Infinite Disaster Survival

242. Chapter 242 The Ghost Realm Appears-2...

Their spiritual energy was consumed when they set up the formation. Now the spiritual energy needed to maintain the formation comes from the spiritual energy reserve. This newly developed equipment is jokingly called the spiritual energy pack by them. In this way, they can also be jokingly called It is a spiritual energy transport line.

Spiritual energy gushes out from the reservoir, is transported through the meridians in their bodies, and reaches the talisman in their hands to maintain the consumption of the formation. But the amount of spiritual energy flowing in and out every second is too large, which causes serious damage to the meridians. Two Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder struck down, and cracks appeared in the meridians of most of the Celestial Masters. In fact, part of the spiritual energy can be intercepted to repair the meridians, but there is a limit to the amount of spiritual energy in the spiritual energy reserve. If everyone intercepts part of it, they may not be able to do anything. This was maintained until the third Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder fell.

But now the situation is a little different. As the Ghost Month approaches, the space barrier between the real world and the ghost realm is already weak. Just now, the Ghost King manipulated the ghost energy to cut out the cracks in the space barrier. The space barrier is already extremely fragile.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder did not attack the space barrier, but after the power of thunder collided with the ghost power of the Ghost King, violent energy fluctuations broke out. This fluctuation inevitably impacted the space barrier. To make matters worse, now the space barrier is At that critical point, if there is another thunder, it will really break.

They don't have much time to think. These thoughts only flash through their minds in a few seconds, but they leave people in a dilemma. If it continues, the Ghost King will be eliminated, but once the space barrier is opened, hundreds of ghosts will invade again. But if they don't continue, half of the Ghost King's power will be consumed, and there will still be a lot of spiritual energy left in the reserve, which is enough for them to join forces to catch the Ghost King without causing the meridians to suffer incurable damage.

Just when the thoughts of many heavenly masters were wandering, Wen Zheng and several heavenly masters spoke together and said in a loud voice: "Continue!"

If they don't continue, if they fail to control the Ghost King in time, the Ghost King will still open the space barrier and summon Ghost Moon in advance.

It is inevitable that the space barrier will be broken, but this ghost king is too smart. He has lived as a human for so long without being discovered. He already has a sufficient understanding of the world, and he has really evolved this time. If he is allowed to continue to live It must be the most powerful threat in the world. As long as he is eliminated today, even if it damages the meridians and affects the foundation of cultivation, he will not hesitate.

Everyone who spoke out, except Wen Zheng, was a highly respected senior in the metaphysical world. They are respected not only for their age, status and strength, but also because of their accurate judgment of the situation. As soon as these people spoke out, all those who were wandering in their thoughts calmed down. The Celestial Master who was able to come here today was already prepared to sacrifice.

The cracks in the meridians expanded again, and pain spread all over the body. The heavenly masters still held their hands steady and transferred spiritual power to the spell, and then, the third Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder fell from the sky.

The third path is already the limit of these people, and the remaining spiritual energy is no longer enough to summon the fourth mysterious thunder. The heavenly masters all stopped and removed the formation, leaving the remaining power to face the broken space barrier. The Hundred Demons appeared.

The third mysterious thunder that fell was really powerful. After it fell, the whole mountain seemed to tremble a few times. The ghost king who was hit hard was still destroyed by the thunder even though he used all his strength to resist it. In the end, his soul flew away and completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

The developing powerful enemy was finally eliminated through their efforts, but they could not relax at all. Because the power of the third thunderbolt to destroy the Ghost King completely shattered this space barrier.

Ghost energy surged from the ghost realm on the other side. The injured and exhausted heavenly masters tried to cheer up, raised their weapons again, and prepared to face the huge number of enemies, but no evil spirits came from the ghost realm. Everyone was Stunned for a moment.

Wen Zheng led the group to the "Ghost Gate" that was opened by force, and said: "Although the formation has been removed, the clouds have not dispersed yet, and the power of the three Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunders still remains here. Inside the Ghost Domain Even the low-level ghosts dare not come close.”

The heavenly masters all breathed a sigh of relief, and Wen Zheng said again: "Let's rest where we are first. Most of the Yin Qi in the mountain forest has been dispersed by Jiutian Xuanlei. We are trying to see if we can contact the people at the foot of the mountain and ask for help. Jiutian The remaining power of Xuan Lei will not last long. Tuantuan and I are on guard."

"Okay, I'd like to trouble you two to continue working hard. I'll switch shifts with you two after we take a break." Someone said.

The Celestial Masters had gone through too many battles tonight, and now they finally had a break. They didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, and sat down directly on the ground, crossing their legs to regain their strength. Several of them deliberately let resentment enter their bodies in order to convince Xuan Chengzi and others at the beginning. They were the most seriously injured and could not recover in a short period of time, so they were responsible for the task of contacting Yamashita. They sat on the ground and tried to fiddle with those contacts. device.

