Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 (1/2)

This snowfall marks the beginning of a new cold winter.

The staff guarding the farmland hurriedly evacuated back. Not long after they returned, the temperature broke through minus 20 degrees Celsius, forcing people to continue hiding in the house and lying on the modified kang to retain the warmth.

The good news is that the snowfall is not much smaller than in previous years. The snow stopped when the snow on the ground was only above the ankles. Therefore, the power and signal this year have not been damaged for the time being. Although the signal is a little poor and the electronic equipment is difficult to operate due to the low temperature, it can occasionally get in touch with the outside world.

After the snow stopped, Wen Zheng took people to check the situation at the rented land. The snow layer covering the alfalfa did not freeze them to death, but instead acted as a warm layer. Wen Zheng asked someone to harvest all the alfalfa, leaving only the roots buried in the soil.

This year, not only the alfalfa planted by Wen Zheng has a good harvest, but after the new seeds are developed, in addition to ordinary people who dare to try, more land is sown by people sent by the state. The planting process is not much different from Wen Zheng, and the crops harvested in the end are enough to supplement the food reserves that are running short.

The new winter is coming. After the snowfall, the government hopes to let more people spend the cold winter here. It opens the underground buildings built in recent years and organizes willing people to live in these underground buildings to avoid the cold.

Many people who doubt that they can't survive this winter choose to join the government's protection with all the remaining supplies. Some people are hesitant, because these protective buildings are for greater warmth, so there will be more people living in each room, which can indeed keep everyone warm, but multiple people living in a small and dark room is not only less comfortable, but also more likely to have psychological problems.

Among the employees in charge of the supermarket, some quit their jobs and joined with their families. Wen Zheng could only agree and settle two more months of salary.

Several neighbors next door also chose to leave. Before leaving, they asked Wen Zheng about his opinion. If they joined together, they could choose to live in the same area. It was much better to live with familiar people than with strangers.

If they really lived with a group of people, they would not be able to take out the supplies stored in the portable space, and the quality of life would drop too much. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan did not choose to agree, but just changed the location for wintering.

Experts predicted that the temperature of this cold winter might drop to minus 30 degrees Celsius, which would also be uncomfortable for Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, so they transferred important supplies to the space, and then left the building with poor insulation effect, moved to the supermarket where the employees left, and renovated the strict warehouse.

When the temperature continued to drop, all the chickens were sold by Wen Zheng, and most of them were purchased by the government, which might be used as food to supply the people living underground. Finally, in the supermarket that was as sealed as possible, the ground was renovated and a simple floor heating was built, and the inner side of the wall was surrounded by thick straw, quilts, fur and other warm materials.

Apart from Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, there are only two dogs, five sheep and a group of birds living here. They are all furry and more resistant to cold than humans. The supermarket area is also large. When they first moved in, they were busy every day. Occasionally, Wen Zheng or Tuantuan felt that the noise or play was a bit too much, so they looked over and then it would be quiet for a while.

When Wen Zheng and Tuantuan moved, most of the people who were willing to accept government assistance had basically moved underground. The only people who were still living on the ground seemed to be the people sent by the government to guard and those who were capable and confident that they could survive this winter.

Later, it was discovered that there were not only these people, but also people who gave up hope and silently waited for death.

The roar echoed in the corridor. Tuantuan heard the movement and opened the thick cover in front of the window. He looked outside and saw the person running on the cold road. The sound had gradually weakened in a few seconds, because the other party was not wearing any clothes when he ran out. A few shouts and a few steps of running were the last traces he left in this world.

This collapsed man was consuming his life in the low temperature. In the last few seconds of his life, he was freezing in the street while trying to move forward, becoming a "living" ice sculpture.

Wen Zheng, who came later, stood behind Tuan Tuan and took a look. Finally, he reached out and lowered the curtain. Death will become commonplace soon after the disaster.

Life hiding in the house is long and fast. The electronic equipment in his hand is completely scrapped in the low temperature. The radio broadcast in the underground building that he could listen to is now completely farewell. Soon, the power was cut off and the generator was moved out and put into use again.

Bright lights can bring light and warmth. When he could feel the cold even when staying in the house, Wen Zheng looked at the professional temperature measuring instrument he bought specially. It really broke through minus 30 degrees as expected by the experts.

