Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 17 Chapter 17

Confirming that it was too late to rush over now, Wen Zheng continued to stay in the office and turned on the surveillance camera. Seeing it with one's own eyes is always clearer than what others say.

The fully covered surveillance network did not fail this time, and quickly found the time period and location mentioned by Guan Luping.

A group of people were walking and talking. There were so many people in broad daylight that no one paid any attention to the situation under their feet.

Until one of them walked, he might feel that there were too many people and it was a bit crowded, so his footsteps left the cement road and stepped on the mud next to it.

He was still talking to someone, but who knew that the ground in front was just a thin layer of mud. When he stepped on it, the mud and the person fell into the deep pit that suddenly appeared.

In addition to a short scream, the figure disappeared completely after a few seconds, leaving only a huge oval deep hole.

And just a dozen seconds later, mud was pushed up from below. Although traces can still be seen, the ground has roughly returned to flatness.

In just two minutes, the people around didn't even have time to react to what happened. When they finally reacted, even the mud layer was pushed up, and any rescue operation was useless.

"I only heard what happened from others, but now I suddenly see it, and I have goose bumps all over my body." Lu Guanping said, touching his arms with both hands and taking a deep breath.

Wen Zheng was silent and opened the surveillance video he had watched during this period. He found similar soil anomalies in the place where the child disappeared.

More surveillance videos were called up, and similar traces were found in corners that residents rarely stepped on, and there were animal paw prints on the soil next to them.

"The problem underground must have been caused by worms." Lu Guanping said firmly. Thinking of this, he immediately became nervous and circled back and forth in the house. "The worms know how to attack underground. Could they have developed wisdom?"

At least they are not acting completely on instinct. I'm afraid they will be more difficult to deal with in the future.

After cutting this video and sending it to his superiors, Wen Zheng put on his coat and walked out of the house.

Lu Guanping hurriedly followed. As soon as he went out, he encountered a gust of cold wind. He rubbed his hands and put on his hat.

It was almost the end of the year. Finally, we had the good news of special hemostatic medicine. But the worms came out to do bad things. It was clear that they didn't want people to have a good year.

There were many villagers who heard the news and rushed over on the road. All of them walked honestly in the middle of the cement road, leaving a lot of space on both sides.

When Wen Zheng arrived, the police car and excavator that were called in urgently arrived almost at the same time.

Although they had been buried underground for so long and could not survive without worms, everyone still held a little hope. They did not dig directly from the place where they fell, fearing that they would hurt people, but started digging from one meter away.

"Is there a tunnel underneath?"


"Then there is another tunnel entrance. How much have these worms dug underground?"

The excavator dug two shovels down and saw a dark tunnel underground. The inside was not flat. Judging from the shape, it can be basically determined that it was dug by worms.

If we dig further to the side, we will find that this tunnel is connected to another tunnel. Just from this point, we can imagine how many tunnels the worms have dug underground.

The scene in front of us is so terrifying that it even makes our scalp numb.

"Oh my God, when we walk on it every day, the worms are drilling around below, waiting for us to fall in."

"When did the worms become so smart?"

As soon as this question came out, the whole venue was quiet for a moment.

The excavator stopped, and the police waiting nearby were still calm. They found a handy wooden stick with Wen Zheng and others and dug towards the place where someone fell just now.

Maybe the worms were in a hurry to leave, and the soil in that piece was very soft. After digging a few layers of soil and pouring them on both sides, they tried to dig deeper, and a hole was exposed.

The emergency light on the roadside was shone in in time, and the suspected blood stains left in the deep hole and the tunnel on the side could be vaguely seen.

It was all known that there was no way to rescue.

At this moment, the young mother who lost her child last time squeezed in from outside the crowd. After seeing the deep pit dug, her eyes were dull for a few seconds, and then she was about to jump into the hole.


The people next to her didn't expect it, and hurried to stop her. One hand grabbed the young mother's clothes from behind, and Wen Zheng tried hard to pull her back.

But the crazy mother didn't want to be stopped, so she turned around and punched and kicked Wen Zheng: "Let me go, I want to find my Doudou, it's so dark down there, he must be scared." After saying that, she opened her mouth and was about to bite Wen Zheng's arm.

"Meng Yun, wake up and stop making trouble." The child's father rushed over from behind and quickly tried to take Meng Yun to the side.

The rest of the people couldn't just watch and come up to help. When Meng Yun was taken to the side by others to rest, his eyes were still fixed on the hole, and his dark eyes were even darker than the deep hole.

During this process, Meng Yun didn't even give half a glance to her husband next to her. Since the child got into trouble, the relationship between the couple began to disappear.

The relevant information about the underground tunnel was quickly reported, and the superiors responded quickly, notified all parts of the country, and began to study solutions.

The places where the missing people are now known to the cause of their disappearance, and ordinary people who need to pass by on the ground every day are now worried when they go out.

Now everyone has a cane as a must-have equipment when going out. Try to walk on a hard and flat road when going out, and it is best to use the cane to knock on the ground in front of you before walking.

