Infinite Disaster Survival

213. Chapter 213: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-23

The people in Pingchang City have been in the same mood recently, excited and a little nervous. Until the Meng family army entered the city yesterday, their hearts dropped temporarily.

The brave ones went out for a walk, while the timid ones hid in their rooms and listened to the goings-on outside. They heard that the officers and soldiers who entered the city had a very good attitude towards ordinary people like them, and even helped those who needed help. Now, I don't feel so nervous anymore.

If Meng Jiajun is as good as the rumors, they will feel at ease.

The morning after the Meng Jiajun entered Pingchang Fucheng, there were not many shops on the street that dared to open their doors. They all wanted to wait and see for two more days. As a result, the cake shop located in a small alley in Nancheng caught fire early in the morning.

The dough mixed with white flour is rolled into palm-sized pancakes and baked over charcoal fire in a special stove. In another stove next to it, the chicken that was put in last night is rolling with the soup, and the chicken soup is mixed with it. The aroma of cooking cakes came out through the crack of the door.

People who got up early walked to this cake shop smelling the aroma. Some people who liked to sit outside took the initiative to move tables, chairs and benches to sit outside without being greeted. But today was special. Not long after we sat down, a group of officers and soldiers came over. Everyone stood up quickly, not knowing whether to give up their position.

"Oh, the smell is delicious." Wen Zheng laughed first, and then asked other diners with a smile on his face, "Can you please recommend me what is the best?"

At this time, the diners saw clearly that they had seen the group of officers and soldiers who came. They were local officers and soldiers from Pingchang Prefecture. They were very familiar with the Yang family next door. However, they had never seen the gentleman in front of them. It was obvious that he looked kind and nervous. All went to eight points.

"The Wen family's cooking cake shop only buys two kinds of cakes, one is cooking cakes, and the other is boiled chicken soup. If you come at night, there is an extra thing. Boil the finger-width noodles in the chicken soup and scald them with two pieces. Just one green vegetable and it tastes amazing.”

"Speaking of which, Meng Jiajun developed the method of hatching eggs. There have been no natural disasters in the past year, so the price of chickens has slowly come down. In the past, how could we have such a good fortune and be able to drink a bowl of chicken soup from time to time."

"I heard that there was a rebellious general in the west who researched what kind of fertilizer can make the grain grow more and better. I heard that as long as people defected there, not only would they be given fertilizer, but they would also be taught how to make it."

"Who knows if it's true or not? It's so far to the west and the world is so chaotic now. Even if it's true, there's no guarantee that I can get there safely. I've suffered enough on the road."

"The Meng family army is already a first-class kind person. Before, they only stayed in Yangning Mansion, but after discovering the method of hatching chicks, they didn't hide it at all. They announced it directly to the world. Maybe everyone has followed. The caravan has reached the city in the west you mentioned, and you will be content with this life now."

Wen Zheng sat down and listened to their low-pitched discussion, and couldn't help but interject: "The Meng family army has also developed a new fertilizer. It will be handed over to everyone after the fields are allocated to them in a few days. You can use it then." Let’s see if it works well.”

"Really?" His excited eyes immediately turned over, "Is what Mr. Sir said true?"


"That's really a great thing." The busy people in the room finally came out with the cooked cakes and fresh chicken soup.

The leader of the old man held a wooden tray with a large bowl of chicken soup and two steaming pancakes on it. He placed it in front of Wen Zheng and said, "Guest, this is your meal. If the guest is happy with it, please say more." There’s nothing like fresh news.”

The old woman beside the old man was holding a teapot and a stack of tea bowls in her right hand, placing them in front of the officers and soldiers. This group of officers and soldiers seemed to come here often. The old woman's tone was very relaxed and she asked them to drink some free tea first, and when the cakes were ready, they would be given out with chicken soup.

The two elders were followed by two and a half-year-old boys. They were holding dishes for the guests who came first.

Wen Zheng looked up at the two young men. He remembered both of them. One was from the clan leader's family and the other was from the third master's family. They were the two smartest people among the younger generation of the clan leader. They should have been specially sent out. After asking about the situation, the clan leader and the Third Master were really relieved.

This cake shop is opened by the Wen clan. The two uncles and aunts are still in good health. These two young men used to follow Wen Zheng and call Dashan Ge every day. They haven’t seen each other in more than a year. They have grown taller. Quite a few, with a hint of perseverance in their expressions. They have grown a lot during this period. Judging from the smiles they show from time to time, the Wen clan members must be living a good life during this period.

Wen Zheng felt much relieved when he saw that they were living a good life.

Not long after, steaming food was placed on the tables of the officers and soldiers. They all had relatively large appetites. The old couple went back to continue baking pancakes. The two young men were not good at pancakes, so they mainly started with them. Wen Zheng used his pancakes. After finishing the food, he talked about the policies implemented by the Meng family army in a leisurely manner.

Everyone around them pricked up their ears to listen, even the officers and soldiers were no exception. After all, they were soldiers of Pingchang Prefecture yesterday.

Wen Zheng first talked about the most concerning division of land, and then used the most popular language to talk about the most important laws that must be observed, and then talked about the treatment that the soldiers in the Meng family army could enjoy.

Even if they had heard about it, some people were moved when they heard once again that the Meng family army did not force recruitment and rewarded those who voluntarily joined the army. They were given enough salary, clothing and various benefits every month.

