Infinite Disaster Survival

288. Chapter 288 Global Evolution-30 (1/2)

The signal flares launched by the Locust organization made the surrounding members aware of the current situation. They could no longer hide and had to either evacuate or launch a desperate attack on the Yongqing base.

After the second leader of the Locust organization who attacked the Yongqing base saw the signal flare, he kicked the surrounding tree trunks angrily and gritted his teeth and said, "I really underestimate this Yongqing base. It's really a tough nut to crack."

Previously, they sent personnel to explore the legendary "forbidden zone", firstly because they were really curious about what was in this "forbidden zone" and if there was any treasure, they would grab it, and secondly, it was part of their plan to occupy the Yongqing base.

Although the first goal was not achieved, the second goal was successful.

The Yongqing Base blacklisted the Locust Organization, and one-third of the army and a large number of ordinary troops left Yongqing in order to capture them. Little did they know that this arrangement played into the hands of the Locust Organization.

□□ sent people to attack the animal world in advance, deliberately leaving some of the paralyzed evolved animals, waiting for them to attack the team led by Yuan Gangyi, and inflict heavy damage on the Yongqing team who went out.

Even if they deal with those evolved animals, they will still suffer a lot of losses. If they pursue them based on the clues they deliberately left behind, it will be too late by the time they know something happened to Yongqing.

After watching a large number of convoys move away, he estimated the approximate distance and ordered people to start operations around Yongqing Base.

In order to capture Yongqing Base as quickly as possible, □□ applied to the boss of their Locust Organization for a sufficient amount of mutated locusts, as well as some thermal weapons that they finally obtained through trade.

When it got dark, he sensed the direction of the wind and asked people to approach the gate of Yongqing Base and release countless locusts.

These locusts, which have evolved and been modified by the boss, prefer the flesh and blood of evolved animals and humans, but will not actively attack recognized members of the locust organization.

Truckloads of locusts were released, and they soon gathered together and kept circling until they smelled the strong aroma of food coming from the Yongqing base. They flew directly over and planned to start hunting.

□□ Holding a telescope and looking at the situation of Yongqing Base from a distance, those locusts flew over the Yongqing Base and were about to fall down, but those damn evolved trees suddenly rose up with branches and leaves intertwined with each other, killing all these locusts. Block outside.

I knew that Yongqing Base was trying to get along well with some evolved animals and plants that had a good attitude toward humans, but I didn't know that the results were so obvious. These immobile plants really regarded themselves as members of Yongqing Base.

But it doesn't matter. Locusts eat plants in the first place. Let's see how long these plants can stop them.

Of course, plants alone couldn't stop them for long, but the moment the attack started, alarms sounded throughout the base.

All the residents of Yongqing ran out of their houses. There was no need for a base to organize. They had formed a temporary team of ten or eight, and then communicated with the surrounding trees to open a small hole so that the locusts could come in, but Everyone who came in was subjected to their merciless encirclement and suppression.

Seeing that he was still unable to attack the inside of the base, he became anxious and threw the flesh and blood specially reserved in the car into several thick iron boxes. Listening to the sound of flesh and blood being devoured and wings colliding, Jiang waved his hand and asked someone to transport the box to the outside of Yongqing Base.

The locusts in those boxes are growing rapidly under the nourishment of flesh and blood, and will soon become a new fighting force.

□□ He was still hesitating whether to use thermal weapons now, which might expose their presence, but the sudden signal flare let him know that time no longer allowed him to think about it.

Two different signal flares were fired in combination, and all members of the Locust organization who saw this signal knew that they would launch thermal weapons at Yongqing Base now.

The artillery pieces were fired one by one. The five artillery pieces blasted through the barrier formed by the trees and killed the locusts hovering nearby. However, new locusts soon joined in and launched through the large hole that was blasted. attacked.

Every time a mouthful of flesh and blood is swallowed, new strength will be added to it. The mutated locusts feast on it. When the energy in the body is enough, the female locusts will find a suitable place to lay eggs, and then swallow the food again as soon as they are finished.