He pushed aside the thick insulation layer on the inner wall and took out the iron sheet on the outside. It felt piercingly cold. Wen Zheng looked outside through the double-layer tempered glass. The outside had already become a world of ice and snow.

"Check the ventilation holes every day from now on." Wen Zheng covered the insulation layer tightly back on. Even though the ventilation holes were left in specially selected locations, he was still worried that they might be blocked by snow and ice.

"It's not blocked, but water is dripping from the vent." Tuantuan, who was in charge of the inspection, said, holding back the bird that wanted to fly up to take a look, picking up a stick and poking it upwards along the vent, looking at the ice condensed on the stick, and throwing the bird back, "If you don't want to be frozen into an ice sculpture, stay in the house."

The longer they stayed in the house, the more Wen Zheng and Tuantuan, who had already gotten used to these days, started to study the material exchanged from the system store. Wen Zheng's talent in this area was limited, but Tuantuan had really gotten a little bit of a clue after studying it for a long time.

But the animals in the room couldn't stay there, especially the two energetic huskies, who gradually became depressed when they knew they couldn't go out.

After Wen Zheng noticed it, he first thought of the residents who moved underground. If they could come out from time to time, it would be a good relief, but staying in that underground space for several months, and suffering from the cold and darkness, their mental state must be worse.

It was useless to worry about the situation when the dilemma could not be solved. The two huskies in the house could not be cured. The birds could only tease them and disturb the depressed mood of the two huskies.

The temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero lasted for more than half a month, and then there was a sign of rising, and the temperature returned to the range of more than 20 degrees below zero.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, who were obsessed with research, were trapped in the reality of having no materials for experiments, and had to leave the state of research. After a good rest and a meal, the two looked at the temperature that was about to return to more than 10 degrees below zero, changed into thick clothes and planned to go out to see the situation.

The two depressed huskies lowered their heads and lay on the ground. When their ears caught the movement from the exit, their ears immediately stood up. They looked up and stood up energetically inside and ran to the feet of Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan.

"Back off a little, they're blocking the road." Wen Zheng kicked and drove the two dogs back.

The insulation layer at the entrance and exit was removed from the wall, and the exposed door handle was still very cold. Wen Zheng used all his strength to move the handle but failed. The door was completely frozen to the wall by the low temperature.

Tuan Tuan quietly walked back to the room with burning firewood and boiling hot water. The fire and hot water were used to deal with the ice layer between the door cracks. The ice and snow melted and dripped all over the ground. Erha, who was anxious to get out, was particularly diligent to pick up the mop to clean the water on the ground.

Feeling that it was almost melted, Wen Zheng pushed it with his hand and felt a slight shaking, so he stopped trying. Wen Zheng took a few steps back, stretched his legs and kicked hard, and the door that had been closed for several months finally broke through the thick ice and snow and opened.

"Dad, hurry up and wrap the scarf around your neck first."

Tuantuan ran back a few steps and grabbed the scarf, wrapping it around Wen Zheng's neck twice. Wen Zheng also took the scarf and wrapped it around Tuantuan's neck, covering most of his face, and then blocked most of the cold air that hit him after opening the door.

There was no thick and hard ice outside as expected. Based on the situation in front of us, we can judge that there were no many blizzards in the months of closure, which may be good news.

The man on the street still maintained a running posture. Apart from that, there was nothing else that had not been seen. The Erha who ran out of the supermarket had begun to play like crazy. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan walked slowly and looked at the situation around them.

Until the two Erha who had run away suddenly ran back, braked suddenly in front of them, and made a few low calls. Both owners could hear the doubts and fears in the short calls.

What kind of scene could scare two huskies? The two people, who were doubtful and a little worried, quickened their pace and turned the corner in front under the guidance of the huskies.

After the eyes fed back the captured images to the brain, the footsteps stopped immediately under the command of the brain. In the distance was the entrance to an underground defense building. It was unknown when the entrance hidden in this house was opened. The people living inside not only came out from the underground, but also opened the second layer of protective door outside. The people who ran out were frozen by ice and snow at the farthest distance of 300 meters.

If you put aside the essence, this will be an extremely shocking picture, but any person with normal emotions will only feel sad and horrified after seeing it. Every ice sculpture that can't move here represents the death of a living life.

After mourning for a few minutes, Wen Zheng passed by these ice sculptures and looked at the exit where they came out. There are definitely more people who ran out of this underground building.

