Infinite Disaster Survival

215. Chapter 215: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-25

The two different forces had already dealt with each other many times. When they met again this time, a violent collision occurred as soon as they met.

The first force was highly aggressive, while the later force had no intention of attacking and could only resist with all its might. Seeing that it was about to be defeated as before, Wen Zheng, who was hiding under the eaves, moved his fingers and sent his own energy into the house, simulating the fluctuation of the second force to help resist the attack of the first force.

While resisting, the energy sent by Wen Zheng assisted the first force to complete its task. First, a channel invisible to the naked eye was condensed in the door of the room, and then the channel emitted a strong suction force, attracting the target's soul to leave the body and send it to another world.

What Wen Zheng wanted to test was whether this channel connected to the origin and correct destination of these traversers.

The struggle of power was just a few breaths away. The first force that opened the channel swept the target's soul away, and the channel was immediately closed, disconnecting the connection between the two worlds. The person on the bed was completely out of breath.

The staff who were waiting by the bed all looked sad when they realized that the person on the bed had died. But in fact, most of them were sad about the fate they were about to face, while more people were secretly happy.

Wen Zheng was also a happy member.

The soul of the "traveler" disappeared, but Wen Zheng completed the hidden task. The reward given by the game allowed him to be sure that he had made the right choice.

[Hidden task-send the trapped stranger home, completed once, reward points 1000 points. ]

After carefully reading the description of the hidden task, Wen Zheng retracted his gaze. The first force that came from the door of the room opened another different passage and left after discovering that the target and the enemy had disappeared.

The news of the death of the people in the room spread, and the surroundings became chaotic. Many people knew that this was no longer a safe place where they could stay for a long time, so they simply took advantage of the chaos to escape. Wen Zheng mixed in and was not noticed by anyone.

After leaving here, Wen Zheng asked about the current war situation. Half a year had passed, and various forces were competing, and the court with moral justice was stirring up trouble everywhere. The old emperor's situation may not be very good. The edicts issued in recent days have become more and more outrageous. I am afraid that someone issued them under the order of the old emperor. The court is already struggling.

These days, the forces are fighting and annexing each other. Wen Zheng sees that the world is gradually forming a five-legged tripod, with the center being the current dynasty, which is running out of time, and four increasingly powerful rebel forces in the four directions surrounding the capital, approaching the capital with unstoppable momentum.

It is a coincidence, and it is also reasonable that these four rebel forces all carry the concept from the modern era, and the people in the areas under their jurisdiction have lived a better life than before. The same identity from the modern era makes them have enough tacit understanding even if they cannot agree with each other to the point of being subservient to others, and first solve the current ** incompetent court, and then compare their strengths and weaknesses in the four directions.

Perhaps when the year limit given by the game comes, this uprising struggle that has swept the world should come to an end.

Normally, Wen Zheng should protect himself in the last six months, and when the survival time gate of the year arrives, he will be able to leave this world safely. But the closer he is to the last time gate, the more uneasy Wen Zheng's heart is, and the task is not so easy for him to complete. So after the experiment, Wen Zheng plans to take a risk.

Wen Zheng chose a suitable place. On the way there, the news of the old emperor's death could not be covered up. It spread from the capital to all directions. The new master has not yet been established. Seeing that the world will become more chaotic, Wen Zheng has arrived in the deep mountains.

A cold winter and a spring rain can wake up the grass and trees from their slumber. Wen Zheng came to the familiar forest again, but the vigorous trees were no longer what they used to be. It was not until he passed the entrance of the cave where he was temporarily settled during the escape that he saw a somewhat similar scene.

Walking in, you can still see the traces carved on the stone wall of the cave by the Wen clan members who were temporarily inside. Most of them were irregular lines used for venting, but some people simply drew their stories of fleeing here.

Wen Zheng looked at the lines and suddenly became interested. He drew different contents in the hidden places of several caves, including methods of strengthening the body, simplified but refined fist and foot moves, and several different prescriptions.

After leaving the cave, he left the carved lines in the shadows, waiting to be discovered by later people with sufficient talent.

However, Wen Zheng's talent in art is really insufficient. If Tuan Tuan was there, the lines carved on the wall might be complicated and numerous, but actually easier to recognize. Now only Wen Zheng can do it. If the lines on the wall are not destroyed in the future, I am afraid that only the same "soul painter" can recognize them.

Behind this small peak are endless mountains, the road is steep, and there are many wild beasts. Even in war, no one dares to go deep. Wen Zheng had explored it for many days, moving forward at the fastest speed, and even the wild beasts that smelled the smell could not catch up.

