Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 16 Chapter 16

"It's already like this now, and there are still people stealing children. It's too wicked."

After searching for a long time without finding any useful clues, the crowd began to doubt the child's mother's guess and cursed the thief.

Guan Luping checked the surroundings again. If he really wanted to run, he could indeed climb over the wall and run away, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"These days, stealing things can be exchanged for money, but selling children is not convenient. Could this group of thieves be deliberately taking revenge?"

"I didn't provoke him, why should he take revenge? Besides, if there is anything, can't you just go to adults? Why embarrass a child?"

The young woman cried heartbreakingly, and an aunt who couldn't bear it squatted down and whispered to comfort her.

"I don't think it's revenge either. Last time, the group of people stabbed someone and ran away, and no one was caught. How likely is it that they ran back to take revenge?" Wen Zheng half squatted down and scanned the ground.

"Captain, have you found anything?" Guan Luping asked hurriedly.

"No." Wen Zheng shook his head. Seeing the police driving over in a police car, he hurried to get out of the way. They are professionals in this area.

After the police checked, they also found nothing. Finally, they took the two parents who were still sad back to the police station and checked all the surveillance cameras in the streets near the community.

Wen Zheng and his team evacuated the onlookers and suggested that everyone could wear a whistle around their necks at ordinary times, which would be faster than calling when encountering special situations.

If the elderly and children at home must go out, they must be with them.

Back to their office, Wen Zheng and his teammates checked the surveillance cameras in the three communities they were responsible for, and at the same time checked all the blind spots of the surveillance.

Although the damaged ones were replaced with new ones a few days ago, they were still placed according to the original layout of the community. The surveillance blind spots were not only numerous but also large in area.

Wen Zheng studied it and re-planned the arrangement of the cameras. He planned to buy some back to fill the gaps in the surveillance network.

Although there are people cleaning the roads every day, or worms still come out from time to time to destroy them, so express delivery is basically paralyzed.

If you want to buy a camera, you have to go to the local technology market to have a look.

Wen Zheng arranged for a teammate to go and buy it, and he stayed in the office and re-watched the part where the child ran away.

It seemed that he was attracted by something.

Before he could figure out the result, Wen Zheng received a notice just issued by his subordinates.

"Notice on the purchase of red mulberry: All residents can now collect red mulberry, and can exchange them for contribution points. Contribution points can be exchanged for special medicine for treating worm bites after half a month.

The purchase requirements of red mulberry and the proportion of redemption contribution points are as follows:...

The various precautions for picking red mulberry are as follows:...

The military garrisons and base assistance teams in various places are responsible for the purchase work. Please notify the residents in the area in charge and purchase in time."

Not only Wen Zheng, but all the team members under the jurisdiction of the base received this news, and cheers broke out in the room.

"This means that special medicines can be produced in large quantities, right?"


This is the first good news in such a long time.

During the last worm outbreak, very few people were killed directly by the worms. A small number of people died in panic due to car accidents, explosions, house collapses, trampling, and other accidents. A large number of people died due to untimely treatment after being injured.

In the first few days after Wen Zheng arrived, he witnessed many human corpses being transported away and burned, and those bodies almost showed signs of corrosion.

Everyone hoped to have special medicine, but there was no news after so long, and they didn't even report hope.

Unexpectedly, good news came at this time.

However, the toxicity of red black fruit is high, so you need to pay more attention when picking it. In order to prevent residents from picking it too hastily and causing accidents, Wen Zheng decided to make arrangements first.

Contact the heads of the three community owners' committees to come over. Those who can be heads have certain abilities.

It's almost dusk. At this time, basically no one is busy anymore. They all go back home or on the way home.

The road is extremely dangerous now, and worms like to come out at night, so few people dare to move outside at night.

After receiving the news, several owners came one after another. They were nervous when they came, fearing that they would hear bad news.

"Captain Wen, you are not kidding us, are you?"

When they heard the notice of purchasing red blackberries, they couldn't believe it and couldn't help but confirm it.

"The notice was just issued not long ago. I guess all regions have been notified. I can still contact other regions to tease you."

"I'm just too surprised." The person who spoke looked at the words on the phone and laughed foolishly.

After confirming that the news was true, several residents were instantly overjoyed. They were so excited that they might not be able to sleep tonight.

Several people sat in the office to discuss how to arrange residents to pick together.

It was late today, so in order to prevent someone from picking at night, they planned to notify again tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow, everyone will be organized to act together, bring protective equipment, and pick collectively in a certain area.

"Captain Wen, I'm afraid I'll encounter worms. I'm afraid you will need to be by my side." Someone asked.

"It is our mission to protect you." Wen Zheng nodded and agreed.

Then they confirmed the picking location and what they needed to bring. Fortunately, the red mulberry grows fast, and no one has the energy to clean them up recently. If they want to find them, they can find large areas of them.

