Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 185 Chapter 185

They hadn't returned on the day of the New Year. They took an almost opposite route on the way back, passing several more places and seeing several different landscapes.

Even though the vegetation was withering, the snow and ice were icy, and many places were white, the scene of everything heading for extinction made people feel sad, but it was also a kind of spectacular sight that was hard to come by.

The trees at the foot of the mountain had long been dug out, and the remaining trees halfway up the mountain were withered, with no trace of leaves, and the branches were chopped down to very few, leaving only bare trunks, which were frozen into icicles by the cold weather, pointing straight to the sky.

Wen Zheng walked on the road around the mountain, Tuan Tuan and the two dogs ran in front. After a while, there was no movement, and then he heard Tuan Tuan's voice urging him, so he quickly quickened his pace.

The other side of the mountain was relatively flat, and there were several villages at the foot of the mountain. Perhaps because of this, the trees on this half of the slope were almost completely chopped down, leaving only the bare mountain surface, which was frozen by ice and snow like a huge slide.

It is estimated that Wen Zheng is not the only one who thinks so. Tuan Tuan is standing by the roadside, eager to try.

Before the two of them made a decision, the two Erha who were waiting to play around in boredom tangled up and rolled down the hillside after a sudden pounce, becoming a round snowball, which became larger and larger as the distance slid down.

"Now we have to go down." Tuan Tuan raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng nodded, took out the skis from the portable space door, and the two of them slid down the mountain, which saved a lot of time.

Erha rolled down faster, but the ground was also covered with a layer of ice. After reaching the foot of the mountain, he still rushed forward with inertia, his claws desperately grasping the ice surface, and finally almost hit the house below the mountain before he barely stopped.

The two Erha who rolled down from the middle of the mountain were probably scared. Not only did they lie on the ground motionless, but they didn't even make a sound.

It was not until Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan slid down from above that they recovered a little and quickly hugged the thighs of their two masters.

It was only three or four in the afternoon, and the sky was already dark. It might be because it was New Year's Eve. People who had gone to bed early after the winter came. Although they did not go out, they were still busy preparing the New Year's Eve dinner in their houses.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, who had extraordinary hearing, could catch some movements in those houses.

Wen Zheng looked at Erha, who had gradually regained his courage and had climbed up to his legs, and knocked on them to keep quiet. Together with Tuan Tuan, he led them closer to the place where there was movement in the village.

It was not that I wanted to go to these people's houses, but I met them by chance and wanted to know why there were still people staying here.

The trees on this half of the mountain were all cut down. Not to mention mudslides, even if there was an avalanche when it snowed in winter, the houses in this village could not stop it.

So after going down the mountain, they heard that there were still people living here. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were inevitably a little surprised.

Fortunately, the two Erha did not howl when they came down just now, otherwise they would have scared people.

The houses at the foot of the mountain are not far apart, and the residents inside have almost all moved out. The houses that made the noise seem to be more tightly protected against the cold, and the walls are wrapped with a layer of straw mats.

There is no water or electricity in winter, and people rely on previous reserves to survive.

It was completely dark, and the people inside were no different from blind people. There was a faint light from the door of a room, and it was probably burning firewood to cook.

Wen Zheng didn't think of the villagers who were left in the village. Judging from the sound of their footsteps, they should be young and strong men. They were making a lot of noise when they were cooking.

"Today's New Year's Eve dinner has eaten up our remaining meat. How can we live in the future?"

"It's because you were greedy before, and you kept shouting for meat every few days. The heavy snow blocked the mountain, and the temperature outside was so low that water would freeze. We brought enough rations when we went out, and there was half a car of firewood here. We have food, shelter, and fire, which is enough to support us until the weather warms up." The older person spoke to comfort him.

"We didn't bring much meat to begin with." The young man muttered quietly, and then quickly changed the subject, with some reluctance in his words, "I originally thought that I could exchange some firewood for some food when I returned, but after this trip, I guess the firewood was all burned by the time I could leave, and the food was wasted."

"If you hadn't come here, would you have stopped eating and burning firewood?" The elder man seemed to be disappointed, "We can't find a job in the city in winter, and firewood is selling like hot cakes. If we hadn't come here, it's hard to say whether we could survive this winter."

It turned out that there were not many people living in this village. Two years after the disaster, some of the remaining residents left this world, and some moved away, and the village became empty. So the government didn't worry about the problem of landslides. The trees on the mountain were almost killed by acid rain, so people were sent to cut down and transport all the trees to provide more living people with warmth in winter.

This year's snowfall came earlier than experts expected. After a few light snowfalls, the government transported most of the firewood out. There were still some branches and scattered wood pieces that had fallen on the mountains after being chopped down. It was too much work to pick them up and transport them, and there was a fear that heavy snow would come and block the road, so the government led the team to withdraw early.

The two brothers were recruited by the government to collect firewood. They knew that there was still a lot of firewood left on the mountain, so they decided to take the risk after discussing it privately. I first settled the wages for this time, then found a relationship to rent a vehicle that could drive in the snow, and bought rations with the people who also came to work. On the pretext of going to another city to find relatives, I left through another road, and finally Came back secretly.

They picked up a lot of firewood, but people were trapped here.

It's been more than a month.

The smell inside the house wafted out through the gaps left for ventilation. Today's New Year's Eve dinner was pretty good. I cooked the hot pot base and put down a little bit of the food in my hand, no matter what kind it was. It was just this New Year's Eve dinner. Dare to let go and eat.

