Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 18 Chapter 18

"What a beast." Guan Luping cursed in a low voice, not at Meng Yun, but at her irresponsible husband.

They all thought that Meng Yun had gone to the base, and that she came to their office alone in the middle of the night. They knew that she must have had a conflict with her husband.

But after careful questioning, they found that they had thought the best of the man.

They originally thought that Meng Yun had moved to the base with her husband and came back halfway for some reason. Who would have thought that she didn't take Meng Yun with her at all.

When her husband took most of the valuables in the family and drove to the base with her parents-in-law, Meng Yun was left alone in the community.

Meng Yun, who had been a little mentally ill these days, found out and cried and laughed in the house for a while, but was much more sober than a few days ago.

"I was blind before and never realized that he was so irresponsible." Meng Yun suddenly spoke, and his voice returned to its usual calmness.

Guan Luping smiled awkwardly: "Sister Meng, I didn't say anything about you."

"I know, you're right." Sister Meng didn't care, but felt that Guan Luping was too right, that's not a human being.

After hearing this, everyone sighed. Wen Zheng agreed to the training requested by Meng Yun, but it was too late tonight, and Meng Yun was a little weak now, so even if it was training, it would have to start another day.

After asking Meng Yun if there were enough daily supplies left at home, and preparing to let the team members send her back, Meng Yun's eyes shifted to the two geese in the house, thinking of the words she heard today, and asked them if they had any actions tonight.

"I want to see it with my own eyes." Meng Yun begged, unable to tell what was going on in her mind.

Wen Zheng observed her for a few times and agreed to her request, but she had to stay in this office and watch through the surveillance.

Two people were left in the team to watch the surveillance at all times, notify when there was an abnormal situation, and accompany Meng Yun by the way.

The rest of the people picked up the equipment prepared in advance, went out with the two big white geese, and went to the place they had observed in advance.

The two geese were tied around the tree with a long rope, and a handful of millet was sprinkled on the grass. The two hungry white geese pecked excitedly.

Wen Zheng and his team all put on protective clothing. It must be said that the protective clothing felt the same as wearing nothing. It had a certain elasticity and could be completely attached to the clothes. Not only could it not be seen, but it would not hinder the action.

Everyone was lying in ambush at the pre-arranged location. This was the first attempt. None of them knew whether this luring method would work, and they were prepared to wait all night without any response.

At about three or four in the morning, Wen Zheng leaned down and lay on the ground with his ears to listen quietly. All the team members who knew that their captain had excellent hearing immediately tensed up.

It really came.

The two big white geese, who had already eaten and drunk enough, were lying on the ground to rest. Suddenly, they moved their wings and fluttered a little uneasily.

The ambushing personnel kept part of their minds on the white geese and the other part on the ground under their feet. Although they specially found the white geese that stayed in the white fog that day, what if the worms prefer to eat people.

Fortunately, the worm's actions developed as they expected. When Wen Zheng heard the worm's movement and stayed in the area of ​​the white goose, he immediately sent a signal to his teammates.

A gap suddenly appeared on the ground, but the two big white geese were fixed to the hole by the ropes tied to their bodies and could not fall down.

The worms hiding in the tunnel were waiting for the food to enter the entrance, but they didn't wait. They could still smell the fragrance above, and the only IQ used for hunting was used for hunting. Worms became anxious.

After expanding the scope of the hole, the food did not fall into their mouths. The worms finally stuck their heads out impulsively and prepared to bite the food off.

The quick-eyed and quick-handed team members lifted the rope and pulled up the big white goose at the moment they saw the worm appear at the hole.

The worms, unwilling to let the food escape in front of them, immediately raised their upper bodies to bite it. After most of the worm's body was exposed, the team members rushed out from the surroundings and the battle began.

Meng Yun was unwilling to sit down, so she stood in the room, staring at the screen of the surveillance camera, and couldn't help but have a mess of thoughts in her mind.

In the dark night, only the dim street lights illuminated a small area, and the hidden figures of Wen Zheng and others could be vaguely seen, and the rest could not be seen clearly. Even the two remaining team members relaxed, but she was unwilling to look away.

Until the operation began, the ground cracked into a deep pit that appeared in her dreams every night, and the worms poked their heads out of it, and they took away her children every day in her dreams.

From the outbreak of worms to the present, almost everyone has seen the worms with their own eyes, no matter how much they avoided.

Meng Yun was no exception. In the past, she was only afraid of seeing worms, and every time she wanted to run away with her child. But now seeing the muddy yellow worm on the screen, she just wanted to rush up and cut the worm into pieces.

The battle was smoother than they imagined. After discovering that corrosive blood could not harm the protective clothing, everyone fought without any obstacles.

After the battle, the team members who stayed in the monitoring office cheered and smiled brightly. When they turned around to drink some water, they were startled.

Meng Yun's hair was loose, his fists were clenched, and his whole body was shaking slightly.

Maybe something happened.