Just when everyone was discussing it, the teammate who went to buy cameras came back and put a box of cameras on the table.

"Captain, the cameras are back. What are you meeting here for? What happened?"

"Good news, you can check the notifications on your phone."

"Captain Wen, are these cameras going to be installed in the community? How can you spend money? We talked about the missing children on the way and planned to buy them when we had time."

When it came to these things, everyone had a lot to say. One of them said two words in confusion: "The dog next door is also missing, but everyone is concerned about the child, so he didn't look for it in a big way."

Hearing that there were dogs missing, Wen Zheng thought about it and asked several owners to count how many people or animals have disappeared in the recent communities, including those who thought they went to the hospital for treatment, whether they can still be contacted.

Due to Wen Zheng's request, the originally excited atmosphere solidified again. The owners insisted on paying for the cameras and then left with a lot of worries.

Until they met people on the road, they tried to think about the red black seeds and showed a happy look because they didn't want to cause panic.

After they left, Wen Zheng took a few teammates to install all the cameras overnight and worked until midnight to ensure that there were no blind spots in the monitoring.

The next morning was destined to be a happy day.

Early in the morning, before dawn, the notification groups of the three communities were notified of the news, waiting for the residents to see it before going out to arrange today's affairs.

When people who got up early in the morning saw the news, they couldn't believe their eyes. They called to inquire directly. When they got the confirmed news, they excitedly opened the window and shouted to the outside.

"Everyone is getting up soon, check the group notification, there is news about special hemostatic drugs!"

"Special hemostatic drugs?!!"

Hearing the name of the drug, I sat up in shock in my dream. Those who didn't dare to wake up were still sleeping soundly. When they heard these people, they didn't have any mood to get up.

Either they opened their phones to check immediately, or simply opened the windows and talked loudly to the outside.

In just over ten minutes, several communities became lively.

Several heads of the homeowners' committees were in the group, answering residents' questions one by one based on the news they learned from Wen Zheng and others yesterday.

All the families who saw the news were in a state of chaos, discussing how many people in the family would go to pick, looking for gloves, bags, etc. used for picking, and wrapping up all parts of their bodies.

What the group said was right, even if there were no wounds in some places, it would be bad if you were scratched by branches and touched the juice of red black seeds when you went out to pick.

When it was first revealed that red black seeds were the raw materials of special hemostatic drugs, there were examples of hospitalization for this reason.

On this day, basically the whole country was boiling because of this news. Except for those who had tasks that had to be completed, everyone went out with the big team and was bound to pick all the red black seeds.

After the three communities experienced the outbreak of worms during the white fog period, less than half of the population remained in the communities. The elderly and children needed to stay at home, and not many people went out.

Wen Zheng left three people to guard the community, and the rest were divided into three groups, leading the residents in the community who had contributed to the fight against the worms last time, responsible for vigilance and defense.

As a poisonous ornamental plant, few people used to care about red mulberry. After the disaster, no one harmed it, so if you look carefully, you can still find a large area of ​​red mulberry.

The weather is cold in winter, and the red mulberry still bears fruits as red as agate, but now the fruits are close to maturity, so they will not burst so easily when pinched, and it is easier to pick.

All the picked red mulberry fruits are placed in a cool and ventilated place for drying according to the purchase requirements, and weighed when they are half dry, and exchanged for contribution points according to the ratio.

"Captain Wen, can we really get the special hemostatic medicine in half a month?" Some people are still worried, and the old man comes to ask from time to time when drying.

Wen Zheng got the news from his parents who were staying at the base, and gave them some reassurance.

"After the research found that red mulberry could stop bleeding, the government sent people to buy a lot of it. In fact, when we were notified, they had already started to make medicine again. The purchases now are to ensure that the raw materials are sufficient. When our people have enough medicine, there are other countries waiting for medicine."

"Okay, that's good."

After sending the old man away, Wen Zheng looked through the list of missing people that had just been sent over. The child who was lost a few days ago has not been heard from yet, and there are also reports of missing people in other places.

However, life is not easy for people now, and it is difficult to pay attention to the situation of animals. Wen Zheng only has the situation of three communities, and two pets have disappeared for no reason. The owner just thought they ran away.

Two pets and a child are the main targets of worms.

Just as Wen Zheng was thinking, Guan Luping rushed over from outside, took a breath and said: "Brother Wen, someone is missing again, no, not missing, but falling directly into the ground."

The author has something to say: This is to make up for yesterday, and there will be another chapter at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Thank you to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-08-18 01:26:17~2021-08-20 10:49:40~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: There is a cat 10 bottles; Will you add more? 8 bottles; But the first meeting is a dog 6 bottles; The dead are silent 5 bottles; Joan 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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