□□ carefully counted the number of artillery fires outside, but no matter how many times they counted, there were only six places where artillery fire was fired. Obviously they had prepared fifteen places, and half of them were solved quietly.

I originally thought that the team sent out by Yongqing Base would be half combat effective by the trap he set, but now both the time of return and the speed of solving the arrangement are far beyond the leader's expectations.

Just a few minutes ago, he believed that the battle could still be successful after using artillery, but now he was not sure, and the signal flares and artillery fired revealed his position, and maybe someone had already arrived.

Fear gradually grew in his heart, and he chose to give up the mission and retreat. Even if he was punished by the boss after returning, it would be better than death.

But it's too late.

The wood flying from across the sky blocked the way □□ left. □□ put on an attack stance and looked towards the direction where the wood flew, but did not see the convoy, only the figure of a person with a smile on his face.

He knew that villains died because of their talkativeness, so he didn't say anything nonsense. Instead, he mobilized his abilities directly, lying down, his limbs slightly deformed, and the shoes on his feet were squeezed and his long nails were exposed.

He turned into a tiger-like appearance, but his eyes were red.

A very small number of evolved humans evolved in the direction of having animal characteristics. □□ was a tiger-type evolver, and he also used special drugs within the organization to improve his strength. He thought he could easily deal with this overconfident person.

He quickly pounced in front of Wen Zheng, raised his claws high and swung them down with a thunderous attitude. Seeing that Wen Zheng did not show any special abilities, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

But he never expected that Wen Zheng took a step back in a very short time, not only avoiding □□'s attack, but also had time to slap his tiger claws, changing the direction of the tiger claws falling, and slapping directly on □□'s body.

□□ continued to attack after failing to hit once, but every time Wen Zheng would dodge and even fall on himself.

The subordinates behind him who were operating the artillery had to aim at Wen Zheng every time, but the change in position during the battle made □□ appear in front of the artillery, and the attack could not be launched.

This subordinate could only set the landing point of the artillery on the Yongqing base again, but before it could be launched, Wen Zheng's attack had already arrived, and the nail broken off from □□'s claws was directly pierced into the heart of the subordinate.

The other subordinates wanted to replace him, and another nail was thrown over. The remaining few people did not dare to step forward. Seeing the second leader at a disadvantage, they fled in fear.

□□ also wanted to escape, but Wen Zheng would never give him this opportunity. The nails were pulled out from his hands and feet one by one. The huge pain made him unable to fight, and he couldn't even maintain the tiger form. In the end, he was punched to the ground by Wen Zheng, completely losing his ability to fight.

Wen Zheng glanced at the Yongqing base at the foot of the mountain. The locusts that drilled into the cave still couldn't eat much flesh and blood, so they attracted a large number of birds in the Yongqing base.

Most of these evolved birds were not qualified to enter the restricted area to meet their king, but now the opportunity appeared before them. After thinking for a long time with their not-so-sensitive little heads, they realized that solving these locusts would help the king protect his territory and have a chance to meet the king.

So, the evolved birds launched an attack, and the group of attacking locusts began to suffer. After catching the locusts, the birds wanted to eat them all like they usually eat insects, but the unpalatable taste after eating them made them spit them out.

Later, they only pecked them to death and stopped eating.

□□ didn't know that the locust pioneers had failed. After being defeated by Wen Zheng, he was still afraid of the boss and didn't dare to speak, but he suffered unprecedented pain under Wen Zheng's hands.

He used to think that the pain he suffered in order to gain strength was terrible, but now he knew what it meant to be worse than death. He wanted to beg for mercy in a second, but he couldn't make any sound. After five seconds, the pain disappeared and he collapsed to the ground and couldn't say anything.

Then, he heard Wen Zheng cough lightly, and then he shouted: "I'll tell you everything!" He thought the shout was just a hoarse sound lower than the normal voice, but Wen Zheng had heard it and asked directly about the situation of the locust organization.

When Yuan Gangyi brought people to find them, they saw that the target had lost his combat effectiveness and was lying on the ground. When he saw them coming, he was like seeing a savior, and wailed to them: "I'll tell you everything, please, take me away quickly."

