Infinite Disaster Survival

245. Chapter 245 The Ghost Realm Appears-25 (1/2)

"What's the situation outside now?"

"I don't know, but I see that the defensive formations outside are not much dimmed, so it should be fine."

"It's only been ten days, and there are still ten days left to stay here. It's too uncomfortable to stay here. Why do you think this ghost month has come so early? I still have a lot of things I haven't brought at home." A man muttered.

"Since you dislike the protected area and still care about your own things, why are you here? We are well protected here by the state. I don't know how many children are fighting evil spirits outside. How dare you say this."

"Sister Huang, don't be impatient. Your child will be fine."

"This man is really a grown man. He has hands and feet. If he doesn't fight outside, he doesn't even want to do work like patrolling the outside and farming. He comes to the canteen to wash vegetables."

"I...I'm not in good health..." the man said reluctantly, shrinking his neck while staring at the unfriendly eyes of the others, and hid in a corner holding the work in his hands.

Another ten days passed, and another ten days passed. The people in the safety zone did not know the situation of the frontline fighting, but they were always thinking about it in their hearts.

They are ordinary people who were sent to the protected area before the gate of hell opened. In order to resist the erosion of Yin Qi and the attacks of evil spirits, a huge defensive shield was raised in the protected area. Also a product of the combination of metaphysics and science, the defensive array is like a cover, allowing the protected area to have temporary peace in disasters. The only drawback of this defensive array is that it consumes too much energy.

The defensive array is always open, and the evil spirits and evil spirits that occasionally come out of the encirclement will come to attack. Every time the power is lost, it needs to be replenished as soon as possible, and a huge amount of energy is consumed every day. The country has reserved as much energy as possible, but it cannot know how long this disaster will last, so it can only save as much energy as possible.

Therefore, the area of ​​the protected area should be reduced as much as possible. The smaller the area of ​​the defensive array, the daily energy consumption will be reduced accordingly. However, if the area is small, the per capita activity range of each person will be reduced accordingly.

All places in the reserve are equipped with facilities necessary for human life. The rooms are large bungalows for more than a dozen people, with three floors: upper, middle and lower. There is only one bathroom on each floor, not to mention bathing. Now our lives are in danger. There is no way to pay attention when eating, but when eating, there is a canteen in each building. The area is not large. Everyone is assigned a number and eats at different times every day.

Due to the lack of food, people in the reserve have no additional activities, and eating has become two meals a day. Only people with heavy physical strength or dangerous jobs will have three relatively abundant meals.

Part of this kind of work is in the protected area, responsible for patrolling security, etc. Sometimes they will face a lot of disputes, and fights are common. More often, they need to leave the protected area. Even if they have cars and defensive talismans, the people around the ghost gate The siege has not yet been broken, but it is also very dangerous. The latter generally requires registration and further screening before you can participate.

The man who had just been despised was obviously in his prime, with all his hands and feet, but no one signed up. The remaining ones working in the kitchen, even women, took the initiative to sign up. However, they were screened out after signing up because their abilities were not up to standard.

With everyone's comfort, Sister Huang finally controlled her emotions, but she was still thinking about her son in her heart. In the first year after the disaster struck, her son signed up to join the army. Sister Huang knew the danger. Her husband died protecting her and her son from evil spirits. Now her son also had to fight evil spirits. She was worried and scared but did not Prevent.

In the first two years, my son did not participate in the battle. He only trained every day and worked as a support when the ghost month came. But this year, the ghost month has been advanced, the number of ghost gates has increased, and there is not enough manpower. His son's soldiers who have been trained for two years also need to participate in the battle.

When Sister Huang came to the safety zone, she thought about her son every day and was always on tenterhooks. Later, she took the initiative to ask the leaders of the safety zone and learned that her son was not at the front line, so she was able to barely sleep for a while every day.

Thinking of this, Sister Huang blinked her eyes, stood in front of the pot and started stir-frying. She is good at her crafts and has taken up the position of cook in the cafeteria. Today, a material transport team is leaving the safe zone. After she finishes cooking, she can ask them if they can help inquire about her son's situation. There has been no news in the past two days. Peace of mind.

When the vegetables were cooked, Sister Huang took them out and made her request. The collection team asked about Sister Huang's situation, but said that they could not help. They went out this time to collect drugs and medical equipment, and they were no longer in the same direction as Sister Huang's son.

Sister Huang went back with regret, and the collection team was ready to set off after eating the meal on the table. It is inevitable to be a little scared when passing through the golden defense formation surrounding the protected area, and the next road will be somewhat dangerous.

The road in front of the reserve has been repaired. If you walk along the road ahead for a while, you will reach a fork. The roads they turn lead to areas of relative safety, while others lead to battlefields.

Those roads leading to the battlefield are responsible for transporting supplies to the front lines of the battle, and then returning those who are injured and unable to fight on the front lines to the protected area for treatment. The son that Sister Huang misses so much is on this road. Two years of training and a relatively young age meant that they were not sent to the front line, but in sub-dangerous transport teams.

But the roads leading to the fighting fronts are also becoming increasingly unsafe.

Another evil ghost sensed the aura of a stranger and pounced on it. Before it could pounce, it was hit by a special bullet fired from a gun sticking out of the car window. But one evil ghost was eliminated, and another evil ghost appeared. Except for the driver's position, all other positions entered the battle.

"Captain, there have been more and more evil spirits breaking out of the encirclement line recently. Is it the front line..."

Although he had not finished speaking, everyone in the car understood what he had left to say. Often traveling back and forth between the rear and the front line, I am not as clear as the soldiers on the front line about the current situation, but the number of casualties every day is increasing, and more and more ghosts are breaking through the encirclement. The front line research has replenished the troops three times, each time The time between them is shortening, and they can also see the situation of the frontline combatants after arriving at the front line.

