Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 25 Chapter 25

The task of removing the eggs was still assigned to the teams that were already familiar with it. Wen Zheng's team also received it, but whether Wen Zheng would still go on the mission became a question that needed to be discussed.

This matter was not difficult for Wen Zheng to solve. His body had long been restored. Even if his hearing was not so sensitive, his ability to fight had not declined.

The day when Yong'an City confirmed that all the eggs had been removed was a sunny but not overly hot day.

There have been good news these days, and ordinary citizens can't help but pay attention.

Since the worms appeared in front of people, good news has been far less than bad news, and they almost dare not think about the day when they can return to their ordinary lives.

But today, everyone in Yong'an City was absent-minded, waiting for the latest confirmation. After completing the task of removing the eggs, the government sent people with the newly developed signal detector to inquire throughout the district.

Finally, after walking all over the district, the news was officially announced to the people of the district and even the whole country through official news and websites.

All worms and eggs in Yong'an City have been cleared. From today, Yong'an City has been adjusted from combat status to level one defense status to prevent worms from invading other cities.

Citizens of Yong'an City standing in front of TV or mobile phones stood there for five seconds after the news was released, until someone responded first and reached out to poke the side.

"Hey, I saw that all the worms in Yong'an City have been cleared. Can you help me see if I am dazzled?"

"Don't ask me, I saw it too."

"It seems to be true."

"The worms have been eliminated, our city is safe, and I can go home!"


"We won, we won!"

From the vague words at the beginning to the increasingly loud voices at the end, the news spread quickly among people. No matter what work they were doing, they put it down first, and their faces showed expressions of crying or laughing, and finally turned into a unified cheer.

The whole base became a sea of ​​joy, and such excitement did not dissipate until the next day.

On that day, the latest news about Yong'an City appeared on the homepages of major websites. The huge font made the rest of the people who didn't know about the situation in Yong'an City rub their eyes and confirm whether this situation was true or false. They always wanted to believe it but didn't dare to believe it.

Yong'an City became the focus of attention. Every resident who was still in joy received inquiries from all sides, repeating it over and over again, but the corners of their mouths always remained up.

After the official confirmation of the news that Yong'an City had eliminated the worms many times, it finally gained the trust of the country, which greatly aroused the confidence of the masses in eliminating the worms.

Everyone became high-spirited and instantly swept away the depressed atmosphere caused by the rampant worms.

Moreover, the governments of other cities saw that the method of Yong'an City was effective, and they no longer felt sorry while learning from the experience. Even if the place where the worms were active was in the city center, it was worth it to move the crowd away and fight again, no matter how much damage was caused.

More than half a month later, good news spread throughout the country. The capital successfully cleaned up the worms and eggs after Yong'an City and entered a defensive state.

Seeing that the current combat method could be successful, many city residents began to urge the local government to speed up and learn from these two cities.

Some city leaders were almost worried bald when they looked at the maps drawn by the computer. These worms have to live in dangerous areas. These areas cannot be bombed. We must find a way to lead the worms away.

Just when the other cities were worried and Yong'an City was happy, Wen Zheng received the message from the disaster survival game.

[Welcome to the infinite disaster survival game!

The main task-survival in this world has been completed, and 5,000 points are awarded.

Will the player leave the game? 】

Wen Zheng decisively chose no.

The identities selected by the system are all dead or about to die. After Wen Zheng leaves, this body will face the end of death. How sad will Wen Huahui and Shi Yi be?

What's more, there will always be side quests to complete if you stay here. You must accumulate more points for use in the next world. This time, you will spend points in this world.

After confirming that he chose no, Wen Zheng blinked his eyes, took a plate of washed grapes from Shi Yi, and pinched one into his mouth.

"Mom, the grapes you bought taste really good."

"Delicious, right? Ask your dad to buy more tomorrow. The old man who bought the grapes said that he grew them himself and was lucky to keep them alive."

After Shi Yi finished speaking, he ate a few himself. Wen Huahui also sat on the sofa next to him and asked Wen Zheng: "Son, now that the worms have been eliminated, can you withdraw from the team?"

Since their son joined the team responsible for the worms, the two of them have been worried every day, especially when Wen Zheng was injured last time, and he always woke up in the middle of the night in the following days.

"Not withdrawing for the time being." Wen Zheng shook his head.

"There are no worms in our city. Why don't we disband? Why send you to other cities? Don't even think about it." Wen Huahui got anxious when he heard it, and rarely shouted loudly.

Wen Zheng showed a helpless expression and quickly comforted his father: "Dad, I was injured last time. I can withdraw anytime I want. Now I am still under the jurisdiction of the base and will not have any combat missions. The most important thing for our city now is post-disaster reconstruction."

In any case, the dangerous creatures in Yong'an City have been cleared, and the borders with other cities are always closely guarded by the army with weapons. If any worm dares to run over, it will not be driven back, but will fall into the trap and die on the spot.