When he arrived at a deep valley hidden in the mountain gate, Wen Zheng slowed down and jumped down many times by stepping on the trees.

There is a spring in the deep valley that forms a stream, and there are many unknown wild flowers blooming around the grass and trees. There are no large beasts around, only some small animals that are not afraid of people. They are not afraid or avoid Wen Zheng approaching, and the brave ones dare to come up to him.

If this place is used as a place for seclusion, it would be perfect.

Unfortunately, Wen Zheng came here to seek death.

Touching the fur on the hare, Wen Zheng was in high spirits, thinking of being an old man who gave out golden fingers. He found a stone and carved the cultivation method on it.

The world he lived in had produced some extremely thin spiritual energy over time. If it was a little thicker, practicing these might really help him develop "internal strength". However, Wen Zheng knew that the possibility was very low, and he would not have the chance to see it.

His interest gradually faded. Wen Zheng let go of the rabbit in his hand, found a place with the best view, sat on the ground by a tree, and then took out a sharp dagger from his sleeve and stabbed it into his heart. The blood flowed in, and the small animals around were frightened and scattered.

The pain in his chest was not unbearable. Wen Zheng frowned, enduring the urge to heal the wound, and tried to suppress the power in his body away from the wound in his heart.

The blood flowed happily, Wen Zheng's breathing became weaker and weaker, his body slowly became colder, but his consciousness remained clear, waiting until a wave of power appeared, and a smile appeared on the corner of Wen Zheng's mouth.


Since he was thrown into this world by the game, and he knew that there were two kinds of people in this world, one was the aboriginals, and the other was the "traversers" from the modern times, then which identity would Wen Zheng use?

Now it is certain that the original body is also a traverser.

The two forces came together. According to Wen Zheng's observations these days, the later ones should come from the hometowns of these traversers, and the first forces are still unclear.

Wen Zheng's consciousness left his body during the struggle between the two forces. The suction from two different sources gave Wen Zheng two choices, whether to explore the dangerous unknown or return to the hometown of the original body. Wen Zheng gathered all his strength, and without his help, the first force quickly won, sweeping Wen Zheng's soul into the channel connecting different time and space.

Wen Zheng is not feeling well now. First, going through the channel to different worlds will make him feel dizzy in his soul, which is similar to the feeling every time he enters the game. Second, it is not a good feeling to be surrounded by strange forces, especially when this force is secretly eroding his soul.

However, the other party tried hard to erode, but Wen Zheng deceived them by simulating fluctuations. Wen Zheng also suppressed the dizziness. After so many games, he was almost used to it. He quietly released energy to cross the encirclement and tried the constantly changing channel. This contact made him fall into a mysterious feeling.

This feeling did not last long. Wen Zheng had just experienced a few things, and the feeling stopped abruptly. Consciously looking out, in the time gate that Wen Zheng experienced, he had already left the channel and came to a strange space gate.

The world in front of him was different from what Wen Zheng expected. It was like the beautiful place that Wen Zheng found for himself before he died. The power swept Wen Zheng through the air. He could see the beautiful scenery below, lush vegetation, and animals multiplying, but there was no trace of human survival.

Just when Wen Zheng thought he was brought to a world without humans, he saw a mountain below suddenly shake twice, and then there were many cracks, and the cracks were completely dark. After a breath, the cracks seemed to be closed manually, disappeared, and turned back to the beautiful mountains and rivers before.

This is not the real world, but just a fabricated fantasy.

Wen Zheng was fully focused and didn't want to give up any details. In a short time, he saw many cracks appear and disappear in the door, and then he saw that the power was rolling him down from a high place, and came to a place where mountains and rivers meet, and was sent to a dark giant beast.

The black giant beast lay on the ground, with the characteristics of many animals on its body, but the combination was not any animal that Wen Zheng knew. The body was still ups and downs between breaths, and his eyes were closed as if he was falling asleep. Just as the power carried Wen Zheng to rush towards the giant beast, Wen Zheng showed his claws that had been hidden for a long time, tore through the encirclement of the power and ran out.

The force did not stop its speed and crashed into the black beast, turning back into wisps of black gas and returning to the black beast.

Although still in the soul state, Wen Zheng subconsciously held his breath and watched worriedly whether the black beast in front of him would wake up. After a few minutes of silent recitation in his mind, the beast in front of him did not move at all. Wen Zheng felt relieved and did not rush to explore the space door he came out of, but curiously began to explore his soul state.

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