Infinite Disaster Survival

216. Chapter 216: Escape from Famine in Ancient Times-26

When you have enough control over yourself, the form of your soul can change as you wish.

Floating in the air, Wen Zheng tried to transform himself into various shapes, and finally returned to human form, but with a pair of wings that he had said goodbye to for a long time. He soon found his familiar memories and flew high, but Tuan Tuan was missing.

After having wings, he became much more comfortable flying in the air. He flew to a high enough height to take in as many scenes as possible. The mountains, rivers and streams under him slowly gathered in Wen Zheng's mind, building a complete model.

At first, Wen Zheng just reduced the things he saw in his mind in equal proportions. The more scenes he reduced, the more familiar they seemed to Wen Zheng. Later, he simply gave up the animals and plants on the surface and just stared at the mountains, rivers and streams. Before he finished all the pieces, he was sure that the familiar feeling that appeared many times was not his illusion.

The space where Wen Zheng is now is almost 90% similar to the ancient world he just left. The mountain range under his feet is the mountain range where he stayed when he abandoned his body and ventured out.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

When Wen Zheng observed this space, cracks still appeared from time to time in various directions. Even though they were repaired soon, Wen Zheng still remembered the locations where they appeared. Now he simulated them in his mind and placed them at the locations where they appeared, and then matched them one by one with the ancient world.

The locations where the cracks appeared were exactly where wars were prone to occur in the ancient world.

Those locations were mostly at the junction of several forces, and some were even places of contention. Among them, the most frequent cracks corresponded to the capital where the royal family was located in the ancient world.

Wen Zheng had already realized that there must be a close connection between the ancient world and the space he was in, but this connection could not allow him to think of a way to leave this space.

He stayed here for a long time, but the countdown displayed on the game panel was paused when he came in. This space can even be used for games.

Wen Zheng began to worry that if he couldn't find a way to leave, he would be trapped here forever.

However, what happened next seemed to make Wen Zheng's worries unnecessary. He should worry more about how to protect himself from being swallowed by the black beast.

The sleeping black beast suddenly moved. It turned over, and a black mist came out of its body again, opening a new passage. Obviously, there was another "traveler" in the ancient world who was dying, and he had to rush over to snatch the soul.

It was a good time to leave this space. Wen Zheng wanted to rush there before the passage was closed and return to the ancient world through the passage. But just when he arrived and couldn't enter, the black beast next to him seemed to finally notice the foreign invader and opened his eyes.

The soul froze naturally. Wen Zheng could clearly feel that he was being watched by a powerful existence, oppressing him, and not daring to resist. But if Wen Zheng didn't dare to resist, he wouldn't be alive until now. He didn't want to die here. There were people waiting for him to go back at home.

All the power was put into operation to resist the external oppression. At the moment when the soul could move, Wen Zheng entered the channel at the fastest speed. He used the experience he had gained in the channel before he had digested it, and used it by feeling, stabilizing the channel while speeding up the crossing.

The power that turned into black mist followed closely behind. After all, the little experience Wen Zheng had gained was no match for the black beast that could skillfully open the space-time channel. The black mist caught up and surrounded Wen Zheng's soul in an instant.

Wen Zheng tried his best to resist the erosion of the black mist and was dragged into the mouth of the black beast.

Maybe it was in the mouth. Wen Zheng was shrouded in black mist and could not see the situation outside. But when the black mist around him stopped, the sixth sense that had been showing its existence began to loudly remind him that the crisis of death was coming, and then the pain was reflected in the soul.

The pain caused by the wounded soul cannot be described in words. It is incomparable to all other pains. Wen Zheng endured the pain of being devoured. His experience in the nightmare world gave him a solid soul and the ability to resist this pain.

How similar is this to the experience in the nightmare world, except that his ability has grown with the world, and the pain he has suffered has also multiplied several times.

After experiencing so many worlds, pain is already an old friend to Wen Zheng. While enduring, he did not sit and wait for death, but concentrated his attention, while simulating his power to produce the same fluctuations as the giant beast's power, which already has a foundation, and at the same time looking for the giant beast's weakness.

The space where the giant beast is located must be related to his power. The space is constantly damaged by cracks, and the giant beast should also be in some kind of predicament.

Patiently searching.

I don't know how long it has been, Wen Zheng finally simulated his power fluctuations to the same extent as the giant beast. It may be that the giant beast did not take him seriously and did not pay attention to the state of food digestion in the body at all times. For a while, the giant beast's power could not find an object to devour.

The giant beast sensed something was wrong and was about to control its power to conduct a thorough investigation when cracks appeared again. A portion of the giant beast's power was disrupted and trapped inside the giant beast. Wen Zheng, who was in full power mode, successfully captured it and gathered all his power to attack the giant beast's position with his soul.


Although the collision was silent, it caused a huge energy fluctuation. The space where the giant beast was located was shaking, and even the ancient world was affected. Those "travelers" from the modern era, no matter what they were doing, were in a trance for a moment, and some lost memories returned to their minds.