When Wen Zheng saw the entrance, he couldn't describe his feelings. He saw two people squeezed out from the not-so-loose entrance. Perhaps they were stuck there. Before they could get out, they were frozen because of the broken external defense and sealed the entrance with their bodies.

The underground building renovated by the government definitely would not have only this one entrance, but the two people blocking this entrance had only half of their bodies exposed. It is conceivable that the lower half of their bodies were still underground, but it is somewhat difficult to imagine the psychological shock that those people underground would get after discovering such a situation.

In the situation where the outside world was so cold that it could directly freeze people into ice cubes, they still rushed out. There may be some uncontrollable situations underground. No matter what the reason, the entrance blocked by the human body would only make the bad situation worse.

Wen Zheng didn't want to explore the situation below, and he couldn't explore it now. He lost the mood to continue to check the situation outside. He discussed with Tuantuan and went back first. Tuantuan continued to walk around with the two dogs.

Tuantuan walked around with the two dogs for more than an hour. When he came back, the cold air attached to his body immediately turned into water droplets after entering the warm room.

Smelling the fragrance of the broth stewed in the pot, Tuantuan took the clothes thrown by Wen Zheng, changed his clothes first, and then took a towel to roughly wipe the broth that stood obediently at the door to prevent the snow water from wetting more ground.

The clothes and towels were placed by the fire and slowly baked. Wen Zheng had already poured a bowl of broth from the pot and handed it to Tuantuan. The soup contained reserved ginger and dried chili peppers. It was a little spicy, but it could quickly warm up the body.

The two huskies got the bones and meat that were fished out before the peppers were added, and they were chewing them with their claws. The birds and sheep next to them were eating the stored alfalfa and grass seeds.

When the temperature continued to rise a few degrees, the birds were released from time to time to fly. At this time, the traces left by Wen Zheng and his team when they went out had been covered by the wind. The sound of snow vehicles began to appear on the road. The birds noticed that most of them were wearing military green clothes.

The single ice sculpture on the street was moved first, and then a truck with a louder movement pulled more ice sculptures past the supermarket. They moved those near the entrance and exit. There were birds with snow-white bodies that blended into the environment and came back to report that the soldiers used tools to open the closed entrance.

As the weather warmed up, the people hiding in the underground buildings finally came out. Almost everyone cried when they saw the world outside. They thought they would live forever in that narrow, dark, and devastating space.

People cried or laughed, or ran and roared in collapse. When the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst out, they supported each other and followed the road opened by the government to return to their homes.

There are still many people who failed to get out from below. There are too many uncontrollable things brought about by mental pressure and the unbearable low temperature. It is easier to have conflicts when too many people live together. When the idea of ​​killing oneself or others appears, any food around can become a tool to achieve the goal.

Even if the government managers control it later, the survivors who witnessed the incident will take the same path. In the end, not many people came up alive from the underground buildings where this happened.

There was a sound at the door of the supermarket. Wen Zheng, who guessed who was knocking on the door, walked over and opened the door and saw the employees who used to work here. Wen Zheng was still very happy to see familiar people. The first reaction of the employees after seeing Wen Zheng was surprise. In the end, their eyes turned red and tears flowed.

"Boss, I'm so glad you're okay..."

Holding the steaming soup bowl in their hands, several employees who came over one after another saw Wen Zheng and Tuantuan as if they were seeing their relatives. They didn't dare to hug the two bosses. Erha, sheep and birds couldn't escape their clutches.

After drinking the soup and changing clothes, they had a good sleep in the quilt prepared in advance. These employees who came to the supermarket for the first time were basically people who had nothing to worry about now. Being cared for and taken care of by Wen Zheng, they were so moved that they knew how to repay him and could only plan to work harder in the future.

After these people recovered, they wanted to ask Wen Zheng which underground building he went to in the end, because they almost didn't survive underground. They didn't think that Wen Zheng could survive this with Tuantuan on the ground. They just thought that Wen Zheng had enough supplies and went to a place with better treatment and came back earlier than them.

After the temperature rose, Wen Zheng took back a lot of the insulation layer in the house. The supplies that Wen Zheng showed now were not too eye-catching, so no one suspected that he and Tuantuan were here too much.

Before these people asked, Wen Zheng first brought up another topic: "I have been staying in this supermarket and have not seen the situation in other supermarkets. I will take Tuantuan to have a look later. You help me keep watch here."

