Infinite Disaster Survival

243. Chapter 243 The Ghost Realm Appears-23

"Emergency! We have received the latest news that the Ghost Month will arrive early..."

"What's going on? Can the news be confirmed?"

"It was said by Master Wen Tian. The original words were that not only will the Ghost Month arrive early, but it is also uncertain how long it will take to end."

"Send the news to all places quickly and start the emergency plan."

"Contact the Research Department as soon as possible to see if the research results they reported some time ago can be put into use."

The news was quickly sent from the commander-in-chief to all parts of the country. All media were taken over by the government. Television, the Internet, radio, etc. issued the latest emergency avoidance notice in the shortest time. After hearing the news, everyone began to panic and follow the government's instructions to prepare to resist the disaster that came early.

It was the 15th day of the sixth lunar month, and there was still half a month before the upcoming Ghost Month. As early as the fifth lunar month, everyone began to prepare for the upcoming Ghost Month. Some people who were more worried had all their things ready and even packed them. The moment they heard the notice, they hurried home to take the prepared things and go to the nearest protected area.

But inevitably there are still a few people who are not ready, and even because there is still half a month to go, they have not made much preparation. After hearing the news, they are panicked and even more flustered. Before they have even finished packing up, the sky outside has changed.

Although I know that the ghost month will come early, I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Panshan County has encountered many strong energy shocks, and even Wen Zheng can't stop the space barrier from cracking. With Panshan Town as the center, the invisible energy aftermath continues to transmit in the mysterious time and space, and the already fragile world barrier cracks under the impact of energy.

The evil ghost gates that have been waiting in the ghost domain have seen the barrier broken in advance, so how could they miss such a good opportunity? They will only think that this is a great time to attack. The stronger ghost generals directly stretched out their claws into the gap, and the thick Yin Qi rushed out crazily, directly tearing a "ghost gate" along the crack, watching these ghost soldiers and ghosts howling excitedly.


"Damn it! The speed and number of ghost gates are far beyond our expectations. According to the original plan, there is no way to resist. Now notify all places to send out all military forces and protect the safety of the people as much as possible." The commander gritted his teeth and stared at the screen in front of him.

Three minutes ago, only Panshan Town was dangerously red on the screen in front of him, but in just three minutes, red light spots appeared on the map with Panshan Town as the center and radiated to the surrounding areas. Each red light was an opened ghost gate, and each ghost gate meant that countless lives would be filled in.

The number of ghost gates this time is far from comparable to the previous two times. It has exceeded their estimated number, and the previous plan must be changed. The commander has summoned relevant personnel to study new strategies, but time is far from enough. Can they really survive this disaster this time?

This time, everyone who saw the map full of red light had a doubt in their hearts.

Panshan Town, which caused the ghost month to arrive early this time, is now the safest place in the country. The remaining power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder still remains here. No evil ghost dares to face the natural restraint with instinctive intense fear. Although there is a ghost gate here, no evil ghost dares to come.

If they continue to stay in Panshan Town, they can probably survive this disaster safely without doing anything, but the people who are currently staying in Panshan Town, without exception, all go down the mountain as fast as possible and take all available means of transportation to go to all parts of the country to resist the attacks of evil ghosts.

Wen Zheng wanted to say something, but when he scanned the faces of these people one by one, the expressions on them made him know that there was no need to say anything more, they had made up their minds. Wen Zheng reached out and touched Tuan Tuan's wings and then let go. Tuan Tuan flew into the air and became larger. Wen Zheng jumped up lightly and bent down and said, "Everyone, I'll go first. I hope we can meet again one day."

Everyone returned the greeting collectively, and after watching Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan leave, they also boarded the plane or vehicle that left.

The number of ordinary means of transportation is certainly not as fast as Tuan Tuan, but it is just right for them now. The strength of the Tianshi who went to Panshan Town was at the top level in the country, but after so long fighting and continuous changes, both the body and the mind were extremely tired, and some were even injured in the battle. They couldn't immediately join the battle like Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, and the road to various parts of the country was the time they gave themselves to rest.

Holding the spiritual energy storage device in his hand, he constantly absorbed spiritual energy to restore his strength, even if it would affect the foundation of future practice. It didn't matter. The spirit seemed to be able to be divided into two, one part was silently reciting the mind method, absorbing spiritual energy to circulate in the body, and the other part was constantly thinking about what methods could be used to deal with this disaster.

Soon, the teams that left in different directions encountered the first ghost gate.

The team in Panshan Town can be said to include almost all the powerful Tianshi in the country. They need to go to different cities to provide support, but the nearest city means the shortest rest time. They all want to choose the nearest city, but in the end it is decided by the most respected predecessors.