At this time, Wen Zheng, who was fighting desperately, did not dissipate in the collision of power. With a bit of good luck, Wen Zheng really found the weak point of the black giant beast.

This collision directly knocked the black giant beast out of its entity.

Countless black mists scattered, and the whole black giant beast turned into a huge black mist. The black giant beast had no time to care about Wen Zheng, and wanted to gather his strength to condense a entity again, but how could Wen Zheng let it do as he wished.

While the giant beast was in a panic, Wen Zheng estimated that he did not have enough time to open the passage and escape. Moreover, he consumed too much energy when he was in the giant beast, and the pain made him a little unconscious.

Since the other party can devour him, why can't he turn over and devour him? It's not like he hasn't done this before in the nightmare world. Now the enemy he faces is just a little stronger. Wen Zheng did it as he thought. He pounced on it neatly and fiercely, tearing off a large wisp of black mist from the giant beast, and bit it.

The soul has no sense of taste, but when Wen Zheng ate the black mist, he felt it. There was pain condensed in it, which was extremely bitter. The black power was swallowed into the soul by Wen Zheng. The cultivation method was constantly running, picking out the bad impurities and throwing them out.

But it was too difficult to pick out. In order to survive, Wen Zheng was repeating the action of tearing off the power of the black giant beast and swallowing it into his body regardless of anything. The efficiency of the cultivation method was unable to cope with this situation.

As Wen Zheng swallowed more and more black mist, his own soul quietly changed. The white wings that were originally condensed behind him were turning black from the roots little by little.

These changes did not alert Wen Zheng, just as he did not notice that the black beast no longer stopped him from swallowing. His consciousness had become blurred, and he only knew to swallow continuously.

The black beast was still busy gathering its scattered power, and because of Wen Zheng's fierce attack, more cracks appeared at a higher frequency. The beast was tired of repairing. At first, it remembered that after the repair was completed, it would completely devour the soul with particularly delicious power, which could greatly shorten the process of its repair, but later it gradually forgot about it and was only busy dealing with those cracks.

Wen Zheng's consciousness was so blurred that he could not clearly judge his own death, and he had no idea that he was actively heading for a dead end. He kept swallowing the power of the black beast, and the subconscious sounded an alarm but could not wake him up, so he could only try to make him swallow the more important part of the beast first.

Another crack appeared, and the black beast once again divided a stream of energy to repair it. The power released was too much, and finally the part that was wrapped in thick black fog and had not completely turned black was exposed.

Wen Zheng, who had lost his self-consciousness, reacted very quickly. The part that was wrapped was more attractive than the black fog. He suddenly pounced on it and took a big bite with force. Gray and black power entered Wen Zheng's soul, and at the same time, Wen Zheng swallowed the remaining memories inside.

Even if the black fog surrounded him again, Wen Zheng always held this important part tightly and swallowed it bit by bit.

As the practice method was running, Wen Zheng slowly digested this part of the power and received the remaining information inside.

A thousand years in an instant.

Wen Zheng's consciousness returned to clarity, and from these memories, he finally learned the origin of the black beast.

In ancient times, it was the way of heaven. If described in modern terms, this black beast was the world consciousness of the ancient world, a world consciousness that its own world was about to perish.

Although the ancient world was still in the feudal society, according to the world consciousness's calculation of the future, the world will slowly go to extinction in just a few hundred years due to frequent natural disasters and wars.

The world will collapse and be destroyed, and then it will usher in a new life and evolve from scratch. The relative world consciousness will also dissipate with the world. After the new world condenses, a new world consciousness will naturally be born. It is a cycle, but this world consciousness is unwilling.

It doesn't want to dissipate, and it doesn't want its world to be destroyed, so it wants to save itself and try every means to delay the destruction of the world.

So it came up with a very risky method and was willing to take risks, consuming huge amounts of energy to create a shocking scam, abducting humans with enough talent from other worlds to save its world.

This is the truth of this disaster.

Those humans abducted from other worlds were thrown into the ancient world by the world consciousness. Most of them lost their memories because they crossed the world barrier, but with the protection of the world consciousness, they still retained a lot of knowledge.

These people carrying modern knowledge may make the ancient world worse, but they may also delay its death.

The knowledge of "travelers" can change the wars in the next few decades. They have more advanced technology to end the war faster. They have more advanced ideas that can make the ancient people live a better life. This has already changed the future trajectory of human casualties.

The role of the "travelers" who were abducted is not just this. As Wen Zheng knows, when they die in the ancient world, they will have a second use. Their souls cannot return to the original world, but are brought to the world consciousness by the black fog and then swallowed by the world consciousness. The world consciousness repairs the world by absorbing the soul power of humans, thereby delaying the occurrence of natural disasters.

Wen Zheng remembered that when he first came to this world, he followed the Wen family and encountered floods, plagues, droughts, etc. Natural disasters occurred frequently during that period. But after the initial time passed, even if there were wars, the natural disasters gradually disappeared.

So that's it.

Wen Zheng was not happy at all after learning the truth. After careful distinction, the experiences and fates of these "travelers" were so familiar to him that he thought of himself.

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