Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 184 Chapter 184

The two uninvited guests who sneaked in from the corner of the abandoned house, after a brief struggle, realized that they were no match for the two men and immediately became well-behaved.

They were quite human and looked like they had been raised by someone before.

Wen Zheng tasted the mutton skewers in his hand slowly and leisurely. The texture and taste were excellent with fat and lean.

The two guests were about to drool after smelling the food, but under the gaze of Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, they still squatted on the ground obediently, which was really inconsistent with their characteristics known by humans.

When these two furry four-legged animals just sneaked in to eat, their eyes were a little sharp, and the snow on their bodies had not completely melted yet, and their bodies were a little handsome. For a moment, they might be mistaken for wolves.

However, the idiotic expression after being caught the next second immediately confirmed that they were two huskies in the snow with strong vitality.

The husky lying next to Tuan Tuan's hand was always staring at the skewer of meat in Tuan Tuan's hand, and carefully controlled the saliva in his mouth, and his tail was shaking quickly, as if trying to please Tuan Tuan.

Tuan Tuan looked down at the smaller Husky. The snow on his fur was slowly melting by the fire. Maybe he rolled in the snow every day, so his body was not very dirty. He looked very well-behaved lying next to him.

He moved the skewer of meat in his hand to the Husky's eyes, and the Husky immediately became energetic and stretched his head to bite it.

As a result, Tuan Tuan, who was holding the skewer of meat, withdrew his hand, leaving a residual image, so that the Husky only bit the air and was pitiful.

After finally understanding what happened, the Husky turned his head and glared at Tuan Tuan, making an accusing roar from his mouth. If he didn't return the skewer of meat to him, he would be really angry.

Tuan Tuan's response was to put the skewer of meat into his mouth.

Little Husky seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue. His tail didn't even move. He stood there blankly for more than ten seconds. He didn't dare to get angry when he met Tuantuan's eyes. He just let out a low growl of grievance.

He walked away from Tuantuan with a wronged step, and walked to the side where Wen Zheng was, close to another large Husky, seeking to cuddle with him to soothe the great pain in his heart.

Seeing all this, Wen Zheng couldn't help but curl up his lips. He was happy to watch the naughty behavior of his children, especially Tuantuan.

After coming out, Tuantuan was much more lively. It turned out that birds are suitable for flying in the vast world.

Tuantuan saw the smile on Wen Zheng's mouth and was a little shy about his sudden childish behavior. He stuffed the freshly roasted chicken wings into Wen Zheng's hands, intending to block his father's mouth with food.

Wen Zheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

He didn't notice that the two Huskies at his feet quietly stood up. Seeing Tuantuan handing the food to Wen Zheng, the two dogs with small brain capacity thought that Wen Zheng had a higher status.

So, they cleverly changed the object of flattery.

The two furry dogs rubbed against Wen Zheng's hands and legs, wagging their tails, whimpering in a flattering way, standing up with their front halves and keeping their hind legs still, looking very well-behaved.

Wen Zheng's smile faded, and he shook his head in his heart. These two silly dogs would not get food even if they flattered him in front of Tuantuan.

Under Tuantuan's sullen gaze, Wen Zheng was not shaken by the two dogs' coquetry at all. No matter how cute the dogs were, they could not be as cute as his Tuantuan.

He was determined not to be tempted.

Tuantuan took two steps to the side of Wen Zheng and the dogs, asked Wen Zheng for more food, wandered around in front of the dogs twice, and raised his head proudly.

Wen Zheng couldn't help but rubbed Tuantuan's head.

Erha tried many times but didn't get a response. He crawled on the ground like he had lost all his energy and spirit, and no longer made any noise.

His stomach was empty, conveying the feeling of hunger to his brain. They didn't get food here, but they didn't want to go out to find food. If they stayed a little longer, they might find a chance to snatch the food of the two bipeds.

Tuan Tuan was unhappy, but he knew that the two dogs would never take the place in Wen Zheng's heart, so the new ingredients were not marinated, and no seasoning was applied when they were grilled on the fire.

After they were cooked, he found a shallow basin and placed it in front of the two dogs.

In fact, by the light of the fire, it can be seen that the colors of the two dogs are somewhat different, and some parts still have scars, which seem to have been damaged by acid rain and slowly grown back.

The body is a little thin, and it looks good, but it is actually weak. It must be difficult for the two dogs to live together in this disaster world, and I don't know how they survived.

The previous barbecue seasoning was too heavy, but the new ones made by Tuan Tuan were no problem. They didn't let the two hungry dogs eat too much, so it was almost enough.

The two dogs abandoned Wen Zheng this time and wandered around Tuan Tuan who was feeding them food. Tuantuan took the basin that Wen Zheng handed to him, took the two dogs out to fill the basin with water, and then dragged them in.