The situation on the front line is getting a little bad, but Gui Yue will end in more than ten days. If the front line cannot be defended, then the only defensive formation in the safe zone will be left.

"My mother is in the safe zone. No matter what, I have to resist the evil spirits. They don't want to harm my mother." A young man said, "Captain, if there are not enough frontline manpower, I will apply to be transferred. I will Every time I train, my performance is good, and I will definitely not hold anyone back.”

"You want to protect your mother, and your mother doesn't want you to die. You are the youngest in our team. If we are transferred, it won't be your turn to show off first." The captain said, looking at the expressions of his teammates, he knew that everyone was With the same intention, submit the application once you arrive. Even if he dies, it's worth killing a few more evil ghosts before he dies.

In the headquarters located in the safe zone, the situation on the front line is being studied and judged, and the situation is being sent to the general headquarters to request the support of Wen Zheng and Shenniao. They know that the front line is targeting the enemy and is about to be unable to resist.

In the past two years, they thought that the evil ghosts were difficult enough to deal with, but this year there are too many ghost gates, and the evil ghosts seem to be endless. Too many troops have been consumed in the past half month. If this continues, the defense line will be destroyed in three days at the latest. break in.

"The general headquarters has received news that ghost kings have appeared in provinces A and S. Master Wen Tian and Shen Niao went to deal with them separately. There is no way to get over." Everyone took a deep breath, the best reinforcements could not arrive.

"Is it possible to detonate the thunder again? Even if it is only effective for an hour, if we send more troops, maybe we will wait for a turn."

"No, the Ministry of Science and Technology has studied it. The weather conditions in recent days do not meet the conditions. No matter how many conditions are used, it cannot meet the standards for artificial thunder reduction."

"Too many magic weapons have been consumed. The most powerful magic weapons were all used up in the battle against the ghost generals a few days ago. Two senior Celestial Masters were seriously injured, and the remaining Celestial Masters' spiritual power was too seriously consumed. If this continues, I am afraid that even tomorrow If you can’t hold on at night, some people will withdraw from the safe zone.”

If this news is sent out, it not only means that a dangerous moment is coming, but also means that the front line will be abandoned.

Everyone was silent, and finally decided to retreat to the safe zone through a show of hands.

"This is the only way. We can still retain some of our troops by returning the dispatched troops. If the front line is really defeated, we can only protect the safe zone. If we can wait until Wen Tianshi or Shenniao come to rescue, then the crisis on the front line will be can be solved.”

Therefore, the news of retreating on this day was released to the ears of expatriates, and the leaders stationed on the front line also learned the news. He did not hide it, but told the compatriots who had fought side by side for ten days that no one chose to retreat. In order to protect their relatives and friends behind them, they were willing to fight until the last moment.

The dispatched personnel gave up their ongoing tasks and rushed back to the protected area as quickly as possible. But the team responsible for transporting supplies to the front line did not hesitate or retreat. They delivered the items safely and applied to join the battle on the spot.

"The application report has been submitted just now, but the leader said something, I think we should consider it." The captain of the material team came back and said to the eyes of his teammates, "The vehicles we transport are built by the country at a large cost. , If you stay here, it’s not in vain. Someone needs to take the car to the meeting and continue to contribute to the big guys.”

Everyone looked at one person. Xiao Huang was stunned for a moment. He felt that the car was going to be sent back, but this person was not necessarily him. As soon as he opened his mouth and didn't speak, he was interrupted by his teammates.

"You are the youngest in our team, so this difficult task falls to you."

"Your mother is still waiting for you to go back. Unlike me, I am already alone. If you stay here and kill more evil ghosts, you can avenge them."

"Otherwise if we vote, you must be the one with the most votes."

"Not only do you need to drive the car to the meeting, but you also need to escort those who are injured and unable to fight back. The dangers you will encounter along the way will be no less than us. You must send them back."

"Okay." Xiao Huang still cried and agreed, no longer delaying at the front line, and they transported the wounded to the carriage together. Xiao Huang got into the driver's seat, took one last look at the front line, and started the vehicle.

The personnel who were dispatched today all drove and flew back to the protected area in confusion. This frequency was watched by ordinary people, who were worried and guessing in their hearts. There was no notification but no control from above. The news was quickly spread to the entire reserve. Everyone knew that the front line might not be able to resist.

Didn't the defensive formations in the past two years hold them back? It's only been ten days this year, so why can't it be done? After hearing it, everyone was reluctant to believe it at first, and then panicked, and those whose families were on the front line were about to collapse.

Sister Huang is one of them. She knows that her children are not on the front line, so she can barely hold on. She just stays at the gate of the reserve, waiting for her children to come back day and night, and she is looking forward to it in her heart. Maybe we can suddenly come up with a new way and the front line can be defended.

The command center was also thinking of various ways to defend the front line, but it still didn't work until a message came from the hospital.

"Commander, the two Tianshi seniors woke up today. After learning that the front line was about to collapse, they insisted on going to the front line, saying that they had a method that could last a few more days."

"What method?"

"The two seniors don't want to say."

At this point, the two old seniors took the initiative to ask for permission to talk. Even if they tried their best to cover up, they couldn't hide the weak voices of the two old seniors, but they were very persistent: "We old guys all have tricks in our hands. Since it has come to this point, we naturally can't hide it. Send us over quickly, remember to notify them, let them hold on until the two of us go over."

"Don't worry, it's not the last stage yet, and the day will soon be bright."

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