Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 189 Chapter 189

The current communication tools can basically still be used, but because the external environment temperature is too low, the power consumption is extremely high. At present, all energy sources are in a state of scarcity. Not many people can receive news from the outside world. The news that is circulating now is either announced by the government or spread by people who have access to the Internet.

The hand-cranked generator prepared by Wen Zheng before the disaster can fully supply the use of mobile phones. The signal base station in Songyang City can barely continue to maintain after the temperature rises. Tuan Tuan also tinkered with some electronic equipment and made a signal booster by himself. He pays attention to the latest news every day, and can learn more about the news that ordinary people cannot know faster.

In particular, some content will still not be publicly released on the Internet, and it is necessary to find hidden websites to view those more secretive news.

The country's efforts to contact existing countries are to exchange improved seeds for other needed materials, especially energy.

A country adjacent to Xia has a large amount of energy reserves, but has always been short of agriculture. In addition, their geographical location faces lower temperatures than Xia, so the neighboring government agreed to exchange energy for new seeds, and also asked Xia for part of its territory, hoping to move from its own country, which is too cold, to Xia.

Xia naturally made this deal in the former, but the condition proposed later was the ownership of the land provided to the neighboring country. Xia was naturally unwilling to divide its own territory and was only willing to provide it to its neighbors in the name of leasing, but the low temperature lasted for more than a few years, and the neighboring country wanted to own the land that belonged to their country.

The two parties are still negotiating on this matter, so it has not been officially announced. It's just that the neighboring country must be the one to compromise in the end. They have no better choice, and now they insist on discussing just to make more profits for their own country.

I just finished reading the latest progress of the negotiations between Xia and its neighbors on the hidden website, and a new message appeared. The content is that Xia tried to contact more surviving countries and contacted the new Lika country.

The person who announced the news showed his dissatisfaction in his words, and the following replies also had no good feelings towards the country of Lika, whether new or old. This news reminded them again of the various actions taken by Lika after the eruption of the Lilan volcano, and they only hoped that Xia would not make any deals with Lika.

It seemed that the contact had just been made, and they didn't know what news was communicated, so there was no other useful news on the website except for the resentment towards Lika. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan looked outside and closed the webpage, packed up their things and went out to the fields.

It takes a long distance to walk from where you live to where the fields are. On the way, you not only meet many people, but also vehicles sent by the government. There are white cloth strips tied on the car. When people see it from a distance, they will retreat to both sides of the road to leave a path for the car to pass, and stop when the car passes by, watching silently with their eyes.

This kind of vehicle with white cloth hanging is responsible for transporting corpses.

Even after the winter, many people who survived still had more or less physical problems. Treating diseases once again became a common difficulty faced by people. Medical resources were in short supply, and even the medicines stockpiled before the disaster were consumed in more than four years.

Most of the few that were preserved were past their expiration date and had no market. Even ordinary cold medicines were rarely willing to be sold.

Low temperatures prevented the bodies of the deceased from rotting so quickly. In order to reduce the consumption of transportation and processing, the government would generally send vehicles to transport the bodies to designated burial sites only when the number of deaths reached a certain number.

Wood as an energy source also became scarce after the same consumption, so all these bodies were arranged for burial, and simply buried in the ground. If someone knew the dead person before the burial, they could leave information at the burial site, but most of them were lying there nameless.

Except for government personnel, no one would go to that area. They would just take a look from a distance when leaving the city, and even discuss when they would move there to live. They wanted to find a good location in advance, and wondered if the burial staff could help.

People's tone becomes casual when talking about death, which is not a good sign.

However, when they see the green growing in the fields, they will put aside the uncomfortable topic and talk about the growth of these crops.

Entering the summer when the temperature is still bearable, the improved crops in the fields are growing well. After the government announced the newly improved seeds, Wen Zheng chose sweet potatoes among several kinds of grains for planting.

After the improvement, sweet potatoes can adapt to the current cold weather. Not only that, they are also more drought-resistant. The sweet potato leaves and sweet potato stalks grown can be eaten. They can be used as staple food, cooking, and feed. It is simply perfect.

The land rented by Wen Zheng only grows sweet potatoes, but he grows some other things at home and in the supermarket.

Last year, Boss Wang and Boss Zhou also rented land. After the land was purified, it is now ready for planting. Boss Wang also chose sweet potatoes after Wen Zheng. However, Boss Zhou, who is called Zhou Paopi, encountered an accident when he went underground to avoid the cold wave last winter, and the land was sublet to another person.