The troops urgently dispatched by the local government are trying their best to resist at the Ghost Gate. Disciples who have not yet reached the standards for becoming a disciple have also rushed to the scene. Some of them have even been injured, but they are still insisting on fighting.

There was anxiety and worry on each of these faces, but there was no fear of death, because what they were protecting behind them were their families, their compatriots, and the country they loved.

The two Heavenly Masters who got off the car sighed lightly: "It is the fault of us old guys to let these children fight on the front line."

"That's right, we old people are still alive, and it's not the turn of these young ones to fight to the death."

In the eyes of the two white-haired seniors, fighting these evil ghosts should be their mission. Every step forward lit up a talisman on their bodies, and the talismans were connected into a formation. The two seniors waved the magic weapons in their hands and jumped into the forefront of the battle. With one attack, the lowest-level ghosts around were cleared.

The protected soldiers and young Heavenly Masters saw the reinforcements coming, and their spirits were instantly lifted. The injured people retreated for the time being, and the rest fought bravely behind the two old seniors.

“Dad, the rescue vehicle sent by the army is here and will transport us to the reserve. You should leave quickly.”

The old man, who was nearly 80 years old, insisted on sitting on his chair at home and shook his head at his anxious son, saying, “I am so old now and I won’t live long. I won’t cause you any more trouble. You should leave quickly and live well. If you have the opportunity to join the army, you must fight these ghosts to the end.”

“If you don’t go, can I, as a son, go by myself? Go quickly, Dad, don’t cause trouble for the rescue team.”

The old man shook his head and was unwilling to leave. His son couldn’t persuade him, and he didn’t want to leave his father behind. After delaying for a long time, he was finally found by the rescue team: “Why are you still staying at home? Hurry up and leave with me. Don’t waste any more time.”

“My dad doesn’t want to leave. I’ve been persuading him for a long time.” The son said anxiously.

A hint of understanding flashed across the rescuer's face. The higher-ups had just informed him of the response to this situation. This was not the first time the rescue team had encountered this situation. He quickly said, "Old man, evil spirits feed on human souls. If you stay here and encounter evil spirits, you will not only die, but even your soul will be devoured."

The old man's expression was painful again, but he was still unwilling to leave. However, the rescuer continued, "Evil spirits will become stronger after devouring souls. If you stay here and wait to die, not only will you make your children sad, but you will also increase the strength of the enemy ghosts."

This time, the old man's face suddenly changed: "Are you telling the truth?"

"How can I lie to you? Think carefully about whether this makes sense. If there is no benefit in eating people, why would those evil spirits still eat people?"

The old man finally believed it, jumped up immediately, took his son's hand and left quickly. Staying here and waiting to be eaten by evil spirits is no different from surrendering to the enemy.

When such situations are encountered more and more times, they are reported to the higher-ups. The radio and television and other media that are still operating immediately announced the news, and the rescue work was much faster. Many old, weak and disabled people who are waiting to die insist on going to the protected area. Some people may doubt the authenticity of the content, but there is a possibility that they have to survive.

The news is true, but not comprehensive. The souls of ordinary people are not much help to the evil ghosts, but a little bit makes a lot. The evil ghosts will indeed increase their strength by swallowing too many souls. Now the government's goal is to transport everyone to the safe zone as much as possible before the evil ghosts have fully broken through the advance defense department.

The safe zone is protected by a formation and is the last line of defense against evil ghosts. Even if someone dies due to illness or other reasons, the soul will be protected in the safe zone by the formation.

The father and son got on the rescue team's vehicle and rushed to the safe zone. It was obviously daytime, but the sky outside was pitch black. The road was illuminated by the strong headlights installed in front of the rescue vehicle. Because the disaster came too suddenly, there were too many people on the road, and the road was full of discarded garbage. There were also many vehicles parked, and some even blocked the road. The people in the car were angry when they saw it.

The rescue vehicles were specially made and were always updated with the latest information from their superiors. The rescuers knew that time was running out and they had to take the fastest route. Even if there was a vehicle blocking the road ahead, they would not take a detour. After confirming that there was no one in the car, they would directly crash into it and open a road.

The people in the car had already held everything around them that could hold their bodies after the driver's reminder. They were inevitably shaken when the vehicle hit something, but no one complained. They were all quiet, listening to the sound of the vehicle driving, and their emotions were so complicated that they were hard to describe.

The rescuers sitting in the front and back needed to pay attention to the things around them at all times. Among the various noises made by the vehicle driving, they also heard another sound and looked up at the sky. The night vision glasses on their faces allowed them to capture the plane flying in the sky.

The model of the plane and the logo on it made the people who knew it feel nervous. It had only been a few hours since the ghost gate opened, and it had reached this point so quickly...

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