The team members who stayed behind did not dare to touch her easily. They spoke carefully from a distance of two bodies: "Sister Meng, the captain and the others have finished the battle. You should sit down and rest."

Meng Yun looked back when he heard the voice, his red eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and said in a hoarse voice: "How long do I need to train to be as good as Captain Wen?"

"Ah?" The team members saw that Meng Yun didn't look half awake, and his eyes were even firmer than expected.

Only then did he realize that he had underestimated the other party too much.

"The captain's combat awareness is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but Sister Yun, if you can endure the hardship, our training in the patrol team and the base will last for almost two months."

"Okay, I'll go back and take good care of myself." Meng Yun straightened his chest and walked out the door, returning to his appearance before the accident, a little more tenacious.

The noise of the battle was loud, and those who had fought worms before heard the noise and came to help. When they arrived, Wen Zheng and the others were already peeling off the skin.

One of them, a chef, took over the job without damaging the skin at all. They didn't ask what the worm skin could be used for, but someone said, "The skin can be peeled off and used, but can the worm meat be eaten?"

"There was no notice from the base, telling us to destroy it directly after killing the worms. It should be inedible."

"You really dare to think that the blood of worms is poisonous and the meat can be eaten."

Wen Zheng glanced at them with a half-smile, "These worms have all eaten people."

Everyone immediately shut up and wanted to beat themselves up. Why did they forget it?

Finding that this seduction method was effective, Wen Zheng wrote a detailed process as usual, and also sent a copy of the results of using protective clothing.

In the following time, the two big white geese lived a life that was sometimes in heaven and sometimes in hell. There are delicious food and drinks to feed every day, but every time they are used as bait and face the crisis of death.

The last big white goose was corroded by the poisonous mist while luring worms. Another one survived to the end and was raised in the community and became a mascot.

It took Wenzheng and the others half a month to eliminate all the worms in this area.

While Wen Zheng and the others were busy fighting the worms, the police investigation was also going on and a surprising coincidence was discovered.

The creatures recently attacked by worms have been exposed to the white mist for a long time, which may mean that these people are more likely to be attacked by worms.

During this period, detailed notices were issued in the base about white fog, underground tunnels, and combat methods for luring worms.

I didn’t say much about the white fog, I just asked people to take precautions and protect themselves if the white fog appears again.

The underground tunnels are hard to guard against, so you can only pay more attention first. There is a machine in the base to detect the fluctuation of worms, but the cost is a bit high. We are urgently studying how to reduce the cost and produce it in large quantities.

The contents of the combat methods were not only those mentioned by Wen Zheng, but also the research results of the base and the combat experience submitted by other combatants, all of which were compiled and integrated into a new combat manual.

These methods have greatly improved the combat capabilities of various places, with fewer people getting into trouble and more worms being killed.

After killing all the worms in the area they were responsible for, Wen Zheng and the others could return to the base. They planned to leave after settling the Hongwuzi matter.

The worms were gradually eliminated, and the residents of the community were willing to come out to pick red black seeds, and weigh baskets of them and send them to the base.

The residents had been waiting day and night, and finally on this day they received the first batch of special blood-tonifying medicine produced for the public.

After waiting for the notice, the residents couldn't wait to go out before dawn to line up at the arranged exchange point. On the way, they couldn't help but see the team trained by Wen Zheng and the others, as well as the residents of the community and Meng Yun who were studying with them.

They didn't have many complaints about Meng Yun's actions, and many people even understood and admired it, but it was inevitable to gossip a lot in daily chats.

Now it seems that it is just because Wen Zheng and the others are returning to the base. What will they, the students, do then? Should they stay and practice on their own, or should they follow them to the base.

These whispers disappeared completely after the hemostatic medicine was delivered. Everyone's attention was focused on those medicines, and each one kept calculating in his mind how many medicines he could get in exchange for the red black seeds he picked these days.

It's not long since the Chinese New Year, and today's atmosphere is no different from the Chinese New Year.

After the medicine was distributed, Wen Zheng and the others planned to return to the base with the medicine delivery team. The residents of the community took some gifts and gave them to Wen Zheng and the others, thanking them for their protection.

As for the residents who wanted to continue learning to fight, Wen Zheng and the others also made arrangements, and after giving them instructions, they set off to return.

It had been too long since I had been back to the base. When I returned, I found that a lot had changed, but no one had the time to distinguish the differences. They all rushed home to see their families.

Wen Huahui and Shi Yi knew that their son was coming back, so they took half a day off. They had already prepared meals and were waiting in the house. When Wen Zheng came back, they took him to greet him.

Finally, Shi Yi pondered for a while, and said to his son with some sadness: "Today your dad and I seemed to have seen Guan Shan in the base. The young man who used to follow you every day in the community patrol team, his hands..."

"Mom, I understand. Where did you see him? I'll go find him tomorrow." Wen Zheng continued.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-08-20 23:49:58~2021-08-23 10:05:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 Rainbow Cats;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 Rainbow Cats;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: My buns are white and plump 10 bottles; Can you add more? 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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