The two Wen family boys came up and bowed to Wen Zheng, saying, "Sir, what do you think of us joining the army?"

"You guys..." Wen Zheng motioned them to stretch out their hands, and after taking their pulses, he smiled and said, "If you want to join the army, come to Dongwu Lane to find me tomorrow, and I can find a master for you two."

The two were stunned, and reacted after a few seconds. Although they didn't know Wen Zheng's identity or the value of this promise, they still took the opportunity to bow and thank him: "Thank you, sir, I will pay my respects on time tomorrow."

Wen Zheng put down the money for the meal, saw the team coming to pick him up, and stood up and left.

The officers and soldiers who stayed in the pancake shop cast envious eyes at the two boys of the Wen family. Under the curiosity that everyone could not hide, they revealed a little: "You two boys are really lucky. You should take the thank-you gifts to Dongwu Lane. Then you will know who he is."

The two boys of the Wen family looked a little excited and confused, but after they went back to the house and whispered a few words, they immediately made a decision that they must go tomorrow, but when they go, they have to find the clan leader's grandfather and the third grandfather to give them some advice.

That night, Wen Zheng took advantage of the night to avoid all patrols and left alone, quietly looking for the place where the Wen clan members were, which must be not far from the pancake shop and where Yang Jian lived.

Many people in the Wen family gathered together to discuss the two boys joining the army. Elders are reluctant to let go. How can an elder want to see his own children go to the battlefield? But everyone knows that fighting in troubled times is a matter of time. How can ordinary soldiers have such an opportunity? Especially after Yang Jian came back and heard about this, he expressed strong support and envy.

Must go.

Then they discussed what to bring as a thank-you gift and a gift for apprenticeship until late. It was not until most people left that Wen Zheng appeared in front of the clan leader. The clan leader has lived a stable life until now. His mentality is so strong that he was not scared when he saw the sudden appearance. He was a little excited when he recognized Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng came here this time to reassure the clan leader in addition to visiting the clan members. Things that fall from the sky are always not so reassuring. So in Wen Zheng's mouth, the miracle doctor who asked to help the two boys become apprentices today is related to him. This matter was also asked by him. He also asked the miracle doctor for a lot of emergency medicines and several books written over the years and brought them back to the clan.

Wen Zheng has not appeared many times in the past two years. Every time he appears, he is particularly mysterious, but he still cares about the clan. The clan leader didn't know what to say, and could only silently hope that he would be safe.

The next day, after arriving at Dongwu Lane, the two boys of the Wen family learned that the customer who went to the pancake shop for dinner was a famous doctor. With the introduction of the doctor, the two of them worshipped two powerful generals in the Meng family army as their teachers, and from then on they began their lives that could appear in history books.

The Wen family was an ordinary poor family before the turbulent times, but in the following years of war, several capable people emerged. Many people also slowly showed their talents after the war and when the new dynasty was established, allowing the Wen family to develop smoothly. After that, with the ups and downs of time, they have survived and even ushered in a new era.

Meng Jun is now the real leader of the Meng family army. After leading the team to capture Pingchang Prefecture, the Meng family army has completely entered the eyes of major forces. Taking down a city at such a fast speed, even if some people think that Meng Jun deliberately deceived the fools' trust and let them open the city gate, it is undeniable that they remembered this opponent in their minds.

The governance of Pingchang Prefecture takes time, and at the same time, we must pay attention to the personnel sent by various forces to test. Meng Jun is busy every day, and Wen Zheng is also not idle. He started free clinics with his apprentices, started to compile medical skills, and watched the two boys of the Wen family learn from their masters. In the end, he found that one of the great-grandsons of the third master had a talent for studying medicine, so he simply accepted a student.

Because Wen Zheng had released the news, he was helped once by the patriarch of the Wen family when he was traveling around many years ago. This time he recognized him and repaid the favor he had owed.

Everyone was very envious. It would be great if they had helped the miracle doctor before.

With the experience of managing Yangning Prefecture before, Meng Jun now manages Yangning and Pingchang Prefectures, and soon got on the right track. Moreover, taking advantage of Shen Jiafu's serious injury, he dug out several waves of people from different forces hiding in Shen Mansion, Meng's Army and Pingchang Prefecture. A small part of them did not convey much important information. They wanted to join Meng's Army. After being discovered, they simply gave up the people behind the scenes. They just wanted to be ordinary people in Pingchang Prefecture.

More people chose to resist after being discovered. Some were really loyal to the masters behind them, but more were because their families were still under control, so Meng Jun had to eliminate them.

Without people who fanned the flames and spread rumors, Meng Jun was more smooth when enforcing the law, and the people's lives became better. The wealthy merchants in Pingchang Prefecture wanted to protest, but Shen Jiafu appeared in front of people and expressed his full support for Meng's Army, swallowing all those plans back at once.

Some of the other forces around couldn't help wanting to swallow this piece of fat meat. The borders of the two prefectures strengthened their defenses, and several forces sent some people to make a small fight during this period.

But before they officially took action, the imperial court, which was still trying to maintain its rule, issued an amnesty order to the world. Anyone willing to accept the amnesty would be given a title, or even be made a king of a different surname and rewarded with a fiefdom. This move really calmed the world down.

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