Infinite Disaster Survival

214. Chapter 214: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-24

The imperial envoy carrying the imperial edict entered the camp. The Meng family army, who knew about this, was a little agitated. While doing daily exercises, they kept thinking about how the young general should respond.

Wen Zheng had just finished taking the pulse of Shen Jiafu, who was finally recovering from his illness after a long period of recuperation. Just as he gave a few instructions, a soldier walked outside the tent: "The imperial envoy of the miracle doctor wants to see you. The young general said that if you are willing, you can go to see the excitement."

"Want to see you? I guess he doesn't have any good ideas." Shen Jiafu said eagerly, wanting to follow him to see what kind of trouble the imperial court had.

When the two walked into the room, they saw the imperial envoy sitting in his seat with a proud face. After seeing Wen Zheng, he stood up from the chair, nodded twice, and said in a long voice: "I guess this is the miracle doctor."

Wen Zheng ignored him and sat in an empty seat beside him.

The messenger looked unhappy for two seconds, and explained the emperor's intention with dissatisfaction: "Your Majesty has found out that the medicine for treating the epidemic was developed by the miracle doctor. The person who claimed the credit has been executed, and the real meritorious minister has been rewarded with the title of the head of the Imperial Hospital. Why don't you accept the order quickly and follow me back to Beijing to thank the emperor."

"I don't want to accept it."

The messenger was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to rebuke, he heard everyone else present burst into laughter.

"You, you..." The messenger was so angry that he didn't know who to point at. He just took half a step forward and felt a chill on his neck. The reflection of the blade pierced his eyes, and he dared not move his body anymore.

"Do you really think we will happily accept the amnesty? Should I say it's naive or ridiculous?" Meng Jun said, restrained his smile, waved his hand, and someone dragged the messenger away.

With no outsiders in the room, everyone slowly stopped laughing. Shen Jiafu, who followed Wen Zheng and was not noticed by the envoy, also found a place to sit down and rest.

Someone quickly shared with Shen Jiafu that the envoy's decree also mentioned the Shen family. They didn't understand a lot of words, so the young general explained to them that if the Shen family accepted the amnesty, they could become imperial merchants. If they were willing to offer their property, they might even be named Dukes.

"That's a nice thought." Shen Jiafu laughed in anger. "With so many rebel armies, I don't know how many Dukes and imperial merchants will be allowed out, and even a few kings of different surnames will be named."

"Although the current emperor has a cruel personality, he still has some talent, otherwise he wouldn't have been on the throne for so many years. The decree of amnesty should not have been issued by him, and he is so anxious to invite the miracle doctor to Beijing. I'm afraid the emperor himself is seriously ill."

When Meng Jun said this, the generals under his command had different thoughts. If the current old emperor died, it would cause a big change.

"No matter what, the miracle doctor will definitely not go to the capital. There are so many doctors and excellent medicines in the palace. He won't die in a short time."

"There are famous doctors everywhere. The edict of recruiting has been sent to various rebel armies. No one will believe the nonsense of the court."

Many generals discussed the current situation. After the messenger was dragged out of the room, he and other people in the team were arrested together and interrogated about the situation in the capital.

About half a month later, the spies sent by the Meng family army and the Shen family's caravan successively passed the news back.

"Is there really someone who believed that nonsense? How can this brain survive until now?" Many people were puzzled.

No matter what, the recruited people had various worthless titles and territories. Some began to live a life of drunkenness and dreams in the territory, and some wanted to earn more rewards from the court, and were ordered to fight against the rest of the "rebels" who were recruited.

The Meng family army was not strong enough, and secondly, there was a miracle doctor who was specially requested by the court. Several teams were eyeing them.

For a time, the Meng family army was surrounded by multiple enemy forces.

All the people in the Meng family army were busy and prepared for the enemy to attack. Wen Zheng was also busy and spent half a month making various medicines.

More than two years have passed in the three years. I have stayed in the Meng family army for a long time. It is time to find the truth of this period as soon as possible.

The people in the Meng family army never thought that Wen Zheng would ask to leave. They were a little panicked. This was a miracle doctor who could compete with the underworld for people.

Meng Jun accepted this after being surprised. The miracle doctor saved many lives, and his research on medicine could not surpass the limitations of this era. He had no way to lure the miracle doctor to stay.

If he wants to leave, let him go.

"Really don't need a team to accompany you?" Meng Jun confirmed again, "At least bring two people, it can be a bit helpful."

Wen Zheng shook his head and refused. What he was going to do next was not allowed to be known by others.

Excuses were also easy to find. Before coming to the Meng family army, he was wandering around alone. He not only had medicines for curing diseases and saving lives, but also had a full range of drugs and even poisons. If you really encounter danger, as long as you show your extraordinary medical skills, you may be treated as a guest of honor.

Without telling the ordinary soldiers, without asking anyone to see you off, Wen Zheng quietly left on an ordinary morning.

The area managed by the Meng family army is relatively peaceful, and most ordinary people still live their previous lives, but in troubled times, knowing that they will have to fight sooner or later, they will more or less prepare for the upcoming war.

After leaving the area where the Meng family army is located, the farther you go, the more chaotic it is, and the more miserable the lives of ordinary people are.

