Infinite Disaster Survival

244. Chapter 244 The Ghost Realm Appears-24

This was originally part of the plan to resist the Ghost Month this year. It was expected to be used in the middle of the Ghost Month so that the Heavenly Master and the army could have some rest time. However, it has only been a few hours and now the planes have begun to appear and deploy, which can only mean that the situation this time is more serious than they imagined.

Indeed. As time went on, the number of red dots on the screen in the headquarters finally stopped increasing, but no one relaxed. Because the entire national map was almost covered by red dots, the number of ghost gates that appeared this time was more than three times that of previous years, and the planned plan was useless.

In order to control the evil ghosts within a certain range, each ghost gate needs a team to stop it, but the formation is trained in advance and requires specific personnel. The personnel trained according to the previous plan cannot be separated. In order to deal with the extra ghost gates, the headquarters can only send out reserve teams.

These teams should have replaced the first batch after they were exhausted from the battle. Three batches took turns to replace and fight the evil ghosts, but now all of them have been sent out. Although all the ghost gates were successfully controlled, it was only temporary. People's energy and physical strength are limited. They can't watch the combatants die of exhaustion, so a plan was pulled out and implemented in advance.

Human power is always limited, but one of the great things about humans is that they can use the power of nature.

Thunder and fire can both restrain evil spirits, especially the former. The thunder talismans drawn by the heavenly masters are invincible when used to deal with evil spirits, but thunder talismans are difficult to draw. Even if Wen Zheng draws talismans every day, he cannot supply the needs of the whole country.

But metaphysical means don't work, can't they use the power of technology?

The mysterious thunder summoned by the talisman and the thunder in nature both have a strong restraining effect on ghosts. They found a thunderstorm day to experiment with evil spirits. After confirming this, the scientific research department began to immerse themselves in research. Since artificial rainfall can be achieved, artificial thunder can naturally be achieved.

Even if the world becomes unscientific, the power of science cannot be underestimated.

Today's air conditions are just right. The dispatched planes circled around the ghost gate. They released the required materials into the air. The clouds in the sky slowly changed, and the people fighting the evil ghost army underground also got the latest news. They just need to hold on a little longer, and they will have time to rest.

The combatants were inspired again by the latest news. Human potential is infinite. This battle slowly went from day to night, and then gradually to late night. Humans are inevitably tired in the middle of the night, but this is when the evil ghosts are the most powerful. The evil ghosts have the upper hand, and more and more combatants are injured.

"It's ready. It is expected to reach the conditions for thunder in ten minutes."

The news from the research department was delivered to the ears of every person on the front line. The planes hovering in the sky evenly spread the last materials and left the area where thunder was about to fall at the fastest speed, while the combatants below sent the fastest personnel with light body talismans to the front of the battle with the evil ghosts.

Ten minutes were extremely difficult at this moment. They kept an eye on the surrounding situation. As soon as the order came from the rear, they put the light body talisman on their bodies, and under the protection of the defense array, they broke into the evil ghost army with the lightning induction device that had been prepared long ago.

The lightning array was inserted into the ground, but the thunder had not yet fallen. They could not leave before the thunder fell, otherwise the lightning rod would be destroyed by the evil ghosts and would be useless. They could only wait in the heavy encirclement of the evil ghosts. Seeing that the defensive array on his body was getting darker and darker, he still firmly protected the vital lightning rod.

He knew that even if the thunder fell at this time, he would not have time to leave the evil ghost array, but he had already known the danger when he took on this task. They were a death squad and had already accepted the arrival of death. If their death could bring a huge blow to the evil ghosts, then their death would be worth it.

As if there was a faint thunder in the air, he looked down at the defensive array that was dim and might lose its effect in a few seconds, took a step, aimed at the strongest evil ghost around, and pounced on it.

Two seconds later, the defense array on his body was completely extinguished. At the same time, thunder resounded through the sky. As soon as the thin lightning appeared, it was attracted by the ground and fell from the sky into the evil ghosts. It also hit the person who was holding the lightning device.

Boom! There was another deafening explosion. The members of the lightning team were determined to complete this task, so they had to find a way to make their death more valuable. In addition to the lightning device, they also had the latest device shipped to all parts of the country. It was filled with powder of lightning-struck wood shipped from Panshan Town. It would be activated when they pressed the switch, stopped their heartbeat, or suffered an attack that the human body could not bear.

In Panshan Town, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder summoned by Wen Zheng and others destroyed the ghost king and also destroyed the surrounding trees and soil. Wen Zheng and the heavenly masters asked people to search carefully around before leaving. Lightning-struck wood is a good material for magic tools, but the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder is too powerful. Ordinary trees can't resist it at all. They have long been turned into powder under the lightning, but even powder may be useful.

The people who stayed behind searched for several hours and searched the entire lightning-struck area. They not only collected the trees that had turned into powder after being struck by lightning, but also collected the dirt and gravel on the surface. They actually found three pieces of trees that were thicker than a woman's hand. These three pieces of wood were not broken into pieces, but instead became extremely hard and pitch black. They were quickly delivered to the hands of the three heavenly masters.