The others were puzzled by □□'s performance, and some even suspected that this was his trick, but until everyone with Wen Zheng's identity understood that this must be the work of Big Boss Wen.

So miserable.

It's a pity that they didn't see the scene of Big Boss Wen's action.

The enemy didn't need to show mercy, they just thought Big Boss Wen did a good job, and even saved them the effort of interrogation.

The □□ was pressed on the vehicle for interrogation, and the other positions for firing artillery had been solved by the people sent there, and even the members of the locust organization who escaped were caught back, and the confiscated artillery was directly loaded on the vehicle.

After the enemies outside were dealt with, Yuan Gangyi led his men to Yongqing Base for support, intending to deal with the group of locusts. On the way, □□ told them again the intelligence of the locust organization mentioned before.

When they arrived at the gate of the base, the familiar lights were turned on, and the familiar guards asked their identities and asked everyone to undergo testing before entering the base.

All the people who hurried back were in a trance. Wasn't the base attacked? How could it be exactly the same as usual.

After a long communication, they knew that the base had dealt with all the locusts, and the people who went out to capture the members of the locust organization had captured all the people ambushed outside.

This attack was solved by the internal and external pincer attack that they had not fully discussed.

Since there was nothing wrong, they would enter the base after checking according to the normal procedures.

Yuan Gangyi hurriedly took □□ and others to the military headquarters, and the soldiers returned to their camps. Only the free teams quickly mixed with the residents who had been in the city after returning, and exchanged their experiences with each other.

There was only one team with the exception.

Wen Zheng fell behind the army and returned to their team. This was a normal situation, but Ge Mei and the other two team members who came back behind were pale, and looked at Wen Zheng with a horrified look from time to time.

Someone wanted to ask Wen Zheng, but Ge Mei stopped them before they could speak. She cleared her voice and said, "We are fine. We were just in danger and were saved by Wen Zheng. You should be more friendly to him in the future."

"Danger, Captain, what danger did you encounter? Are you injured?" The team members showed concern, and Ge Mei couldn't help but look at Wen Zheng again.

Wen Zheng was the first in their team and accepted the inspection of the base like ordinary people. After entering the base, he said goodbye to Ge Mei and his temporary teammates and told them that he wanted to see the family members who stayed in the base first.

Everyone expressed their understanding, and most people who had family members in the base had the same idea.

After Wen Zheng left, Ge Mei once again used the reason that Wen Zheng saved them to tell her teammates that they must be nicer to Wen Zheng in the future.

Everyone who followed Wen Zheng with Ge Mei nodded. They saw Wen Zheng's strength and terror with their own eyes today. Even if they couldn't make friends with him, they couldn't offend him at all.

Moreover, this kind of person has always been unknown before, but the military really wants to know his ability, so there is no danger. However, since he does not want to expose his strength, he will not tell everyone. If there is a chance to go out together in the future, everyone will gradually realize it.

Wen Zheng, who left, led Tuan Tuan, who had turned into a human form, and ran towards the research institute where Grandpa Wen was. The bumpy tree branches and the people cleaning the battlefield could not stop their steps.

The closer to the research institute, the fewer people there are. There are special guards ahead, and you need to prove your identity if you want to enter.

Wen Zheng did not want to take out his identity card at all, because before he arrived at the guard's position, he saw three figures standing there.

After seeing Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan, Grandpa Wen completely forgot about the two guards around him and ran directly towards the two of them.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan knew that Grandpa Wen was safe, and Grandpa Wen also knew that his grandson and great-grandson would be fine, but no matter how clear they were in their hearts, they could not resist the worry about each other in their hearts. Wen Zheng's worry was magnified many times.

Before, Grandpa Wen and Tuantuan had always been by his side, and Wen Zheng was only worried about their emotions. This time, Tuantuan had been with him, and he could feel his safety at any time, but Grandpa Wen left his protection.

Wen Zheng deeply felt the worry, and when he saw Grandpa Wen, the worry in his heart was realized, and this emotion returned to normal fluctuations.