Wen Zheng's words were all true, but others only thought that Wen Zheng had been staying here since he came up. Wen Zheng led his thoughts to other supermarkets. Some people wanted to go with Wen Zheng, but before they even walked outside, they couldn't help shivering when they reached the door, so Wen Zheng kept them.

"My dad and I will go and have a look separately, and we will be back soon." Tuantuan followed and asked them to stay.

The two of them each took a dog and walked to different locations. On the way, they met many people who had just returned and knew them. Those who could take the initiative to greet them were either in a better mental state or on the verge of collapse. Especially the eyes staring at the two dogs made the usually fearless Husky hide behind his owner.

The sturdy Husky was depressed for a while because it was locked up for too long, and its body was much thinner, but with the outer layer of fur, it still looked big. Wen Zheng found that many people looked at the two Huskies as if they were food, but no one dared to rush up directly.

The doors of several other supermarkets were also completely blocked by the unmelted ice and snow, and it took a lot of effort to open them. Before the New Year, in order to prepare for the cold winter, all the vegetables that could be harvested were harvested, and the roots left behind could not grow new leaves. All were frozen to death by the extremely low temperature. After cleaning up the soil, they could continue to plant.

The employees who had rested returned to their posts, and some did not. Wen Zheng went to inquire about their situation, but those who did not come were gone, and the family members who had acted together also left.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan continued to live in the renovated supermarket, and soon they were noticed by people, so the house located in the community and now uninhabited was attacked. The empty room made the thieves who had worked hard to enter furious, and the broken glass attracted the attention of the neighbors. Wen Zheng, who was notified, sent birds over and finally caught the people.

Not only did Wen Zheng's house encounter thieves, but the sequelae of staying underground for a long time slowly emerged over time. Various violent crimes began to occur frequently. Almost every day, news of someone committing suicide nearby could be heard. The team sent by the government was busy and exhausted. Even because of the large number of human deaths, petty thefts and small fights were given lighter punishments.

Even though the data has not been released to the public, people with a keen eye can actually estimate the difference by comparing the number of people who have been infected with the disease with that of the previous year. Nearly half of the population died this winter, and almost all the elderly did not survive. The casualties among children were equally severe, and the young people who survived in relatively large numbers were not in very good condition.

Those psychological traumas are not so easy to heal, especially when you think about the weather getting colder every year. The last winter was so difficult that no one could figure out how to survive until the next year.

This gloomy atmosphere lasted for more than a month, but soon the team sent by the government reclaimed the land that had been planted and purified last year and tested the soil and water sources. Even if it was newly polluted in winter, the purified land had reached the standard.

The government plans to plant all these lands that meet the standards, and the seeds sown will be the latest grain seeds that have been researched. Although they are not the rice and wheat that everyone hopes for, the coarse grains planted are easier to fill the stomach than alfalfa, and have a greater chance of surviving until the harvest.

The hard work of tilling the soil was done by machines that consumed energy, and the subsequent planting began to recruit manual labor. However, the government also provided the workers with agricultural tools specifically for sowing. This was an invention when technology was not yet developed, but it improved efficiency a lot and reduced energy consumption as much as possible.

When people have something to do, their mental state will be better. When everyone is busy sowing, the mortality rate begins to decrease. Sow the seeds, go and take a look every day, and see the seeds sprout and grow tender leaves, and your mood is slowly recovering.

Time flies when you are busy. People seem to suddenly find that our country is trying to get in touch with the other surviving countries and exchange information with each other on the electronic equipment they are resuming use one day.

Four years have brought too many changes to this planet. It is a miracle that Xiaguo has not perished and can still maintain the leadership of the original government. I don’t know how many countries have disappeared in the world, and the surviving countries are even more fragmented and difficult to agree with the government’s rule.

Judging from the situation of several countries that Xia Guo contacted, they felt that they had reached the end of the desperate situation, but in fact, in the eyes of people in other countries, it was already a life that only appeared in dreams, especially the seed technology that could purify the environment, which made them doubt whether it was a false statement made by Xia Guo.

Xia Guo used various methods to prove the authenticity of this technology. The countries or organizations that had contacted wanted to obtain this technology and were willing to give Xia Guo a certain amount of compensation. They did not have much reserve food, and before being frozen to death by the severe cold, they had to face the crisis of starvation.

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