The people are always the ones who suffer in war.

Sometimes Wen Zheng can't stand it, so he will stop and treat them as a traveling doctor, and teach them the skills to survive.

In ancient society, although ordinary people basically had no chance to read and knew very little, many people even did not know why they were fighting.

But no matter who they are, they all have the most basic survival instinct, and they all have skills to survive under the trend of instinct.

Those who cannot continue to live will try to survive, even if it requires them to leave their homes.

When they were near the Meng Family Army, the people were secretly defecting to the Meng Family Army. Wen Zheng and them went in the opposite direction.

After passing through a force, the distant Meng family army will not be the first choice of the people. Those who cannot survive will look for a place where they can continue to live.

Some things will be spread by word of mouth among the people, giving them hope of working hard to survive.

So Wen Zheng doesn't need to ask for too much information. He just needs to go see, listen, and follow the people who are seeking survival, and he will come to a place that is good for the people.

Most of these places have special managers, allowing Wen Zheng to observe their situation up close.

Heroes emerge from troubled times. In this chaotic era where many forces are rising, most of the forces that can stand out and have not been eliminated in a short period of time are quite capable.

Wen Zheng does not think that people who have lived in modern times with information explosion will definitely be able to outperform ancient people. Some people have even forgotten their modern identity.

However, judging from various information obtained, among the currently rising forces, there is an almost 50-50 split between the native ancients and the modern people who have traveled through time.

People in ancient times who were able to establish a force were considered heroes of their time, and they were able to accomplish great things even in modern times.

By analogy, when modern people come to ancient times and can compete with ancient heroes in chaos, they should also be elites in modern times.

After the imperial court adopted the method of recruitment, some forces could not resist the temptation. In order to have a legitimate name, they began to send their soldiers to fight for the imperial court.

Wars, big and small, broke out everywhere.

The Meng Family Army faced the largest number of enemy troops. However, due to the different leaders of the enemy armies, internal fighting broke out before the official battle began. The remaining strength after the internal fighting was no match for the Meng Family Army.

"I heard that the generals of the Meng family army all have special skills. Some are so powerful that they can smash a person's head into pieces if he throws a hammer. There is also a marksman who is extremely accurate and can decapitate people hundreds of steps away. ”

"If you ask me, the Thunder Army in the north is still more powerful. They have a kind of thunder that is like thunder coming to the world. It is extremely powerful and can attack cities and destroy enemies. Rumors say that the leader of the Thunder Army is a god who came to the world."

When he heard this, Wen Zheng changed his identity again and became an inconspicuous new recruit in the Far South Army.

"It would be great if we were in the Meng Family Army or the Thunder Army." Two soldiers hiding in the corner secretly said.

"You're crazy. How dare you say such things!" The person next to him quickly covered the other person's mouth and looked around cautiously, fearing that others would hear him and be accused of disturbing the morale of the army.

"If I don't tell you, I don't know if there will be another chance. Tomorrow, the newly appointed King of Zhennan will come. Our commander-in-chief used to be very powerful, but starting from half a month ago, he was... coaxed into not caring about anything and punished Several generals.”

At this point, the companions next to him no longer stopped him, but started to sigh.

Wen Zheng withdrew his attention and looked towards the coach's mansion with a lantern hanging in the distance.

The leader of this Far South Army also came from modern times, but he didn't leave much memory and was assimilated by ancient times. With the remaining knowledge in his mind and his own abilities, he occupied a large territory, but in the end he was unable to resist the various temptations deliberately displayed by the enemy.

When Wen Zheng came here, the leader of the Far South Army had been flattered by the counselors who had taken refuge in him. He became more and more arrogant and indulged in pleasure. He was framed by the counselors and killed several loyal men.

Wen Zheng would not take action against such a person, but he would not help either.

Wen Zheng probably guessed the origins of those counselors with malicious intentions, and I am afraid they will take action in the next few days.

Wen Zheng blocked his sense of smell and fell asleep peacefully in the room where Xiao Bing rested. He didn't wake up from his dream until he heard the movement outside.

Consciousness returned quickly, Wen Zheng woke up, and the movement spread from the leader's mansion to all directions.

The news of Wen Zheng's hidden actions quickly approached, and then he learned that the counselors did not wait for the King of Zhennan to send troops tomorrow, but launched a surprise attack tonight. The leader of the Far South Army was seriously injured and he was breathing his last breath.

As the distance continued to get closer, Wen Zheng began to feel familiar fluctuations.

In the past six months, Wen Zheng has followed the footsteps of the people everywhere and encountered two times when "modern people" were on the verge of death. Each time, he encountered two different power fluctuations.

Every time Wen Zheng took advantage of the two forces to fight, he used his own power to simulate their fluctuations, hiding among them, to find where the two forces came from.

It's a pity that the power Wen Zheng gave away did disappear in this world, but never came back along the passage. Wen Zheng didn't know if he had really found the source of those two powers.

Counting Shen Jiafu's time, today was the fourth time we met, and we couldn't wait any longer.

Wen Zheng sat in the shadow of the eaves, his whole body blending into the night.

Although this "traveler" is capable, he is not a good person, and he is about to die soon, so he will do an experiment. Even if something goes wrong, he will not have any psychological burden.

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