The number of people going out to pick red black seeds has suddenly decreased. Many people would rather pick the scattered ones growing in flower pots on the roadside than get close to the large areas of red black seeds growing on the yellow soil.

Not only are people worried in daily life, but more related rumors appear and spread quickly.

Some of them are worried about the foundation of the house. They have good reason to say that worms can drill out tunnels and emit corrosive poisonous mist. It is not difficult to destroy the foundation.

If there is a problem with the foundation, the whole building will collapse, which would be terrible.

This statement spread more and more widely. It happened that in a community not far away, a three-story building collapsed. When the news came, I immediately added water to the hot oil and exploded the pot.

Even though further news came later, it was revealed that underneath the collapsed building was the underground parking lot of the community. There were worms that came out of the ground to attack. During the battle, the underground parking lot was damaged, which caused the collapse of the building above.

The worms were killed, but there were also many casualties.

From that day on, many residents in the three communities planned to move to the military base.

Before leaving, they planned to ask Wen Zheng and others to escort them there, but after seeing Wen Zheng's dark face, they didn't even dare to say anything and left directly.

"It seems that Doudou's father was among the people who left just now. It doesn't matter if their family leaves. Maybe Sister Meng will get better if the environment changes."

After Doudou disappeared, everyone came into contact with Doudou's mother Meng Yun. Later, when they got to know each other better, they changed their name to Sister Meng.

Several team members chatted softly in the room, ranging from the departing residents to the base's new policies. From time to time, they glanced at Wen Zheng and saw the serious expression on his face. They winked at each other and asked people to ask what Wen Zheng was worried about.

"Team, captain, you..."

"Today's task is not heavy. You go out and look for any sellers of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, etc. If you want them alive, it is best to be completely exposed to the fog on a white fog day." Wen Zheng said a series of words and arranged the task. .

"Captain, are you planning to take the initiative?"

After hearing what Wen Zheng said, several team members wanted to take the initiative to kill the worms. While the tension of risking one's life arose, there was also a sense of excitement that one was about to fight.

During this period, residents died under their noses. Each of them did not say anything, but felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Even though this was an unexpected situation caused by the evolution of worms, the superiors did not blame them too much, but it was still due to their lack of protection.

And if you don't fight for too long, you feel that the skills you have developed are about to be wasted. When you hear Wen Zheng's words, you still have more desire to fight.

"These worms are afraid of us, so they hide underground and attack them. We can't sit still and wait for death. When more worms hatch, of course we have to fight back." Wen Zheng stared at the ground outside the window and narrowed his eyes.

"Then what preparations should we make?" The teammates were all gearing up.

Wen Zheng turned around and smiled: "First of all, get the protective clothing that was delivered."

The reason why he waited a few more days before taking action was because he received a message from the instructor. The worm skins they handed in last time have been made into protective clothing, and the team responsible for transporting supplies has been brought over by the way.

"Has the protective clothing been made? Now the safety has increased a lot."

"Captain, how many items did you send?"

"Where is the thing? I'm going to get it now."

"I'm going to buy chickens, ducks and geese."

The teammates became excited because of this sudden surprise. Wen Zheng felt a little better after seeing it. The person responsible for going out went out, while the others completed their daily protection tasks and studied how to lure the insects out of the hole.

After everyone went home in the evening, Wen Zheng and the others returned to the office building after get off work. They saw two big white geese jumping around outside the door. They were all very energetic.

After entering the house, the two people who had gone out to complete the task gathered around the box on the table, waiting for Wen Zheng and the others to come back, and immediately invited them to come and unpack the box together.

The box containing the protective clothing was not thick, but the material used was extremely strong. After opening it, everyone focused on it.

I washed my hands flat and took out a set from the top. It was very thin and turned into a translucent texture.

With a slight shake, the protective clothing unfolded and turned into the shape of a jumpsuit. I don’t know how it was done. Except for the opening for wearing clothes, there are no traces of stitching.

Lu Guanping touched the protective clothing and couldn't put it down. The others couldn't help but take one from it. There was just enough for each of them.

Everyone was so happy that there was a knock on the door outside. Guan Luping, who was the first to get the protective clothing, folded the clothes neatly and put them away, and went to open the door with excitement on his face.

"Sister Meng? You didn't go to the base with them?"

Guan Luping was a little surprised. He turned around and thought about the current stiff relationship between Meng Yun and the child's father, and felt that he could understand whatever decision she made.

He opened the door and let Meng Yun in. A team member brought him a cup of hot tea. Guan Luping greeted him: "Sister Meng, it's cold outside. If you need anything, come in and have a cup of tea."

"I'm not going in." Meng Yun shook her head, but her mental state was much better than the previous few days. She raised her head, her eyes full of determination, "I want to join your daily training and ask you to teach me how to fight worms. "

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-08-20 10:49:40~2021-08-20 23:49:58~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: A Feng 130 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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