This year, more people are willing to contract land. As a populous country, Xiaguo can now be said to have a large land area and a sparse population. There are many vacant lands, but if you want to find suitable land for planting, you need to choose carefully.

People put more attention on farming, but soon after planting, they found that the land was a little dry this year. The land chosen by Wen Zheng was not far from the river, and sweet potatoes were a cold-resistant plant, so there was no such problem.

Some people who chose land a little far from the water source had to find the nearest water source, break the ice on the water, and then transport it for irrigation, which increased the cost a lot.

Not many people noticed that the water level was much lower than in previous years.

The crops planted in the fields grew a little thin due to lack of sunlight, but under the careful care of people, some flower buds grew, and they were one step closer to harvest.

After seeing the situation in Xiaguo, the neighboring government finally came to an end after a long period of negotiations. The first day Wen Zheng and Tuantuan saw the news on the website, the country began to announce it to the people. Providing improved seeds to neighboring countries and leasing land to neighboring countries are trivial matters. The most important thing is to use the former two to exchange a large amount of coal and oil resources from neighboring countries.

These resources will be used to help people survive this winter.

The people who got the news were very happy, but they still had some shadows about the life in the underground shelters last year. It was not until the government recruited workers to renovate all the underground shelters that they felt relieved. Then most of the crops planted this year can be harvested. Although the yield is less than 30% of that before the disaster, it is enough to supply the current population.

The successive good news made the long-lost smiles reappear on everyone's faces, and the worries in the face of the coming severe cold were also reduced. The temperature dropped quickly and fiercely this year, but there was no ice and snow, only the biting cold wind cut the face like a knife.

When the government organized people to enter the underground shelter again, the employees in the supermarket hoped that Wen Zheng could go to the same place with them. Although they spent the winter on the ground last year, this year's shelter has been renovated in many details and is easier to live in than before. However, after thinking about it, Wen Zheng still did not go down with the employees. Instead, he used the excuse that the animals raised were easy to be classified as supplies and told the employees that they could only find an underground building managed by someone with connections.

These renovated underground shelters are multi-story buildings located underground. Each floor has different functions, including breeding area, planting area, food area, living area, water purification area and power generation area. It is unlikely that the sheep, dogs and birds they raise can be brought into the living area. Not everyone can accept living with animals, and they are likely to be regarded as reserve materials in the breeding area.

Compared with the lives of humans and animals, the lives of humans are more important, so if there is any conflict in the underground shelter and it is difficult to leave, the problem is more difficult to solve, so Wen Zheng did not intend to face such a choice from the beginning.

The group of birds and the two smart ones have developed some feelings, so let them continue to live in the disaster.

The warming measures adopted last year are not enough this year. The hand-cranked generator is not effective enough, so the diesel generator stored in the space is taken out and only supplies a renovated room in the supermarket. The small area will have a better warming effect.

This winter, I stayed in the room again and didn't have much to do. Wen Zheng took the points from the last hidden task and bought the necessary materials from the system store. He asked Tuan Tuan, who understood the research data, to make the finished product. Wen Zheng, who had read the data several times but still couldn't fully understand it but had some understanding, helped him.

The first few times failed, and it took a lot of time to find the cause. They also bought the damaged parts to replace them. The points used made them feel a little painful. At this time, the system reminder appeared again.

[Hidden task-solving the energy crisis in extreme cold weather has been completed. The reward is determined according to the contribution to the task, and the reward points are 300,000. ]

The two paused, and the work in hand was not completed.

It was the fifth year of the end of the world. This hidden task could be completed. It seemed that the scientists who got the data finally succeeded in their research. Among the disasters caused by volcanic eruptions, the most difficult problem to solve was the energy problem.

This data carefully selected by the two can be successfully studied. It can be said that it can protect people from continuing to survive in an extremely cold environment, and can even speed up the recovery of the planet. It can be said that this disaster will be solved by this, but the reward points are a bit too few.

The method of improving seeds last time was researched by Wen Zheng, and the same points were rewarded, but the cost last time was lower. This time, the solution to the energy problem was purchased from the system store. In addition, the materials used by Tuantuan in the research during this period have almost become a losing business.

Wen Zheng speculated based on the experience of so many worlds before that the points obtained for each hidden task are determined by the lives saved. Although the solution to the energy problem can keep most lives alive, this technology that exceeds the world's technological level may bring new disasters. It is good to be able to reward so many points.

No matter how much analysis is done in the heart, it cannot be verified, and the game system will not give an answer. Without an accurate answer, it is just a guess.

No matter how many points are rewarded, this is good news, and the newly received points make the two more daring to try, and they have spent a lot of materials.

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