Naturally, the powder formed by the black thunder strike could not be wasted. After confirming that there was very little black thunder energy left in it, they had no time to study it. They could only use the simplest method of use, combined with technology to drop thunder, sprinkle the lightning powder into the lightning strike area, trying to simulate the breath of black thunder to deter evil spirits and buy as much time as possible for humans.

Whether it succeeds or not, we have to try it.

The lightning strike plus the lightning powder eliminated more than half of the evil spirits that emerged from the ghost gate. Not only that, the lightning induction device left near the ghost gate turned the entire area around the ghost gate into a lightning strike area. Thunder kept falling, and the whole sky seemed to be illuminated by continuous lightning. The evil spirits could only be shattered in the face of such a great power of heaven and earth. They could not get close to the lightning induction device, let alone destroy it. Except for those who just came out of the ghost gate, the rest did not have time to escape into the ghost gate, and were struck by thunder and shattered.

All the evil spirits that stayed in the lightning strike area were eliminated, and the thunder had not stopped. No evil spirits dared to come out of the ghost gate and the ghost area. The front fighters finally got a short rest.

After the black thunder fell, they quickly distanced themselves from the evil ghosts, and then stood in a safe position to watch the evil ghosts disappear, but they were not relaxed at all. With tears in their eyes, they saluted the personnel who sacrificed their lives for this operation, and then used the time they had finally gained to rest in preparation for the next battle.

"The number of tests before was too few, and the preparations were not sufficient. One-third of the thunder did not arrive at the expected time, and the areas where the thunder landed in time, the personnel responsible for attracting thunder also did not all come out because of the evil ghosts, and less than one-tenth of the people came out alive." After gathering the situation in all areas, the reporting personnel choked up and said.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this plan would cause the executors to face great danger to their lives, but they couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable when they learned about it. After knowing this, the commander said with a serious face: "All those who died to eliminate evil ghosts are heroes of mankind. What we can do is to continue to protect the people with their wishes and remember their contributions forever."

Since the first year of the appearance of the Ghost Gate, the people who sacrificed in the battle with evil ghosts every year have not been forgotten by the country and the people. After the Ghost Month is over, the country will send special personnel to count the sacrifice list and inform everyone that these are martyrs who sacrificed and need to be remembered forever until everyone dies.

After understanding the latest situation, the thunder brought by science played the role they needed. The lightning array temporarily stopped the attack of the evil ghosts. The frontline fighters need to rest in time, and they have to plan a plan to deal with the enemy in the next period of time and use all their strength to survive this disaster.

The commander looked at the huge screen again. The red dots on it no longer flickered, and even several light dots disappeared. The locations of the disappeared red light dots are the weakest places in the country's defense. Those places were originally difficult to resist the attacks of evil ghosts, but Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan went to support them, and after that, there were no more flickering red dots in these places.

They don't know how Wen Zheng and Shenniao closed the ghost gate, but this is one of the sources of their confidence to continue to persevere.

The Ghost Month came early but didn't know when it would disappear. It was a huge adjustment for people's tolerance. Facing the darkness that didn't know when it would dissipate, people would collapse sooner or later. But knowing that Wen Zheng and the divine bird had another way to close the ghost gate, this dark time has another deadline. No matter how fast or slow, no matter how early or late, there will always be a day when it ends.

Their mission is to keep this country going until that day.

Artificial lightning will not last too long, but manpower can be used as much as possible. When the evil ghosts are dispersed, the remaining evil ghosts dare not come out in the ghost domain. While the surrounding combat teams are resting, they dispatch logistics personnel to pull as many trees as possible from the surrounding area and throw them into the lightning strike area.

After the trees were thrown into the remote area, they were struck by lightning, split directly, and some were split into flames. Soon, a raging fire was ignited. With thunder and fire, the evil ghosts dared not appear. The personnel kept adding trees to increase the fire at a safe distance until the lightning disappeared.

Everyone was on guard. After the lightning disappeared, the evil ghosts might attack again, but they did not wait. Maybe it was the flames, maybe it was the lightning just now, or maybe it was the powder from the black lightning. At least, no evil ghosts appeared at this moment. People were arranged to patrol the taboos, and the rest of the people were always alert during the rest time.

Ordinary thunderbolts are ultimately no match for heavenly thunderbolts. Three hours later, even with the addition of trees, the flames were gradually shrinking, and the detection instrument showed that the concentration of yin energy around was gradually increasing. They stopped adding wood, and before the flames were about to go out completely, they found the lightning-struck wood inside. Even ordinary lightning-struck wood, if transported to the rear and engraved with spells, could be made into an excellent magical instrument.

Half an hour later, the evil ghost army attacked again, but after a short rest, the combatants regained their spirits and fought again. The most difficult and dangerous night had passed, and even without the sun, the daytime weakened the evil ghosts.

The battle began again, day after day, and after ten days, the effect of the lightning array became weaker and weaker, from nearly four hours at the beginning to only one hour later, and the evil ghosts that appeared became more and more powerful, but Wen Zheng and Tuantuan only closed one-fifth of the ghost gates.

They were about to give up.

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