The two brothers were fine, but the dark sky didn't affect the Wen family's vision that much. When they found a place, they estimated that there wasn't much firewood left, so they decided to help them.

But even if I want to help, I have to wait until tomorrow. Today is New Year's Eve, and I am worried that others will come and listen to me, and I haven't had time to have New Year's Eve dinner yet.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan took the two Erha to find a way out. The two said that the road was blocked by heavy snow, and at least they wanted to see how serious the blockage was.

Actually it's not bad.

Both the two dogs were relatively fast and found an open and clean flat ground to stop. In fact, the time gate was only after five o'clock.

I was just about to take out the tent I usually lived in from the space door. I just looked at the world and thought about today. I was still ready to live such a lively day. I squatted down and asked: "How about building two igloos today?" live?"

"Okay, I can make a few more ice lanterns!"

Tuantuan would be very happy as long as she was with Wen Zheng. Of course, she would be even happier if there was something fun to do, so she couldn't wait to agree.

Just divide the work and cooperate. Wen Zheng is responsible for the New Year's Eve dinner alone, and Tuantuan and Erha are responsible for the production of the igloo. They can directly get the materials on site. If you don't like it, there are still many in the portable space door that can be easily processed. Purified daily water.

It is another cold winter day at the foot of the mountain village, and really no one will see the magical scene here. Tuantuan was more tolerant of the cold than Wen Zheng. He wore gloves at first, but finally took them off. He was really not afraid of the cold.

Two huskies were helping Tuantuan nearby. It is estimated that the cold weather and the food provided by the Wen family father and son greatly stimulated the cold-resistant genes in the blood of these two huskies. They were particularly active in this ice and snow, and their nails grew Extremely sharp, Tuan Tuan can scratch wherever he points to cut gaps in the ice, and then Tuan Tuan can use the sharp blade to divide the ice into ice cubes and build igloos.

The efficiency of this cutting and construction is not low. Just like this, Tuantuan looked at Erha's claws with some dissatisfaction, and then looked down at his own hands. If he could use his original body, he could cut the ice bricks with his claws a few times, and then the ice bricks would come out. It’s so troublesome to use.

Thinking of this, he looked away unhappily. Why didn't the game allow him to use his original body to enter the game world? No relevant props could be found in the system store.

"Tuan Tuan, come here and take a sip of the soup first to see if it's salty or not." Wen Zheng opened the lid of the casserole that was simmering on the fire, and a fresh fragrance floated in the air.

Tuantuan immediately forgot about her unhappiness, ran to Wen Zheng and tasted the soup first, then ate the pork belly and lotus seeds in it, and nodded with satisfaction.

After so many years of training, my father’s cooking skills have reached their peak.

The pork belly and lotus seed soup still needs to be simmered for another day to reach its peak. Wen Zheng waved Tuantuan to continue working. Tempted by the aroma of delicious food, Tuantuan and Erha all speeded up their work. When the two igloos were built, Wen Zheng just called them to eat.

In addition to pork belly and lotus seed soup, Wen Zheng also took out the good wine that had been stored for a long time from the space door to make Huadiao drunkenness, and also braised mutton. Green vegetables are also essential, but they get cold too easily in this weather. So the vegetables are stewed in the soup after the soup is almost done.

After the disaster, we didn’t pay too much attention to it. Besides, the two Erha lived in the wild after the acid rain for more than a year and developed a strong stomach. They ate whatever Wen Zheng did. Except for the Huadiao drunkenness, Wen Zheng was afraid of them. After eating, he became drunk and went crazy, but he stopped them from eating.

As the saying goes, the best food is the food you can't eat. The two Erha's acted coquettishly and tried hard to break through the defense line of Wen Zheng and Tuantuan. In the end, they could only eat other delicacies with humiliation, but their eyes were still focused on the pot where the drunk was. Peep inside.

When the food is almost done, put the dumplings into the soup and stew them. These are the dumplings that I had packed before at home and put them in the space door. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan ate a lot of food, and the two Erha were also big eaters. Normally, the portion for four or five people was completely eaten by the two of them. Fortunately, they had the space door to stock up on supplies in advance.

After eating, their whole bodies felt warm. The two of them moved around and once again made ice lanterns from local materials. They placed them on both sides of the igloo like bright lights. The two dogs stood around and watched in wonder.

The igloo made of ice bricks was airtight. Wen Zheng blocked the entrance with a wool blanket so that no cold air could enter. The igloo was also covered with blankets and a thick sleeping bag was taken out. It was really not cold at all.

The ice cubes are transparent, and you can still see the ice lanterns placed outside when you stay inside. The corners of your mouth are raised while you sleep.

The weather was good, and there was no snow on the night of New Year's Eve, and the temperature did not reach the lowest level in the past two years. In the village closest to here, the trapped brothers slept on the kang, which was kept warm all night because they could not afford to put more firewood during the New Year. It was so beautiful that they did not want to get up even if they woke up, and did not want to lose the heat from their bodies.

In this way, in the light sleep that refused to wake up, the two brothers heard the knocking on the door from outside. Just when they were about to curse, why knock on the door so early in the morning, they suddenly realized the problem and broke out in a cold sweat.

Now, no matter how deep the sleepiness was, they were awakened, not to mention that they were not sleepy now.

The two brothers who squeezed on a kang to keep warm and save firewood sat up with a start, staring at the door not far away. The sound clearly captured by their ears told them that this was not an illusion.

They had been around everywhere before, and they were the only two brothers trapped in this village. Was the person knocking on the door a human or...

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