Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 26 Chapter 26

The foreign delegation that visited this time was composed of members from multiple countries, divided into three teams and went to three different cities.

On the day they arrived, the local TV station of course sent reporters, and the whole process was broadcast live on TV simultaneously, and many people were waiting to watch.

The airport in Yong'an City was temporarily opened for operation, and the plane arrived on time. The foreign delegation slowly walked down. There were security teams with weapons on both sides of the queue. After getting down, they took the detector to check the surrounding environment.

The worm has appeared for more than a year, but it is not just a disaster for one country. Basically, every country or region has experienced two evolutions of the worm.

There are different ways to fight against worms. Some countries did not control the number of worms in time at the beginning. Now, the entire country is about to fall.

They came here with the hope of finding a way to save their country.

The road they walked on from the airport was not specially prepared, and the delegation was shown the most real daily situation.

The residents still have the sequelae of the worms, especially when there is movement on the ground, they will reflexively avoid it, but they soon reacted that they are safe now, and smiled again and continued to be busy.

The roads, buildings, and people have been repaired after the disaster, which cannot be performed.

The members of the delegation sat in the car, and at first they were still reserved, pretending to observe the outside as if they were looking at the scenery. Everyone who can enter this team has excellent eyesight. If they look a few more times, they can see that this city is really no longer disturbed by worms. In the end, their eyes are fixed on the window.

The place for entertaining the delegation this time is the outer base. Originally, it was booked as a fixed reception place before the worm appeared, but the delegation strongly expressed their distrust of safety and finally chose to receive it at the military base.

There are many military secrets in the inner base, and the outer base built for ordinary people before is empty, which is used to entertain people.

The staff responsible for receiving the delegation explained the purpose of the establishment of this base. The delegations who have seen the situation in Yong'an City listened carefully one by one, trying to discern some reliable news from it.

When they wanted to ask about the worms in detail, they were easily diverted to another topic and could only hold back for the time being.

The New Year's Day dinner started after nightfall. Many people were invited to the dinner. It was estimated that except for the foreign envoys who had no mood to eat, the rest were happy to enjoy the food.

Wen Zheng also brought his parents to attend. This was the highest-level banquet they had ever attended. Wen Huahui and Shi Yi were a little nervous at first, but when the dishes from the state banquet chef were served one by one, those nervousness had long been thrown out of the window.

After dinner, the focus of this dinner was to commend the personnel who performed outstandingly in this disaster.

First of all, there were major research teams. The emergence of special hemostatic drugs saved countless lives, signal detectors avoided danger and guided targets, and protective clothing ensured the safety of combatants, etc.

Next was the team on the front line of the battle against the worms. Wen Zheng's team was among them. They walked on the stage in uniforms to receive commendations, and only then did they feel at ease that the battle was over.

The families who were watching them from the audience wiped away their tears quietly. The days and nights of anxiety finally came to an end.

The rest of the commendation continued. Wen Zheng quietly accompanied his parents and watched carefully until the end. After returning home, he explained to his parents the country's arrangements for them.

Wen Zheng and his teammates were specially recruited during the disaster period. Now that the disaster is over, the base also gives them a choice. They can receive the reward and go back to their previous lives, or they can continue to stay at the base and officially join the army.

"What do you want to choose?" After listening to his son's story, Wen Huahui hugged Shi Yi and asked his son what he thought. This is the path his son got with his life, and they have no right to interfere.

Wen Zheng smiled: "I want to choose the second one."

"Okay, we support you."

After the holiday, Wen Zheng returned to the base and saw familiar teammates in the base. All of them chose the same option.

"Okay, you all ran back to continue to suffer." The familiar instructor continued to be responsible for managing them, with a rude mouth but a smile on his face.

"I have to come back. I'm used to training every day. I always feel uncomfortable at home these days."

"My hands are itching."

"I'm different from them. I can't bear to leave the instructor and the captain!"

"Okay, be quiet! You used to learn how to fight the death worms. Now that you have chosen to join the army, you will receive formal training from today and be ready!"

The instructor smiled and listened to their quarrels for a few sentences, then his face became serious and new training began again.


On the day when Wen Zheng and his team returned to the base to start a new life, the delegation that visited during the New Year's Day finally negotiated the relevant cooperation matters. One plane after another transported supplies to other countries, and sent some troops to a few countries that have always maintained friendship for assistance.

The country has just escaped from the disaster and has not recovered yet. There is no way to help too many countries. It can be regarded as a waste of the country's strength to come up with so many supplies for fighting worms.

The supplies, equipment and personnel are limited, but the combat experience can be shared without reservation. Who knows whether the worms will be able to fly across the sky and sea after evolution? Helping other countries to solve the worms can ensure the safety of their own country.

No one wants to see the worms evolve again. It is difficult enough to deal with them now. After learning from the combat experience, foreign countries began to eliminate worms regardless of the cost. Whenever the worms are killed, the eggs are immediately removed.