Before, Wen Zheng completely vented his emotions such as love and showing off for Tuantuan, the impulse to go out, and the killing intention for the enemy, and so on, and returned to normal, neither flat nor drastic fluctuations, as if all these changes were just for Wen Zheng to experience.

Maybe he really wanted him to experience it, and Wen Zheng didn't want to think so much at this moment.

He was relieved after seeing Grandpa Wen.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan also entered the research institute for a visit at the invitation of Grandpa Wen and the consent of the base leaders.

The newly built research institute after the disaster is naturally not as good as those built before the disaster, but those buildings have basically been destroyed. Many instruments have been moved back from various places, and the Yongqing base has just been powered on and can only be used recently.

People coming and going greeted Grandpa Wen warmly when they saw him, and Grandpa Wen responded naturally and introduced Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan. The staff in the institute greeted Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan warmly, which shows that Grandpa Wen’s staff in the institute are not bad.

Along the way, Wen Zheng saw that a large number of samples of mutant locusts had been sent to the institute, and the one collected for Yuan Gangyi before was no longer useful.

In each laboratory, people were busy inside. Wen Zheng looked at those scenes, and the research spirit that had not appeared for a long time appeared again, so he said to the security guard following Grandpa Wen: "Can I apply for a laboratory here?"

The two guards following Grandpa Wen were two of the people Yuan Gangyi brought when he first entered the community. They knew Wen Zheng's identity, so they were transferred to protect Grandpa Wen. At this time, they knew how important Wen Zheng was to the base. They did not take this as a joke, but reported it seriously to the leader.

So, Wen Zheng had a laboratory here.

Grandpa Wen didn't know much about the scientific methods of studying plants, but the herbal knowledge and plant identification ability taught by Professor Wen Zheng, as well as his super learning ability, quickly made him recognized and respected by the people in the institute.

Wen Zheng suddenly brought Tuan Tuan into the institute, and because of Grandpa Wen, he did not express doubts on the surface, even though he wanted to study animals.

Soon, the facts proved that their decision was correct. Wen Zheng didn't look like a novice after entering the laboratory, and was even better than many of them.

Only the Wen family knew that Wen Zheng had studied related knowledge in many worlds in the past, and now he was just revisiting them from his mind.

Wen Zheng even studied a large number of insects, including locusts, in the insect plague world. Although they were very different from the locusts in this world, many of the research contents were universal.

Wen Zheng did not ask for any assistants, and only Tuan Tuan and the others stayed in the laboratory. The others were originally just curious to see Wen Zheng's research plan and progress, but later they became observers and learners.

In the end, it took less than a week for Wen Zheng to research and extract the anesthetic components in the secretions of locusts, and found that this type of evolved locusts has the characteristics of swallowing flesh and blood and fusing, but this special feature is not very obvious in them, and the mother insect is still needed to be found.

According to Wen Zheng's speculation of the mother insect's ability, this mother insect is definitely the biggest secret of the locust organization, which cannot be discovered for the time being. The results of the current research are very outstanding.

The anesthetic components extracted from locusts can be useful for evolved animals, not to mention ordinary people.

This drug can be used as a poison to kill people, or it can be a good medicine to cure diseases and save people, depending on how people use it.

If the first person who discovered it used them to make drugs, it would definitely play a good role in the disaster and be respected by people, but the person who discovered this used this effect to help satisfy his ambition.

The news of the successful research of the research institute was reported to the base, but just one day after being happy, Yunshan City next to Yongqing City passed the news over.

It turned out that more than one Yongqing base was attacked by the locust organization. Yunshan Base agreed to be attacked, but failed to resist.

Not every base has people living in harmony with evolved animals and plants. Yunshan Base encountered a similar plan and had most of its combat power mobilized. When the overwhelming locusts attacked, the plants and animals did not help at all. The evolved birds were caught and eaten by people when they saw them, so there were not many birds at all.

When people are bitten by locusts, they are fine at first, but after a long time, they are like being anesthetized and have no combat ability. The more frequent the activities, the faster the effect will take effect.

Yunshan Base fell without even using artillery. It was not easy to send people to convey the message and request rescue.

It is not known whether other bases have also been attacked.

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