Dogs that can live outside for so long are very smart, and they can learn it after being taught.

Wen Zheng, who stayed in the house, melted the snow on the fire, threw a water purification tablet into it, and simply filtered it, letting the two dogs drink water and washing the dirty places.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan built a warm tent in the house, added some smokeless carbon to the brazier, warned the two dogs not to overturn the brazier before going to bed, and went into the tent to sleep.

The red fire brought warmth, and the father and son slept in the tent, and the two dogs snuggled together not far from the brazier.

The next morning, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan both noticed the movement outside the tent. They heard the sound that the two dogs had gone out, so they continued to sleep in for a while.

When they got up, the fire had long gone out. They simply ate some food stored in the space, put all the things they took out back into the space, packed up and set off again.

Not long after the two left, the two dogs returned to the front of the house again. They couldn't find the person they wanted. After hesitating for a few seconds, they picked up the things and chased after them.

They are species from cold regions, and they can better play their racial advantages in the snow.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan stopped after sensing the movement behind them, and saw the two big dogs chasing them. They also noticed that they had something in their mouths, but it was a little unclear because of their posture and hair.

Until they caught up, they put the things in their mouths on the ground, stretched out their claws to push the prey in front of Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, and sat on the snow seriously with a proud expression.

This is their reward to these two powerful bipeds, and it also shows how powerful they are, being able to catch prey, and hoping to follow the bipeds.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan then saw clearly that the prey held by the two huskies was two skinny voles.

Being able to catch voles at this time, the fighting power of these two huskies is stronger than many people.

However, the food and drink of voles in the wild are also polluted and not suitable for human consumption. Even huskies who are used to it should eat less.

After staying in place for an hour, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan set off again, but two members were added to their team, and two snow huskies ran beside them.

Their goal is Wujiang City, the capital of the province. Starting from Songyang City, most of them paddled sleds on the provincial road, and occasionally changed to skates to move forward on the river with thick ice. After the two dogs were raised stronger, they tried to let them pull the sled.

It took a week to get into Wujiang City, and let the two huskies wait outside. Even though no one went out in the cold, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan became cautious and approached the new district built by Wujiang City after the disaster.

The new district was surrounded by walls and difficult to enter. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan observed for a long time before climbing over the wall, and then used the remaining half a day to find their target - the provincial research institute.

It took three days to find out the situation in the new district. Wujiang City is much better than Songyang City. In addition to the above-ground buildings, the research institute spends more time in the underground space.

The underground space will be protected in all directions, warm in winter and cool in summer, and the temperature is more stable. The biggest disadvantage is that the lighting is not good, but it is not a problem that needs to be considered in this disaster, because it is basically invisible on the ground.

After finding the right opportunity, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan found a way to transport the precious information they had in hand into the research institute.

After they confirmed that the research institute had received it, they left here immediately, ran to the empty house they had been targeting for two days, and left Wujiang City after the search was over.

There are two main documents handed over. One is exchanged from the system store at a cost of a large number of points. If it can be studied and put into use, it can solve the energy problem.

However, this document is much beyond the current scientific research level. It will take at least a few years to put it into use. I just hope that the scientists in this world can quickly study it.

The other document has nothing to do with the system store. It was completely independently studied by Wen Zheng.

The efforts to study plants in the previous disaster world were not in vain. Although acid rain was not studied in depth, it was also exposed to a lot.

Based on the research of the previous world, according to the specific conditions of this world, Wen Zheng improved it and conducted many experiments. He successfully studied a formula that can play a good role in acid rain pollution.

However, the original body's learning experience has little to do with this aspect. Wen Zheng can't take it out suddenly, and there is no need to take it out in his own name. He simply sent it to the research institute with the energy information.

Only with the strength of the country can the raw materials be collected for mass production, and maybe it can be further improved.

Wen Zheng is waiting to hear this good news.

After leaving the urban area of ​​Wujiang City, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were greeted by two huskies who had been waiting outside for a long time. They returned by another route with the two dogs.

At this time, the provincial research institute was holding an emergency meeting with the two documents received. All the participants in the meeting had at least real skills and knowledge. After reading the first few pages of the content, the experts who did relevant research felt that the possibility of the information being true was extremely high.

Before the real results are obtained, it is impossible to confirm 100%, but most people have a hunch in their hearts.

No matter who sent it, as long as the two documents are true, it is a timely help and a life-saving straw.

After listening to the experts' affirmation of the two documents, the leaders of Wujiang City immediately reported the situation to the central government and encrypted the data for transmission.

The head of the research institute established two special research groups according to the profession to study the two documents at the same time.

At the same time, the original research content cannot be abandoned, for fear that the two documents are false and mislead the scientists, which will delay their own research time.

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