Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 27 Chapter 27 (1/2)

“Welcome player Wen Zheng to enter the infinite disaster survival game!

Player: Wen Zheng

Points: 868000

New playthrough world (1/10): Death Worm.

Players are asked to keep up their efforts and work hard to survive! "

After Wen Zheng left the world of death worms, he returned to the upgraded and updated game space. A glowing translucent screen was suspended between the pure black sky and earth, and the mechanical voice that I had long been accustomed to read out the results of the game calmly.

The points have increased by hundreds of thousands, and one-tenth of the goal has been completed.

The ball with the death worm pattern appeared from the light screen, floated up and found a suitable position to fix, emitting yellow light and illuminating the sky and the earth.

Standing in the darkness, Wen Zheng looked up at the ball of light, with hope in his heart.

He once chose to participate in the Infinite Disaster Survival Game in order to save his grandfather's life. He never regretted saving his grandfather, but the game he had to participate in every once in a while became a hidden stone in the hearts of his family.

It's not big, but it reminds you of its existence from time to time.

Wen Zheng originally thought that this game would end with his death, and he only hoped to leave behind his grandfather.

But after completing several worlds, the game was upgraded, and Wen Zheng spent a pleasant time with his family in the real world.

When the game restarted and he was asked to continue participating in the game, he was happy to find that after the upgrade, the game gave the player hope of leaving the game.

In the upgraded survival game, all players can escape from the infinite disaster survival game as long as they complete ten tasks in the disaster world.

It sounds very difficult to complete. After all, he doesn’t know how difficult the world will be waiting for him, but if the conditions are laid out, there will always be a way to complete it.

At the moment when he chose to return to the real world, Wen Zheng looked up at the empty dark space with only the yellow ball.

When this world is completely illuminated by light, that's the moment he leaves this game.

In March, spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

The breeze blew slowly, and the peach trees planted on the roadside dropped pink and white petals, which fell on the three people staying under the tree.

Wen Zheng came out of the system space and returned to where he was before leaving. A notification will be given before the game starts, and they have time to find a suitable location and then mentally respond before entering.

No matter how much time passes in the game, nothing changes when I come back.

After being away for a long time, even Wen Zheng was in a trance. He reflexively stretched out his hand to pinch the peach petals falling in front of him, and then remembered what he was doing before entering the game.

"Everyone is back, just come back."

A mute voice sounded next to him. Grandpa Wen stood between the two of them, pulling his grandson and great-grandson to look left and right, feeling uneasy about either of them.

Wen Zheng and Wen Ling both obediently let Grandpa Wen watch, especially Wen Zheng, who was very skilled at comforting parents and quickly made Grandpa Wen relax.

"Dad, how was the world you went to this time?"

The little boy, who looked about seven or eight years old, jumped over from the other side of Grandpa Wen, held Wen Zheng's hand and said with concern. He was thinking about asking his father if he had any other pets or children. He must be the only one in the family. of.

Wen Zheng smiled and lowered his eyes, reaching out to rub his son's hair. It felt shinier than before. It seemed that his son's mission this time was equally successful.

"Tuan Tuan, I remember before we left, you said you were going to eat at a newly opened restaurant. How about we go there first and I can explain it to you slowly when we get there?"

"I listen to Grandpa." With his eyes rolling, he raised his head and asked Grandpa Wen who was looking at them with a smile.

Hearing that Wen Zheng had clearly remembered that he was going to the restaurant before leaving, Tuantuan immediately became happy and raised the corners of his mouth.

"You just came back. Are you tired? Do you need to go home and rest? The same goes for having food sent home."

Grandpa Wen frowned and asked worriedly. Just thinking about the world that his children had told before, he knew how dangerous it was.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan both shook their heads. Wen Zheng was really not tired. After the death worms were eliminated, he gained a good status through his military exploits, and he had no children. The government took good care of him, and his life was very easy until he left.

Not to mention Tuantuan, he is actually a bird spirit. He can adapt to various disasters faster than Wen Zheng as a human. His strength is also different from ordinary people. When he mentions the disaster world he has just experienced, his eyes are full of excitement. excited.

"Okay, let's go quickly, Grandpa is hungry." Grandpa Wen said with a smile.

The family of three were walking on the road holding hands, talking and laughing, and their good looks attracted the admiring eyes of many people.

Tuantuan was originally an ordinary bird raised by Wen Zheng in the desert island survival world he had experienced before.

At that time, Wen Zheng was the only person on the entire island, and the game mission required him to live on the island for a year.

That was the second world, and the mission time changed from seven days to one year. During that time, Wen Zheng picked up Tuantuan and regarded Tuantuan as his emotional sustenance and raised him completely like a son.

Later, in the desert island world, Wen Zheng obtained a method of cultivation. After learning it by himself, he strengthened his body. After studying in groups, he became more and more understanding of human nature, which made Wen Zheng reluctant to leave him behind and live alone in this world.

So Wen Zheng spent a lot of points to let Tuantuan follow him into the game, and even go to the world where Wen Zheng was born.

After that, in the world of Don't Starve, all animals there could evolve, and Tuantuan also benefited, gaining the ability to change from a bird to a human. After that, there was a man named Wen Ling, who settled down in Wen Zheng's household registration book and became a legal father and son with Wen Zheng.

As a creature born in another world, Tuantuan was able to come to this world entirely by relying on the identity of a game player as a transfer, so Tuantuan also needed to enter the game to complete the task.