Tuantuan was also a little tired and shrank in size. He was no longer flying in the air and fell to the ground, but he was always feeling the movement in another space and was always on guard.

After walking to the "Ghost Gate", Wen Zheng closed his eyes and carefully felt the situation of the spatial barrier. The space barrier here has now been subjected to multiple forces and has been completely shattered. It will be difficult to repair in a short period of time. It may even not be able to close naturally and requires human intervention. In this case, he needs to stay here, dispatching teams to deal with the evil spirits that are pouring out, while repairing the space barrier by himself and closing the ghost gate as soon as possible.

After Wen Zheng thought about the solution, he felt that there was something wrong with the space barrier. With his understanding of the power of time and space, he changed his spiritual power into another form of energy, carefully not damaging the fragile space barrier here, and feeling the situation in the distance.

While Wen Zheng was slowly exploring, the Tianshi in charge of the liaison task received a call from the foot of the mountain. After listening to it, he smiled and said, "You said that the reinforcements have arrived at the foot of the mountain? Okay, you go up the mountain now. Things on the mountain are more complicated. We will report after we go down the mountain. The current situation is that Xuan Chengzi's group has all died. During this period, a powerful ghost king appeared and was killed by the black thunder we summoned, but the space barrier was also broken, and a ghost gate appeared on the mountain."

"The power of the black thunder is still residual, and the group of evil ghosts dare not come over, so we can still rest and contact you. You send vehicles and medical staff to the mountain. We are also seriously injured." The young Tianshi briefly described the situation on the mountain, explained the current needs, and then asked about the situation down the mountain.

When Wen Zheng realized something was wrong, he ordered the army to withdraw. What happened later proved that this decision was correct. If the army stayed here, there would be heavy casualties. The Heavenly Masters could only fight with all their strength and had no way to protect them.

As soon as Wen Zheng said that, the army went down the mountain at the fastest speed. Later, when the Ghost King appeared, the Yin Qi on the mountain became much thicker. They relied on the protective shield on their bodies to reach the foot of the mountain safely. The Yin Qi was mainly concentrated on the mountain, and the situation at the foot of the mountain was much better, which did not affect the enhanced communication signal, so they contacted the nearest base as soon as possible and asked for support.

The country sent the Heavenly Master and the army here, and they have been paying attention to it. They have greeted the prepared military forces in advance. As soon as they received the army's request for support, the base team immediately set off. On their way here, the army at the foot of the mountain and the people who were paying attention to the situation in Panshan County through remote communication saw the changes in the clouds in the sky and the scene of the first Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder landing.

Such a scene was too shocking and too terrifying.

Before they recovered from the powerful force, the power of the black thunder affected the signal. The communication was disconnected, and the national leaders slowly recovered. Wen Zheng had reported to the country before teaching those heavenly masters the Nine Heavens Black Thunder Formation, so they knew that if the heavenly masters used this formation, the situation on the mountain would be worse than the worst they expected.

The leaders were uneasy and contacted bases farther away to provide support. They also asked people to keep trying to restore communication. They must know the latest situation.

After three Nine Heavens Black Thunders, the ghost king was eliminated, and most of the yin energy on the mountain dissipated. Only then did the communication slowly recover. When the people on the mountain tried to contact the people below the mountain, the people below the mountain were also trying to contact the people on the mountain, and they were still thinking about whether to go to the mountain where there was no movement to see the situation.

As soon as the communication was restored, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of the casualties, at least we won the victory. Let the supporters go up the mountain as soon as possible. The vehicles and medical staff are in the rescue team, and they start preparing now.

After the support arrived, the problem seemed not to be serious. Although there was a ghost gate, they had to be stationed every time during the ghost month. They already had experience, not to mention the latest research on defense equipment and weapons. The heavenly masters felt that they could go down the mountain to recuperate.

However, Wen Zheng withdrew his strength, opened his eyes, and said seriously: "Everyone, there is bad news here. Please inform the headquarters as soon as possible. As the ghost month approaches, the space barrier is already weak. Under the dual effects of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder and the power of the Ghost King, not only the space barrier in this area is broken, but the power is also transmitted to all parts of the country."

Everyone realized what he was going to say.

Wen Zheng really said: "The ghost month really came early, nationwide, and the end time is uncertain."

This is really the worst news they have heard. Worry and guilt spread in their hearts. It was their failure to complete the task that led to this result.

Everyone was pale. The young heavenly master dialed the communication again, but his voice was extremely hoarse. After informing the bad news, he could hear a chaos on the other side.

The news was quickly passed to the central government and then to the whole country. The sirens sounded all over the country, and all those stranded outside rushed to the protected areas.

The whole country began to prepare for the third ghost month that arrived early.

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