of newborns has increased a little, but the problem of population aging will have to be faced in the future.

Human living habits have changed a lot in three years. They rest late at night and at noon, and go out for activities at other times. Many places retain the habit of eating two meals a day. Plants and animals have not recovered yet, the food chain has been severely damaged, and the consequences of extreme high temperatures have not yet manifested themselves. Humans will encounter more problems in the days to come.

After several years of hard work, the suspended society has started to operate in a new way. The urgent need for talents has caused the country to reopen schools this year and launch special admissions examinations.

A few years have delayed the study of too many students, but a few people have used these times to absorb a lot of knowledge. Those students of the right age now don’t know what results they can get, so this exam has relaxed the boundaries of age and even academic qualifications. You only need to pay the exam fee to sign up.

This special admissions exam was originally opened to attract talents, so it is divided into two different forms of exams. Those who want to sign up can sign up for a comprehensive exam similar to the college entrance examination, or they can choose to take a professional subject exam to cultivate designated talents.

At the same time as the exam announcement, there are also exam reference materials, which were printed in sufficient quantity in advance, but the number of people who finally signed up was much lower than the expected number.

Too many people have forgotten the habit of studying in the past few years. Even those who are willing to study will be disturbed by too many trivial matters. Because of the influence of Tuantuan, the children in Dongxi Village have picked up textbooks in recent years and learned a lot of knowledge beyond the syllabus from Tuantuan. Now they are urged by their parents to sign up for the exam.

Even though the country is still in the process of post-disaster reconstruction, these villagers who grew up in poor villages still remember the saying that knowledge changes destiny.

All the unemployed young people in the village have signed up, and Tuantuan has also signed up for the exam. In addition to them, there is also Wen Zheng, a special candidate.

Few people know that Wen Zheng has signed up for the exam. In addition to Tuantuan, there is Wen Jianghe, because he needs to take the candidates to the test site set up in the city and accompany them outside.

The villagers thought that Wen Zheng was also there to accompany the exam. Even the children who took the same exam did not notice it because Wen Zheng went in last. It was not until the final results were announced that Wen Zheng resigned from the position of village chief on the grounds of going to school that a lot of jaws dropped.

The test questions of this special entrance examination contain questions of different difficulty levels, and there are few questions that can test luck. This is because in this way, candidates can judge their approximate level based on their scores, and use this as a reference to choose from which stage to start learning again.

Tuantuan chose a comprehensive exam, and his scores were among the top in the country. Wen Zheng chose a professional exam for agriculture. In order not to be too outrageous, he controlled his score when taking the exam, and the final score was in the upper position.

The father and son can be said to have made a big splash. One had not yet entered high school before the disaster, and the other had been a farmer for decades. Such good results are particularly eye-catching. Later, they were re-evaluated, especially Wen Zheng, to determine that they had the real strength to match this score.

After confirmation, the news that Wen Zheng and Wen Ling did not forget to study on their own during the disaster spread across the country. In fact, their legendary experience has just begun.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan absorbed knowledge eagerly after entering school. Wen Zheng plunged into agricultural research. With the foundation of research in the desert world, he made rapid progress. Tuantuan was exposed to various subjects in a comprehensive university, and later chose a major related to mechanics. His learning progress began to become as fast as his.

The two completed their studies in school in a much shorter time than ordinary people, and then were absorbed into a national-level research institute for research. In the days that followed, they produced many useful results to help the world survive the subsequent adverse effects caused by high temperatures.

However, the damage caused to the human body in that year of extreme high temperature was still huge. The human body was left with many sequelae. The elderly died one after another a few years after the extreme high temperature ended, and the middle-aged people lived to be about sixty or seventy years old, and their life span was greatly shortened.

Wen Zheng did not use the props in the system store, and the long-term research also consumed his physical energy. Even with the careful care provided by the country, he still left this world at the age of seventy-five. The next year, Wen Ling was too sad because of his father's death, and his body became weaker, and he followed behind and left.

The people in this world mourned for this, and Wen Zheng and Tuantuan returned to the system space after closing their eyes.

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