In the past, Wen Zheng could bring Tuantuan with him, but it was not so easy after the game was upgraded, and the next world might need to be carried out separately.

The family of three found a private room and sat down and started chatting. They did not deliberately lower their voices when talking, and the waiter who brought in the dishes could hear their conversation.

Anyway, even if Wen Zheng used the first person to tell his experience, the people who heard it next to him would not take it seriously, and at most thought it was a story he saw or made up.

When the waiter first came in, he heard something about worms and venom, and thought this family was really weird. Adults told such horror stories to children of this age, but the children listened with great interest and were not afraid at all.

But after listening to a few more sentences, I found that this story was quite attractive, and it really felt right when it was told. I deliberately memorized a few words, thinking that I might have seen them from some movie, and I would search online later.

After the guests left at night, the waiters could finally sit down and rest. Someone talked about this strange family, and the remaining few people who had also been to the box immediately joined the topic.

The chat between a few people aroused the curiosity of the remaining people, and since they had time, they simply searched on the Internet.

After finding several movies that did not match the story they heard, someone suddenly had an idea to replace the movie with a novel, and successfully found an article that met the requirements, but it was just published this afternoon.

They couldn't help but guess that they met the author himself at noon today. After flipping through the author, they found that he had completed several disaster novels before, and they all received good reviews, so they simply read them first.

On the other side, Wen Zheng stopped typing on the keyboard, checked for typos, and put the newly coded chapter into the draft box.

Since joining the Infinite Disaster Survival Game, Wen Zheng has not planned to find an ordinary job. Once you enter the game, it may be many years. How can you remember the content of your work after you come back? Why live so hard?

However, if you don’t have a job, you have to find a way to have a legal income. Wen Zheng finally chose the industry of online writers. These experiences in the disaster world are enough to write wonderful stories. When the grandfather goes out to make friends, he can also talk about his grandson’s profession.

It must be said that these real experiences were successfully welcomed after being written, and the income earned was enough for the three of them.

Seeing Wen Zheng walk away from the computer desk, Tuan Tuan, who kept paying attention to Wen Zheng from time to time, hurriedly followed Wen Zheng, like a little tail.

Maybe because he was originally a bird, even if he experienced many worlds and spent many years, Tuan Tuan still had the mind of a child.

This time he stayed in the disaster world alone for a year-he chose to come back after completing the main task, and he couldn’t help but want to pester his father.

He went to the kitchen and took out the food that had been put in the oven, and then took out the iced drinks from the refrigerator, then turned around and went out to the amusement room that he had converted from the house next door.

Life was hard enough in the disaster world, so there was no need to save money when he returned to the real world. He could live as comfortably as he wanted.

This floor and the houses on the next floor were all bought by Wen Zheng one after another. And although these houses looked ordinary in appearance, the cost of renovating the facilities inside was quite high.

Wen Zheng put everything on the table, and Tuan Tuan followed and put his slippers at the door, and ran to the sofa with his feet on the blanket.

"Dad, what are you going to watch today?"

Tuan Tuan jumped into the soft sofa, reached out to pick up the fragrant skewers, and handed them to Wen Zheng's mouth.

"Now the game doesn't tell you what disaster you will encounter in the next world, just find a disaster movie you haven't seen before." Wen Zheng lowered his head and took two bites from Tuan Tuan's hand.

Tuantuan would not despise his father. He finished the rest of the meal, drank a big gulp of ice cola, and complained with his hands on his face: "I have watched almost all the good movies. Games are not as fun as them."

After returning in the afternoon, Tuantuan started to hold his mobile phone and play the newly recommended games by netizens.

It turns out that even birds cannot get rid of the charm of games after they have wisdom.

Sure enough, they have watched almost all the good movies. Wen Zheng casually adjusted the movie to a classic zombie movie, picked up his mobile phone, and said to his son: "Tuantuan, what is the name of the game you play?"

You can play a game casually while watching a movie. This is called a relaxed and happy life.

"It's called "Doomsday Camp". There is a computer online version. I'll go download it." Playing with dad is the happiest. Tuantuan jumped down immediately, ran to open two gaming computers happily, and downloaded the games.

They all choose disaster movies for movies and survival themes for games. In a way, the father and son are quite dedicated.

The room was lit with warm yellow lights late at night, and a screen as big as a wall was playing a scene of zombies eating people.

Two people, one big and one small, sat in front of the computer, constantly typing on the keyboard and moving the mouse, occasionally shouting a few words including kill, solve, blow up, etc.

In this terrifying atmosphere, the food on the table became weird.

Ever since Grandpa Wen came in and got scared once, although he was healthy and nothing happened, he still didn't come in easily when Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were inside. If there was something, he would call someone down.

So the only person who could take care of them didn't care, and Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan stayed up all night and had a great time.

The next day after the sun rose, Wen Zheng contacted someone to clean the room, and he took Tuan Tuan to the balcony of another room.

Facing the rising sun, they practiced the cultivation method they got from the disaster world. After practicing, the two looked more energetic than those who had rested well.

Life in the real world is comfortable and sufficient. The family of three goes out to travel when they have nothing to do. If they don't want to play, they can watch movies and play games at home.

Wen Zheng's daily work is to write down the stories he has experienced and witnessed. Tuan Tuan doesn't need to go to school, he can study at home by himself, and go back to school for the exam at the end of the semester.

A month passed like this, and the disaster survival game sent a notification again. With a thought, the whole person was in a dark space.

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