The outer perimeter is fortified, and there is no danger inside. The areas once destroyed by the worms will eventually be rebuilt, and the ordinary residents gathered in the base should also go back.

September is coming soon, and the situation across the country is getting better again. Yongan City has informed that the start of school this year will be delayed by one month. All major schools are preparing for the start of school in October in advance. Home reconstruction work starts with schools.

"Son, your dad has been informed by the school that he needs to go to the school to help. The two of us have discussed it and plan to be the first to go back. What do you think?"

"Okay, I'll bring someone to escort you back tomorrow." Wen Zheng couldn't hold back and showed a cheerful smile.

Only then did Wen Huahui and Shi Yi realize that something was wrong, and immediately asked their son to confess honestly, not to cover up half-heartedly, and to tell everything clearly.

"The latest mission issued by the base is to escort residents home and ensure that the reconstruction work goes smoothly. The main thing is that we are around in uniforms. Everyone knows that we have fought a lot of worms, and they will feel more at ease."

Wen Zheng confessed everything, but he was afraid that the two of them wouldn't believe it, so he showed them all the contents of the task. This task was not classified and could be disclosed.

To put it bluntly, their mission is to calm people's hearts.

Even if someone encounters some petty theft, can a person be in danger of worms? This mission is quite safe.

Now that we have to leave, it is unlikely that we will come back to live in this house for a long time in the future. Shi Yi immediately got busy, instructing Wen Huahui to pack up the things he took away.

Wen Zheng was thrown out of the house when he helped but was criticized for causing trouble, so he simply went to find Guan Shan while he had time.

Guan Shan, who is missing his arm, wants to go back, but his family is still worried about safety issues and does not want his son to leave. After Wen Zheng tried to persuade them a little, they relaxed a little.

Three days later, people who were going home gathered at the gate of the base and waited. They all carried large and small bags and looked ahead at all times.

When the time comes, the door slowly opens, and countless people take steps to go home. Those who were far away followed different signs and queued up to get on the arranged vehicles to go home. Those who were closer to the base simply chose to walk.

Although it was only a few months apart, when I think back to the experience of escaping on this road, it feels like it was a long time ago. Now that I am back, I feel full of joy.

The pace was brisk, the journey home was short, and the team separated at different forks in the road. The people who stayed behind became more and more familiar. After all, they all lived in a similar area before, and we easily struck up a conversation.

Send your parents to the gate of the community. The once lively and tidy community is like clothes with holes, collapsed buildings, and bumpy roads. It takes a long time to repair.

Those who always chose to stay at home heard the noise and stood at the window quietly watching the movement below. The police from the police station and the sub-district office were waiting nearby for the residents to return. The leader was Officer Ma, whom Wen Zheng was familiar with.

Although it is said that those who returned are residents of the community, some buildings have collapsed and some people have no homes, so they all need to be rearranged.

Wen Zheng took the time to say a few words to Officer Ma, and felt relieved when he saw that each other was fine.

After saying that, Wen Zheng and his teammates continued to move forward. The first thing to rebuild was the school. Their destination happened to be the school where Wen Huahui worked.

The days passed slowly, and the worm attacks mainly targeted humans rather than machines, and most of the machines were still usable.

During the reconstruction process, infrastructure workers, with strong support from the government, once again demonstrated what speed means.

Schools, hospitals, main roads, etc. are gradually being restored. Many people are paying attention to the progress, and there are also people who dare not do good things no matter what the situation. Of course, such people are often caught as soon as they start taking action.

Whether they are residents who have returned from the base or people who stick to their own homes, almost everyone will contribute part of their strength.

Those who are capable help rebuild, while those who are not are just picking red black seeds everywhere. The situation in their country is getting better day by day, but other countries are still living in dire straits.

Whether the country gives or sells the special medicine made from red black seeds, it is the capital of their country.

The reconstruction work of Yong'an City is coming to an end. The last city in the country has announced that it has been cleared and has entered a defensive state.

This difficult and long war can be brought to an end at home.

Many people, including the Wen family, started busy preparing for New Year's Day. After the disaster was over, they wanted to celebrate any holiday, let alone New Year's Day.

Wen Zheng, who had just returned from the balcony to the house after answering the phone, had a complicated expression on his face. Shi Yi's heart tightened when he saw it, and he smiled proactively before asking Wen Zheng.

"The base is holding a New Year's Day party and we are invited to attend."

"What? You invited us there?"

The New Year's Day party held at the Yong'an City base has been a hot topic of discussion recently. What people are concerned about is that foreign missions will come to participate.

Whether they came to attend the party or to check out the situation, everyone secretly agreed with the latter statement.

After all, when the news of domestic victory over worms spread abroad, no one believed it. As the first city to dare to announce this, Yong'an City also became one of the places chosen by foreign missions to visit.

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