The international situation of fighting worms is gradually improving, but new photos of worms from abroad began to appear on the Internet.

Some of them turned black, and some even grew what looked like limbs under their bodies, or tumors on their backs, which looked even more terrifying and disgusting. After checking that the photos were not synthesized, they still caused panic.

There was no white fog, so how could the worms evolve silently?

The news about the worms was particularly taken seriously, and the source of the photos was found the next day after it was spread.

The creatures in the photos are indeed dead worms, and they were basically taken in a country across the sea. These are not evolved worms, but the result of gradual mutation in a polluted environment.

Not long after such results came out, this country publicly accused the special hemostatic drugs sent there of being ineffective, clearly trying to take the opportunity to harm people.

Faced with such a situation, the country certainly did not want to be framed. Not only did they directly release proof that the hemostatic drugs sent to various countries were randomly packed and distributed, but they also pointed out that this country across the sea sent spies to smuggle special hemostatic drugs during the period when the worms were still rampant, and there was sufficient evidence.

This incident can be said to be of national concern. Among the many evidences of the spy incident, Wen Zheng noticed that the spies found at the beginning were the ones who used worm meat to deceive the people in exchange for special drugs that their team encountered.

The subsequent investigation progress was not notified to the outside world. They were busy cleaning up the worm eggs and would not ask about it. Unexpectedly, they caught so many people and successfully found evidence of another country's actions.

Finally, the country pointed out the key fact, whether the special hemostatic drugs shipped out were ineffective, or they were ineffective against the worms that were contaminated and mutated in your country.

Three fatal moves, the country across the sea could not cope with it, and was about to reverse black and white and refuse to admit it, when the white fog appeared again.

The country was on high alert, fearing that there were still worm eggs that slipped through the net, and more research groups were seizing the time to study the origin of the white fog.

The white fog dissipated, and everyone in the country waited quietly. Communication was restored, and television could be watched, but still nothing they worried about happened.

Three hours later, the situation in all areas of the country was determined, and the country was happy to officially notify that the domestic eggs had been confirmed to be cleared and the defense state was still maintained.

While the country was happy, the foreign countries became a mess again. The message of requesting assistance was passed on, along with the third evolution of the worms.

- Wings.

The most worrying thing happened. After growing wings, even the sky will become the territory of the worms, and their defense will also become stronger.

After emergency research, various countries found that unless high-risk weapons were used, the only weakness of the worms was the connection between the wings and the body, and the mouth that could spray venom.

But the battle was still so difficult. The number of deaths per day was too late to be counted, and there was no time to deal with the corpses. Even the ground was stained with blood red. Some chaotic small countries even disappeared from this world during the battle.

The situation abroad was too serious, and some people with enough power began to want to leave their country and move to the only safe place now. There are even more people who want to stay in their homes and would rather sacrifice their lives for it.

It is rare for the world to be so united. Countries put aside the gaps between them and are willing to do whatever it takes to completely eliminate the worms before the fourth evolution.

Fight, fight!

Finally, at the end of the second year after the worms appeared, a new country eliminated the worms and eggs, and people all over the world were excited.

The Flower Country sent a lot of aid teams in this process and became a good representative. After that, whenever a country successfully eliminated them, it would help other countries.

The terrifying worms that invaded this planet began to become increasingly scarce with the efforts of mankind, and as time went by, the white fog no longer appeared, giving mankind time to work hard.

First, clear the scope of the country that still exists, and then go to those countries that have no people or have been destroyed. Areas are cleaned up one by one, and finally only the country across the sea is left.

The death worms there mutated more powerfully in the pollution. After the hatched worms eliminated the people there, even if they grew wings, they could not fly across the ocean. They began to compete for territory and food, devouring each other, and their strength became stronger.

Facing this area where no one survived and only the mutant worms were alive and strong, all countries agreed to launch a remote attack.

In the third year after the death worm appeared, it completely disappeared from the planet. Humans survived this disaster, but were seriously damaged and entered a friendly and peaceful recovery period.

How did the sudden death worm and the three strange white mists appear? Some people said that this was a disaster sent by God like the flood, and some people thought it was a game of aliens.

But until Wen Zheng died in this world, there was still no research result.

After the third evolution of the worm, the Flower Country sent nearly half of its troops to various countries and regions for assistance, and the country continued to recruit soldiers. Wen Zheng's team was also sent out.

There were many deaths in the battle. Some teammates left and some were injured. Even when Wen Zheng came back, he was missing a palm, which made his parents cry while hugging him.

Because they loved their children, Wen Huahui and Shi Yi did not force Wen Zheng after he said he did not want to get married and have children. The family of three lived together.

After Wen Huahui and Shi Yi passed away, Wen Zheng visited his former friends, and then found a time to quietly leave this world.

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